//------------------------------// // The Price of Tacos // Story: Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business // by Gadman85 //------------------------------// Adagio gave a sigh as she finished getting ready for what she was about to do. She and the others found a way to get the remaining sandwiches to last and they made good use of the remaining money she got for her “services rendered". Now however, they needed a lot more for their bigger expenses and to carry them over while she figured out a more immediate plan of action. Without hunger weighing so heavily on her mind, the leader of the ex-sirens figured something out. She spent a good bit of time in the hotel’s Business Center to get her plan in motion, but her time there paid off. Adagio wasn't happy with what she was about to do, but money for her and the others was more important than what she wanted. “Are you sure about this, Adagio?” Aria asked as the curly haired girl entered the room. “I don’t really have a choice in the matter at the moment. I’ll miss it, but there are more important things to worry about,” Adagio said with a sad expression. “I’m glad you agreed to help me and not worry Sonata about it, Aria.” “I’m just driving there and back. No real problems here. I get to keep my car,” Aria said leading the way out. “Well my car is worth the most and it was easy to find a legitimate buyer. The other guy is even paying for the notarization of the Bill of Sale for both of us. I’m just glad it was easy to find all of the needed paperwork and documents,” Adagio said. {-} {-} {-} “I still can’t believe you’re selling a Dodge Viper SRT. And in such great condition.” A man in his mid-40s with a black beard looked over the car in awe. The car had a dark blue body with white racing stripes. It was mostly stock except there was an aftermarket spoiler with a matching paint job. The car had some decent miles on it, but nothing too severe. For the most part, it seemed to be in good condition. The buyer was a little surprised the seller was an 18 year old girl. He was suspicious, but she had all of the right documents including the title and everything. All of the paper work and everything was even under her name alone. At first, the man was scared she would have really messed with it on the inside or something. Instead she seemed to have taken a why mess with perfection approach to the car. The only thing he could tell she added was the spoiler and it was an appropriate one at that in his books. “Very odd for a teen. Usually they try to customize the hell out of their cars if they can,” he thought to himself. He was further impressed she really took good care of it on top of everything else. He could tell she had loved the car. That was why he was completely astonished with what was going on here. She looked like she didn't really want to sell it. “Let’s just say I wouldn't sell it, but I recently went through a very unexpected and dramatic change in my life. I really need the money,” Adagio answered his earlier question with a sad smile. The man tried to give her a sympathetic look, but he was too excited about buying the car. It was something he had always wanted and recently he got some real good extra money. While it was unfortunate for this girl to be in trouble of some kind, it was good for him. Plus, he was buying the car so she was getting what she needed anyways. “I’ll be sure to take real good care of her,” he said with a smile as he once more took in the view of the car again. “I appreciate the thought, but once everything is finished it doesn't really matter. It will be your car. You can do what you want with it,” Adagio said. The neutral third party overseeing the transaction looked to make sure everything was in order. It wasn't long until they finished and spoke up. “Well, everything’s good. All of the appropriate documents and paperwork are here and legitimate. You even took your license plate off already," he said. He looked to Adagio again at the last part a little amazed how on top of it she was about this whole thing. He then looked to the buyer and said, “Once we get the Bill of Sale filled and the money exchanged, you can get it registered under your name and go.” They were actually meeting right by the Department of Motor Vehicles for this reason. Adagio asked for one last look at the car before they completed the sale. The man was excited about getting this car, but he understood her and was willing to wait a little longer. He would get to have all the time he wanted with the car after this. He knew she wasn't about to back out of the sale. {-} {-} {-} Aria sighed as she rested her forehead on the steering wheel of her BMW. She waited