//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Bats or Bats // Story: OC Battle! // by zekromthepokemon //------------------------------//         “All right guys, I have an announcement,” Luna said toward the audience. “Since Celestia has been hogging the spotlight for a while and we had a few complaints to Zekrom, we’ve decided to have a set of jurisdictions for each host,” she said.         “If you don’t know what that means, it means that each of us is going to have a set type of chapter we can get to be in,” Luna explained.         “Then who is going to preside over what?” said an audience member.         “I’m going to go over announcements and stuff, Celestia is just comic relief in chapters were Cadence goes over OCs, and Dr. Whooves will talk about . . . I’m not really sure . . . He has been slowly losing importance as the story goes on,” she pondered about the subject.         “Anywho, I have one more announcement. Zekrom has been thinking and he figured that some characters might need help in the battle. Characters like Scarlet Blur, if he were still alive,” she said.         “He believed that some characters, while interesting, needed help.”         “Scarlet Blur had a interesting power, but was easily killed by someone with just a sword. So, Zekrom has decided to make a few new systems within the rules. He decided to make it possible to have any character that isn’t particularly strong be able to use sidekicks. Sidekicks can be made from scratch, but you can also have loved ones be able to become sidekicks as well. That is all,” Luna then left the stage and Cadence walked onstage right afterwards.         “Time to introduce some new-” Celestia then walked onstage. “This is getting boring,” Celestia said. “BUT WE JUST HAD AN INNOCENT PONY DIE LAST CHAPTER, FOR PONY’S SAKE!” Cadence screamed at Celestia. “It kinda is though. We’ve really dipped off the end when it comes to comedy lately.” “Can’t we have one chapter that isn’t filled with jokes? It has been getting lighter lately, but there was still a joke when someone got killed off, and we’re not even ten thousand words in yet.” she groaned. “Pssh, it’s not like anyone talked to him or really liked him,” Celestia stated. “So? Even if we’re blatantly stomping on an OC, someone put their heart and soul into it. We should at least have the decency to drop our comedic stylings for a second. We had a joke ready literally the next paragraph down!” she pleaded. “People came here for comedy. If they wanted death with actual remorse and whatever they would’ve went up to the browse button and clicked sad,” Celestia said. Cadence gave up arguing and turned her head to the ground. “Can you just leave so I can say who the new OCs are?” she mumbled. “Whatever,” she said, then left. Cadence summoned a stack of papers and levitated them. ”Here we are.” The TV then cut on to reveal a mare who was short in terms of hair as well as size. “This is Magica, by jolan5. She is a chemist unicorn with alchemical skills. With these abilities she can create potions that help, hurt, or even humiliate,” she read off the paper. Magica began to wake up. She looked around the room. Rather than panicking or getting angry, she simply looked a little annoyed. “Amateurs,” she scoffed. She walked to a corner of the room and picked up a saddlebag with a picture of a flask on it. She picked it up with her magic and sauntered over to the door. She then pulled out a vial of green bubbling liquid and threw it at the door. It broke, and the liquid splashed onto the door with a hiss. The door then began to corrode until there was a huge gaping hole in it. She hopped through the hole and then opened her saddlebag again. “Should’ve known they would only give me a few ingredients. Oh well.” The TV shut off. “She seems a little too self aware if you ask me,” Cadence said nervously. “Ok, we have one last OC, but there’s going to be a little twist with his intro. You see, Celestia convinced Zekrom to have the rest of the chapter be a hotel chapter with the argument...” she then looked at the paper slightly closer, “for the L-U-L-Z.” Cadence sighed. “I hate not having fourth wall awareness.” The TV then came on. A vesper, the hybrid of a bat pony and a unicorn, lay asleep on the bed. Its ears were long and mangy matching, its tail. Its mane (which was just as mangy)  covered his left eye. “This is Crescent, made by Nocturnis Comics. He is a noble member of the night guard who is trained in a variety of fighting styles, but is most proficient in martial arts and sword fighting. He is one of the most recognized guards because in his dimension when the Canterlot Invasion happened he was one of the most effective guards out there. He is feared by many, and some saw him beating a changeling to death with its own severed limb, so his brutality on the battlefield is feared by many.” Crescent awoke. He looked around quickly, jumped off the bed, ran beside the door, and leaned against the wall on his hind legs. He held his ear up to the door and heard hoofsteps. He immediately opened the door and jumped on the pony, holding them down by their front hooves . “Oh, come on!” It turned out to be Sugar. “Why am I here?” asked Crescent, a little too calmly. “You’re new, aren’t you . . .” she groaned. “What?” “All I know is that random ponies are sent here and we mill around waiting until a battle happens and someone dies,” “That’s all you know?” “Yes.” TwiPie then walked out of her room and saw him on top of Sugar. Shock came upon her face and it was soon followed by anger. “I know I haven’t used this transformation on my tail since I got here, but I guess I have to if the new guy is a creep.” Her tail shifted into a baseball bat that was cartoonishly sized, with a width of about six inches and twice as long as TwiPie herself. she began to run at Crescent. He was about to get off Sugar, but when she looked briefly to her left she went wide-eyed. “Why’re y-” He was then hit by the bat, and was sent flying about 20 feet down the hallway. “Are you okay? He didn’t do . . . stuff to you, did he?” she asked, picking up her friend. “Yeah, I’m fine, but that guy wasn’t trying to do stuff. He was just a little . . . confused,” “Oh, My bad . . . I hope he’s not mad,” she laughed. TwiPie then saw Crescent coming back down the hallway. A scowl was on his face. When he reached them he was about to say something, but was immediately awestruck. He stood there not saying anything. “Hey, buddy! Aren’t you going to tell me off for hitting you?” TwiPie asked, annoyed. He stood there still staring. “Well, I have it out, so I might as well use it.” She then changed her tail to a mallet that was also abnormally large and bopped him on the head. He fell to the ground with a stupid grin on his face. “TwiPie!” “What? He was being weird!” “Said the mare who can shapeshift her tail.” “He meant how he acted!” “Said the mare wh-” “Just help me get him back to his room. You remember what door he came from, right?” “Yeah, it’s right there.” She said, pointing to a door with her hoof. TwiPie changed her tail back to normal and then attempted to pull him by his. She could barely move him. “How come you could move your tailbat thing around like it was a feather?” “I could easily pick it up because it was my own limb. Just because I can do that doesn't mean I can easily jus pull an unconscious stallion into a room.” Sugar shook her head and began to help her friend pull the unconscious stallion into a room. Hours later, Crescent woke up his room. “What happened?” He then began to recollect his recent memories, and one in particular frightened him. “Why did I stop? I was planning to tell the one that whacked me that I wasn’t doing anything to her friend, but when I got here I became paralyzed and wasn’t able to move when I saw her. It was obvious that she wasn’t a normal pony, since she had knocked me off her friend with overwhelming force. Almost as if she hit me with a tree. I remember that I stopped when I saw her face and those beautiful multicolored eyes,” he thought. “Wait! Did I just think beautiful? No no no no no! I can’t be in love! Maybe it was just that she had hypnotism or something, right?” He said, trying to think of something else that could have caused the hiccup. “THAT could never happen! Mares always come to me, and that’s a fact! Her wondrous pink mane and million bit smile mean nothing to- oh, who am I kidding?” He laid on his bed thinking about what the outcomes of having a crush could be in a place like this.