//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: We Need A Hero // by Nerobot //------------------------------// “Long ago in ancient Equestria there were two twisted emperors.  First, there was Discord… the mad king.  Discord ruled over central Equestria, everypony under his thumb was miserable.  Discord headed an empire that ran on pure chaos.  Some say he was the worst king ever recorded in history, but some disagree.  The ponies who disagree turn to a different monster, one whose cruelty knew no bounds. The second was the infamous tyrant, Sombra, who ruled over the northern crystal ponies with a cruel iron hoof.  His heart was as blackened as his visage and his lust for power knew no bounds.  Several centuries earlier he had seized control of the Crystal empire with his cunning and arsenal of unholy magic.   Things looked grim for Equestria and her inhabitants. There was no sign that the age of chaos would ever come to an end…until there was a shining light in the darkness, a beacon of hope, a dream of peace in a chaotic world. Two fabled alicorns, who would soon carve their names into history, stepped forward and challenged both legendary kings. Discord was the first to fall. The mad king underestimated both alicorn princesses. He didn’t foresee the mighty power that the two ponies wielded. The two sisters possessed a power which had never been seen before throughout all of Equestria, the Elements of Harmony, a mythical force, with nearly omnipotent powers. Discord laughed and scoffed at the two ponies who dared to challenge his rule, but the draconequus was soon cut and turned to stone. After Discord had fallen, Sombra, in all his paranoia holed himself up in his fortress at the heart of the Crystal empire.  He was aware of the power of Harmony that the two alicorns wielded and desperately tried to find a way to ensure dominion over the crystal ponies.  As a result, when he was felled by the might of the dual alicorns, the entire empire vanished along with him. Sombra was turned into a shadow and sealed deep in the frozen wastes of the north. The two alicorn sisters had done it, they had defeated two of the most notorious leaders to ever set hoof in Equestria. The two ponies were crowned ‘rulers of Equestria’ and the age of harmony began.” “Wow...that story gives me goosebumps every time,” marveled a lavender alicorn. Twilight Sparkle closed the book and dragged a hoof across the old tome’s cover. The book was old and dusty, its pages were tattered and torn. Twilight carefully placed the old book onto a massive shelf. The pony gingerly lifted several other tomes off the shelves with her magic and placed them before her. “Hmm..’Magic and You’? Nah, I’ve read that one like fifty times.  Oh-oh! Maybe Star Swirl’s thesis paper on the constellations and what implications their arrangements may mean for magic!  Ugh...no I read that one yesterday…” the Princess of Magic sighed as she paced back and forth in front of the grand bookshelves of the Canterlot library. Twilight loved these books to death, but sometimes she wished that they were a little more...visceral.  Maybe Rainbow Dash was right, maybe Twilight should read more adventure novels.  Rainbow Dash had been pestering Twilight to read her Daring Do fanfiction and now that she had a little time she might as well give it a chance. “Well it wouldn’t hurt I suppose.  Afterall, Rainbow Dash did help me with that 10,000 word thesis on pegasus magic...and that experiment on teleportation.  So I guess I owe her this.” Twilight Sparkle sighed as she sat down at a nearby table and opened her satchel. The pony reached into her bag and pulled out a large heap of disorganized papers. Twilight Sparkle began to unfold and unscramble the mess of pages Rainbow Dash had given to her. “It wouldn’t hurt her to be a little more organized,” mumbled Twilight to herself. "FWOMP!" The loud noise startled the young pony as she threw up the pages of Rainbow Dash’s work. Twilight tried to peer through a blizzard of dancing papers as her eyes began to race around the room, but the startled alicorn saw nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly she caught notice of a library book that had fallen off a shelf. Twilight got up and trotted over to the book, taking cautious hoofsteps. “FWOMP! FWOMP!” Two more books suddenly shot off the shelves and landed before Twilight’s hooves. Twilight raised an eyebrow as she took a step back. “Could it be? Is the Canterlot library haunted? No, no, no, that would be silly… Ghosts don’t exist.” “FWOMP! FWOMP! FWOMP!” Again, more books shot off the shelves. After each book fell there were two more that would fall after it, then four more after them, and so on, and so on. Twilight soon found herself huddling behind a chair, watching as the library turned into a violent storm of books. As books continued to fly off shelves, bookcases began to topple over, crashing into one another. Twilight’s lantern began to flicker on and off as Twilight’s peaceful refuge continued to turn into a violent pandemonium.  Twilight steeled her resolve and made a dash for the door.  