//------------------------------// // Foxman and Dragonflame's Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitsunes // Story: The Power Ponies: The Power Inside // by Matthew Stone //------------------------------//          Just like the universe of Equestria with Tails and TJ, there are two foxes that look just like them, but takes a different backstory. Their names are Sava and JT (JT is TJ backwards.) Sava is a two-tailed kitsune fox with a blue bandana with 2 eyeholes, and uses two katana swords for his weapons. JT is a twin brother of Sava, who has one tail while wearing an orange bandana, using a pair of nunchucks for his weapon.             The two brothers' backstory starts off from when they were just regular fox cubs, separated from their parents after a hunting event that killed them off. The two brothers then had another weird twist of events when they came upon a toxic waste spill. The radiation, in turn, altered their DNA, increased their intelligence, & morphed them into anthropomorphic kitsunes, just like what people might see in a carton or comic book. Ever since that change, an elderly veteran nicknamed 'Shard' took them in, training them in the art of ninjitsu. The foxes learned mixed martial arts from him, and everything they need to know about defending themselves from the world’s worst people that existed. When their mentor died, he left them with the bandanas they wear now, even the weapons they possess. They dedicated their lives to fight crime unknowingly in the city of Corvine up until now, and forever more.             They’re twenty now, and right now they’re hiding in their secret hideaway they made for themselves in an abandoned penthouse at the south side of Corvine. They managed to get part-time jobs to pay off the mortgage to live in this place. And right now, Sava is watching the news channel with a new HD TV he spent with his job bonus. JT cleans up the living room area, while standing by a huge window that overlooks the city skyline of Corvine. He looks at his brother, curious of the news going on.             “Anything happening?” JT asks.             “Just some celebrity news making fun of Reese Witherspoon’s cosmetic surgery.” Sava sighs, “I really find that gossip distasteful.”             “Welcome to city life.” JT agrees, “I wonder if there’s any news considering the Power Ponies.”             “That would be great to watch.” Sava sighs, “Actually, Matter-Horn is the kind of hero I also admire.”             “You wanna marry her, don't you? OOH!!" JT smirks playfully.             “Shut up,” Sava said, annoyed, “I’m just…”             The screen on the HD TV then turns to the words breaking news, as the head reporter pops on the screen instantly.             “We interrupt your regular program to bring you this rather disappointing information!” the anchorman said, shaking, “The Power Ponies have been captured by an unknown enemy, and have been missing since last night.”          “WHAT?” Sava shouts.             “Some reports claim that Bellcord is the one responsible. But a close acquaintance named Pouter, who’s sidekick to the Power Ponies, sent us a message that Bellcord is doing good, and that he’s going along with him to find some help. A search party by the police is already underway, while some SWAT teams are taking control of riots in downtown sections, now that word of the Power Ponies’ disappearance has gone out.” the Anchorman continues.             “Bellcord is the good guy? Weird.” JT smirks.             “Shhh.” Sava hushes.             “Pouter also said in the message to us that Bakura is the known suspect. The explosions from the prison last night also indicate that the mass murderer, Mordum, has escaped, and is related to Bakura. Nothing else was said in Pouter’s lucky emergency message, but theories also claim that the League of Evil is responsible.” the Anchorman finishes.             Sava gets up from his seat, looking at JT.             “We’re going to save them.” he says, “And we’ll find Bellcord and Pouter to help them.”             “Wait, you’re suggesting we go against Bakura and Mordum too?” JT asks, shocked, “This is a suicide mission. These bastards might try and kill us.”             “That’s just a risk we have to take.” Sava said, “Grab your gear. We’re leaving NOW.”             JT is reluctant, yet he knows Sava is declaring the right choice. He rushes to his room and gets his nunchucks, right after putting on his blue bandana. Sava puts on his orange bandana and gets his swords.             