//------------------------------// // Chapter 27: Borderline of Madness // Story: Persona: Innocent Wish // by Trismegistus //------------------------------//         “Arata, Camphor,” A voice coughed over the radio next to Arata’s bed. “Arat-,” it broke off again into a coughing fit, “Camphor wake up!”         “I’m up,” Arata responded quickly, “Blaze, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”         “I don’t have time to explain,” He coughed again, “Get to the lake now!”         Arata was ready to go in a heartbeat and found Camphor waiting for him outside of his door.         “Blaaazzee didn’t sound alright,” Camphor said with a concerned look.         “Yeah, I got that too,” Arata agreed, “Lets hurry, I don’t like this.”         They ran as fast as they could once they were out of the house. The ground outside of the swamp was lined with a thin dusting of snow. Luckily the swamp had its own weather patterns, and wasn’t subject to the same seasons as the rest of Equestria. The moon was full that night, sending an eerie light over the swamp.         Arata and Camphor finally broke through the tree line surrounding the lake, and found that the rest of the team had beaten them there; furthermore they were also keeping their distance from the lake.         The air was still, and nothing was making noise that night.         Arata scanned the group once more and noticed that Vox was missing. Thinking about it more he realized she wasn’t the one to call them to the lake either. “What’s going on? Where’s Vox?” But the questions were answered as he looked toward the lake. …         “Blaze…” She said the word trembling.  “There’s something I need to tell you…”         “What is it Vox? Are you okay?” Blaze asked softly, a cold breeze blowing across his face.         “No… I’m not… not at all…” She looked him in the eyes and hung her head. “I” The words were painful to get out. “I’m the reason ponies are wandering into the lake.”         Blaze’s face stiffened, “You’re what?!” he half exclaimed.         “I’m the reason ponies go to the lake at night.” Vox said somberly. “But let me explain please.”         Blaze let out a long breath, “Go on.”         “When I went into the lake, after we beat my shadow and walked through the door I had a vision, of Foalsdale and Canterlot in ruin. Then the same alicorn that granted Arata’s wish appeared and it warned that, ‘one pony needed to go into the lake and face their fears every month, or the shadows would be let out into Equestria.’” Vox finished her explanation and looked to Blaze, who was considering the whole situation.         “Why didn’t you tell us? Don’t you think that we deserved to know something like that?” Blaze demanded.         “I…. I was going to,” Vox sighed, “Everything seemed fine, until Autumn Tail died. We were completely willing to send ponies in until that happened, and I had to think of something. If I had told you that we needed to force ponies in it wouldn’t have gone anywhere.” Her voice was still trembling, “So I used my magic to interfere with their dreams. I gave them the vision of the ghostly mare, and then made sure they entered the lake. I even picked ponies who I was sure would be able to beat their shadows.”         “Why did you decide to tell me this?” Blaze asked still unsure of what to make of the situation.         Vox fidgeted a bit and then admitted the reason, “Because I can’t do it anymore. The other night, while I was asleep Princess Luna visited me in my dreams and told me that dreams are her realm and I would be severely punished if I continued to intrude on them. And that’s why I’m telling you, because I have no idea what to do now.”         “We don’t do anything.” Blaze said. “There isn’t any proof that if we stop throwing ponies in to the lake the shadows will get out. We can’t just risk lives like that!” There was a fire in Blaze’s voice that Vox hadn’t heard before.         “Just, please think about this. If I’m wrong than one or two ponies may die, but if I’m right, it could be all of Equestria.” She pleaded, “Please try to understand.”         “I do understand.” Blaze said shifting back to a softer tone, “I just don’t think you’re right…”         “Then what are you going to do?” Vox asked softly.         Blaze was silent for a long minute, “I’m going to make sure you don’t do anything like this again.” Blaze looked into Vox’s eyes. “As long as this stops here, I won’t mention it to anypony else, and I won’t hold it against you.”         Vox looked more than a bit surprised, “R-really?”         “As long as it stops here.” Blaze sternly reinforced.         Vox looked out over the landscape, “Okay… it stops here…” Vox looked back at Blaze. “I’m so sorry, I just didn’t want this to come between us. I love you.”         Blaze sighed heavily, “I do too. That’s the only reason I’m giving you a second chance, Vox…” …         Vox stood on her hind legs with one arm wrapped around the neck of a mare who was trying desperately to slip free. Pressed against the captive mare’s temple was Vox’s pistol, levitated by her magic.         “Let her go Vox!” Blaze shouted taking a step forward.         “You know I can’t do that!” Vox’s voice was panicked, and she seemed to be on the borderline of madness. “If she doesn’t go into the lake now, everypony will die! I’m trying to save us.” She finished on the edge of tears.         “Please Vox, this isn’t like you at all,” Compass Rose pleaded.         “Vox let her go now.” Ivory Shield commanded taking several steps forward. She halted suddenly as Vox twitched the gun a bit.         Arata turned to look at Blaze; he had more uncertainty on his face than Arata had ever seen before. He also noticed that there was a growing patch of blood on Blaze’s shoulder.         “Blaze, you’re bleeding,” Arata said while keeping his eyes on Vox.         Blaze ignored Arata’s comment and continued to stare at Vox. “You don’t have to do this. Equestria won’t end if you let her go.”         “How can you be sure?!” She screamed, “I’m not willing to take that risk!”         Arata spoke at a voice just loud enough to be audible to the group, “We should all move in slowly, she may not notice if she’s panicked enough.”         “Alright everypony, just be careful,” Blaze added.         Slowly the group moved forward stepping closer and closer to Vox as she continued to try to justify what she was doing. It didn’t take long for the group to piece together that she had been the one responsible for everything that had happened, and needless to say most of them didn’t know what to make of it.         As he inched forward, Arata noticed a thin mist forming on top of the lake and slowly engulfing Vox’s legs.         “Everypony stop moving,” Vox demanded her panic growing even greater, “I don’t want to have to hurt any of you, just help me save us all!”         “No Vox,” Blaze said calmly taking a step forward, “This has gone too far, put the gun down, and let’s talk about all of this.”         The fog had now started to rise up Vox’s legs. “No-No-no, there isn’t time for this!” She suddenly threw the mare to the ground and put the gun against her own head.         “Vox! What are you doing?!” Blaze shouted frantically.         “I’m saving us…” She whispered between heavy panting breaths. “PERSONA!”         The gun fired and what looked like shards of glass flew from her head and quickly disappeared.         “I’m so sorry it’s come to this,” She sobbed. Her Persona now hovered behind her, its form silhouetted menacingly behind the mist. “Morga-” Just as the group anticipated the first attack, Vox began to twitch in agony, her Persona matching the movements.  The Persona began to pulsate and the mist began to clear.         Arata looked at Vox and a voice whispered to him, ‘Vox’s mania, that has driven her to this course of action has overwhelmed her will, and her Persona has been reborn.’         At the same time a faint voice called out to Vox, ‘I am thou… and thou art I…’ The shape behind her started to take form, two arms appeared grasping long and slender swords.  ‘I have been reborn for you.’ The new persona grew two legs and floated on pointed feet. ’You may now know me as Mordred, the king slayer.’ The final pieces of the persona formed, silver plates covered it from head to toe, and its head was covered by a matching helmet.         “Mordred! Maragidyne!” Vox commanded, the resulting blast of fire was sent hurdling in every direction, setting the surrounding trees ablaze, and scorching the earth around Vox.         The team scattered, almost making it to the tree line before they were hit by the blast. Everypony, except for Arata, was knocked to the ground, and now fighting a battle to maintain consciousness. They had all been hurt from the fire, ranging from patches of singed hair to more serious burns. It wasn’t likely they would be able to withstand more attacks like that.         Arata stood unflinching in the wake of the attack. When the wave of fire came toward him, he stood on his hind legs and blocked his face with his arms.         “What?” Vox gasped, “You shouldn’t be standing! Damn it, I don’t want to hurt you, but you just won’t give me a choice!” She screamed hurling her right arm forward.         Her Persona followed the motion, preforming a downward flourish with both of its blades, before charging toward Arata.         Arata’s eyes winded, he was staring at the ground and his arms still blocked his face. He could feel the imminent attack, he could feel all of his dread, and he could feel a new power inside of him.          ‘I am thou… and thou art I.’ a dull voice whispered.         Arata relaxed, and extended and arm to catch the incoming attack. As he did so he felt a tingling sensation on his flank.         ‘From the sea of thine soul I answer your call.’         Mordred extended both blades and stabbed for Arata’s center. It’s giant form dwarfing the lone pony. But the attack was stopped by Arata’s outstretched hoof. A blue vortex formed around Arata’s legs, casting a dim light over his face.         ‘I am Pendragon, champion of the Round Table.’         “Come, Pendragon!” he shouted, pushing against the twin swords.         As if rising from the ground, Arata’s new Persona answered the call, extending its own clawed hand to take the place of Arata’s.  