The Revolution will be Ponified

by Dark Water

Red Dawn Over Ponyville

Fluttershy suddenly awoke to a thunderous cacophony of rumbling, stomping, and shouting. “Eep!” she squeaked, clutching her bed sheets. However, when the ruckus outside calmed down as suddenly as it began, the yellow pegasus pony did likewise. It must have been merely some beast of the Everfree, perhaps a chimera guarding its territory. Looking out the window, she saw that Luna’s moon was still out, thus, she could get in a couple more hours of sleep before the animals had to have breakfast. Wiggling back down under covers, Fluttershy closed her eyes, and gently went back to sleep….

Maxim was, to put it lightly, bewildered. In one moment, he was leading the charge against the Shogun oppressors at the Great Wall, the next; there was no Great Wall, and no Shogun oppressors! Looking around, he saw that he and his army were in an open field bordering a vast, dark forest on one side and, much farther off, what appeared to be a town. In the middle distance on a third side, there was a tiny cottage. As for the Manchurian Expedition Corps, all the troops seemed to make it to wherever this place was intact. As for exactly where they made it to, he figured that whoever owned that cottage had to know. “I need a red soldier squad to volunteer to accompany me to the cottage.” There probably would not be any trouble, but it never hurt to have bodyguards. Maxim and red soldiers reached the cottage door. While the soldiers readied their PPsh-41 SMG’s, Maxim knocked.

Fluttershy, once again, awoke with a start. Someone was knocking on her door, rather loudly.
“Привет?! ЭТО КТО-НИБУДЬ ТАМ?!” something boomed from the other side of the door in a voice that sounded for all of Equestria like the gruffest, most masculine version of the Royal Canterlot Voice to ever exist.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeep!” Fluttershy squealed in a voice so high-pitched as to be nigh-inaudible. Clearly there was some kind of monster at her door. That monster might harm the animals behind her house! There was only one thing the Element of Kindness could do in this situation, and that was…


hide under her bed and hope that the thing outside would go away without noticing the animals out back.
“Well, I knocked and shouted greetings through my loudspeaker to make sure that anyone there was awake. I heard no response, so no one must be home.” Maxim explained to his soldiers. “We still need to know where we are, and, as this may be enemy territory full of hostile soldiers, I do not want to risk going into the town. We must search this cottage for clues!”

“Da Comrade! Preparing to breach!” one soldier replied, preparing to kick in the tiny door.

“Whoa Comrade! Didn’t you pay attention in training? ‘Lesson 204: Don’t kick down unlocked doors, it’s bad for PR.’"

“Aww, but I’ve been wanting to kick down a door ever since I listened to ‘NKVD: Kiev’ on the radio as a boy.”

“Tell you what; I’m going to try the door. If it is indeed locked, you may kick it down.”


Maxim tried the door, it wasn’t locked.


After ducking through the doorway, the five immediately noticed something. It seemed that whoever lived here was a stereotypical “crazy cat lady”, and also a crazy bird lady, and crazy rabbit lady, basically, an all-around crazy animal lover. How did they notice? Mainly they were swarmed by every animal in the cottage as soon as they opened the door. After about thirty seconds of trying to avoid stepping on the various cats, dogs, rabbits, and squirrels, the mass of fur and feathers made its way out the door and Maxim and his soldiers could search the place for clues.

Fluttershy’s morning was not off to a good start. First, she was rudely awoken by unknown creatures, and then woken up again by unknown creatures, and now, said unknown bipeds were in her house rummaging through her possessions! At least they didn’t break down the door, but now all the animals in her house had been scared out. She would have to go round them up. If only she could get out the door without those five primates seeing her. However, it may have already been too late; one of the creatures had entered her bedroom!

Boris had never seen a house quite like this. In addition to how low the celling was (He could barely stand at full height.) and all of the animals that lived here, he was sure he had never seen décor this feminine. Granted, he was born and raised in Soviet Russia, so he rarely saw any décor at all, but still, flowers and butterflies were everywhere. However, the strangest thing of all was that bed. It appeared to be shaking. There did not seem to be anyone occupying the bed, so why was it shaking? Boris yanked the covers off. No one was there. The bed seemed to be shaking even more. He peeked under the bed, and saw the source of the shaking.

There wasn’t enough light to make out the creature’s exact shape, but it was very yellow, with a large amount of pink framing the biggest, moistest, most pitiful eyes Boris had ever seen on any creature. Whatever this strange animal was, he was moved to pity it. “It’s all right. I’m not going to hurt you.” Boris said, reaching out his hand.


He then found out that this animal had a mouth, and vocal chords, and the ability to dash out of cottage in a fraction of a second.

From under the cloak of an invisibility spell, Discord watched the search, amused. This was already turning out to be one of the best ideas he ever had, and not so much as a single shot had even been fired yet! Speaking of shots fired, he supposed that, despite the fact that Fluttershy not being able to understand the humans was hilarious, it really would be better, for the long term, if the Equestrian proletariat could communicate with their liberators, and thus, join the cause. With a snap of a claw, Discord cast a universal translation spell on the Red Army. As for the Shogun army, he figured that Celestia had them covered. After all, it would be a shame if Her Royal Stuffiness couldn’t understand her new fan club…