outside earlier, but decided she didn't want to get involved in Adagio’s business any more. She appreciated what their leader was doing, but she didn't want to think about it. Because well… she had more complex feelings now and might come to care too much and blow her “bored tough girl” reputation if she got more involved with this. Finally, she heard the passenger car door open and close. She looked to her side and saw a sad Adagio sitting there. She knew Adagio loved her car and it had to be tough for her to sell it. The twin tailed girl sat up and asked, “Are we done here?” Adagio gave a nod. “Let’s head to the bank now. I’ll use this money to open an account for us.” Aria didn't say a word. She just drove to the bank. It had taken some time, but they finally got things taken care of at the bank. The attendant helping them had to make sure the money was good first. It didn't take long to get an affirmative it was. After that, they took time setting up the account. Now, they were going to get supper for the night. “What are we going to get, Adagio?” Aria asked. “Let’s pick up Sonata and go to that Taco place near the hotel,” Adagio answered with a small smile. She could use something as a pick me up and that was Sonata in her books. Aria didn't say a word and just went with it while trying to seem bored. {-} {-} {-} “For realsies?!” Sonata asked with a bright smile and big eyes. “Yes for realsies… I took care of our money problem for the moment. I decided we should go out and eat without worry tonight. Just try not to overdo it and get sick. That's a possibility now you know,” Adagio said trying to sound stern and hide her smile. It wasn't really working. There was just something about Sonata lately that made things seem better and at times it was hard not to crack a smile for a couple of seconds. “Yeah yeah… whatever… I just want to go and eat tacos!” Sonata’s mouth started to water. “I haven’t had any in a looooongggg time…” Aria gave a scoff and rolled her eyes but stayed silent. She was afraid if she started talking she wouldn't stop and something might happen. Like her letting slip that she seemed to care for these two or worse… she liked them. She wasn't ready for that. Once they were seated at Taco Casa and their orders arrived, Aria and Adagio were surprised at the amount of tacos Sonata got. It looked as if even the servers were amazed. Sonata’s mouth just watered in anticipation of the tacoy goodness she was about to devour. Adagio had her own taco meal, but it looked like a small snack compared to Sonata’s order. Aria, despite her attempts, wasn't able to keep her shock from showing. She had decided she would not even dare think about sneaking into Sonata’s bed tonight. She might even use the couch or ask Adagio to share beds with her tonight. She did not want to have to worry about Sonata's gas from tacos the whole night. Aria had a pretty good feeling Sonata was going to eat herself sick tonight on top of everything else. Fortunately their suite had two restrooms they could use. {-} {-} {-} “Ahhhh… That hit the spot!” Sonata said with a smile as she patted her belly. Adagio couldn't help but give a little snicker to Sonata’s satisfied expression. “Ohhhh? So you can smile and laugh, Dagio?” Sonata asked with a smile. Adagio blushed and cleared her throat. “Well… It would be hard not to after watching that. Once the shock wore off that is. Besides, we haven’t really had a lot to smile about lately. Enough about that though.” Adagio then gave Sonata a concerned look, “Are you really going to be ok? That was a lot of tacos.” Sonata gave a smile and nodded her head eagerly. “Of course I’ll be okay!” Her stomach groaned a little and she almost burped. “But well… I’m glad the hotel isn't too far from here. Heh heh…” She blushed a little as she scratched the back of her head. “Yeah… sure…” Aria said with a frown. She then turned to Adagio and gave her a pleading but still bored look as she asked, “Can I share your bed with you tonight? I really don’t want to have to be with Sonata’s taco gas all night.” “I do not get gassy!” Sonata said with an angry face. “Yes you do. Your gas is the worst. I still don’t see where you put all of those tacos… You don’t even look a little fat after eating all of those,” Aria said with a frown. Aria was secretly scared she, herself, might end up ballooning out, since they weren't sirens anymore. She would just have to actually watch what she eats she supposed. “It is not the worst!” Sonata said as she stood with her cheeks puffing in anger. Aria raised an eyebrow at the light blue haired girl. Adagio just watched. She would step in if they got out of hand, but she didn't think they would. Sonata felt