Slowly a black wyvern rose from the ground. Its wings, which were one with its arms, extended to their full length, revealing an artery rich membrane. Its tail was covered with spikes, sharp enough to pierce any suit of armor. Its head began with a pointed snout leading into a crest of horns. Its eyes were a soft green surrounded by an amber band.         Acting while Vox was caught off guard, the Persona flapped its wings and knocked Mordred back, following the attack with a sweep from its tail. The attack wasn’t enough though; Mordred blocked it with one of its blades, and with Vox’s will, countered with a quick slice at Pendragon’s face.         Arata leapt back in sync with his Persona, immediately setting and darting forward into another attack. This time he aimed for one of Mordred’s swords. Pendragon latched onto one of Mordred’s arms with its mighty jaw. Vox let out a pained cry, feeling only a fraction of what her Persona did.           Pendragon jerked its neck, sending Mordred flying over its shoulder. Quickly regaining its baring, Vox’s Persona spun around and sent a blast of fire hurdling toward Arata and his Persona. Pendragon wrapped its wings around Arata and shielded him from the blast.         “That’s it,” Vox shouted, casting the pistol to the side landing off to the edge of the clearing. “I’m done playing games!”         Mordred switched its swords into an inverse grip, and charged in at Arata. Its strikes were blisteringly fast, it took all of Arata’s focus to survive the first volley. The second set came in before Arata could ready himself, and Pendragon was cut across the chest twice, sending Arata reeling back. Seeing her chance, Vox ordered Mordred to fire one more blast straight toward Arata. Pendragon blocked the blast with its body, but it was only a matter of seconds before the Persona disappeared and Arata was hit by the fire, sending him flying backward and rendering him unconscious.         “Vox, stop this now.”         Vox switched her focus from Arata, to find that Blaze had managed to stand up. He was slowly walking towards her with one hoof pressed against the wound in his chest. His mane was badly singed, and ash, from the smoldering trees, covered his face. His machete was still strapped to his back. But what was most unnerving for Vox, was her pistol was now pressed firmly against his temple.         “I’m givin’ you one last chance to stop this Vox,” Blaze said, trying his best to get the words out through his short breaths.         “No, it’s too late to stop now,” She stuttered, “And I won’t let you stop me!” Mordred sent a focused beam of fire towards Blaze.         “Man at Arms,” Blaze fired the gun, and felt his body go limp for an instant before he felt his Persona answer his call.                  The blast hit, creating a plume of smoke, which merged into the one from the burning trees.         “You’re going to have to hit me harder than that,” Blaze said stepping out of the immolation unscathed.         “Just stay down!” Vox ordered, sending more fire at him.         Blaze didn’t even need the help of his Persona to counter the attacks. The fire couldn’t overcome the flames that burned within him.         Vox sent out another blast, directly striking Blaze. Again he walked from the plume unscathed. This time his machete levitated next to the arm nursing his wound.         More blasts shot out in a wild attempt to stop his advance, each one landing and quickly dissipating. Running out of room to act, Vox ordered Mordred to charge in with everything they had. Man at Arms acted in kind, stepping in front of Blaze and parrying the blows with its arms and lance.         “I’ll kill you!” Vox shouted one final time ordering her Persona to unleash one final feverish volley of fire.         But it was too late. Blaze saw his opening and with all of his strength he and Man at Arms cleared the final distance to Vox.         The flame engulfed not only the pair, but the entire clearing. Had the fire burned for more than an instant it would have killed the entire team, but just as fast as it had flared up, it was snuffed out.         The burning trees shed a harsh light over the clearing, a constant reminder of the battle that had taken place. Bits of ash lingered in the air, like the gentle snow falling outside of the swamps. Everything in the clearing by the lake was dusted by the remnants of the flame. There was no breeze, no sound, everything was still.         Standing in the center of the clearing were four figures. Man at Arms, supporting the weight of Mordred, his lance running through its stomach. The two Personas were acting as both an arch and a mirror of the scene beneath.         Blaze stood on his hind legs, with one arm he pulled Vox in close against his chest, and with the other, he held the blade which pierced her heart. He stood there for an eternity, slowly becoming aware of the events that had just transpired. The reflection of flames off of the lake’s surface filled Blaze’s eyes, only to be blurred by tears. Without a word or motion, Vox’s horn lit up one final time. Blaze collapsed to the ground, his legs unable to hold the burden he felt. Vox rested gently in his arms, peaceful and unmoving.   And slowly the world around him began to move again…