//------------------------------// // First Days // Story: Fallen Star // by SenpaiStarFeather //------------------------------// Two Unicorns were trotting up the marble stairs leading to Canterlot Castle. One was a sky blue filly with a platinum mane, the other was a pure white young stallion who looked no older than seventeen, he wore shining golden armor and if his tail poking out the back of said armor was anything to go by, he had a dark blue mane. The older stallion turned to the young filly and said with a warm smile, "Hello there, is it your first day here? I've never seen you around." The blue filly turned to face the stallion and said in a cocky voice, "Indeed. I, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE! Am here to ace Celestia's Royal Magic Class!" "Great and Powerful Trixie eh?" The white Unicorn began looking around for something, "What are you looking for?" Trixie may be cocky but she was anything but unhelpful, "Just looking for the pump that inflates that ego of yours, it must be the strongest one in Equestria!" The white Unicorn fell over in a laughing fit, almost toppling down the stairs. Even Trixie chuckled a bit. "Alright, Trixie will give you that one, what is your name?" "Shining Armor. It's my first day as an actual guard, I suppose that's something we have in common huh?" "I suppose." Shining and Trixie reached the castle doors where Captain Storm Wing was waiting for him, the two Unicorns shook hooves, wishing the other good luck, and trotted their separate ways. Star Feather awoke to a Royal Breakfast and servants fussing over him, he was dragged out of his regal bed and he had his coat brushed to perfection (his mane and tail strangely kept their messy styles no matter what the servants tried) they sat him at one end of a long dining table with Celestia's Cutie Mark printed on the center. He glanced over to the other end of the table to see Sunset relishing the treatment, as if there was any doubt she wouldn't be. "Oreo!" A timid black coated unicorn with a silky white mane came shakily out of the kitchen, "Y-yes Mistress Sunset?" "This toast is burned! Make some more!" "B-but Mistress, the toast is perfect, I made sure of-" A small spout of flame shot from Sunset's horn, charring the toast and terrifying poor Oreo. "SEE. BURNED. MAKE ME SOME MORE NOW!" "Yes Mistress Sunset! P-please forgive meeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Oreo scampered off into the kitchen as a cruel smile spread over Sunset's face. She turned to look at Star only to receive a death stare that broke even her concentration. "S-stop that. Right now!" "Why were you so mean to Oreo? He made you a lovely Breakfast and you burned it! Since when did you have fire powers anyway!?" Star was evidently angry but Sunset simply rolled her eyes, "One: Fire is kinda my thing, I literally have a sun on my flank. Two: I have the power to mistreat him, so I do. Simple as that." The doors swung open to reveal a pure white Unicorn with a golden mane strutting into the Dining Hall like he owned the place. He walked over to Sunset and touched his horn to hers and said in an overly pampered voice, "Sunset my radiant little flower did you miss me? I certainly missed you..." He leaned in closer to her waiting for an answer, "Buck off Blueblood before I do to you what I did to my toast, and you don't want that. Ask him over there." She pointed to Star who shook his head at the newcomer. "And who, pray tell, is this?" Star Feather got out of his chair and trotted over to Blueblood, offering a hoof to him, "This is what I'm supposed to do right Sunset?" Another cruel smile appeared on Sunset's face. " Yes Prince. "Prince?!" Star and Blueblood cried in unison "Yes Blueblood, I went and found a real stallion while you were gone!" Blueblood turned to Star Feather, left eye twitching, and cried, "YOU STOLE MY DEAR SUNSET FROM ME! FOR THIS, YOU SHALL PAY!" He grabbed a glove from... Somewhere... With his magic and slapped Star across the face. