//------------------------------// // Embracing Fate // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// "Well you are one tough cookie, well you're not really a cookie. You are still tough none the less." A voice rasped through darkness, his voice echoed as if we were in a valley. "Well duh you're in a valley, you're in the shadow of The Valley of Death hurray!" The voice cheered. "Whoa author buddy you better tell them who I am, and yeah so what I can break the 4th wall too. Deadpool, The guy laying at my feet as well, and Pinkie aren't the only ones who can do it." -Since you want to the break the 4th wall maybe you should tell them who you are.- "Oh you think because you wrote something down that I'm gonna respond to it." -I just won't tell them who you are until our hero here wakes up.- "Whoa low blow and he is so not a hero, he's totally gonna get fucked up in this battle that is without some weird vision prophecy bullshit your friend Death here says. So he would have less of a chance of getting fucked up, and yes everyone I am death. You all need to stop picturing me as such a giant douche bag who only wants your souls, like really guys sometimes I do cool shit like this, well you'll see if our author actually decided to fucking write!" -Just saying you're the on the rant so are you done?- " Fuck you." Death chucked. "Okay now I'm done fuckhead." He burst out into laughter. -Real mature.- "Well you could be a cookie, do you want me to make you a cookie? I could send you to Twilight she would eat you up, maybe if you're lucky get dunked in a glass of milk. You would be with her forever, well as body tissue or something. So romantic, I think I might just do it." Death laughed. "Really a cookie, well now that you and the author are done bickering we can get on with the show. Also really thanks for the image because I totally want to be dead in my pony girlfriends stomach." I sighed. "Whoa I never said you would be dead the romantic part is that you would be alive, just as being part of her stomach." ."See what I mean guy thinks I'm a douchebag who only thinks I care about shit dying." Death said rather insulted. "You know as much as I'd love you to turn me into a parasite pretty much let's not and say we did." "Besides let the reader see the fun that is going to happen in this chapter." "Author you better not fuck up on your english to bad this time." I said. "Whoa you can't put I, god you're just as big of a douchebag as death." I said. -Not so funny when you wanna be a jackass. Now shut the hell up, I'm breaking all 4th connections now.- I looked around and saw nothing but after something hearing about me being a tough cookie I awoke. "Peekaboo it's me!" Death said with a happy grin. "Whoa whoa wait a second, I'm dead?" I asked staggering back, as I slowly stood up and grasped nothing, but it wasn't nothing it had a texture. "No no but considering the state you are in I figured why not a good old chat with my friend." "I'm not your friend." He smiled a smile that was the creepiest thing I've seen not in a movie. He took off his head and grew another and revealed the same bony smile. His teeth were a slightly rotted yellow, with what appeared to be red eyes glowing behind them. His robe was a sleek black with no tears in them, he was pretty well kept for a dead guy. Well if you consider a white skeleton to be healthy undead standard wise. Instead of a scythe he wielded four swords. He quickly took notice of my observation of him, he threw two swords on the ground. They we're pure black, the hilt was a darker shade of black with a few shades of gray mixed in there. "What am I supposed to do with these?" I asked astonished. "Well duh silly you need to pick them up, I'm going to switch to a more serious side. Like for the rest of what I need to tell you. Be warned this guy is a dick, he has no fun." Death exclaimed pointing to his rotting teeth as he snapped. "Wait why do I feel as if we are moving?" I asked pondering on my thoughts of what was going on in here. "Welcome to purgatory, as my more annoying side told you, you are not dead, well not yet. The only reason you are not being taken is because of your selfless action, you are lucky, given even this deed if paramedics didn't reach you in time well your marefriend would be crying over a corpse, instead of being furious at you. Time moves slowly in this dimension what you felt is your own heartbeat." This version of death said with a more serious tone. I noticed his features changed to more of higher standard of a skeleton, his posture changed to a more upright position. His long bony fingers switched the swords into a scythe, mine turned into a strange blade. I also felt a bow and quiver appear on my back. "Wait what is