//------------------------------// // Ponyville Tales - Chapter Three // Story: Immortality // by ReubenHarvey //------------------------------// Ponyville Tales - Chapter Three. “Oh my gosh i am so sorry” An unknown voice said, a little giggle in her. “You can keep the muffin though.” The voice laughed. “You alright?” Snow took the muffin and placed it on his table, Casting a glare at the mare still on the ground giggling away. He was going to snap and bark how she should be more careful. But seeing the smile and glee in the mares yellow eyes washed all that away. The mare was a white pony, with a coat much brighter than snows. Her main and tail were a vibrant Yellow. It was wavy and curled and looked very regal. Snow could tell she was a little shorter than him but for a mare she was tall. Despite the fact she was still lying on the ground. Her current position making snow blush and yet praise whatever he could praise that her tail was protecting her modesty as well as his mind and sanity. To save himself from becoming lost in lewd thoughts of a stranger, regardless of her looks. Snow extended a hoof to help her up. “I am fine. You need a hoof?” The mare without a word grabbed his hoof and pulled herself upright, almost pulling snow back down to the floor. “Thanks for the hoof. I am Sunshine Alixia Rose” The Odd new mare said moving over to sit at snows table. Whipping up a menu. “No please, sit.” Snow said sarcastically sitting down in his seat opposite his new companion. Taking a bite out of the muffin that assaulted him not moments ago. He couldn't be too mad she had just given him a muffin. Even if he technically had only baked them this morning. “I was about to enjoy the house coffee if you want a drink. I would recommend that one its quite delicious.” Snow said to his new guest gleefully. Since the house coffee was a coffee of his own making, a secret mixture of special secret flavours blended together to create the most perfect coffee possible. He was rather happy to boast and offer it to any pony, at any chance he had. He was rather proud of it. “Well, alright i will have that. Might as well start there” Sunshine said setting down the menu watching in surprise at Snow as he signalled to Blue and Petal in such a way, that they knew exactly what he wanted without them even needing to come over. “You are a regular then? considering you can just order like that” “If you don’t mind me asking, what did you mean start there?” Snow asked, ignoring her question and focusing on the oddness in the mares words. A little concerned for his business. Sunshine leaned in and began to whisper. “Don’t tell anypony who works here but I am on a secret mission. I work for a near by cafe and i wanted to test out the competition ya see” she said darting her eyes around to make sure no other pony heard her. Snow laughed a little on the inside. “Is that so? Wow” Snow said feigning interest and intrigue. “Is it really a big competitor though? I mean the only food w.. uhh they serve is muffins and other small odds and ends. ya know snacks.” He said, flicking the last bite of the muffin in the air and snapping his jaws shut over it for added effect. Sunshine was taken back for a moment. Pondering Snows obvious point as if it were actual, new, news to her ears. “Alright so you may be right but, they might become a real competitor.” Sunshine clearly didn't believe her own words now, she was just trying to save face. Snow couldn’t help but laugh at that. At that moment Blue rolled up and placed the drinks on the table with an “order up boss” before returning to work without even asking for pay. Sunshine was rather dumbstruck. She couldn’t understand why they wouldn't ask for bits. Or how any parent could name a foal boss. “So is that your name then Boss? Its a funny one i'm sorry to say.” Sunshine said reaching in and pulling her cup closer to her, taking in the warmth it gave of and the strong scents it gave flittering into her very soul. “Actually my name is Snowgleam. But Boss is my title. That'll be two bits please.” Snow gleam smiled holding out his hoof. Doing his very best to remain as stoic as possible. If Sunshines jaw had dropped any lower it would have hit the table. This brought Snow far more glee than it should have. Sunshine was first tentative to believe he was the actual manager the real boss. But after taking a look at the employees who were watching and giggling to themselves at Sunshines reaction to the news. It confirmed her doubts and she gave in. sliding the bits over to him. A massive blush and drooped ears now shaping her face. “Thanks” Snow said placing the money to one side. giggling to himself a little as he did. “I'm sorry. I'm not really here on a secret mission. i just wanted to have a real reason for being here and sampling everything. the coffee always smells so good when i walk by it reminds me of canterlot. and then when you asked i got embarrassed and made up the mission to sound cool because you're so cu..” Sunshine caught her speedy rambling and froze still, the slow realisation of what she had almost said, setting in. Although snow had caught it. He didn’t let it show. He wasn’t about to embarrass a mare who thought he was cute. Unless she didn’t like his coffee, then he would embarrass away. Plus she seemed harmless enough. The pair sat in silence for a while after that. Snow silently sipped away at his coffee, watching Sunshine sit motionless and red faced. The poor mare was so embarrassed that she hadn't even touched her coffee since. It took Snow clearing his throat to bring her out of her head. Quick as lightning she grabbed then now lukewarm coffee and downed it in one big swig. only coughing lightly eyes