//------------------------------// // Chapter 0- Prologue // Story: To become a monster // by Spider //------------------------------// Chapter 0- Prologue I don’t know were to start. It was crazy. I just wish I could go back home. At the least, be human again. But I guess that ain’t happening. Lets see where it all started. “Hi mom!” I said to my awesome mother. “Hi son.” She says making fun of the way I sound because I’m sixteen and she’s always like, ”Oh your voice is getting deeper. Isn’t that exiting?,” In that weird motherly way. “At least it’s Friday so I can hang back and play video games with my friends.” I gladly say. #TGIF. Anyway, like I was saying. That is until my brother, Benjamin, walked in. “Huh, what friends?” He annoyingly said so I did the only logical thing. I slapped him and he acted like a little b**ch. That didn’t happen no matter how much I wish it could. I walked past him and went into my room to play some Naruto. Greatest fighting game since Mortal Kombat. But (There is always a but) when I got inside the room my friend Dominick started calling. “Hey what’s up my main friend?” I joke only to earn a chuckle. That was comedy gold, scratch that, bronze and all I got was a chuckle!? “Jake, since I know you love vampires I found an awesome movie. Its called twilight!” He said then laughed over the phone because he knew I liked some of the twilight movies even though he said they were terrible. “Ha, ha, ha.” I Fake laugh dryly, “Do you want to hang out this weekend. I heard it was going to be a full moon and a meteor shower. I could bring my girlfriend?” “What Girlfriend?” he laughs again. God what is with their jokes being more crit-crtizising-critisizical- you know what. Whatever. “Alright man, just remember to bring the babe so mine won’t feel lonely being the only girl in the group.” He says before hanging up. “Mom, I’m going over to Dominick’s house! BYE!” I yell across the house but when I turn around she’s standing at my doorway looking at me in annoyance. “I was walking to my room, you didn’t have to yell at me. Oh and bye have a good time on your double date.” My mom says right before my day to walk right up to her and kiss her. “Goodbye son and way to go. Make sure to not be a virgin when you come back okay?” My dad says (not knowing if he was joking) then my mom slaps his stomach lightly. “Just have a good time.” She smiles (Oh No), “And remember to use a condom.” She laughs as they walk back into there room together. My brother just walks past my door just to throw me a pack. ”You better use it so you don’t have to have kids.” He then walks down the hall to stop at mom’s room. I look out to see what he’s doing so I walk up to him and he puts a finger over his mouth to silently quiet any future comments from me. I walk and put my ear to the door to hear the unspeakable. Thump, thump, thump We all know what that means. Benjamin and me smile and hold up 3 of his fingers and 2 black bandanas. 3, 2, 1, GO We put on the bandanas over are eyes and charge into the room blindly yelling just to get a surprise yell back. 5 seconds after attack We put down are bandanas and look. A surprised dad and mom are glaring at Benjamin and me so we just laughed and turn around and ran. We ran all the way to Benjamin’s room and shut it. I took out my iPhone 6(I love apple and don’t care what you say) and posted on Facebook. Lol just caught my mom and dad having sex. So Benjamin and me pranked them. All is fun in love and war. Benji and me laughed so hard it started to hurt. “Alright benji let’s go say …… we put it on Facebook!!”(No sorry here). “I just remembered that I should call Alisa.” And with that I was as gone like the wind. I ran to my room then opened my contacts so fast I could challenge the roadrunner. Ring ring, ring, ring, and stuff “Hello sweety. How are you doing today?” Alisa asks in her sweet voice. “I’m fine and I wanted to know if you would like to go on a double date with my friend and his girl to see the meteor shower tonight?” I ask as smooth as I can. “Sure I’d love to.” She says seductively. “I’ll be there” I said it with a bit less smoothness. I wish I had my brother’s confidence. I hang up and grab my keys (16 is driving age in S.C.) and head out. 5 minutes later “Hey you ready?” I yell out of the car to her. “Yeah hold on a minute,” she yells out the open door. She then walks out with a picnic basket and blanket. I never have been on a picnic. 8 minutes later We arrive at the meeting spot. They’re already on top of the hill. I check my phone to see that time it is and the time predicting when the meteor shower will happen. Current Time: 5:30 Meteor Time: 7:00 PM “At least we get to hang out first.” I sigh but knowing we have some time Alisa got out of the car and walked up to Dominick. “Hey Dom. Hey Lady.” Alisa said with a grin because we know that “Lady” was what Dom’s girl cosplayed as last year for the Devil may cry series. “I told you to stop calling me that. I said it was a one-time thing ok. Just call me… Vixy. “Vixy said because her real name was waaaayyyyyyyy too long to say or pronounce. “Alright lets get this picnic started” I yelled getting out of the car and started walking up toward the hill they were on. If you have seen a painting with a hill, a sunset, and a picnic type thing. That’s what it looked like. As we ate, sang or singed, and kissed it was time for the meteor shower. Like it said on my phone, it was time. “Alright, make a wish but don’t say it out loud.” Dominick said with sincerity. Wishes Vixy- For the world to change for the better Dominick- To be happy forever. Jake- For this time to never end. Alisa- To always be together. 