She never made it however as the walls themselves tore away, reveling a maelstrom of pure energy filled with contorted clockwork. The very tiles beneath her hooves began to shatter and fall away into the spiraling void beneath her.  As the last tile disappeared, Twilight found herself drifting through the tunnel of bright lights as various pages and books scattered around her like leaves in the wind.  Twilight looked around in a combination of shock, awe, and terror.  The young princess’ ears perked up when she heard voices that were muffled by the magical energy surrounding her. “ Forgive me Luna!  I-I didn’t want to do this but I have no choice!” a sharp voice pierced the veil of magic. “Celestia?” “I am the G-r-r-r-eat and Powerful Trixie!” “T-Trixie?” “It needs to be about...20% cooler!” another voice echoed around Twilight. “R-rainbow Dash? What is going on!” Twilight continued to twist and turn around as she tumbled down the rabbit hole.  Images of past, present, and possibly even future began to flash around her.  She could see her friends in an image which was then abruptly replaced by a different image of a war torn battlefield littered with the bodies of various races.  A robot wielding a samurai sword and telling lame jokes, ponies controlling furious magic, the construction of Canterlot itself, hundreds of familiar images and a thousand more unfamiliar images, violently spun around Twilight. “Our hero approaches! Champion, can you hear me?” A booming voice drowned out the other voices. The bright lights began to shoot past Twilight at an alarming rate. The alicorn made out what she believed to be a room at the end of the tunnel. There was just one problem. She was going waaaaaaay too fast.   “Hero! Slowdown you’re coming in too fa-” the voice was abruptly cut off as a lavender bullet shot into the room and bounced off the four walls before crashing into something hard. Twilight shakily stood up and brushed herself off, but something was stuck around her neck. Twilight looked down and saw a wooden cart wheel around her neck. Twilight began to hop around, trying to pull the wooden circle off of her.  The unfortunate pony didn’t see the crack in the floor as she was hopping backwards and tripped and tumbled into a wall. “Ray, are you sure this is the hero the spell was suppose to bring?” a rough yet feminine voice asked. “I too thought she would be...bigger and stronger, but the spell chose her, so she must be the hero that we are looking for,” responded a calm and strong voice of a stallion. Twilight’s face was still planted in the floor, but popped her head up when she heard the two voices.  The alicorn's gaze began to jump around the room.  Twilight found herself in what seemed to be a cellar.  An old ceiling of rotten wood rested above her head, the only thing holding up the dilapidated wood was two thick support beams that had not yet given in to their age.  The walls were granite stone, with moss and roots growing in between their cracks. The floor was made of dirt, but most of the dirt was now scattered across the old farming supplies in the cellar.  Twilight’s eyes continued to scan the room when she noticed two figures staring curiously at her. “By the stars! Look at her, Gale Force! She has both wings and a magic horn!” shouted the stallion as he took a step towards Twilight. The pony was a unicorn. He was encased in a thick steel plating that covered most of his body and hooves. The stallion had long, blue hair with streaks of pink running through it and a light, blue gray coat.  His armor was made up of multiple layers of overlapping steel, with a thick plating that rose up behind his back and rested along his neck.  Twilight looked for a cutie mark but his flank was concealed by a cloak that reached down to the dirt floor.  The pony had a stern expression but had an amiable aura around him.  Twilight noticed a second pony that stood slightly behind the unicorn, she assumed this one was “Gale Force”. “Is she okay?  She’s been staring at us silently for quite some time now,” Gale Force asked as she stepped closer to Twilight. “HERO! CAN YOU HEAR US?!” shouted the stallion right in front of Twilight’s face. “I can. I can,” responded Twilight as she backed away from the two strangers. “Oh for crying out loud! She still has that silly wheel around her neck,” exclaimed Gale Force as she moved forward to help Twilight.  When Twilight saw the pony approach her, she instinctively took a step back.   “Don’t you dare think about running off,” warned Gale Force as she continued to approach Twilight.  The pony’s stern voice froze Twilight in her tracks as she looked up at the stranger.  Twilight managed to get a good look at Gale Force. The pony, she now noticed, was a pegasus.  She had a bright red mane that reminded her a little of Rainbow Dash with how messy it was, and she also had two metal earrings on the cartilage of her right ear.  The pegasus’ coat was a yellowish tan color.  Like the stallion, this pegasus also wore a dark steel armor that covered mostly the front of the pony and had overlapping metal plating that ran up her neck.  The pony’s hooves were unarmored and seemed to be covered in scratches that resembled writing.  