//------------------------------// // SwiftStorm // Story: Adventures and Quests of Equestria // by TheChosen1 //------------------------------// BEEP BEEP BEEP The sound of an alarm goes off followed by a groan. A hand reaches out from under the covers searching for the snooze button. After the alarm was turned off a yawn emerges from under the covers. Sunlight shines through a nearby window landing on the face of Swift Storm. Ugh I hate mornings Storm thought to himself. Oh wait it’s Saturday isn’t it? Guess that means today is my day off. I could sleep in… Swift glances at the clock face seeing that it is only 7:05. Or I could watch some morning cartoons. Swift grinning knowing that a new episode was to be shown this morning. Hopping out of bed Swift goes to the kitchen and fixes a bowl of cereal. Regardless of his age he always like cartoons. His favorite ones were the action packed and adventurous kind. As flashes of color crosses the screen Storm wonders what the day as in stored for him. I guess I could always go to the bookstore, see if anything new came in. Swift goes back to his room and looks for a change of clothes to put on. After a quick shower and dries his brown hair, he was ready to go. He writes a note on the counter so his parents know he is heading to the bookstore should they get back from work before he does, and walks out the door. Storm puts ear buds in his ears and listens to his music on the walk over. Listening to music always made everything more interesting. Walking in step with the beat he continues down the sidewalk. Along the way he nods at familiar faces of friends who were also enjoying the weekend. Reaching his destination Swift looks above the door and sees a new sign. The Stumped Library The sign had a tree in the background. Wow that is really cheesy. A tree reference for a library? Only way it will be any punier was if the library was inside a tree Walking inside Swift found his favorite person in town, Merry Mark. “Well I was wondering when you would show back up Storm. We got some new ones on the front shelf over there. Anything new happening to you lately”, Merry Mark asked smiling at her favorite customer. “Nothing to interesting, life is the same old same old. Did the new Daring Do book come in? The last book left with a cliff hanger and I been wanting to read it soon as I could.” “Funny you should ask” Reaching under the desk Merry pulled out the book with a bow on it. “Consider this an early Birthday gift.” “What! No you shouldn't have. My birthday isn't for another week.” Storm still grabbed the book looking at the inside summary of the story. “Well you only turn twenty once in your life. Plus I will be out of town starting Monday and won’t be back for a week.” “I guess I will allow it if that’s the case.” Storm hugs Merry’s neck “Thanks for the gift I can’t wait to read it.” “Now don’t read it all in one day like you always do. I want to hear all about it when I come back.” “Awww you take all the fun out of it.” Merry gave him a slight glare “Ok fine. I will read it in two days then.” Storm walked over to the reading area and sat down with his new book and started to read the first few chapters. After reading for a few hours Storm leaves thanking Merry Mark for the gift once again and heads out to get some lunch. Munching on a hay burger and drinking a grass smoothie, he notices a friend entering the restaurant. Entering was a cherry red skinned and a darker red haired girl. “Hey Cherry! Over here!” Waving his arm trying to get Cherry to notice him. Cherry walks over and sits across from Storm in the booth. “Well hello Storm. Enjoying a birthday meal are we?” “Am I the only one in this town that knows when my birthday is? It’s next week sheesh. Wait till then to mention it” Storm slurps up some more smoothing eyeing Cherry. Crossing her arms Cherry replied, “Hurm! Fine then be rude. Not like I care.” “Aww come on I’m just messing with yea. Hey have you seen Naners today?” asked Storm. “Yea he was at the market with his special somepony.” Cherry said with a sparkle in her green eyes. “Ahh he still with uhhh what’s her name? Butts?” “Her name is Betts.” “Right. Anyways I better get back home. I’m sure there is something to do there.” Storm stood up and left. “Well by then. WAIT YOU LEFT ME WITH THE CHECK!” Cherry yelled as Storm ran out the store leaving the check with his friend. [i[ Ha! Little does she know I already paid. That will leave her sweating for a few minutes. Storm decided to take the long way home cutting through some back alley ways. As he was going down on dark alley a figure came from around the corner and Storm, not paying attention, ran into him knocking both of them down. “Oh hey man sorry, I wasn't looking.” Storm apologizing while getting up brushing dirt off his hands. “Oh no worries I wanted to bump into you.” Said the figure with a deep voice. “uhhh what?” Storm saw the figure was already standing and realized it held a long knife in one hand. “OH crap your robbing me arnt you? Dude I have like no money on me at all” Storm turned his pockets inside out. “See? So if you could please just let me go and I will be on my way.” “No I’m not here to rob you. I have been sent to kill you.” The figure make a step toward Storm. “Wait wait wait. Kill me? Who wants to kill me? Look if this is cause of the prank I pulled on Mr. Gold I am sorry but his hair grew back right?” Storm was starting to panic with his Fight or Flight sense starting to kick in going for the flight half. “You are hard to track down in this world, but here you are. Alone with no one to save you.” The figure jumped forward moving to stab Storm in one move. Storm jumped to the side avoiding the stab. Using this to his advantage he ran back the way he came trying to get away. Pumping his arms and legs hard as he could