a gurgle of some kind and blushed as she sat back down. “Okay maybe I do get gassy. But just a little bit.” Aria wouldn't say it, but she had to admit Sonata’s many expressions were fun to see. Aria turned to Adagio again, “So can we? I really don’t want to sleep on the couch or something. Plus, in case Sonata really is sick she might be up all night.” The fact Aria didn't press the issue even after Sonata admitted she was wrong, was proof she too had changed. She would still tease Sonata, but she usually knew where to draw the line now and didn't dare cross that line. She even really cared for the other two, but she didn't admit it even to herself. Adagio thought it over for a second and was surprised she wasn't opposed to the idea. She figured she would just say “No! Sleep in your own bed or on the couch! Not in my bed.” Instead she said, “I suppose it will be okay for tonight.” She then paid their bill and was surprised how cheap it was considering all of the tacos Sonata ordered. She guessed in the future the store wouldn't allow the blue haired girl to get the all you can eat taco supper. “At the very least, they’ll probably add a star on the menu saying a max of 30 or something like that,” Adagio thought with a giggle. She blushed in shame at giggling, but relaxed when she noticed the others weren't paying attention to her. Sonata was frowning at the floor while holding her tummy. Aria frowned as if she was trying to figure out if Sonata was going to puke in the car or not. {-} {-} {-} “Ughu…” Sonata groaned as she clutched her tummy in the back of Aria’s BMW. Maybe she underestimated how fragile her body and digestive system were now. “No regrets,” she mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes to concentrate on not getting sick. “You aren't about to puke in the car, are you?” Aria asked in a barely neutral tone. “Because that would really suck.” The truth was despite seeming worried about her car, she was actually concerned for Sonata. Aria quickly glanced to Adagio as they waited at a light. “It seems I’m not the only one concerned for Sonata,” she thought. She was still trying to get used to the fact that Dagio actually seemed to care for them a little. Usually the curly haired girl only focused on their big plans. It was odd to Aria and it made her feel a little warm inside for some reason. “I’ll get you some medicine from the hotel’s gift shop, Sonata. It should still be open,” Adagio said. “uhhhghhh,” was the only response Sonata gave. The other two girls figured it meant, ‘thanks’. The orange haired girl turned around and frowned in thought as the light turned green and they made the final stretch to the hotel. She figured she would have to scold Sonata a little for this, so it wouldn't happen again. She still couldn't figure out why she cared so much, but she did. “At least, it was still a good meal. Sonata just enjoyed herself too much,” she thought. Sonata and Aria went straight up as Adagio got stomach medicine in the gift shop. She looked at all of the many bottles of medicine and pills and frowned as her eyebrow twitched. “How the hell am I supposed to pick out the right one?! We've never had to worry about getting sick before. We got hungry, but not sick. How do humans even manage to live since it seems everything hurts them or worse?” Adagio sighed and really wished they could have kept the immortality thing. She could handle this whole being human bit if that was the case, but no such luck. She finally gave a long shuttering sigh. “There’s no choice in the matter… I have no other options,” she mumbled to herself as she looked over to the smiling shop clerk. “At least the girl seems friendly enough,” she thought as she swallowed the little there was left of her pride and got ready to ask for help. She walked up to the counter blushing as she asked, “Ummm… Excuse me… Can you help me?” “Sure what can I do for you?!” The girl who looked only a couple years older than her asked with a bright smile. Adagio looked to the side as she asked, “Well you see I’m ummm… not used to having to buy medicine, but one of my friends…” She shuddered at saying the word. It sounded very foreign on her tongue, even if she was only saying it to keep things simple, and not at all because she had come to see the other two as something like that. “Got a little too enthusiastic with her all you can eat taco meal and now her stomach’s bothering her.” The clerk gave a friendly laugh as she said, “Oh I know how that can get. I always get carried away when I go out for Japanese food. Right this way.” Adagio followed the clerk and soon paid for the medicine and made her way upstairs. She was never going to tell the others she