The Veins Run Deep

by Thunderblast


"Oh man, Thunder... How do I bring it up to them?" Night Shadow paced in his barrack as Thunderblast polished his armor on one of the bunks. A full day had passed since the funeral, and now Night's problems were getting worse. He was more nervous than depressed.

"Night, could you stop pacing first? You'll burn a hole in the ground if you keep trotting in circles." Thunder glanced up to Night, staring in concern as the pegasus stopped pacing.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous, Thunder." Night sat down a few feet before Thunder.

"I know you are. Listen up, just write a couple of letters, either deliver them yourself or have the mail pony take them to the princesses 'n high ranks, you sit down with them, and you tell them everything. They'll question why you didn't bring up your experience a week ago to anyone, but other than that, they should be pretty calm about it."

"Do you really think so?"

"I'm positive it'll be that way. If it isn't, I don't know what to say, because this all sounds like some plan to make it seem as if a guard trainee was killing other guards, and you just happened to do it to Sharp. One thing I don't quite understand, did he really expect you to bite others, and how did he know you have fangs to bite ponies with, if you wanted to?"

"That's two things."

"I-...oh, right."

"I don't know, this is all pretty sketchy." Night sighed. "Alright, I guess I can talk to them tomorrow. But, Thunder?"


"Will they kick me out of the guard for this?"

Thunder looked up from polishing his armor, staring Night directly in the eyes. Night looked terrified, with a definite sign of depression.

"I...don't know. I don't know how to answer that."

"I see..." Night slowly looked down, then wiped at his eyes.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry." Thunderblast slid his armor to the side and stood up, walking up to Night Shadow and pulling him into a hug. "It'll all be alright. You just need to get the truth out before someone starts making up rumors."

"B-but...what if...?" Night sniffled.

"Night, it'll be okay. Trust me." Thunder tightened the hug a bit.

Night leaned into the hug, then giving Thunder's chest a small nuzzle. "I trust you."

"Good." Thunder pulled back and smiled at Night, who smiled back, wiping the tears out of his eyes. "Well, I'd better get home. I hear the weather ponies are preparing a hell of a storm for tonight."

"A storm?" Night's smile dropped into a frown of worry.

"Yes, why?"

Night sighed. "I've never liked storms...not after an experience I had."

"Me neither really. Look, it'll all be alright. The weather ponies don't usually let something get out of control." Thunder picked up his armor, now fully polished. "See you tomorrow, Night."

"Tomorrow night? What for?" Night tilted his head a little.

Thunder stopped and turned his head back to Night. "No, I meant I will see you tomorrow."

"But why did you add Night?"

Thunder didn't reply, but raised an eyebrow. Night's pupils shrunk a bit as he remembered. "Oh." Thunder then burst into a small chuckle, then walked out, shutting the door behind him. Night stood back on all fours, walking over to the front window and watching Thunderblast walk down the lit path through the barracks, noticing the wind slightly picking up with some leaves flying by, a definite sign there was a storm on it's way.

Night sighed to himself. "Great," before turning off the light and walking back over to his bed, crawling inside. Instead of falling asleep, he stared up at the bottom of the top bunk in concern as he thought, ignoring the sounds outside as it begun to rain. Normally, he would be trying to hide himself from the storm, but he was too caught up in thinking to worry about it, completely ignoring the bright flashes of lightning and earth-shaking crashes of thunder.

Minutes later, the distressed stallion drifted off into a peaceful sleep. The next day, he woke to the sounds of the trumpets as expected. Night yawned quietly and slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes. The first thing he noticed was it was bright and sunny outside, and was thankful that it was, and was also thankful he had the option to do track, knowing it would be equivalent to quicksand if he tried. Night then climbed out of bed and stood on all fours, before walking back over to the window to peek outside. He recoiled back slightly, having just woken up, and the sunlight hurt for a few moments before his eyesight eventually adjusting so it wouldn't.

Outside, rain and mud puddles were everywhere, and he watched as numerous guards stomped through them either marching, or running from the occasional drill sergeant that wouldn't hesitate to kick somepony's flank. Night then turned around and walked up to the small desk set up in the barracks, digging through the many drawers and finding some pieces of paper and envelopes.

He picked up a pencil and sharpened it, then began writing on them, addressing to Princess Celestia, Captain Shining Armor, and Captain Fallen Star, asking if he could have a word with them later that day or tomorrow, whichever worked for them. He knew with such important jobs, they would be too busy to get back that day, but remained hopeful. After writing, there was one last piece of paper. Night stared at the paper as he slid it in front of him, and for some reason he couldn't explain, wanted to write to his family back home. After a minute of thinking, he finally let his hooves follow his mind.