widening at the tasty sensation that hit her. “Oh. MY. GOSH!” Sunshine began flailing around gleefully. “the taste, it was just.. so wow.” Sunshine looked like she melted away in the last of her words. slowly slumping over, her eyes closed and a contented grin on her face. Letting herself just rest flat on the table sighing. So no embarrassment for Sunshine then. Snow thought to himself. Smiling down at her. “Good then?” Sunshine didn't even bother to answer him. She just quickly hopped over to the counter and demanded for another. Blue seemed rather startled by her viger. Luckily for him Snow came over quickly and slid in behind the counter. “Its alright Blue. I got this one.” “Same again please good sir” Sunshine said bouncing in place. She stopped bouncing when she began to stare away in awe, watching Snow work as if he was part of the machines and bottles he was quickly darting between. Her eyes widened at the the white foamy drink that was slid in front of her, instantly however, she was confused. “This is?” “Something unique. Not for sale just yet i need to test it on ponies” he said bringing his own cup to his lips. pausing as she stared at it cautiously. Tentatively she brought the cup to her lips. Taking a small sip and letting the flavours sink in and dance along her tongue. Snow had paused by this point, he hadn't even taken a sip of his own by this point. the tension looming over him. It felt like the entire room had gone away that there was only him, her and the coffee. His swallowed waiting for Sunshine to say something to move to do something. He had to know what she thought. It was tearing him up. Finally she opened her eyes and met them with his. “White chocolate?” slowly unsure, snow nods in reply. “And caramel coffee?” “Yeah” Snow says scratching the back of his head.. “Its bad isn't it?” “NO!” Sunshines voice was so loud she started to call attention of the other patrons in the shop. “No, its really good. Its like, its like its a sweat, i would totally want this as a pudding its so thick and creamy and yet so soooo good.” Taking a sip of his own he confirmed it was indeed thick. “Too thick. It was supposed to be soft and creamy like drinking the foam of a latte but its too thick.” Snow looked a little downtrodden after his first sip. a perfect as the flavour was the drink in his eyes was too thick. It was like drinking a warm coffee and white chocolate milkshake. A soft hoof placed under his chin warmed him up however. Slowly lifting his face to meet the eyes and warm gleeful smile of sunshine. “Its perfect” She said softly. “Really it is. I love it, if it weren't so caffeinated i'd suggest it as a treat for the foals too.” Snow pondered this for a moment. moving away from the hoof that was still under his chin and pacing slightly. “I guess, I could make a decaffeinated version. I’d have to switch out some of the ingredients too, got to make up for the flavour change. And I’d need a pony to test it on too. Preferably a filly or a mare.” “Got a thing for mares and fillies?” Sunshine added laughing at snows slight blush. “Its nothing like that. I just find mares and fillies are more honest when it comes to the way things taste.” Snow said pointedly. Staring at the mare. “I can bet twenty bits you have your cutie mark in coffee making then huh?” Sunshine giggled out. more to herself than anything else. She gave pause though. When she realised snow had frozen still a sad look on his face. “What? whats the matter?” she said following his pointed gaze, leading her to nothing but an empty counter top. “You’d lose that bet.” Snow said snapping back into reality and putting on a smile. He knew that their antics had gained them a few looks from the other patrons but he vowed to himself that he didn't care about it. About any of it. Slowly he turned his body just enough to show his empty flank. “See” The sad slow movements of his body betrayed the happy tone of his voice. As hard as he tried to hide it even from himself. It bothered him that it wasn’t there. Even more so every day he went without it. Sunshine gulped hard at this. She could see his pain and wanted to do everything to do to help him. But he was despite the laughed they had shared a stranger. She knew their was only one thing for it. “Friends?” “Wait.. what?” --- It had been close to Three months since Snow had left Sketch on that train platform. He wrote her every day at first. But days had now turned into one letter a week. The letters had even began to thin out. He Had told sketch about his new friends Ditzy and her daughter, told sketch about Sunshine. In the three months that Snow had known Sunshine and Ditzy. They had inspired him to create many new creations in his work. Ditzys daughter Dinky especially liked the chocolate coffees that Snow made just for her, as she saw it anyway. Snow was always adamant that the caffeine be removed for the foal, but more so for the parents of the foals. Because no pony likes a super hyper foal. There was enough sugar and chocolate in there drinks as it was. he legitimately feared what adding caffeine would create. Snow had taken quite the shine to Dinky and Her mother. He would be more often than not found wandering town with the pair. Usually seen playing silly games with Dinky. Now Snow had promoted Petal to assistant manager, as well as hiring another member of staff, a completely black furred stallion pegasus with deep red eyes complete with a black mane and tail. With this he was able to secure every afternoon off. Switching his roster so he worked every day save the weekend, but only working until noon. He was unsure about his new staff member Ruby Roses menacing appearance at first. However once the