inFAMOUS: Of Hoof and Smoke

by LegendHeart

Chapter 2: Lifting the Veil

"It's nice, isn't it?" Rainbow Dash gestured towards her graffiti art, depicting an E.B.B soldier held by Princess Luna's magic.

Princess Luna believed that conduits deserved the proper rights as any unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony. She was looked up at by conduits everywhere. Celestia was exactly the opposite. She thought conduits were a potential threat to those without the gene.

"It certainly is... um, expressive?" Lightning walked closer to the red brick wall the picture was sprayed on.

Rainbow sprayed a picture of her cutie mark next to the picture sprayed on the wall.
"Now everypony will know it's mine!" She declared.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Lightning asked. "I mean, E.B.B's got cameras everywhere, taggin' the walls is just gonna narrow the search area."

Rainbow brought her hoof to her chin as she thought. "Nah-" She lowered her hoof. "-I'm not afraid of them anymore." She blasted a nearby E.B.B camera, though it couldn't see them.

"I suppose," Said Lightning. "but they do have conduits of their own."

"Well sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire." She replied. "Aren't we supposed to be looking for your little filly?"

Lightning Fast let out a depressed sigh. "Yeah. But we've had no signs of where to look."

That's true. Despite their efforts, their search for Lightning's daughter, Light Speed, had proven fruitless.

"Hmm..." Rainbow Dash pondered. "You said she's a conduit, right? The E.B.Bs probably got records on her." She looked at Lightning.

"Oh no, we're not. No way."

Rainbow smirked. Her bravery knew no boundaries. "Lightning, man! C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Ugh..." Lightning rolled his eyes. "Fine. But you do know that the E.B.B headquarters are in Manehatten, right?"

Manehatten was under complete lock down, and it was too far to fly. The only way in or out were E.B.B trains. The only way anypony would get on if they were coming from Cloudsdale as E.B.B hostages, or as an E.B.B soldier.

"Lightning, we gotta get on that train."

The following morning Rainbow and Lightning woke up from their back alley newspaper pile. Rainbow had something she had to ask Lightning.

"Lightning?" She asked.


"This is gonna sound pretty odd," She explained. "Lightning when I... was given your powers it showed me what I think may be a memory." Lightning had a dazed look on his face. Rainbow continued. "I saw you, chained to the ceiling being tortured by a conduit. They were asking about your daughter."

Lightning sat, dumbfounded, at what he just learned. "Y-you... Saw?"

Rainbow nodded. "Look, Lightning. I will do all I can to help you find Light Speed. But, to get that train, I think we'll need more than just us two.

Lightning thought about it. "The police station has a conduit database."

"Great! we can recruit some for our cause." Rainbow became excited. "I think we'll need more to convince them then your story."

"Rainbow," Lightning glanced towards her. "Why are you helping me? I could have killed you."

Dash sat down and pondered. "It's kind of an ulterior motive. Well, at least at first. I got to know you. I call it fierce loyalty. Kinda my thing." She raised her head up high with pride.

The next morning Lightning and Rainbow began their crusade on the police station. They trotted down the sidewalk, catching suspicious eyes from several passerby. Of course because of Lightning Fast's prison jumpsuit.

"Alright, we're here." Rainbow strutted up to the front door. She look back to assure Lightning would follow suit.

"I may have discovered a shortcut." Said Lightning as trotted around the corner of the police station, dissipating into the vents. Confused, Rainbow trotted in to the police station.

She approached the front desk, a female police pony was wearing thick rimmed glasses as she turned the pages of a glossy magazine. She didn't notice the pegasus standing in front of her desk.

The pony turned another page.

Rainbow cleared her throat. "Ahem."

The police pony glanced towards her, and then returned to her magazine. "How can I help you?" She said in a dull voice.

Rainbow pretended to be a panic ridden citizen. "T-there's a bio-terrorist outside, a-and he's terrorizing citizens! H-he's near the Neigh-Mart by the stadium!"

The female officer's eyes widened, and her pupils shrunk. She pressed the button her intercom. "All officers dispatched to Wonderbolts Stadium! There has been a sighting of a bio-terrorist!"
Multiple police ponies ran out the door, finally the mare behind the desk ran out, too. The sound of police sirens rang out through the entire city.

Rainbow walked over to the nearby stairwell, proceeding to the second, and top, floor. Walking down the hallway, she glanced left and right looking for a computer. Lightning had beaten her to it, though. He was scanning through the computer.

"Lightning!" Rainbow startled him. She snickered.

"Rainbow!" Lightning glared at her. He sighed. I've been looking through these logs on conduits all over the country."

Rainbow, still chuckling, approached him. "Hey-" She snickered. "How'd you get here so fast?"

"Air vents, remember? Smoke? Anyway, I've been only be able to access a few, but listen to this;"

"Name: Daring 'Data' Hellfire
Age: 21
Conduit Gene Type: Oriakinesis; Video or data manipulation"

"Rainbow, you hear that last part? Video or data. We've gotta find this guy! He can help us find the rest of the conduits!"

"Yeah, cool, but is there others you could access?"

"Umm... Lemme see... Seisei Penderghast, Frozen Arrow... Nope. Nothing to interesting. Unless you're interested in paper powers."

"Lame. So where does this 'Data' guy live, anyway?"

Lightning sifted through the information on the database.

"It says here he lives in... Fillydelphia! That's not too far from here!"

Lightning shut down the computer and trotted back on to the streets from the police station.

The entire Cloudsdale police force was waiting for them, guns pointed at them. A tall, slender unicorn stepped in from behind the crowd. Her crimson mane and cream colored fur made her look familiar, but Rainbow couldn't put her hoof on it.

Rainbow looked into the mare's cerulean eyes. "Sweet Celestia..."