this for?" I pointed out as I pointed at the weapons. "These weapons are but your tools, the tools that are somewhere in the Everfree Forest. These weapons are not in pure form in this realm. They need a person of strong will to even use them without the user destroying themselves. Now put an arrow onto your bow." I looked at the strange recurve, the bow was made of a strong wood unknown to our earth. The wood itself was pure black with gold etchings in it. The arrows we're made of a strong steel, with carbon fiber arrowheads. The quiver was made of a leather of what looked like to be black panther, I could tell by how tough the leather was, but for some reason I could feel a life force off of it. "What the hell is going on here?" "Pull back on the bow." Death stated calmly, but he did so with smug look. I did as he said, but the bow string didn't even budge! Much to my shock and disappointment it didn't even budge! I was furious I don't know if it was for the smug look that death was giving me or not, or if it was that I a person of so much pride couldn't even manage to pull back a simple bow string. I fell to my knees, I don't know why this simple task was causing me such pain but I wanted it to stop. "Ahh I see that you are curious as to why you are feeling these emotions, it's simple the weapon is an extension of yourself, but the weapon is also self aware. It can sense your pride, it won't fire. You are learning about humility, you see you thought your pride was your greatest weapon, you thought it was your will. You are wrong boy." Death told me as he pulled me up. I stared into his hollow eyes, for some reason I could see emotion behind them. "I'm not that prideful!" I shouted back at the entity. He smiled and chuckled. "Boy you are to prideful, the whole reason is because you were to full of pride to even notice it. Your pride oozes from you, it's almost sickening. What Twilight see's in you is beyond reasoning." When he mentioned that I lost all sense of control I focused on one thing and that was to silence this fool. I pulled back again, this time it budged just barely. "You are a quick learner but your anger can not solely drive your will to fight. You must find a reason to fight, not one of vengeance as it will eat you whole. You must also remember that you are mortal, I am ten times more powerful than you will ever be." Death said in a taunting manner. "So I am here because of my pride what does that mean?" I asked. I watched as Death's expression was one of a grin into shock. "What do you think it was recall your memory." I looked at him and remembered I was talking with Luna and it was my own doubt that crushed my pride, she gave me words of encouragement. "So it was because of Luna that my pride sent me here!" I yelled furious at the pony for filling my head with pride. "Boy that is a stupid remark! Your pride and doubt are always at a constant battle, but you blame a Celestial being for your pride? You are pathetic remember harder child!" He yelled teleporting to my face. I recalled that I thought about leaving without the others to train myself and find the weapons, they would just slow me down. I left and was stabbed after defending a woman. "You said I did a selfless deed, I take it that it was risking my life to protect another?" I asked him. "Yes but now ponder of what your act of pride was." He reminded me. I sat there for what seemed like forty minutes, but according the watch I heard it was about three minutes real time. Hmm was it an argument from beforehand? No it was from something that caused this. 'He really doesn't notice it by thinking he was better going off into the forest alone it was a smart choice.' Death thought rolling his hollow eye sockets. "I think I understand it was my idiotic choice after my arguments with Twilight, granted that issue was somewhat resolved, it was my choice to go into the forest without my friends, as I thought they would slow me down. Holy crap I can't believe it took me that long to figure it out." I sighed. 'Well done but I wonder how he will take this "compliment." ' Death thought. "Not bad for a mortal, not bad." Death clapped with a smirk. "I've noticed that you've talked about mortals a few times now, you called me weak because I'm a mortal. I think that is a lie humans, ponies, these mortals are capable of great things We can build massive cities, give life, invent, and so much more, the most important is to love. We can love an act that not even science can explain, the most incredible thing ever. While we can do the opposite it is still a feet it's self such a destroy, kill , and invent for war and death, even hate." I said calmly. I looked at Death's surprised reaction. "Well, well mortal I'm impressed, it took you