scary stallion opened his mouth to speak his immediate happy and caring voice put snows worries at ease. Allowing him time to focus on his friends. Although Ditzy never said it, she was happy that Dinky finally had a stallion to look up too. And having Snow and Sunshine around so often made her job as a mother easier of a task. It was Dinky who first noticed Snows lack of a cutie mark. And once Dinky noticed almost every other foal in the park they were in, as well as their parents, noticed too. With Sunshine and Ditzys help, Snow barely managed to escape almost being entered into some strange cutiemarkless cult. Seeing that he wouldn’t be able to pass off the looks he was being given again, and that he and the girls were now friends. He took a dive and gave in. Explaining everything that he remembered. As well as everything about him and sketch. Given that his memory didn’t go back much before his arrival in ponyville. It didn't take to long. He only left out the negative feelings he had, much like how he didn’t tell sketch. He knew in his heart that it would only worry the mares and he didn’t want that. Even if the rage and sadness building up inside him made him want to scream and lash out. He never once does. For fear of losing or worse, hurting his friends. His friends took this in a varying amount of ways. Sunshine was concerned, she saw right away that even though he said otherwise being cutiemarkless and having no memory, no way of identifying himself, hurt snow. Far more than his words spoke. She had a talent for being able to read a ponies body language like this. Afterall she wouldn’t be a very reliable head shrink if she couldn't. Evidenced by the yellow rose with a notepad and pen resting on it. Snow thought this was both relaxing and serious at the same time an odd contrast. Dinky was sad for Sketch. She felt like she was left out of all the fun that the three were now having. Snow gave the filly a tight hug for that one. And made the mental note to tell Sketch that it’s about darn time she visits. Ditzy on the other hoof. Was a mad mixture of sad for Snow, and ecstatic she finally knew what all the letters were about. Once she had finally decided on comforting Snow and letting rest toes sill impulsis she decided that a welcome picnic would be the best. Since they had never actually held anything to properly welcome Snow, He just sort of blended in. -- The day was a bright and sunny one. It wasn’t a bad way to start of a weekend far as Snow was concerned. He had awoken super early this morning so that he could make the journey to the spot he picked out for the picnic. It was an isolated patch of grass atop a tall winding path that lead to the tip of the hill. Walking the inclines of the windy path to the top, would probably take a pony around ten minutes to complete and just getting to the foot of the hill from ponyville added another twenty minutes to the trip. Distance however, was not the reason Snow had awoken so early. He had already planned on making the journey to the top for his own reasons. He wanted to see the sky high view of the town he now lived in. More importantly though, It had taken him well over a week to complete the surprise he had strapped to his back, and having a picnic as an excuse to unveil and use it for the first time atop the hill was as good as any. Scary as it was. It excited Snow grately. Biting the straps, Snow let the long thin box slid of him carefully and set it to rest on the ground just of the side of the paths end. The Box itself was a little longer than Snow in length and width And no thicker than a table top. He lay back on the grass resting his head on the box. Watching the clouds roll by. He was finally genuinely happy for once. He didn’t have anything bad happening in his life. Not when he took a step back to see. Sure he lacked a few things to make him feel complete. Not having his cutie mark had always played on his mind. The feeling of being incomplete because of it’s absence and because of the absence of memories hurt Snow deeper than any cut could. But having friends to take his mind of it. And the excitement of his first test of his new contraption. Made life just that little bit easier to bare. Heck it even made it fun. Snow lay there patiently waiting for his friends to make the journey up the hill. They weren’t due for a while though. So he let his mind wander while picking out shapley clouds rolling by in the sky. The world slowly turned black around him. Then as quick as lightning his world changed for the worse. The grass quickly turning into dry cracked ground expanding as far as the eye could see in all directions. Giant metal structures bust from the ground. While the sky burst into flashes of light. Explosions of thunder rattling his very bones. The ground began to shake and crack open beneath him. Hot magma bursting from its seems. Storms swirled around him. Snow could not help but see, think he was alone in hell and he couldn’t escape it. He never could. He never can. “YOU NEVER WILL!” Snow had heard this voice a many times. It came from nowhere and everywhere. He could never escape its laughing. He could run as far as he could to escape. His world never changed. His world never got better and that voice was always there. Telling him he is wrong. Curling up to hide didn’t help either. Slamming his eyes shut and willing away the very image of the world around him as best he could, It was all he could do to survive. “Why do you hide” the voice rang “why do you cry” the voice spoke Snow always hated the voice. It didn’t seem to care it seemed more like it was mocking him. He hated how familiar it was to him and yet he couldn’t place it. Every time he heard