1 of the meteor exploded into a starry bliss, as it was gone. Probably another meteor hit it. The meteors than all began exploding. “What just happened?” Alisa worriedly asked. “I’m sure it’s just some missile test against incoming meteors that could damage something importa- ” Vixy said but then my phone started ringing. Apple support Answer-Hang Up I answered the phone but what was about to be said was unexpected. “Hello. All phones will be out E.T.A: 30 seconds so don’t worry when it happens.” The apple tech support guy said before hanging up. I looked up and seen that all my friends phone, even Dom’s android, said the same thing. “This is some twilight zone shit!” Dom said while he looked at us with the “The world is going to end” look. We all turned to him and replied with a “Shut the fuck up” look. “Alright then lets at least talk about are wishes since the meteors were a dud anyway.” Alisa said annoyed. Right when my mouth opened to say my wish, their was a large explosion far off in the distance but it was still heard like it was right beside us. “Holy freak lets leave.” I was the first to get up and the others followed. I got to the car and sitting on the car was the one person I never thought of seeing. I mean I was never a MLP fan but my girlfriend loved to watch it do just cringed upon seeing him. “Well well. It looks like you might be in trouble in 2 minutes. That was a nuke and if you want to survive, hold up your hand.” We thought he was crazy but did it any way. But right when we lifted them balloons and confetti popped out from nowhere above are heads. “What the hell kind of trick is this? And why is Discord here?” I asked angrily. “I’m here to save you now just hold on.” He said with a grin. “Hold on to what?” Vixy said with annoyance and sadness. After she said that discord snapped his fingers and rope appeared out of thin air. We grabbed the rope and held on to it for our lives. If you think about it I guess it was. “3, 2, 1, Have a wonderful time in equ-” With that we were gone and everything changed. We were still holding on but everything around us changed. It looks like were high (but I never been high so how would I know.). Imagine a hippy rainbow colored shirt but as a giant bright tunnel. Colors were moving and it feels like my eyes were spassiming. I wanted to throw up but couldn’t. And everything stopped. It stopped with such harshness that everybody fell down. We got up and looked around to see a box. A police box to be precise. On the door had a sign. This is a temporary present. Use this to get to my world. Sincerely, Doctor Whooves “Alright, that is considerably weird. Come on guys.” I said but when I turned around Vixy and Alisa were crying. “Mom and dad are gone!” Alisa said through teary eyes. “Don’t worry. They are probably in a better place right now.” Dominick reassuringly said “I can’t believe this is really happening.” I said while hugging Alisa like it’s the last one we will ever have. “Lets go” Alisa said as she stopped crying. The tardis was exactly like the one from doctor who. Good thing I watched enough of the show to figure out how to work the damn thing. After a couple of switches here, pulls here, and hits there, we were off. It felt like being in an elevator till finally it stopped. We stepped out but everything around us was trees and plants. “The everfree” Alisa says with amazement. She just walked off so we just decided to follow her through the woodland area. Ducks, turns, and hits in the face by branches, later. We made it to a small hut. Must be Zecora’s from what I hear in the show. We knocked on it to get an answer but it was timid-ish like “if she had to she would kill you but didn’t want to” type timid. “Who goes there, this poison is enough to kill a bear.” She says still a bit timid. Not wanting to die Dominick talks first. “Hello miss. Would you be as so kind to tell us were civilization is?” “You will find, what you are looking for on that sign.” She opens the door slightly to put her whit and black hoof out to point at the sign beside her house. My hand hit my forehead so fast I think I could have a concussion. “Ponyville ½ mile ←”. Vixy reads aloud. “Lets get moving then” I say cheerfully because in a bad time all we need is happiness or so I thought as my girlfriend had me locked into a room several hours looking at season one of MLP. 11 minutes later “Oh my god. I thought it was half a mile. What the fuck! It feels like 20.” Dominick whines. “Shut and keep moving” Vixy says before we come across a clearing but we see smoke coming from overhead. “Dude a fire! Someone could be hurt!” Alisa exclaims. “Yeah, lets go put it out.” I say all majestic like and stuff. We then follow the smoke to see a village. It looks all wrong and everything is broken and messed up. Buildings were on fire and some were burnt to the ground. The worst part was the blood. It looked like a massacre. Blood and body’s of dead ponies was everywhere and it looked like Alisa was going to throw up. “Oh god. What could have done this?” Vixy says before having to put her hand over her mouth to keep from throwing up. “US!” We turn around to find the mane 6 but they were way different. They had fangs with blood dripping from them and they had leathery like bat wings. The unicorns were practically Bat alicorns now. “RUN!” I scream as I get them moving. We were running as fast as we can but they were catching up to us. It’s not fair they had wings and 4 legs. “I’ll handle them. Keep going.” I say but before Alisa could protest, Dominick was carrying her. (He has learned a lot from the movies I make him watch.) “Bring it on!” I yell at the 6 evil beings from hell. I grab a piece of the broken house. It was a broken 2x4. I swing it down at the yellow one but a purple aroua envelops my weapon. Crap. I was then hit in the side of my right leg with my response being my fall. As I’m on one knee the blue one smiles. “Fuck!” My last words were said as 3 bites were taken on my neck. Pain coursed through my body to only be replaced by numbness. As my face hits the dirt my vision goes black. One question remains……….Is this the end?