After Equestria

by Prometheus7

Chapter 6

Firestorm\David woke with a start; he clutched his bed sheets, relaxing slightly knowing he is home. I’m home which means it was all a dream...right? He thought worriedly, maybe it was a hallucination or something, maybe I’m going insane? The distressed teen shook his head, nah, it was just a dream, no big deal.

“Morning, David!” One of his stepbrothers, Jake, greeted him cheerfully, beaming at his stepbrother.

“Yeah, whatever.” David yawned, all but ignoring Jake. “Where’s the cereal? “ He demanded, irate. Jake pointed to a blue box with a cartoon tiger on it on top of the refrigerator. David reached up, on the tips of his toes to get the cereal. He placed the cereal on the counter next to the right side of refrigerator; he pulled open a drawer and took out a spoon, and pulled a bowl out of the dish washer.

David poured his milk and cereal and began to eat. Jake grinned at him, clearly not disconcerted.
“So, mom and dad said you’re going to school here today.” Jake informed him cheerfully. He looked expectedly at David, who said nothing, and continued to munch on his cereal.

“So….” Jake ventured grinning, looking at David as he expected him to do a backflip or break into a song about how he’s going to a new school.

“What?” David snarled, “so what?” He demeaned glared at Jake, who still looked as jovial as ever.
“So, you can make new friends at school!” Jake said, hopefully.

“I don’t do friends.” David retorted coldly. “I prefer to be alone.” He emphasized alone so that Jake might get a hint, he didn’t want to make friends and that he would prefer to eat in silence.

“Oh, come on!” Jake said, seemingly not getting the message. “No one like’s to be alone!”

“Well, I guess I’m unique. Listen,” David said quickly before Jake could interrupt. “I got to get to school, okay?”

“Okay.” Jake said, still smiling. ”Just … make some friends, okay?”

David bit back a retort; this kid was getting on his nerves. “Sure. Later!” And with that he dashed away. Thankfully, before Jake could continue his lecture on friends.

David stared at the CHS school building, it was much bigger than he expected. Great, another place to get expelled from! He thought bitterly. Well, might as well go in. The sooner I start, the sooner I finish. He strolled past CHS’s giant … horse statue… Why do they have a horse statue? David wondered, the principle must love horses.

David burst through the school doors without hesitation, with his back pack slung over his shoulder and a black hoodie decorated with scull’s, he looked like a typical gangster. Like he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal someone’s wallet or vandalize the school.
The school was crowded with hundreds of kids his age chatting about … something. As David passed by the chattering students he heard words like; Sunset Shimmer, demon, magic.

Magic. David wheeled around to face whoever had spoken, but the teens were too preoccupied in their gossiping to notice David glaring at them. Magic, demons, what’s this all about? Could it be..? He shook his head, nah, this probably some video game or something. Not real.

I beg to differ Firestorm.

David froze. That voice … it couldn't be …

But it is Fire-head!

God help me! David thought, panic swelling up in his chest. It’s-

It sure is Firestar!

“Hey! Excuse me, new guy!” A voice called to him, (he assumed this because he was the only ‘new guy’ that he knew of.)

Are you freaking kidding me? David thought angrily, he wanted to ignore whoever was behind him but the shout caught him off guard and he paused. At this point, trying to ignore this person would be pointless, so David sighed and turned to face his ‘pursuer’.

It was a girl; she had tan, almost orange skin and red hair streaked with yellow. She wore a leather jacket and a t-shirt with a picture of a sun on it. Not the real sun, but more of a cartoonish kind.

She smiled at him, and stuck out her hand. “Hi! My name’s Sunset Shimmer. Welcome to CHS!”

“Yeah, that’s nice. I’m David Blaze, adolescent punk extraordinaire and an all-around pain in the rear.” He replied nonchalantly, “any questions?”

The girl-Sunset Shimmer, didn’t know how to respond to that. “Umm … that’s nice, I guess …”

Five seconds till the bell rings.

“Yeah, I’m going to class.” David announced.

Sunset stared at him in bewilderment, “but the bell hasn’t rung yet-”A loud electronic buzzing sound cut her off, hundreds of students rushed to class. Firestorm turned to her, a humorless smile on his face.

“You were saying?” And with that, he rushed to his class, history (which was right behind him) before Sunset could respond.
As soon as David sat on his desk he realized he had forgotten to get his books. Oh, shit. He thought, angrily.

Don’t worry your stuff’s in the bag.

What bag?

Your’s, duh!

David was about to argue that he didn’t put anything in his bag when the teacher walked in. David’s History teacher had light pinkish skin, with curly purplish –pinkish hair.

“Good morning, everyone.” She greeted them, cheerfully. “My name’s Ms.Cheerlie, I’m your History for this year.”
The class grumbling ‘good morning’ back and Ms.Cheerlie began class.