two days to figure out your act of pride yet only a few minutes ago I expected you to boast about yourself, you talked about other life, and what makes you great. Don't forget boy that pride is a good thing, but only in moderation." Death said with a tone that a parent would have. "Well as you said my doubt and pride are at a constant war." I admitted. I heard another snap and noticed what it was going to be. "Aww cheer up little guy, he's going to teach you a lesson." With that he snapped again. "Doubt is the worst thing to overcome, once it is overcome you will feel stronger. Now let's look at your doubts and your fears." Death said, I couldn't see anything but Death was starring at something intently. He made audible mhhms from time to time. "You fear of failing to help save this world." Why would you put such a burden on yourself, I can see this doubt is manifested because of your pride, you are forgetting your greatest assets." He told me. "My weapons?" I asked dumbly. "No boy put away your pride and your doubt for a second. Think of what it is that is the most important thing to you?" He asked. I closed my eyes and thought of Twilight and her friends....my friends. "My friends of course, they are my greatest assets, as Luna said I choose who brings me or bring me down. I build my own kingdom!" I said loudly. "Exactly well that wasn't so hard, let's face your greatest doubt. Ahh she has a face." He said with a wonder. I looked at Twilight. "This pony Twilight I know of her, as you were easily angered when I insulted you with her name." What is it you're afraid of, I wonder." He thought peering deeper. "Perhaps you do have a good heart in you somewhere." He jokingly said. "You are afraid of you harming her, or of her harming you, but that is not the only thing you are afraid of her abandoning you." He said with clarification. "Normal fears, everyone has them." I tried to say as I knew his next response was going to make me look like a fool. 'He still needs to overcome his pride and admit he is wrong, perhaps when he wakes up he will have learned by then.' Death thought before he spoke. "Your level of fear is much higher than others. Most fear well me and yet I noticed you seem confused about you are indeed strange, but anyways let's get back on course." He said as he transformed into Twilight, I looked at him he looked just like her, he even sounded like her as he gave off a giggle. He lit the horn and transformed me into a dog, he transformed back into Death, but instead I noticed Twilight was right in front of me. "You fear her magic and what she can do to you." He said as he released me from well a strange memory. "You also fear that with these new weapons and powers you will harm her." He said. "Wait powers, I thought of power, what do you mean by powers?" I asked. "Ignore that part I will explain in do time. Now then." He said as he transformed me back into a dog, I looked up at Twilight as she towered above me. "Well let's see how did you face this fear?" He asked. "I at first thought she was going to keep me as a dog forever, she threatened it several times, I was terrified that my new roommate was going to make me be her pet forever." I told him. "How did you face your fear?" He asked. "I made the best of it." I thought out loud. "Yes! Kid you are smarter than I thought you would be." Death cheered! "Now how do you think these powers could not harm her?" Death asked as he motioned at me to pull back on the bow. I noticed I could pull it back all the way. I could pull it back! I was overcome with joy. I even held it for a few moments all because of control. I smiled a huge smile, I had to admit death was a pretty good teacher. I realized how funny that sounded. "Control!" I shouted. He gave a nod as he motioned toward the sword. "Pick it up." He told me. I did as I was instructed. "Now hit me." He told me. I looked at him like he was crazy. I swung at him, it was rather slow as the weapon was rather heavy. I noticed I missed him, I struck him again he easily side stepped out of the way. "Your fear is making you slow just as I thought, you need to meditate." He exclaimed. I looked at him wide eyes like he was crazy. "Your fear of Twilight leaving you there is more to it, as for this you must meditate yourself and ponder." Death whispered as he touched the giant sword and broke it into the two shadow like blades. "You must fight your own demons." Death told me. He gently sat me down and walked slowly. "You must learn to balance your harmony clear yourself of all emotions, control on certain events. You are water moveable like a current but you are also a rock hard to move, a leaf in the wind as you can control yourself in a breeze." He said. At first I thought he was crazy