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A ROYAL DUEL WITH YOUR HONOR AT STAKE!" "Oooooooooooh! I'll get the whole class to watch!" Sunset was excited at the thought of colts fighting over her. "Do you accept my challenge Knave?" Blueblood asked cockily. "I have absolutely no idea what a Royal Duel is but YES!" Star Feather was sitting next to Celestia again, watching the class perform Possession spells with various degrees of success. Sunset had managed to make her doll dance around her desk while others could only manage a small wave of the hand. Suddenly, the room began to grow darker and darker until nopony could see anything beyond the light of their horns, a spotlight appeared in the middle of the classroom and a deep voice echoed through the room. " Greetings future admirers, prepare yourselves to be SHOCKED, AMAZED, MIND BLOWN, and ENVIOUS as I..." A blue glittery puff of smoke appeared under the spotlight. "The GREAT and POWERFUL TRRRRRRIXIE!... Joins your class." "Ah. I was wondering when you would grace us with your presence..." Celestia sarcastically addressed the new member of her class. Sunset took one look at that filly and decided, She's mine. Star Feather started clapping for the filly, causing a few more claps, then a few more. Eventually even Sunset was clapping at the entrance. Trixie sat down in the desk next to Sunset, her eyes trailing down to her Cutie Mark. "See something you like O Great and Pervy Trixie?" "I like that Cutie Mark, It matches mine." Trixie pointed at her Cutie Mark, A Crescent Moon with a wand. "So it does, I think you and I will get along juuuust fine." After class Star wandered the halls of Celestia's Castle, dwelling on what Luna had told him: if you don't protect the night sky, who will? "Something wrong?" Star gasped and quickly turned around to see Celestia looking at him with concern. "It's just... I've been thinking about the whole Star Pony thing..." "And?" Celestia's eyes twinkled with hope, "I realized... Who else but me can?" "Is that a yes?" Star nodded, and Celestia beamed with excitement, "I'll arrange a trip to Cloudsdale first thing tomorrow!" Star watched as Celestia practically bounced down the hall, pleased that he had made her a so happy. "Star Pony hmm?" Star whipped around for the second time to see Blueblood staring at him questioningly. "Um... I... Uh..." Star stammered, unable to form a proper sentence. "It doesn't matter to me, what matters is that my mother is happy, and that I get to destroy you for taking my dear Sunset away from me!" He stomped off, muzzle in the air. Star trailed behind him to the 'Battlefield' "I wasn't aware Princess Celestia's pool doubled as a Battlefield." Trixie glanced over to Sunset on the lifeguard chair next to her. "It works doesn't it?" "I suppose." Star Feather glared over to the other side of the empty pool, Blueblood doing the same. all the children from their class had crowded around the edge, all while Sunset and Trixie watched from their lifeguard 'thrones.' Sunset called for attention, and begun to explain the rules: "Rule number 1! No flying out of the pool! flying around is ok but no higher than the spectators! Rule number 2! If any attacks fall upon myself, Trixie or the audience, the attacker will be disqualified! And Rule number 3-" "Whoever wins gets a kiss from Sunset!" Trixie butted in, a mad glint in her eye. Sunset paled. Blueblood went red. Star had no clue what a 'kiss' was. Trixie leaned over and took the flag from Sunset's lap, she began waving it in the air: "3!" "Trixie can we have a diff-" "2!" "I mean can't you kiss the-" "1!" "TRIXIE!" "FIGHT!" Fight? What did that mean? Star soon found out as Blueblood's hoof connected with his muzzle. "OWCH! You-" Another hit, then another, soon a thin line of blood trailed from Star's mouth. Blueblood laughed at him with the crowd. "Let's see who's laughing when I'm the bucking winner!" Star's language stunned Blueblood long enough for a purple hoof to send him skidding across the floor, Blueblood could swear he saw actual flames in those usually bright eyes... "Hmff! Such language!" "Sunset said it..." "Well she's Sunset!" Blueblood charged at Star with his horn lowered, but a quick flap of his wings Star was over him and falling. CRASH Star landed on Blueblood, causing a few drops of blood to spill from under his mane. "You-" Star brought his hoof down again, further damaging Blueblood's previously perfect mane. "I-I surrender!" Star stopped his cruel beating and hopped off of Blueblood, extending his hoof to him. "I.m... I'm so sorry..." Blueblood got to his hooves. "No. You won. You have earned the adoration of the class, your prize, and my respect as a rival. Speaking of your prize..." Sunset landed softly like a cat and walked towards Star Feather. "This... This wasn't my idea OK? All Trixie. No me. This only happens once got it? "Got it! Now whats a kiss?" Sunset rolled her eyes and smirked, "How did I know you would say that..." She leaned in and kissed him on the muzzle, quickly pulling away with a face redder than her mane...