it he would just refuse its words. He couldnt, wouldnt let it talk. Even if it sometimes offered him a way out of hell. “Snow?” “Snooow!” A voice sang from the heavens. Splitting the sky open in a bright flash of white light. Snow slowly sat up. Meeting his groggy gaze with Sunshines smiling teeth and pearly yellow eyes. “Hay.” She laughed bopping him on the head with a hoof before helping him sit up. Snow always hated that dream. It always felt so real. Even the voice did. He hated how he could never make it stop. How almost every night it was the same. He hated most of all that as much as he wanted to call it a nightmare. He couldnt. It didn’t seem to fit right. He hated that he didn’t know why. Sunshine was giving him a few funny looks. More so the box than him. Snow after bringing his mind back into the land of the conscious ponies. Explained that it was a surprise for after the picnic and that no, she could not have a sneak peek. It wasn't long until the other to picnic party members arrived, sporting goodies much like sunshine had brought. Snow felt guilty that he didn’t bring foods. But it was the box or snacks. And he really wanted the box. Luckily Ditzy and Dinky had brought enough for all the ponies in ponyville. And insisted that it was to share, much like sunshine insisted to share her assorted drinks too. The four laughed and played the morning away all the while, three of them at least, wondering what was hidden away inside the box. Snow had to pry away curious hooves more than once. He didn’t mind though. “Alright girls. The time is finally here.” Snow said Slowly standing. Beginning to stretch his limbs one by one. “Dinky, Sunshine you can open the box. But be careful” “Well what about me?” Ditzy asked while watching the other girls squee and rush over to the box. “I have a special task for you” Snow said meticulously testing each muscle and limb. “I need you to catch me if i fall, I trust you can do that?” “Fall?” Snow didn’t reply. He simply turned to look at Sunshine and Dinky as the began to pull the Long black board with wheels out of the box. “Thats a really odd food tray.” Dinky said, with a twist of the head. “Its big enough for a pony” “Very close actually dinky” Snow said Sliding up to the board and carefully nudging it to the top of the hill. “Its meant for a pony” “What is it?” Sunshine asked. Poking it and letting it roll forward a little before Snow stopped it with a hoof. “I think i get it” Ditzy said, Slowly unfurling her wings with a gulp “This could go very wrong” “Thats why i have you” Snow said with a wink. He slowly lined up the board testing its functions and checking it silently. Ditzy was silently waiting for the world to go mad. She had tried to talk Snow out of this when he first came up with the idea a month ago. She didn’t know he had gone ahead and made it. She was so wrapped up in trying to think of a way to talk the stallion out of it that she missed the fact he had taken a few steps back from the board. Ready to pounce on it. Dinky gasped. The realization of what Snow was about to do snapping into place. She joined Sunshine in bouncing around excitedly. “GO!” And with that Snow lept forward onto the board. Its wheels moving forward under him. Positioning himself in a crouched and lowered position he leaned into the curve of the hills edge. And with that He began to pick up speed. Faster and faster the board carried him down the path. Within seconds he hit the first turn at speed. Almost as if on instinct he leaned his body left. The board beneath him tilting but the wheels staying flat to the ground. He arced around the bed, body almost on the ground, Straightening him and the board out of the corner and resuming leaning forward. The sudden Shout snapped Ditzy out of her daze and she watched in horror as Snow disappeared over the edge. Panicked she took of running and lept into the sky. By the time she had the wind underneath her wings Snow had already hit the first corner. She Whizzed forward expecting him to hit the paths edge and be thrown of. But was taken back by his sudden grace and ease as he glided effortlessly round the bend. She hurried quickly to catch up to his side Trying her hardest to catch up to his ever increasing speeds. Just as she reached him he hit another bend. Arcing her body matching his movements the pair flew around the corner in sync. In that moment it was like time slowed down. She could see the smile beaming of Snows face as she matched herself with him. Giggling she Put everything she had into flying ahead of him almost racing him to the paths distant bottom. Hitting bend after bend arcing with Snow quickly catching up behind now matching her movements. Its a moment like this that brought complete bliss to Snow. The sheer perfection and beauty in the moment. He wanted it to last forever. Sadly he knew that wouldn’t last. As soon as Ditzy suddenly braked hard and he whipped past her he knew it was over. Ditzy was so happy at the moment. But as soon as she spotted the two colts walking up the path she knew once again, this was truly a bad idea. She watched in horror as Snow quickly whipped the board to the side, narrowly avoiding the two now petrified colts. Rushing to try and catch him before his wheels hit the edge of the path. She was within a hairs length when it happened. Snows wheels met the grass fast and hard. Digging into the soft dirt and flipping him like a catapult through the air. Launching him high into the air like a flailing rocket. He watched as he went over the edge of the hill. Falling fast towards the trees below. Tucking himself up and waiting for impact was all he could do. And with one massive flash of pain. His world went dark.