My New Friend, Snow

by DiscordFan

Epilogue: Snow

Snow looked at his master and wagged his tail. After a month of healing, he could walk without severely hurting himself. Snow stared at his master again, slightly scared at the thought of walking over to her. As much as he loved her, he hated when he fell. His side still hurt when he fell, even when he fell on his left, and that side wasn't even injured! But... His master, Fluttershy, she knew he could do it, so he should think so too!

One paw, another paw. Snow could do this! His master believed knew he could! He put out another paw and continued. Soon, he was half-way across the room. Yes, Snow could do this! For Fluttershy, Snow! Do it for Fluttershy!

One third of the room left. He had this in the bag! Snow took a few more steps and... And ran the rest of the way! Fluttershy greeted him with a caring smile and open wings. He'd done it! Snow was proud. He finally made it across the room without falling!

"Good job, Snow," his master congratulated, "Would you like to try and go outside now?" Outside? What was that?! Snow wagged his tail and lolled his tongue out in curiosity. What was outside? Was it that weird thing that he could see through the invisible wall? Now Snow really wanted to see what this "outside" was.

Fluttershy received his excited and curiosity through their minds and said, "Com'on Snow. Let's go outside." She opened the door and walked outside, with Snow following suit. Once outside, Snow froze. This... This is where mommy dog and daddy dog and sissy dog died protecting... protecting him. He slowed his tail wag until it stopped. Fluttershy felt his depression. She knew his family died outside, but she ignored it. Fluttershy felt bad, and Snow knew and walked over and nuzzled his master. He knew she was there him. Suddenly, Snow felt confident. He could do this... For master... For Fluttershy.

He broke into a run and ran around in snow. Running... Felt good in the soft stuff. Fluttershy looked up and saw Snow running in the... the snow. Fluttershy giggled at that. At least Snow is having fun now.

They stayed outside a little longer and made a snowpony...

And a snowhusky.