JT then leaves his room, as he walks out the door with Sava.             “It’s showtime.” Sava grins.               At Chestnut University, Blaze and Lars (who look like Fireblaze and Storm, only younger students) walk out of class after the session is over. They remain out of their superhero personas for the time being in public, yet Lars has his robotic arm and robot eye. He’s had them ever since a freak accident in a factory long ago. Their teacher Doctor Whooves then walks up to them from behind, patting them on the backs.             “Well, you guys did excellent today.” he congratulates, “You both got A+ from all your studying and hard work. You really have a good future awaiting.”             “Thanks.” Lars comments.             “Yeah, studying DOES pay off, doesn’t it?” Blaze said.             “What will you boys be planning on doing once you get out of college?” Doctor Whooves asks.             “Well, I’ll be going into the military, just to be a fighter. Nothing more matters.” Blaze said.             “I’m into robotics, might get a job around that majority.” Lars admits, “My robotic limb itself could use a lot of work.”             “You certainly fit that profession.” Doctor Whooves admits, “Following your father’s footsteps?”             “I’m thinking of running his company, just before he passes on.” Lars said.             “That reminds me, how’s your father doing? I’m understanding he’s coping with an illness.” Blaze brings up.             Lars sighs, not knowing what to say. His father has been sick for a while now, and he’s getting real old. The doctors even recommending pulling the plug on him if the sickness gets worse.             “GUYS!” a sudden voice calls out to them.             Blaze and Lars look up, seeing Bellcord is flying down with Pouter. They grow suspicious at Bellcord’s presence, and the blanket can only hope the meeting goes well. Blaze and Lars then look back at Whooves.             “Can you excuse us for now?” Blaze asks him.             “Sure. Have a good day.” Whooves said, turning around to leave.             As Bellcord and Pouter land, Blaze and Lars walk up to them.             “What are YOU doing here?” Blaze angrily asks Bellcord.             “I’m the GOOD GUY here.” Bellcord protests, “And for your information, it’s bad news considering the Power Ponies.”             “What are you talking about?” Lars asks, worried.             “Well, first off… the Power Ponies WERE watching Bellcord, including Zapp. We were aiding them on a mission after word got out that Mordum has broke out of prison.” Pouter summarizes.             “Wh… what else?” Lars asks, now worried.             “My new friends… the Power Ponies….” Bellcord starts to say in regret, “They’ve been captured by the League of Evil. And… Mordum’s brother is involved… he’s named… Bakura.”             “WHAT?” Lars and Blaze gasps in shock.             Pouter nods.             “But I researched that Bakura has been imprisoned in the strongest parallel dimension!” Blaze shudders, “How could he have possibly gotten out?”             “I don’t know.” Pouter sighs, “But… what’s worse… Bakura has gotten control of Matter-Horn after manipulating her magic mask. He’s even forcing Radiance to make these same masks for not only the League of Evil, but…”             “The Power Ponies, including Hummer and Mote.” Bellcord sadly finishes, “I think he has intentions to manipulate the rest of the team too, to obey his every whim and perform his criminal deeds.”             “All because of Matter-Horn’s mask?” Blaze whimpers.             “There has to be plan we can use to fight him… and not your friends!” Lars says in hope, “Blaze can use of one his talents that can get us through this situation. However, if he enters into his persona of Firestorm, his mind won’t inhabit in the same body.”             “That does sound like a struggle.” Bellcord admits.             “Still, in a different mind…” Blaze points out, “Bakura will have less of a chance to use his manipulation powers on me.”             “Is everyone else watching?” Pouter asks, “Because if I were you, I’d change now. Our buddies are depending on us!”             “On it!” Lars grins, “GLADIATOR FORM, INITIATE!”             Then Lars has a glowing flash surround him, as he turns into Gladiator. He has his mask cover his face, as he then holds a giant spear in his hand. This is the same gadget Pouter described, one that can shoot lasers and hack into any computer technology.             “Are YOU ready?” Bellcord asks Blaze.             “I am.” Blaze admits, “FIRESTORM FORM, INITIATE!”             