//------------------------------// // Tempus // Story: Tales from the desk of the Lunar Court // by Amber flicker //------------------------------// Praeteritum Tempus Tale of the Mare of Time Lore rewritten by Radium praemonstrator of the Era of Eclipse, appointed by Queen Lunar, may she reign for the ages... There was once a city of stone and iron, and it was Praeterium Tempus, for the first queen so called it. It was a city of unicorns. It came to pass that a mare was with foal. She birthed twins, unheard of in this region, and both mare unicorns. She named the first Minuette, for she came first at the exact proposed time, and she called the other Colgate, for her mane was striped as such. As the two foals grew, they were blessed with magical talents that no pony could compare to. They, afraid, locked them away. For they could not understand nor control the powers the twins wielded... Yet, two years after this, war was declared on them. The Gryffons, while not magical, had weapons the likes of which none had seen. The Temperians were losing quickly, and so they tried the only thing they could. They set the two time mages loose. Help us, they said. And they tried to, all the conventional ways, but even their matched power could not win. As the city fell, they knew somehow what they had to do. Perhaps it was the first queen of old guiding them, with her prophecy. The mares channeled their powers together, the very ones they'd been locked away for. A fusion occurred. They were as one, wings resting on her back, tall and proud. She was a queen. Mane and tail ablaze and eyes glowing in a wash of golden light, they declared the safety of the city unto the gryffons. She did all that was left. The city was captured in the gold as it spread like a star in the sky. They say it is lost to time.