//------------------------------// // The Funeral // Story: The Veins Run Deep // by Thunderblast //------------------------------// One week later, after Sharpblade's unexpected death, the Royal Guard was in pure shock, and the news managed to slip out to the public. Luckily, no one knew the full story, and Night Shadow hoped to keep it a secret if he wanted to avoid execution. As time passed, Night Shadow grew weary and depressed, and didn't come out of his barrack often, other than to eat or run a bit on the track, which was still rare at that time. Night was still in shock of what happened, and tried to think about what did happen. Of course, he put the full blame on himself. Then, he finally remembered. The night before Sharp's passing, that mysterious pony injected him with something. It hurt to think about it, but there was only one conclusion, and it instantly gave him suicidal thoughts. One night, there was a knock at his barrack. Night Shadow didn't speak up, but instead remained curled up in a ball on his bunk, holding his hooves over his aching heart. "Night Shadow? Please open up." Night whimpered softly as he shed some tears. "Just come in and kill me...I know that's what everyone in the guard wants now." The door to the barrack opened with an audible creak, then shut slowly. The next thing Night heard, was armored hooves approaching, then a noticeable shadow looming over him. Night slowly looked over, seeing Thunderblast standing above him. "Oh...it's you," he turned back over, facing the wall. "I just wanted to check on you buddy. You don't come out much anymore." "W-why should I? I'm a monster, Thunder." "Why would you be a monster? You didn't do anything, did you?" "I...I bit him. We were sparring, he said I should. I did so...then a few hours later, he was gone," Night whimpered. Thunder put a hoof on Night's shoulder gently. "The fangs, huh?" Night nodded. "I mean, they are a good way to defend yourself at close range. They're like built-in weapons. Although, I don't quite see how it could have killed him like that, unless he didn't get the wounds treated. "W-well..." Night sniffled. "There's more to it than that." "What...?" Thunder looked up a bit, eying Night, who turned and sat up. "The night before it all happened, I went up to this lookout place he showed me a little while ago to watch the sunset. On my way back, I get knocked out while taking a shortcut through the bad side of town. Then..." "Wait...someone kidnapped you?" Night nodded in response. "Yeah...then I woke up strapped to some bed and blindfolded. Then, the pony, a stallion, injects me with some kind of fluid that made my blood burn for a little bit." "So...you're venomous?" Night slowly nodded once more, then began sobbing into his hooves. "He did this to me...and now Sharp is dead!" "Night, why didn't you speak up? This really could have been prevented!" Thunder stared Night directly in the eye. "I'm sorry, but...you are partially at fault here. Though it wasn't you who killed Sharp, you didn't tell anyone what happened, which could have saved his life." "I...I...I woke up in my bed...I thought it was a dream Thunder. He took me back to my bed...right where we are...I thought it was all a dream, up until now, where I realize it wasn't." Thunder's faint glare softened, then he sighed. "Fine...I understand. But, we should get you checked up. You can't keep this venom or whatever it is still inside you. Who knows, what if it reproduces and is a permanent thing if you don't get it taken out?" "But then...they'll find out." "Not if you tell them everything that happened Night. You have to speak up about these things, not let worse things happen." "I guess...but I-" "No, not you guess. Night, listen. You're going to tell them what happened. All of them. The high ranks, the captain, Celestia." "C...Celestia?" "If you tell her everything, she will forgive you. If you don't, someone will find out the bad stuff and think you poisoned him on purpose." "But...I-I...I can't face her. Not after this." "You don't have much of a choice Night. Unless you'd prefer to be executed." "M-maybe that's for the best." "No, it isn't. Night, for the last time, you aren't a monster," Thunder sighed. "Look, the funeral is tomorrow. Just...be there okay? It's what Sharp would have wanted anyway." Then stood and began walking over to the door. The next day, clouds filled the sky over Canterlot, shrouding it in grey blankness. The sky was tempted to open up and drench the earth with tears of water, as if it knew the day wasn't meant to be celebrated in any way. Eventually, it did get to a point where rain dripped, but didn't pour. Both civilians and guards gathered at the Canterlot Memorial Cemetery, where guards are laid to rest for the final time. Six guards, three lunar and three royal, all wearing full armor, carried Sharp's casket down the cobble path, towards the prepared resting spot dug out in front of a granite tombstone, which read 'Corporal Sharpblade'. Behind the guards walked Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, the Lunar Guard Captain Fallen Star, followed by Thunderblast and Night Shadow. Thunder kept a straight face as he walked beside a depressed Night Shadow, who kept his head hanging down. When they reached the grave, the guards slowly lowered the wooden casket in. "Ten HUT!" Fallen Star shouted. The guards clicked their hooves. "Hooves, UP!" The guards raised their right hooves while standing at attention, saluting. Both Night and Thunder watched, both wiping at their eyes. After a one minute silence, Fallen Star gathered the guards, and both Night Shadow and Thunderblast were allowed to walk up to the grave, both sitting side by side. Night stared down at the casket, more tears building in his eyes. "What have I done Thunder...?"