//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: For the Future // by celticwolf72 //------------------------------// The hour was just after dusk when Celestia’s door opened. Curious as to who would disturb her this late in the day, she raised her head to see the midnight blue countenance of her sister as she trotted softly through the door. “Good evening, Luna. I thought you’d be about your work by now?” Luna bobbed her head in a distracted gesture. “Sister, I have been thinking….” “Well, that certainly sounds ominous.” Celestia’s tone and gentle smile took any possible sting out of the teasing. “It is just… we are not connected to the Elements any more, correct?” After receiving a nod, Luna continued in a troubled voice. “Then we need to rely on the Bearers, yes?” Another nod followed her question. “So what will we do when they eventually pass to the Equestrian Fields?” Celestia blinked at the small, soft voice that her sister finished in. Timidity was not normal for her. “Well, there will always be their descendants.” “What if their descendants are unwilling or unable to take up the task? What if one or more does not have descendants? What would we do then? “Calmly, sister. Please, let me think a moment.” Lowering her head, Celestia thought rapidly for a moment. Her head snapped up suddenly, a gleam in her eyes. “I recognize that look, ‘Tia. What has your devious mind thought of now? Give over, dear sister.” “Oh no, I’m not going to tell you,” smiled Celestia as she climbed to her hooves. Walking over to Luna, she nuzzled her sister’s neck. “I want to surprise you with my idea.” “A pleasant surprise this time, I hope,” grumbled Luna. “Thy… your last surprise was not that fun for me.” Celestia’s laugh pealed through the room like a silver bell. “Trust me, Luna. I will guarantee that you will enjoy it.” And, perhaps, heal your heart in the bargain my dear, dear sister. Author's Note: Since I've not seen much on pony beliefs, I decided the Roman idea of the Elysian Fields would be appropriate, thus the genesis of the Equestrian Fields. I also do know that this is very short, but keep in mind that it is just the prologue. I'm working on Chapter 1 as you are reading this. Patience, kind reader. :)