actually had to ask for help on this. {-} {-} {-} “ughuggg,” Sonata groaned as she took the medicine and went to the bathroom. Adagio was about to scold her, but decided that could wait until Sonata was closer to normal. She instead just gave a frown and sighed. “I’m still sharing your bed tonight, Adagio,” Aria wasn't about to let Dagio boot her to the couch or tell her to stay in her own bed. She doubted the medicine would be enough. She didn't know how this human stuff really worked, if it even did. “I expected as much, Aria. I already told you it was okay,” Adagio said as she turned to head to her room. There wasn't anything more they could do for Sonata now. “I just hope you don’t toss and turn or snore.” Aria frowned, “I don’t snore..." “Well then, we don’t have to worry about anything. I’m going to go ahead and get ready for bed. It’s been a long day…” Adagio said with another sigh. Aria’s frown disappeared. “I’ll be there in a bit,” she replied. She waited before she got ready herself. Aria wanted Adagio to take all the time she needed to get ready for the night. She hoped allowing this would give her dibs on the restroom in the morning. Adagio always took a while to get ready because of all that hair she had. When the twin-tailed girl finally climbed in bed next to Adagio, she laid there in thought. She hadn't really realized how much Adagio had really done for them. It hadn't really sunk in until now. She had a really good idea what the curly haired girl had done to get that money at first. She was also sure it was something Adagio hated herself for doing. Then their leader went and sold her car so they would have money for the things they needed. Aria vowed she would do what she could to help out with the next part of the plan. She wouldn't care if Adagio wanted it or not. It was time their leader stop doing everything herself. They were all in this together. “I hope it stays that way the whole time too…” Aria thought as she looked to Adagio with a thoughtful frown. Aria gave a sigh and made sure not to cry as she thought over their situation again. She looked to Adagio once more. Adagio had been so strong this whole time in front of them, the girl had that one outburst the first night. After that, she hadn't had any outbursts. Sonata had a few and even she herself did mostly in private, but it was still noticeable she had them afterwards. The twin-tailed girl took in a shuddering breath. She then scooted a little closer. She felt that maybe it was partly because she wasn't quite back to her tough girl self yet really, or maybe it was because she thought Adagio deserved it. Regardless Aria once again, to her halfhearted dismay, cuddled up to one of her fellow ex-sirens. This time it was Adagio. She couldn't help but think, “Not too bad. This is kind of nice. But Sonata is more… comfy.” Still it was a lot nicer than she thought it would be. She wondered why she kept doing things like this. She wondered why she liked it and why it made her feel warmer inside. Maybe she was trying to be a little too cool or something usually and this was how the feelings made up for that. She wasn't sure. She might have thought more on the subject, but hearing Adagio's rhythmic breathing and the steady beating of her heart lulled Aria to sleep. She just hoped she woke up before Adagio. Otherwise it might be embarrassing to be caught like this and all of her hopes of being the cool tough girl would be gone forever. At the moment, she wasn't so sure that would be such a bad thing. {-} {-} {-} Adagio slowly woke up from the best night’s sleep she had since the Battle of the Bands. She wondered why this was, since yesterday she had to sell her beloved Viper and Sonata got sick. As her brain started waking up more, she realized something was cuddled up against her. She looked to her side and her raspberry eyes widened as she saw a very contented Aria snuggling up to her still fast asleep. “What?!” Adagio thought. She had never taken Aria to be the snuggle type. She figured that would be Sonata. Adagio didn't usually sleep around the other two, but she was pretty sure she knew Aria didn't snuggle. However, seeing the tough girl sleeping like this actually brought a smile to her lips and a small giggle. “Again with the giggling… Why is it happening? Why do I actually kind of like doing it?” Being human really was puzzling. She had laughed in the past, but she never giggled and it wasn't ever for something like this. She shook her head and took in a deep breath as she turned away from Aria. She thought of her options. She noticed she kind of liked being held onto like this. It made her feel happy and similar to how she did when Sonata thanked her for