Fluttershy Saves Everyone (But Mostly Turtles)

by Tennis Match Fan

I couldn't put a Raphril moment in here without being weird, so what ya gonna do?

One morning, Fluttershy sat in her cottage, feeding her little bunny friends.

"This is such a beautiful morning!" she exclaimed in a sing song voice, pouring some carrots into a bowl. The bunnies gobbled it up.

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle burst through the doors.

"Fluttershy!" she gasped. "I need you!" Fluttershy instantly dropped the bag of carrots she had been carrying.

"Twilight! What is it?" she asked, fluttering over. Twilight looked anxious.

"Fluttershy, I'm part of the Nerdy Purple People Club, and one member has told me about some creepy alien race!" she exclaimed nervously. "I had the strangest urge to tell you about it!"

"Well, goodness, Twilight. What can I do?" Fluttershy asked anxiously. "Aliens are close enough to animals."

"I agree with you, Fluttershy," Twilight told her. "Close your eyes and hold still."

"Alright," Fluttershy agreed. She closed her large turquoise eyes and held as still as she could be. That was really still. Fluttershy was an expert at standing still. She didn't move a muscle. She didn't breathe. Her heart didn't pump blood. She was perfectly still.

Suddenly, the stillness was shattered.

"Aaaaaah!" Fluttershy cried as she was surrounded by a purple glow. In a flash, Twilight disappeared before her eyes. Fluttershy's cottage disappeared as well. In another second, Fluttershy had reappeared in another location.

"Where am I?" Fluttershy asked timidly, looking around. She was in a rather dimly lit place. The nearest source of light was a TV. As Fluttershy looked at the show playing, she noticed someone else was watching it.

"OH MY GOODNESS, A TURTLE!" Fluttershy squealed, rushing straight for it. The turtle turned around. His blue eyes widened in shock.

"What the-" Fluttershy barreled into him, hugging him with all her might.

"I have a giant turtle!" She squealed. She looked up, a giant smile on her face. The turtle, who was wearing a blue mask, was staring at her in shock.

"What's going on?" he asked. Fluttershy grinned even wider.

"You're my new best friend, Mr. Turtle!" she told him, hugging him even tighter.

"Wow, Leo, I never knew you were this girly."

"That's adorable!"

"Is that a mutant pony?"

Fluttershy looked up to see three more turtles standing there. One had a red mask and green eyes. The next one was shorter, with an orange mask and light blue eyes and an adorable smile. The third turtle was the tallest, with a purple mask and brown eyes. When she looked up at her original turtle, his cheeks were turning pink.

"Guys, I swear, I have no idea where she came from," he told the other ones.

"Yeah, right." The red one rolled his eyes before looking at Fluttershy.

"Wait, do you have green eyes?" he asked her, his own green eyes widening. Fluttershy nodded in response.

"Yes, Mr. Turtle!" She answered. "Although they're more of a turquoise-"

"Who cares?" The red one ran over and took Fluttershy from the blue one. "You have no idea how much this means to me! I don't know anybody else with green eyes!" Fluttershy hugged him back.

"I'm glad I'm friends with you, Mr. Turtle," she answered.

"Now who's the girly one, Raph?" the blue one asked. Fluttershy looked at the red one, Raph. His cheeks turned pink.

"That- that was not girly!" He protested, dropping Fluttershy. "That- that was a manly victory hug!"

"With a pony!" teased the one with orange mask.

"I swear, Mikey-"

"Now hold on!" Fluttershy interrupted, flying up in Raph's face as he began to walk over to the orange one. "The orange one is just trying to be funny! You should respect him!"

"Listen to the pony, Raph!" the orange one added. "Respect me!"

"Guys, guys, quit it," the blue one interrupted, walking over to Fluttershy.

"Who are you?" he asked her.

"I'm Fluttershy, and I'm an animal caretaker," she replied. "Do you have names?"

"Uh, yes, as a matter of fact, we do," the blue one responded. "I'm Leo, and this is Raph." He pointed at Raph, who was still glaring at the orange one.

"What up, Fluttershy?" the orange one asked, cartwheeling over. "They call me Mikey." He grinned and hugged her.

"Nice to meet you," Fluttershy responded.

"I'm touching a magic pony!" Mikey squealed. Raph rolled his eyes and flicked Mikey.

"Oh, be quiet."

"I'm Donatello, Donny for short," piped up the purple one, walking over and staring at Fluttershy's wings. "These are fascinating... um, yes, well, you don't happen to have a friend named Twilight Sparkle that's a lavender pony, do you?"

"She's one of my best friends," Fluttershy replied.

"Hold on." Leo held up his hands to say slow down. "How do you know this 'Twilight Sparkle' character?" Danny's cheeks turned red.

"I'm kinda in a club with her," Donny admitted.

"You're in a club with a purple pony?" Raph repeated in disbelief. "April has to hear this!"

"Shut up, okay?" Donny snapped, his cheeks turning redder by the minute. Fluttershy watched as Raph tested on his phone. She had a phone in Equestria. It looked like a butterfly.

"Hey guys, Raph just texted me. What's this about a purple pony?" Fluttershy and the turtles turned to see a girl with red hair and a yellow headband walking through the entrance, followed by a dude in a mask.

"The pony looks more yellow than purple," remarked the mask. Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"He sees me!" she gasped, flying behind Leo and Mikey. "Hide me!"

"Relax, sister," Mikey consoled her. "That's just Casey. And the girl is April."

"The purple pony club thing isn't true!" Donny assured her. "I swear!"

"Alright, alright." April smiled as she and creepy Casey walked over.

"Leo found this pony, Fluttershy, a couple minutes ago," Raph explained. Fluttershy crept out from behind Leo.