God, History was so boring. Usually David loved History, but the way Ms.Cheerlie taught it? Absolutely … terrible.

Ms.Cheerlie wasn’t a bad teacher or anything it was just that she tried to sugar coat everything in the book! For example; The Boston Massacre? Here’s how she explained it:

“The Boston Massacre was a terrible event; the colonists who were taxed were protesting were … hurt by the firings, most of the colonist’s survived, but some … didn’t make it …” Ms. Cheerlie said awkwardly.

Okay, David understood the moment of silence after telling the tale. However, instead of stuttering and mumbling and freaking sugar-coating the whole damned thing you could at least tell the whole truth. Its fine to be horrified by what happened but you can respect those dead colonist’s by narrating what happened with a grave tone and then asking for a moment of silence. If you are up to telling gruesome details then do so. But if you aren’t just explain what happened as undetailed as possible and then leave. Stuttering and mumbling doesn’t get you anywhere.

Oh, god. When is this stupid class going to end? David groaned silently, as he tried to stay awake. He definitely didn’t want to get caught sleeping in class on his first day!

You can speed up time you know. Discord told him, only there seemed to be something strange about his voice; it seemed less full of chaos, sluggish and drowsy.

What the hell happened to your voice? David asked, surprised by be the spirit’s dismay. He’d tried to ignore the spirit of chaos as much as he could. But it wasn't working; he was just as bored and sluggish as Discord was.

Ha! You think I always talk like that to people?

Yes. David responded, coldly. He was in no mood for this, and Discord seemed to have sensed that because the irate serpent-thing tone changed.

I can talk to people in whichever style I like! I can even speak like Sombra if I want, but I’m too bored.

So, make it … I don’t know, un-boring!

I can’t do that.

Why the hell not?

If David was talking to Discord face-to-face the Lord of Disharmony would probably roll his eyes, quite literally.

Do you ever pay attention? You and I both can only use chaos I there is some chaos going in the vicinity; the magic will be weak or strong depending on the level of chaos. Therefore-

Oh, God, please!

Discord mentally snorted (is that possible?) So, I hope you know realize controlling Chaos magic isn't easy.

Yeah, that would have been nice to know before now.

I did tell you about this before now, I told you yesterday, remember?

Speaking of yesterday, you told me that you were dying!

Yes dying, in the process of becoming dead, but I never said I was going to die after I transferred my powers.

…. Well, you made it seem like you’d be dead after the transfer-

I most certainly did not! How your interpretation translates what I say is none of my concern!

David was about to retort, however an irritated voice interrupted his thoughts.
“David Blaze, are you paying attention?” Ms.Cheerlie demanded, her arms folded across her chest. She was tapping her foot impatiently waiting for his answer.

Shit, I’m screwed.

Relax, I’ll help.

David really didn't want a mischievous spirit of chaos screwing around in his head, but he couldn't see another option.

Okay, but if you screw with my memories I’ll kill you.

Hmph. Overreaction much!

How the hell is that an overreaction?

Just tell her you were paying freaking attention!


David sat straight, rearranged his face into polite confusion ( that definitely had something to do with Discord.) and asked,
“Of course I have! Why wouldn't I?”

Smooth move, Einstein.

Shut up, Frankenstein!

I take that as a compliment, I always liked Frankenstein’s monster.

“If you have been listening,” Ms.Cheerlie said frowning at David; she clearly didn’t buy his obvious lie. “Then in which year the Boston Massacre occur?”

Shit, I’m screwed. David thought, however he replied,”1770,” David couldn't help it, he grinned at Ms.Cheerlie, triumphantly. “The Boston Massacre occurred in 1770.”

Boy, you humans sure love killing yourselves.

David ignored him, ad Ms. Cheerlie went back to her monotonous lesson. She went on and on about … something, David wasn't paying attention. Then finally, the bell rang.

“Okay classes don’t forget to-” Ms.Cheerlie began, but by them more than half the class was gone.

“Oh god, that was a terrible lesson!” David groaned as he headed for his locker to get his stuff for Math Class.

“I know right?” Someone said.

David wheeled around to find some other kind getting his stuff from his locker. The kid turned to face him; he was a tall tanned, green haired kid wearing a ripped hoodie. He had a grin on his face for some reason.

“Cheerlie bore you to death? It’s really common. Names Stephan, what’s yours?” The boy asked holding his hand out to him.

David stared at the kid for a second, then, he shook his head, smiling, and shook hands with the boy. “Names David.”

“Nice. Where are you headed David?”

“Math Class.” David replied, “Do you know where that is?”

“Yeah, I was just at that class! It’s over there.” Stephan said pointing to a class a couple meter’s away.

“Thanks.” David said, and then he hurried off in that direction.

Do you realize who that kid was?

What do you mean, ‘was’?

That used to be Spike the Dragon, Twilight Sparkle’s most faithful assistant.