the sandwiches, but stronger. “Sonata… I hope she’s doing better this morning,” she thought as she remembered in concern all of the tacos the girl packed away last night. That was all it took for her to decide she was going to get up completely. She would wait until after Aria was ready for the day before she showered. She loved her wonderfully gorgeous curly orange hair, but she knew better than the others it took her a good while to get ready in mornings. Once she got out of the bed without waking up Aria, she made her way to the restroom. She briefly thought about teasing Aria about her snuggling, but shook her head. The old Adagio would have been either angry to find Aria like this or used it as fuel to make fun of her to no end. Now however, she didn't want to mention it because she knew it would have really hurt Aria’s feelings and made the girl really angry. Sure, it would have been fun to see Aria blush up a storm, but it wouldn't end there. Aria would be really mad and probably not talk to her. Surprisingly, Adagio didn't want that. She could talk to Sonata about some things and the light blue haired girl could cheer her up. Aria on the other hand was someone she could talk to about more serious matters. Plus, Aria helped with selling the car and everything. No, she would not make fun of Aria for this, even if she really did want to see the girl blush for some reason. “I probably just want to see her show some kind of emotion apart from bored and sometimes a little worried,” Adagio decided as she left the room. It didn't really matter. There was still a lot of work she had to do for all of them. She took in a deep breath and knocked on the door to Sonata’s bedroom. “Y-y-yes,” a very tired sounding Sonata answered from the other side. “Are you alright?” Adagio asked. Sonata opened the door and looked like she hadn't slept very well if at all. “Not really…” she answered in a small voice. “Are you feeling any better?” The orange haired girl asked. “A little…” Sonata replied as she yawned. “I didn't really get much sleep last night though.” “I can see that,” Adagio looked her over. “Go ahead and lie back down. I’ll get you some water and your medicine.” Sonata looked as grateful as she could in her condition. She went and collapsed on her bed with a tired sigh. She never knew opening her door was so much work. Adagio soon returned and gave a frown. She sat on the corner of the bed and gave Sonata her medicine. “I really hope you learned your lesson, Sonata. We’re human now. We have to be a lot more careful. We’re weak…” she finished quietly. “I don’t think we’re as weak as you think, Adagio. At least not compared to other humans. Still, I learned that while tacos are still the food of the gods. It's a good idea to be careful. Maybe I should stop at just 20 in the future. Hee hee,” Sonata finished with a tired giggle which morphed into a yawn. Adagio couldn't help, but give a smile as she shook her head. “You do realize we were at one time those very ‘gods’ humans speak about when they say such things, right?” “And I love tacos! So tacos are still the food of the ‘gods’,” Sonata said with a small smile as she took a sip of water. “So how’s Aria?” Adagio was looking away as she blushed for a moment. “She’s still asleep.” She then looked to Sonata and asked, "After she’s up, I’m going to order from room service. Do you want anything?” Sonata turned a little green at the thought of more food. Adagio gave a small laugh, “I take that as a ‘no’.” Sonata nodded in agreement. “Rest up and hopefully you’ll be back to your usually self soon enough.” “She seemed… nice… really nice…” Sonata thought for a moment. She then gave a smile as she said to herself, “I knew she always cared deep down.” Her stomach then groaned and she clutched it and told it, “Stop being so grumpy tummy.” For the moment, it seemed to have listened to her. Adagio stretched as she sat in the kitchen/living room area of their suite. She still felt a little tired as well. She hoped Aria would wake up soon so she could go ahead and shower and everything. There wasn't a better way to wake up in the morning than with a nice warm shower in Adagio’s opinion. {-} {-} {-} Aria gave a sigh of contentment as she woke up. Her eyes snapped awake as she looked around the bed and to her side. She gasped in horror and her purple eyes widened as she noticed Adagio wasn't there. “Just great, Aria… You decide to sleep in when you’re sharing Adagio’s bed,” she grumbled as she looked around expecting to see Adagio waiting nearby with an eyebrow raised ready to question her. She looked around and saw nothing but the room. The restroom door was open but there wasn't any sound coming from