As Fireblaze shouts this, his body jolts as it starts to flash. His eyes then glow yellow, and his dragon wings start to come out at the sides of his body. As of now, he’s Firestorm, ready to save the day.             “Okay, let’s go find Matter-Horn!” Firestorm shouts in pride.             Then Firestorm, Gladiator, and Pouter hop onto Bellcord’s back, as they fly off to find clues where Bakura’s hideout may be.               The League of Evil has pictured out and planned a good hiding place for their new lair to be. In any rate, the FBI would have searched the original base right now. In the newest lab of the hideout, Matter-Horn is still under Bakura’s enslaving spell, as Bakura watches her eye evilly at her friends, Hummer, Mote, Saddle Ranger, Mistress Marvelous, Zapp, and Fili-Second tied up and locked in a cage together. Bakura then turns behind him to see Mordum is keeping a close eye on Radiance, as she makes him the masks. Long Face smokes a cigar, fascinated about Bakura’s plan going exactly perfect.             “So we got the Power Ponies. What next?” Long Face asks.             “Use the masks to force them onto our prisoners, of course.” Bakura hums, “Then bring the apocalypse onto these filthy mortals of earth. A new war with my army of ancient demons is what I’m envisioning.”             “We still have Bellcord and Pouter in the way, though.” ShadowMare warns, using his psychic powers to see the future, “Even Sava, JT, Gladiator, and Firestorm. It looks as if they’re a team coming together to find US.”             “Who’s Firestorm and Gladiator? They sound interesting.” Bakura muses.             “Firestorm appears to be some sort of dragon powered pony.” ShadowMare said, “What’s more? He has the power of mind control, hypnosis, and he can brainwash to minds at once. Such talents are impossible to use the masks against him.”             “DAMN!” Bakura snaps, hearing this, “Then my masks are going to have to be more than just…. powerful. But will he be the only problem? No, still Bellcord and those two foxes. Gladiator, some stupid robot like him can’t defeat me. Back to Firestorm, does he have any weaknesses?”             “I… think he had some sort of relationship history with Zapp.” ShadowMare puts together, “He and her were always so close.”             “Is… that true?” Saddle Rager whispers to her.             “Yes… it is…” Zapp tells Saddle Rager.             The brave cyan power pony then looks up at Bakura in rage.             “AND YOU LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!” Zapp yells.             “I don’t really feel like leaving him out.” Bakura taunts at her, “Once you’re mine, he’ll be dead from you. You’ll DESTROY him when I give the command!”             “You bastard…” Zapp snarls.             Radiance then makes the final touches on all the masks, having them all look exactly like Matter-Horn’s.             “I’m done…” Radiance huffs, “Just… please let us go…”             “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Bakura hums.             He then has the masks rise up by his magic, then having them fly to SLAM into the power ponies’ faces! He then unbinds them, but keeps Mote and Hummer all tied up. Then, the change doesn’t only affect Radiance, but also Zapp, Filli-Second, Mistress Marvelous, and Saddle Ranger. As the five ponies try to fight the power, it’s all no good. Their eyes glow, as they are now under the two brothers’ powers. The cage then opens, releasing the brainwashed slaves.             “We will serve you, master….” all of the Power Ponies say at once.             “Let’s see how the foxes, blanket, chaos beast, and robot handle you. God, I especially can’t wait to cut open Firestorm!” Bakura laughs.             “Yes brother, Zapp will kill him for sure, as well.” Mordum promises.             Mote is really pissed when he struggles against the ropes.             “There’s no way you can win this!” Mote screams.             Bakura then approaches to the other side of the room, opening up his right hand palm. He then has a hold tear out from it, smashing and magically creating a black hole that glows in the wall. Mote then gasps as he sees black imps and masked creatures coming through the parallel entrance.             “Those beasts… are from the shadow realm…” Bakura tells him, “And they’re getting ready for my apocalypse I’m envisioning.”             “So is that all it is to you? Some sort of game?” Mote demands.             “That’s correct.” Bakura grins, “I call it… THE SHADOW GAME!”