but I noticed I couldn't hear him anymore, I looked around and saw Twilight standing there. She looked terrified, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You, you're a monster you gave into this darkness and now you've imprisoned your friends, family, the princesses. If you spared anyone from your slaughter they are now suffering in an eternal torment." She spoke to me with needles in her words. I looked at my hands I saw the blood of innocents stained across them. "Twilight wait no!" I shouted, but she didn't hear me. "I'm leaving you to rot and die alone, I can't stand you." She cried out. She started to walk away she was going to leave me. I had to do something, I tried to move but I couldn't. I was in a panic I needed to get control of my body before she was gone. I took a deep breath and waited, I had to control my emotions. 'Damn come on I can't let he go she's all I needed.' I thought. I watched as I heard giant footsteps approaching her. It was him this thing.... He picked her up and laughed. "Well my apprentice you did will you defeated those closest to you and you did so without remorse. I'm proud of you, now as your reward you get to kill the thing making you weak." He told me. Twilight looked at me in disgust. "Do it you monster kill me like you're going to do to the others!" Twilight shouted, her eyes showed those of venom, distrust, and hatred. 'This can't be happening, this felt so real. Wait a second vengeance and hatred are both in common as negative emotions. Don't fight with just these emotions, I need to balance the harmony while these emotions were powerful, just using them would eat anythings soul.' I thought. Just then I started to notice what I would fight for, I felt a warmth in my heart, soon it spread throughout my body. The darkness looked at me with a strange expression. "How ironic you are able to wield the light, but you are all ready damned. Go ahead and strike her down with this "holy" light." The darkness hissed out. "I will not be defeated by you monster, your fear over me is no longer!" I shouted. He laughed, I looked at him confused. "Silly child, Twilight kill this one." He laughed. I looked up and saw that Twilight was about to stab me. Suddenly I jerked awake, I saw death starring at me. "What was that about?" I asked. "It was you meditating you saw a part of your fate but only parts, the have been revealed to be half truths in a way." Death said laying a hand on my shoulder, I felt a warmth the same warmth from that vision? I thought. "Well kid you are one of the few thousand people or ponies to ever be granted powers of the holy light, just remember this is pure holy light. This is an honor don't ever forget that, anyone can give into negative emotions, hence why there are so many necromancers and "masters" of the dark arts coming to Ponyville. You will be a defender of this land. You must also remember to not give into those whispers, that was your greatest fear, don't let it succumb to you." Death said. "Your Fate has been started only you can choose how your fate must be. Just as anyone with power must just as I chose to become Death after dying terribly, you will have chosen to be a paladin. Instead of dying you will be risen from the ashes of here." Death said. 'Did he say chose to become death wait what!' I thought, I was about to ask him but... I was to slow ,I watched as he waved goodbye before I could thank him he was gone. "What just happened?" Twilight asked. "His stitches they're gone, no scares or anything. It looks as if her never went into surgery." A nurse said. I awoke next to a beautiful set of Purple eyes gazing down at me with sadness that soon turned into anger. "You idiot you could have gotten yourself killed. Also really trying to get to those weapons without us you are such an idiot!" The Unicorn yelled at me. Before I could speak she had more to nag about. "I swear I will turn you into a dog again while I sleep and chain you to my ankle, really who decided it was a good idea to get stabbed. You could have waited for the police or something but no you wanted to play hero!" She shouted with tears of joy. I grabbed her and slowly kissed her passionately. Once the kiss broke I received a strange look from her. "What was that for?" She asked rather stunned. "For you being you." I smiled. "Now what was that light thing that happened?" She asked. "I will explain everything once we get to the Castle of The Pony Sisters." I said as I tried to get up. She just pushed me down and gave a seductive look. "Not before the hero has a little fun." She jokingly said. 'Oh my god are we really gonna do it in a hospital? She's only had sex once or maybe twice if we were drunk I forgot. This is amazing, she is amazing.' I thought.