"Wow, a pony!" Creepy Casey exclaimed. "That's sweet."

"Wait a minute," April looked at Fluttershy curiously. "Aren't you from My Little Pony?"

"Well..." Fluttershy considered the phrase. "I'm a pony, and I'm obviously little, but I don't belong to you. Sorry. I'm not your little pony."

"Never mind." April sat down and hugged Fluttershy. "It's great to meet you!"

"How come I never get a hug?" Mikey pouted.

"You get hugs all the time, blockhead," Raph answered, whacking Mickey in the head again.

Across the room, Donny and Leo were whispering to each other. Fluttershy, Raph, April, Mikey, and Creepy Casey watched them for a full two minutes.

"Care to clue us in?" Raph asked, folding his arms. Leo and Donny turned around.

"We were just discussing the possibility of Fluttershy coming with us to defeat Shredder," Donny explained. "We have to do it sometime or another."

"And her cuteness might come in handy," Leo added.

"Aw, thanks," Fluttershy answered, beaming. "You're cute too." Everyone stared at Fluttershy. Then everyone stared at Leo.

"Um, thanks?" Leo replied.


Two minutes later, Fluttershy, the turtles, and April and Creepy Casey stood against Shredder. Leo had already knocked out the creepy dog thing and the fish thing and the tiger thing because he's just that good.

"Hahahahaha!" Shredder laughed like a maniac. "You think you can defeat me with a pony?"

"Yes!" Mikey answered confidently. Raph whacked him in the head with one of his salad tongs.

"Um, Mr. Shredder, sir?" Fluttershy asked. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Fluttershy, no!" Leo whispered. "It's too dangerous for you to face him alone."

"Fine, but make it quick," Shredder sighed. Fluttershy sent a reassuring glance at Leo.

"Don't worry, I got this," she told him.


"... and I always knew I was responsible for Tang Shen's death but I was too scared to admit it to myself!" cried Shredder. Fluttershy handed him a tissue.

"It's alright, Mr. Shredder," she told him. "We'll help you."

"Are you nuts, Fluttershy?" Raph called angrily. "We'll never help hi-ow!"

"Of course we'll help him," Leo called. "Everyone deserves a little mercy."

"High three, bro!" Mikey exclaimed. Although she couldn't see them, Fluttershy smiled.

"Mr. Shredder, Donny will get you to a physiotherapist and then to an asylum," she told him sweetly. "Is that alright?" Shredder nodded and blew his nose again.

"Donny!" Fluttershy called. "You're needed!'

"Right away!" Donny answered, running over with his stick in hand. Fluttershy rejoined the rest of the group.

"That was amazing, Fluttershy!" April exclaimed.

"Group hug!" Mikey exclaimed. Everyone gathered around Fluttershy. They hugged until Donny came over.

"I recommended a good one," he told them.

"Good job, Don," Creepy Casey said. The seven began to leave the building.

"Uh, Fluttershy?" Leo asked, sliding his swords away. "Do you think you, maybe, talk to the Kraang? They mutated my friend Karai-"

"You mean your girlfriend!" Mikey, Donny, and Raph interrupted. Leo ignored them.

"She's also Splinter's daughter. He's our sensei, but he's not her right now. Long story. So what do you say?"

"Of course. I'll do anything I can to help this Karai," Fluttershy answered. Leo smiled.

"You didn't deny it!" Mikey commented. Leo rolled his eyes and punched Mikey in the arm.

"Still didn't deny it!" Raph added.


"Kraang is feeling the emotion known as remorse for the actions of Kraang that have been done by Kraang prior to this meeting with the female pegasus known as Fluttershy," said a metal robot.

"Will you create a retro mutagen for Karai and New York City?" Fluttershy asked.

"Kraang promises to do that which has been said by the pegasus known as Fluttershy," the robot promised.

"Pinkie Promise?" Fluttershy asked.

"Kraang wishes to promise the promise that is know as the Pinkie Promise," the robot answered. Fluttershy smiled.

"Close enough."

"I don't know how you do that, Fluttershy," Donny remarked as they walked out of TCRI.

"My friends say I have a gift," Fluttershy responded. "I could make you fall on your knees right now and beg for my love, if I wanted." Raph, April, and Creepy Casey stifled giggles.

"Uh, no thanks," Donny responded weakly.

"I'm glad you're on our side, then," Leo added.

When they got back to the sewers, Fluttershy was shocked to find a teenage girl in silver armor and a rat man standing their.

"Master Splinter!" everyone except Fluttershy cried, running over to hug the rat guy.

"My sons, Casey, April," the rat guy, Splinter, said. "It is so wonderful to see you all again."

Is that hygienic? Fluttershy wondered.

"No hug for me?" the girl asked in a teasing voice.

"Karai!" Leo hugged her too.

"I guess the Kraang worked quickly," Donny added.

"Wait, is that a pony?" Karai asked from over Leo's shoulder.

"That's Fluttershy," Leo answered, turning to wave at Fluttershy. "She's the reason you're not a mutant anymore."

"Then, thanks, Fluttershy," Karai said, smiling over at her.

"What do we do now, Sensei?" Raph asked. "All the bad guy butts are kicked!"

"Now we can be crime fighters of New York City!" Mikey exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air. "Booyakasha!"

"Michelangelo is mostly correct," Splinter told them. "Even when the biggest evils are vanquished, this will not stop petty crime."

"Like the Purple Dragons!" Creepy Casey suggested.

"I've got the best part of it all!" Fluttershy exclaimed, coming over.

"What's that?" April asked.

"Twilight sent me here with a spell, but now I can't get back!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "I'll be a crime fighter with you!"

Everyone's eyes popped out of their heads at the news.

"Green-eyed buddy, oh yeah!" Raph cheered. "Manly victory hug!"