Twilight couldn’t make out any of the words ,but Twilight could however make out a cutie mark that looked like a white tornado on Gale Force’s flank.  Twilight caught sight of a bright silver object on the side of the pegasus and upon closer inspection she noticed it was a folded metal wing. “Is that...a prosthetic wing?  Made out of metal!?” Lost in thought, Twilight didn’t pay attention to the pegasus who had grabbed a hold of the wheel around her neck. “Hey she’s gone all quiet again,” the pegasus said before she gave the wheel a mighty tug.  Twilight was nearly yanked up off her hooves by the surprising might of the pegasus. “W-WOAH! WOAH! HOLD ON!” Twilight yelped as the splinters of the old wooden wheel dug into her neck.  “Wait! I can just use my mag-” Twilight exclaimed as she tried to reason with the pegasus. “Ah screw this…” grumbled Gale Force.  In a flash of steel, Twilight felt the sharp pain suddenly vanish as the wheel broke into five pieces and scattered unceremoniously around her hooves.  Twilight rubbed her neck as she watched Gale Force slowly fold the elegant silver wing.          “Thanks...but who are you, and how did I get here?  Wherever ‘here’ is…” asked Twilight, not taking her eyes off of the two ponies.  The armored unicorn stepped forward and bowed slightly before Twilight. “Oh, how terribly foolish of us! We never properly introduced ourselves.  My name is-” the unicorn stopped when a patch of dirt fell from above and hit the back of his head.  The three ponies slowly looked up to the ceiling and heard a thud as another patch of dirt fell off the ceiling.   “Hoofsteps…?  Here…?” whispered the pegasus. “Were we followed?” asked the stallion as he turned to the red-headed pony.  Another hoofstep was heard. Twilight could feel the tension in the air and had noticed that the other two ponies had grown worried. “Hero, you need to get down,” whispered the stallion urgently to Twilight as he motioned for her to follow him.  He then turned to his companion and pointed towards the stairs with a hoof.  The pegasus nodded before spreading her wings and creeping towards the base of the stairs.  The unicorn slowly followed after his partner and motioned one last time for Twilight to follow him.  Twilight looked around the room one last time and reasoned that she had no better options.   The three ponies carefully made their way up the stairs, while making sure that they made as little noise as possible.  As the trio reached the summit of the stairs, a loud crash was heard that sounded like somepony was throwing dishes on the floor.  Twilight jumped as the two ponies in front of her remained quiet and calm. “Hero, it appears that we will have a fight on our hooves sooner than expected,” whispered the stallion as he threw a glance back at Twilight.   “What…?” asked Twilight, but it was already too late.   “On three! One...two...three!” shouted the unicorn as both him and the pegasus leapt into action.  The pegasus sliced and bursted through the door, followed shortly by the unicorn. “Anything?!” shouted the stallion as he slid across the wooden floor, looking in every direction. “There!” shouted Gale Force as she pointed to a hulking figure in the kitchen.  Twilight thought it would be best if she kept her distance and observed.  Gale Force quickly unfolded her metal wing to its full length, like a samurai drawing his blade, and dashed towards the unsuspecting target. Before she was able to strike, the figure turned around and revealed itself.  It was a creature completely made out of mud, with a simplistic face consisting of two empty holes for eyes, and a wide gaping mouth.  The mud-man was chewing on a plate with a childish expression.  Gale Force came to a grinding halt as she planted her hooves in the floor.  She came to a messy stop right in front of the mud-man’s face as the plate he was chewing on dropped from his mouth.  Both Gale Force and the mud humanoid looked down at the shattered porcelain.  As Gale Force looked up, she saw the mud-man reach for a stack of plates next to him and began to chew on a new plate. “Uh, Ray?  What the hell is this thing?” questioned Gale Force, who had expected something entirely different.  The creature ignored her as it broke another plate and reached for a new one.  Twilight stepped forward, curious as to what the creature was. “Oh! This is a mud golem,” Twilight suddenly explained before she was cut short by the sound of another plate breaking.  “They usually come-” started Twilight again, before she was interrupted by the familiar sound of a breaking plate.  “As I was saying, these creatures are docile and harmless to ponies.” “Aha! It must have come to life as a result of the excess magic from the spell,” stated the unicorn. “Wait...what spell?” asked Twilight as she turned towards the unicorn. “The spell that -” the sound of another plate breaking interrupted the stallion.  “Gale?” he added. “I’m on it…” mumbled Gale Force as she reached up and confiscated the stack of plates from the mud golem.  She turned and headed towards the door.  