trying to distance himself between the crazy guy and himself. “HELP I’M BEING ATTACKED ANYONE PLEASE HELP CALL 911!” As storm turned a corner he saw a figure in gray robes standing there. “Aww crap please tell me you are not with the knife guy?” Storm already searching for another way to go. “No boy, I am here to help you. Move aside.” The gray robed figure took the hood that was covering his face off and revealed a gray face and stone cold eyes. Storm moved to the side just as the knife guy came around. “Oh I see you have a friend. Well we can’t have any witnesses can we?” He leaped to attacked the robed man. A sword came from no wear and parried the blow. “You shall not harm the boy. He is too important for his life to be taken. As for you, you can die.” The man plunged his sword into the chest of the attacker. Once the blade was pulled out of the body it turned into dust. Frozen in fear Storm stood there with eyes wide at what he saw. Just as he was about to run away again the man looked at him, “Swift Storm? Come with me if you want to live. We have much to discuss.” ... Storm follows the gray robed man into an apartment complex and then into a room. When they entered and closed the door the man took off his robe and revealed a set of gold armor on him with his sword on his hip. “Sit I will explain what I am allowed to answer.” The man gestures to a seat across from him. Storm sits down. “My name is Captain Stone. I was sent here to retrieve you from this world and take you back to mine.” “Wait your world? Why would I go there? Also who was that man with the knife that you turned to dust?” Storm asked aimed to get the answers he wanted. “My world is known as Equestria, and you are needed there to be protected and trained. That man with the knife was a minion of the evil in this world.” “What evil of this world?” “Banished here tens of thousands years ago before your race even truly existed, An evil was sent here to be no longer a threat to my world. We thought the lack of magic here would drain it to nothingness.” “Why me though? What does it have against me?” past read books where things like this happens begins to flash to the front of Storms mind. “Before you jump to conclusions from those fantasy books, and yes I knew what you were thinking your face said it all, you are not from here. Did your parents ever tell you, you are adopted?” “Yes once I turned thirteen they told me. I never believed them till they showed the paper work.” “Good. That’s one less thing for me to have to prove. The reasons are unknown as why he wants you. Had we known he was thriving here we would have not sent you here. Regardless we have you know and you can return.” Storm stood up to protest, “Wait who said I wanted to leave? I have family and friends here.” Stone held up a hand in defense, “If you stay here they will all die. It wants you, not them. If you leave he will chase you and leave them alone. Trust me this is for the best. Also no you can’t say good bye there is no time. More minions are on their way to kill you.” “So I am to just up and leave everything behind? Will I ever be able to come back?” “Honestly? I have no idea. Now come over here next to me we are about to depart.” Stone held out a hand and held onto Storm. “Wait. One last question. How are we getting there?” Stone smiles at Storm, “Why nothing other than Magic.” Suddenly Storm feels the air around him buzzing with energy. A white and dark blue light surrounds them as Storm feels as if he is being pulled from all directions. … Sunlight filtered through a window and landed on Storm’s face. Ugh, Feels like I slept on a rock. That was really one crazy dream. Storm releases a yawn and rubs his eyes. Storm starts to realize that he is not in his bed, and this was not his room. Where am I? Is this one of those lucid dreams? Better test this out Storm stands up on his bed and jumps off striking a flying pose. After a second in the air Storm falls back to the ground with a loud THUMP. “OOF! Well not a dream. Then where am I? Did that creepy Stone guys kidnap me?” There was a knock on the door. Storm turns his head to the door just in time to see a someone walk in that looked just like Captain Stone, except he had a horn on his head. “Umm are you Stone?” “Yes, it’s about time you woke up the teleportation was new to you, so you blacked out about half way here.” Stone looked down at Storm wondering why he was down there. “Dude what is on your head? Did you hit your head that hard on something?” Storm stood up and sat down on the bed. “No it’s a horn. I used my magic to hide it while in your world. People would ask to many questions if I didn’t.” Stone gestured for Storm to follow. “You are about to meet two very important people. They will answer any questions you have that they have the answer to, and don’t be afraid I’ll be in the room with you.” Stone led the way down a very large hallway. The walls were white with windows evenly distributed. The floor had a long red rug that looked it went on forever. Along the way Storm noticed what seemed like maids going about cleaning or pushing carts with supplies on them. Storm trying to break the awkward silence, “What’s with the maids?” “Well it is very hard to clean a castle this large by yourself. They are a family of servants who have been here for many generations. They are well paid and are not forced to work here.” Storm relaxed a bit at that thought, but began to wonder. Did he say castle? At the end of the hallway stood large double doors with two guards that looked like Stone, except one had wings and the other had a horn. As they approached they saluted Stone and he returned the gesture. “This is the room. Oh wait I forgot to mention this. They are super powerful gods that rules our world.” Stone opened the doors and pushed Storm in. “Wait what?!”