//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Craving Adventure: The new elements // by Misscord //------------------------------// (Prologue notes: This prologue tells how our main character met her friends (the main characters), they are not action packed nor are they very long. Keep in mind they are just background stories and not the main story line a better way to know the setting before we get underway. I advise reading them however I cannot skip this part if need be. Also this story is after cannon (after the events of the show). I encourage constructive criticism and kind comments NOT hateful banter and rudeness. If you don't like it then please respect my wishes and just don't read it, there is no need to post hurtful things on my story please. Thank you.) 1. Loyalty I ran through the forest not looking behind me, I wasn't going to let anypony or anything get in my way. To me at this time my job was the only thing that mattered to me, that reality was about to change dramatically. I dived behind a shrub taking cover from something I could hear nearby. I waited patiently for a few moments, and then out of the bushes appeared a young stallion younger than I was at the time. His dark purple coat showed many lighter purple stripes and scruffy dark hair like his coat. Smartly tucked wings and a saddlebag bare of any mark; this stallion around his mid-teens had not yet received a cutie mark. I shrugged and moved forward as planned, the stallion stared at me surprised to see me. I ignored his wonder filled gaze and trotted on, the stallion followed me much to my annoyance. Soon I grow irritated and turned around to him sharply. “Who are you and why the hell are you following me?” He paused before standing proudly before me. “I’m Wingstripe my lady, I’m in training to become a royal Canterlot guard.” I smirked back at him, “Then shouldn’t you be in Canterlot?” He shook his head, “Nope, I’m out here doing some training.” Just as he had finished talking a roar echoed through the forest. We followed the noise as a coincidence the treasure I was searching for was inside a cave that was guarded by three manticore. Wingstripe turned to me, “Stay here.” He got up and lunged at the beasts, sword in mouth. I rolled my eyes and followed, longing for action of my own. As luck would have it I stumbled and was about to be taken by one of these massive beasts. However, Wingstripe saved me by defending me with his blade and chasing them off. He returned panting and smiling. “Friends look out for each other. By the way what’s your name?” I got up with the help of his hoof and smiled at the shimmering mark that had appeared on his flank. I pointed and winked, “Nice job kid.” He beamed with pride as he laid eyes on the shield and sword on his flank. After retrieving the gem I needed we both headed back to the train station in Ponyville, being the closest town to where we were. That day I made my first real friend, one that would stick with me to the bitter end. 2. Honesty I had moved Ponyville from Canterlot to get away from the heavy press and paparazzi to a calmer town. I had always got much attention because of my music; I had become a popular DJ in Canterlot along with my childhood friend Vinyl Scratch. Her and I met in Kindergarten and have been friends ever since even taking up the same profession. At that time I had moved I didn’t know anypony who lived there and tried to hide my identity from ponies who didn’t know who I was. I walked down the main street of the small town eager to get to my new home that had been built recently; I was opening a club in town that doubled as my house upstairs. I called it Toxic Hearts. As my hooves trotted along the path I was bumped into by a tall handsome looking stallion, He wore glasses and had smooth long brown hair and brown fur with white hoof markings and spots around them. I blushed and shook my head, “Hi, sorry about that.” He smiled back, “It’s fine, I’m Espresso Shot. I take it you’re new in town?” I nod, “I come from Canterlot, I came here because… I wanted a change in scenery.” He looked at me with narrow eyes for a moment before shaking it off, “You look familiar…” I shook my head yet again, “Nope, I’ve never seen you before.” He wasted no time and gestured for him to follow. He took me to a café that he owned called Espresso Shots. I giggled at the name and let him make me one of his famous cups of coffee which was the best I had ever had. “How is it? Be honest.” I grinned and nodded, “Not too bad kid.” He was a talented unicorn with a talent for coffee as his cutie mark of a red steaming cup showed. He introduced me to his pet dragon Tekkit, A small dragon with green scales and a blue underbelly and bright orange horns. He smiled at me and blinked his bright green eyes. Tekkit was never a huge player in my story but, he was still a friendly companion. It was Espresso Shot that became one of my most valued allies in my life. 3. Kindness At a signing after a concert a fan approached me telling me he had seen me in Ponyville, he smiled kindly at me shaking my hoof. Something caught my attention about the orange Pegasus, maybe it was his wild wavy blond hair or his bright blue eyes gleaming as every one of my fans eyes did. He introduced himself as Star Seeker and asked to see me after the signing, normally I would say no, but something made me say yes. I met with him in a garden inside the local Canterlot Park. Star Seeker told me his special talent was being able to fly into space and told me the story. He approached me as a friend and not a celebrity who most my fans approach me as. I liked how he would talk to me as a real pony, from that night on him and I became dear friends, his kindness that night made me feel I could trust him. Star Seeker lived next door to me as it turned out, he had been away in Canterlot on a trip and was coming home on the same train as I was. Soon the press found me; I have many fond memories of him defending me and us running away from the ponies chasing us with cameras and note pads asking for interviews. I will never forget how much of a kind friend he was to me. Never. 4. Generosity In the dead of night a whistling sound caught my attention, at first I thought it to be a spirit calling out so I got out of bed to check and trotted outside. A silence filled the air as I got closer and tracked the noise down to a tall tree near the window of my bedroom. Looking up to the top of a hill just outside of town there he was. A white unicorn with spiked white and pale blue hair sat alone whistling to himself as if he were desperately trying to keep himself from crying. The aura of his emotion was strong enough to bring a tear to my multicolored eyes. Once approaching him I sat beside him and smiled, "Why are you so sad?" He looked at me shocked to find I noticed his true emotion through the cheerful whistling. "..." I sighed and put a hoof on his shoulder, "I'm Conjuress Rave, most call me C.Rave... what's your..." He answered my question before I finished asking it, "I'm Ghost... And I'm sad because I have no home or family. I have lived alone all my life, and now my home has become a barren land so I'm here to start again. I just arrived." His black eyes were surely from another land, yet I kept up my smile and gave him a warm hug much to his surprise. "I'll be your friend. It's ok now." He smiled back at me and nodded. I let him stay with me that night, from then on we were close friends. We had a bond strong and unbreakable one that would help me more than I would have realized at the time. 6. Laughter His Laughter, that’s what I remember the most about Plune. His dark blue coat and light purple mane reminded me of his brother Wingstripe. They looked almost identical if it weren’t for his deep green eyes. He laughed at everything even if it was unnecessary to. I met in in my club one night he came in and asked if I wanted to dance, I agreed and after we shared a hearty dance to the music he took me outside to look at the stars. He told me he wanted the night to never end so he could always have this much fun. He visited my club a lot and was always laughing and chatting with other ponies. He was so lively and happy back then, something always caught me though. He looked at the sky longingly at times, as if he was wishing greatly for something to happen. I never found out what it was, and frankly I am glad I never did. Some things are better left unsaid, especially seeing the circumstances of future events. They were all to become part of a greater power that made me who I am today. I will never forget what they brought into my life and the world.