The creature reached out towards her and stumbled after her. “Sorry about that. Where were we?” asked the stallion as he turned back to Twilight. “You were talking about some spell…” Twilight said as she narrowed her eyes at the unicorn. “Ah, yes. Well, you see, um. Well, it’s kind of a long story. See if it's possible for Gale Force to explain it to you,” the stallion responded to Twilight as he walked away. “Wait, hold on.  She’s Gale Force...what’s your name then?”  Twilight asked as she slowly trotted after the pony.          “Oh, I’m Cosmic Ray, but you needn’t worry about that, hero. What is your name?” he said. “Well Cosmic Ray, it’s nice to meet you...I think.  I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Just as Twilight finished speaking, Gale Force bursted in through the door with an anxious expression on her face. “Hey guys, if you’re done socializing in here we got a little problem on our hooves.” Right as the pegasus finished speaking, Cosmic Ray galloped over to the nearest window. A wall of dirty orange covered the horizon.  The three ponies could feel the floorboards rumble beneath their hooves as the dark cloud inched closer and closer.  The sun was eventually wiped from sight as a sheet of sand washed over it. “A sand storm!” exclaimed Cosmic Ray as he shut the window. The pony began to dash from window to window, confirming that they were shut tightly. “This is actually good for us, now anypony who’s been following us will lose our tracks. I’ll just make a barrier around the farmhouse till this thing passes over.” As Cosmic Ray went about preparing the barrier, Twilight trotted over to Gale Force.  The aforementioned pegasus seemed to not notice Twilight, since she was busy inspecting the strange scars on her hooves.  Gale Force’s ears perked up as she heard the sound of Twilight’s hoofsteps. “Do you need something?” Gale Force asked as she placed her hooves behind her back and glided away from Twilight on her wings. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pry. I just wanted to ask you something.” “Before you ask me, I never got your name...I don’t want to just call you ‘hero’ all day long,” the pegasus responded. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and you’re Gale Force right?” “Just call me Gale and I’ll just call you Twilight.  Deal?” said the pegasus as she looked at Twilight with a bored expression.  " Now what’s your question?” “Well, why did you two keep calling me hero? And why did you summon me here? Also, is there a reason why you two are paranoid about being followed? How come you don’t know my name, being the ones to summon me and all? Where am I? How do you-” asked Twilight in a flurry before Gale placed a wing on Twilight’s mouth. “I’m going to have to stop you right there, Twilight, before my head explodes,” the exasperated pegasus said as she removed the tip of her wing from Twilight’s mouth.  “Now, to answer your questions, we used a unique spell to summon you.  More specifically, we used a spell that summons the greatest hero in Equestria to us.  I don’t know all the mumbo jumbo and details of the spell but it looks like we ended up with you.” “Wait, that only raises more questions!” “Wonderful! The barrier is up and running!” shouted Ray as he closed a magical tome that he had been using. “Now then, if I may, let me explain what Gale has unsurprisingly missed. You see Twilight, these past three years I’ve been creating a special spell.  A spell that could save all of Equestria.  A spell that would summon us a hero, who could deliver us from the darkness.” “You know, kidnapping a princess is a serious offense,” Twilight said, looking back and forth between the two ponies. “These ponies must not be right in the head...Equestria’s fine as far as I know...” thought Twilight to herself. “Wait, you’re a princess?” asked the unicorn as his eyes went wide. “I don’t know what Equestria you’re living in but our Equestria has only tyrants and monsters disguised as kings,” scoffed Gale. “W-Wait, what do you mean?  There aren’t any princesses…?” asked Twilight with a bewildered look on her face.   “I can only recall one account of there being a princess in Equestria. A crystal princess… or at least that’s how the stories went, but that was hundreds of years ago. There are no more princesses in Equestria, Twilight.” Cosmic Ray took a deep breath as he waited to see Twilight’s reaction. “Oh my gosh!... Cadence is dead! I must be in some type of war torn future!” “You ok there?” Gale asked as she waved a hoof in front of Twilight’s shocked face.  “What made you think you’re a princess?” “Deep breaths Twilight, deep breaths…” “Okay, so what happened to Celestia and Luna? “ she asked. “Who?” Gale and Ray responded simultaneously. “Y'know, the two ponies who raise the sun and the moon?” “Preposterous! Two ponies raising the sun and the moon? Twilight, you jest.” Cosmic Ray raised a front hoof as he laughed a hearty laugh. “I think ‘Princess’ Twilight has a couple of loose screws,” muttered Gale Force. “Wait, then who’s in charge?!” shouted Twilight.  Gale Force and Cosmic Ray shared a look before responding to Twilight. “Sombra and Discord.” “Oh my gosh! I’m not in some war torn future! I’m in the war torn past!”