it. “Just great. She’s probably waiting in the living room with a smug grin on her face getting ready to laugh at me,” she thought with a frown. “Might as well get it over with, Aria. I’ll just have to get her back if she does make fun of me,” the purple haired girl thought as she entered the main part of their suite. She was surprised when she saw a yawning Adagio sitting at the table with a glass of water. Adagio looked to Aria and gave a sigh of relief. “Finally, you’re awake. Can you hurry up and get ready please? I’m really not actually awake until after I’ve had my morning shower.” Aria looked to her trying to read her expression. She couldn't see anything, but tired and maybe some worry. “Is that all you have to say?” Adagio looked in thought for a moment before her eyes opened a little. “Sonata’s still a bit sick. She’s probably not really going to leave her room unless for the bathroom. She’s at least a little bit better than she was last night. Now can you please hurry up and get ready?” Aria just nodded and went back to get ready. “Maybe she’s waiting for the right moment to mention it.” Aria still wasn't convinced Adagio hadn't noticed her snuggling in bed. As she stepped into the shower, one more thought came to her mind. “Maybe she really didn't notice… Or maybe she doesn't want to say anything about it?” She wasn't sure what to think about this. Part of Aria would be relieved if that was the case. Another part wondered if Adagio was embarrassed and wanted to pretend it didn't happen. A final part felt offended if that was the case. “She should be happy I cuddled her like that! I mean I’m Aria! I’m cool and hot! People should be glad if I cuddle them… even if I don’t want them to find out.” She shook her head as the water poured on her skin. She gave a moan in appreciation. She didn't understand these thoughts at all. This human thing was too much work. They had to worry about everything hurting them. They had to find ways to get money. They had to eat enough food, but not too much. It was all too much work. “Then there’s this whole feelings thing… We had them as sirens, but they were much simpler, fewer and easier.” She finished up in the bathroom and told Adagio it was her turn. There was still no change in Adagio as the girl made her way. Aria was starting to think it wasn't the waiting until the right moment to make fun of her option. She kept thinking about this the entire time while Adagio got ready for the day. “I was going to order breakfast from room service once I got out of the shower. Did you want anything? I already asked Sonata and unsurprisingly she said no,” Adagio said as she returned to the room ready for the day. “Cereal, fruit and maybe some juice,” Aria answered. “Sounds about like what I was going to get myself. Alright then,” Adagio said as she placed the order. {-} {-} {-} Once their breakfast, which was a quiet affair, was over the two girls were still sitting at the table across from each other. Aria was looking at Adagio. Adagio was looking in the newspaper. “So… What’s the next plan?” Aria asked. “We need to get ourselves an apartment. I know our check out time is coming up soon, but I’ll take care of that. I’ll either get us an extension on this room or we’ll have to check into a couple of new rooms instead. I’m going for staying in this room. Once I show the manager we have more than enough money now, I’m sure he won't mind too much,” Adagio answered. After a few moments of silence, Aria couldn't take it anymore and had to ask, “Why aren't you saying anything?” Adagio raised an eyebrow at her in question. Aria looked away and blushed. “I know you saw me this morning… I know you weren't so out of it you didn't notice another girl wrapped around you tightly. Why aren't you saying anything about it?” She turned back to Adagio with a bit of an angry face. Adagio sighed yet again. She wondered if that was due to being human as well. “I didn't really want to say anything about it. I didn't think you would want me to say anything about it.” Adagio looked down to her glass of juice and spoke again after a couple of seconds. “The last thing I want right now is for either of us to really get into a fight, Aria.” Aria looked to her waiting for more. It looked like there was something else on Adagio’s mind, almost as if there was more to her not saying anything about it than just avoiding a fight. “I didn't really hate it or anything either… It was kind of nice.” Adagio then gulped as she continued, “It felt filled… even if only for a moment,” she said quietly more to herself than to Aria. Aria’s eyes widened hearing those words. “You feel that as well?” Adagio looked to her in shock wanting further