Requiem for a Pony

by The Pony


It was mostly happy for Twilight now in Ponyville looking for another book. The mayor just had one problem “There are two many vampires destroying the city” and vampire ponies and humans vampires broke through the ceilvings to bite bloods.

“RUN!” Pinkie’d as she tried to flee but a vampire bit her blood and turned her into like them. As ponies ranning they were all dead except for Twilight Rarity Luna and Trixie. “Rarity I thought you were dead!” Luna Trixie or Twilight said.

“I amn’t!” She lived.

“We must find the legendary vampire killer!” and they went into mountains where they found the legendary vampire killer Tim Tebow.

v“I’m here now!” Tim Tebowed. He grabbed metal stakes because they are more efficient than wood and then he grabbed guns with wooden bullets for balance. He filled holy waters and went riding into Ponyville on Rainbow Dashing and threw stakes at vampires and shot bullets but there was too many.

I will use secret weapons!” Tebow tooik Rainbow Dash off and Tebowed on grounds, summoning power to winn everywhere and burn vampires hearts and minds since they have no souls.

“The vampires are dead.” He Tebowed.

“But too quickly!” Said the last vampire who jumped uply towards Tebow like bullets, but Tebow thought mindly and threw away art the vampire who flew in peril into doom. Then Tebow heroed.

“Thank you sir Tebow” All of Ponyville Tebowed in honor of Tebow who saved them lifely. Then there were no vampires. “But I can’t kill werewolves” Tebow sadly since he could only kill vampyres.

“There is me though.” Drew Brees said trickily. He took silver and silvered the werewolves but there weren’t any. “Why did I here?”

“Who cares but a party!” Donald Trump so now all the best football quarterbacks were together and partied but Chad Henne felt leaved out which is good because he’s bad at sports and even worse at the stock market also his family hates him and he’s worse than Fluttershy I mean really how does someone like that even make it into the NFL he’s almost as bad as Charles Manson.

Then a bus hit Twilight but she was okay. “We have to figure out what happened.” Drew Brees tricked a detective.

“The plot is thickening” Trixie said her first lines. “We have to find the thing.”

“You’re right! We have to find life.” So they voyaged on a boat Luna Twilight Trixie Rarity Rainbow Dash Drew Brees and Tim Tebow who turned into ponies and this is where our story begins for reals.

“There’s long voyages ahead” Luna became the captain. “We must be strongly to live through the perils and find it.”

“Okaying.” Everyone was okay. Drew Brees threw a football at Tebow and Tebow caught it and threw it back but missed completely. “Wow I see why you suck.”

Luna and Twilight decided football too and they all did group football with Tebow quarterbacking one team and Brees is other. Brees picked Twilight Rarity and Tebow picked Luna and Rainbow Dash Trixie reffed. Brees’s team won of course.

“Stop!” Trxied. “This story isn’t about football, there’s a sea serpent!” And a big sea serpents attacked the boat but Luna shot magic at them and Drew Brees threw dying at them before long they were dead as Tebow Tebowed more (lol it’s a meme).

“There sure is alot of Americna football in this story even though the author is frem Austria.”

“it’s a lie Chad henne is the author!” Trixie broke the fifth wall.

“That explains it.” One of them all sighed.

No they’re on to me! I said as I ran away from my computer but I had to finish the story. “There it is the cave of life!” Twilight flew into the cave. Then Sweetie Belle. “I have an idea guys” she said in deep voices. “Let’s KILL CHAD HENNE.” It was a reference to FimFlam.

Authers note: I’m not actually Chad Henne I am Austria

“Back at Ponyville” twilight and Trixie got married so Luna sadly resigned from life the end.

Not really because Luna walk flew sadly over Fillydelphia where was Doctor Whooves. “LUNA!” He yells.

“Luna!” Luna shouted back with happily ever after. She flew over up to him and they hugglied. “I’ll never leave you!”

The happiness was doubled by the band playing the band was music. Their music.

It was Tim Tebow at the door Twilight checked. “Oh you’re still here?”

“Yeah I haven’t home.”

“I’m married now” appeared Trixie “don’t be.”

“But Twilight I loved you.” Was Tebowing.

“But Trixie!”

“I got confidentse when I saw Drew Brees lovely Rarity, I must break this marriage!” And he threw footballs at Trixie missing everytime. Because he sucks at football but is a pretty good guy I mean rugby.

“No.” The doors slammed Tebow in the left artery. Then Chad Henne apreared out of suck where he came from

“ I heard you have ben talking about me” Henne fumbled but everyone lost him like he always lets everyone down

But what happens? Only told by time in WEROWOLF PONY!