Dear Mom, Dad, and Little sister,

It has been a while, and I just want to let you all know, I am doing just fine and enjoying life in Equestria. I'm fitting in quite well, unlike back home with the other bat ponies. I'm not

Night stopped writing suddenly, then thought again. This time, he set down the pencil, and slid the paper out of sight, but leaving the very edge sticking out between a small split in the wood works of the desk. He sighed, then gathered the more important letters, and neatly stuffing them into envelopes, then writing on the envelopes to ensure they are sent to the right ponies.

Afterwards, Night flew out of his barrack and to the nearest mail drop box, then back to his barrack to shower and wait. Less than two hours after mailing the letters, the mail pony made his rounds through the barracks, sliding two letters under the barrack door and knocking.

Night looked over to the door, and floated over to the letters, then picked them up and floated back over to the desk to read. Both letters read almost the same thing; that Princess Celestia and Shining Armor would be glad to have a word with Night, but no response from Fallen Star...yet. Knowing he didn't have anything nice to wear, Night instead decided to wear his armor to the small meeting, and flew the entire way to avoid getting dirty from last night's thunderstorm, which left much of the guard barracks in a muddy mess.

He landed at one of the castle's entrances, being allowed in after being given a password by Celestia herself. Night was the first to arrive to the meeting spot; Celestia's throne hall, which was vacant of any life, guards too. Minutes later, the throne room doors swung open, followed by the entrance of the Sun Princess herself, escorted by two pegasus guards, then Shining Armor close behind. Night stood, bowing to both Celestia and Shining Armor in respect.

"Good afternoon your highness, captain." Night smiled to them.

"Good afternoon, Night Shadow." Celestia smiled back, and the three sat on pillows around a small discussion table. "You wanted to speak with us, yes?"

"I did, your highness." Night inhaled. "I don't want either of you to take this the wrong way, but I have an explanation as to why Corporal Sharpblade passed last week."

Both Shining Armor and Princess Celestia's eyes widened slightly.

" do?" Shining spoke.

Night nodded in response, then exhaled quietly. "The night before the incident, I was on my way back to the barracks just after sunset and took a shortcut through the darker side of town, and soon found myself in a situation where somepony knocked me unconscious. I woke up not long later, blindfolded and unable to move, then my captor injected me with some strange liquid. I didn't see what it was, nor did he tell me. I wanted to get help, but I soon fell back asleep. The next thing I know, I'm in my bunk back at the barracks. At first I thought it was all a dream, and me and Sharp had a sparring match planned later on after lunch. It went pretty well, and...he asked me to bite him...with these," Night opened his mouth, pointing to his fangs. Both Celestia and Shining Armor were once again in shock.

"Fangs?" Celestia stared at Night's fangs, then up at him as he closed his mouth again and nodded.

"I was born with them. Anyways, he said they would be a great way to defend myself, and I did bite him. Whatever that pony put inside me the night before, I'm certain was a plan to cripple the guard. Although, I don't know why he expected me to bite everyone I walked into, unless it was supposed to alter my mind or something."

"So, you're saying you killed the corporal?" Shining started to form a glare on his face.

"W-what? No sir. I would never, Sharp was my best friend. Its only now that I realize everything that happened," Night sighed, then looked down. Shining Armor continued to glare, until Celestia put a hoof on his shoulder.

"I think it is obvious you aren't at fault here, which means there's something else that we can tell the rest of the guard. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Night Shadow, and our condolences go to you. Sharp was a great stallion," Celestia put her hoof back down, still staring at Night in worry.

"Thank you, your highness. He was, and he was a great friend too," Night then looked down at his hooves, until Shining Armor cleared his throat.

"Night Shadow?"

Night glanced back up. "Yes sir?"

"Are you still interested in graduating guard training?"

Night stopped and thought. He didn't want to say no, but pondered about it. After thinking, he eyed Shining Armor. "Yes sir. But, I would like to make a small request."

"Name it." Shining replied.

"I would like to serve in the Lunar Guard instead, sir."

"Is that all?" Celestia asked.

"Yes your highness, captain."

"That can most definitely be arranged," Shining smiled. "I will be in contact with Fallen Star when he returns from his other meetings."

"Thank you sir," Night smiled back. "I vow to do my best."