explanation. “You feel as if something is missing inside us? And I don’t mean our powers.” Adagio’s eyes were wide as she slowly nodded. “You feel that way too, Aria?” Aria nodded, “Sonata also. But I don’t think she feels it as often oddly enough.” The two looked to each other, their eyes meeting directly. They each wanted to say something more, but at the same time they were scared to speak more of it. They were frightened what might happen if they did keep talking about it. It was something they weren't sure about. It was another mystery. In the end, neither said anything more on the subject. They had enough to worry about as it was. “Well… I need to speak with the manager about the... ummm room,” Adagio said. “Ummm yeah… later,” Aria replied. Adagio finished her juice and got up to leave. Both girls were half relieved the matter was dropped, but also half disappointed the matter was dropped. It felt as if something was close to changing in a big way if they had talked about it more. More big changes was the last thing they wanted though. {-} {-} {-} Adagio returned a lot quicker than she thought she would. Her talk with the manager went much smoother than she expected. She paid off their bill and asked him if they could keep the suite for longer. ----- Flashback starts ----- “I don’t know. That's asking a whole lot, Miss Dazzle,” Mr. Sinclair said. Adagio swallowed her pride again. “I’m surprised there’s any of my pride left to swallow really,” she thought before speaking. “Please, Mr. Sinclair… The three of us have been through a really tough and unexpected change during this trip of ours. All we have left are each other. I promise we’ll get out of here as soon as we can. I already showed you we have the money… Isn't there some kind of arrangement we can make?” She even batted her eyes a little at him. Mr. Sinclair sighed as he scratched the back of his head. He looked up something on his computer to clarify if it would work or not. “Okay… Look… You three can stay longer. Just make sure you have the money when you check out. And please be quick about moving on. I’m already sticking my neck out a good bit for you three girls.” “Thank you so much,” Adagio said and to both their shock she hugged him in gratitude. She recovered first and blushed as she left the office and thanked him once more. Mr. Sinclair was just blinking in surprise before he cleared his head and got back to running the hotel. They had a huge banquet to prepare for tonight. It was going to be a busy day, but he did manage to smile. It was kind of nice to actually be thanked in such a manner. ---- Flashback ends ---- To Adagio, the biggest surprise was she actually meant the thanks she gave him. She blamed this emotion and feeling stuff that she had now. She gave a sigh, “Being Human sucks…” It wasn't all bad really, she liked how she felt in a way closer to the others than she did before their defeat, but that wasn't enough to make her happy with being a human now. As she walked into the suite, she shook her head. She needed to work on other things now and tell the other two the good news. She was surprised when she opened the door and heard, “Welcome back, Dagio.” It wasn't as exuberant as it usually would be, but it still had some of that Sonata flair to it. “So you got up? Are you sure that was a good idea?” Adagio asked with concern. Sonata smiled, “Well, I’m not sleepy right now even if I'm tired. I don’t want to be cooped up in my room alone all day. So where did you go?” Adagio nodded and looked around to see Aria was sitting in a chair nearby. “I spoke to the manager and he agreed to let us stay longer. It went better than I expected it to go. I still want to find us an apartment soon, but we at least have a temporary place to stay until then." Sonata even in her condition found the energy to come over and give Adagio a hug. The orange haired girl was surprised by this. “I knew I could count on you, Adagio. You’re always there for us,” Sonata said as she hugged the other girl. Adagio didn't know what to think. She just gave a small smile and thanked Sonata in her mind. Sonata soon let go of the hug because her tummy was getting 'a little grumpy again'. Adagio excused herself to her room claiming the meeting was more draining than she thought it would be. Aria looked to their leader a little concerned. She wondered if Adagio had done something like that one night again. Regardless of if Aria’s thoughts were true or not, the girl simply went back to looking through the paper again. The truth was Adagio simply found herself overcome by emotion after the Sonata hug and thanks. She didn't want the others to see this. She wasn't even sure why it affected her so much.