The Power Ponies: The Power Inside

by Matthew Stone

The Defeat and Capture of the Power Ponies

    “Well Power Ponies, I see you met my brother Mordum.” Bakura smiles.

    “You won’t get away with this, whatever your capable of having Mordum do!” Mokuba yells at Bakura.

     “Ah, Mote. I figured you come here.” Bakura chuckles.

     The evil villain spits phlegm out to the filly hero for mockery, soon turning his face to see Bellcord’s.

    “Let me guess.” Bakura says to him, “Your going to help them stop me and my brother."           
     “I always wanted to make friends for some strange reason. With that, it’s to help these ponies. If that proves anything, I’ll see to it that your crimes are stopped!” Bellcord promises.

    Matter-Horn is slightly touched by Bellcord’s sincerity.

    “Hmm. I don’t really care.” Bakura hums, “Brother, deal with him. I’ll have me and the other league members take care of the power pests.”

      Mordum then starts his attacking move, smacking Bellcord to his face. The hit sends him in a mighty hard crash to heated wall, and Bellcord immediately pulls himself back up, refusing to go down. He then rushes forward at Mordum as the villain comes toward him. Bellcord snaps his fingers to have his chaos smash Mordum back. The Mordum jumps up to grab Bellcord by his neck when landing, preparing to choke the life out of him.

      “BELLCORD?” Zapp screams in shock, not expecting for Mordum to try and kill him.

       “NO!” Saddle Ranger screams in alarm.

       The six power ponies shake at the sacrifice Bellcord is now making, and the way that Mordum is attacking…. makes Saddle Ranger… furious…

      “GRRRR! DON’T YOU DARE!” Saddle Ranger suddenly screams.

       Her muscles tense, as her angry energy rushes through her blood. Every bone strengthens, as she enlarges her size. In that moment, she now becomes the big angry version of Saddle Ranger, exactly like the Hulk.

       She then pounces onto Mordum, knocking his jaw with a mighty swing. Mordum then released Bellcord from his grip, and hits Saddle Ranger back. Bellcord then protects her from Mordum’s claw attacks, and scratches his face to damage his left. Zapp rushes in to join Bellcord and Saddle Ranger, until the other members of the evil league stomp and step in front of her, knocking her down. Mane-Iac smirks at Matter-Horn, as she then looks at Bakura. She waits for him to give the word.

       “Take them down as you wish. But leave Mater-Horn to me.” Bakura instructs.

          Then the battle begins, as Zapp and Radiance come against Mane-Iac. The villainess has her hair stretch out as they aim at the two of them. Zapp then flashes past the hair strikes, and comes behind Mane-Iac to strike a lightening bolt power behind her back. Mane-Iac roars, and then feels a jewel bomb explode by her hooves. The bombs are thrown by Radiance, who then has one of her gems shoot lasers to strike the villainess. Mane-Iac then has her hair stretch out to punch her in the face. Radiance feels blood spurt out her mouth, though the move encourages her to spit out the pain and keep up with the fight.

            Fili-Second and Mistress Marvelous then do their fight with Smudge. The gooey villain shoots his acid slime towards them, as Fili-Seconds uses her super speed to flash past the goo. She then makes a tornado move to go around Smudge again and again in infinite speed, having his sticky liquid for skin rise up in the air. Marvelous Mistress then uses her lasso as a whip, and strikes it to have Smudge turn into an exploded mess of liquid, injuring him.

            Fili-Second slows down then, winking at Mistress Marvelous for the collaboration.

            Pouter hides behind one of the broken food barrels, shaking as he sees Hummer and Mote start their fight against Long Face. The weird  muzzled villain shoots his automatic gun to have the bullets try to hit the heroes, as Hummer jumps upward to breath green fire out of his mouth. The fire attack pushes Long Face back, as Mote comes from behind to punch him by the back. Long Face then spins upward to kick Mote behind his head. Hummer catches him to his aid, and then growls to rush towards Long Face once again.

            As Matter-Horn fights against Bakura, the evil leader starts to grow tired of his battle against her. He looks at Mote fighting with Hummer, expecting he’d make a challenge with him as well. At that, he makes a mighty sing at Matter-Horn to smash her to a cold wall, having her stuck in the made hole. She wriggles herself out, only to fall in front of Mane-Iac, wishing to fight her now after a surprise hit she gives.

            That has Matter-Horn blast her rays from her horn in such determination, aiming the beams at Mane-Iac. The villainess then has her stretching hair whip out snaky slaps to strike Matter-Horn by her legs, then grabbing then to have her trip to the hot floor. The fall has Matter-Horn crack her jaw slightly, also knocking out one of her teeth.

            Bakura then pulls out a giant blade to strike towards Mote. The filly hero hops up to avoid the strikes grinding at the concrete floor. He then hops again over the horizontal blade attack, then landing to kick Bakura in the stomach.

            Zapp has her fight go on with Smudge as he brings his mucky liquids back together to form his shape. Zapp then throws her sparks to shock the gooey bastard, as the villain twirls and dives under the bolts. Smudge then spits a piece of acid of his body to strike Zapp, having her scream out from the acid like pain once it touches her. She jumps back, scared about his contagious power. Then she scowls, building up the courage again as she hits him with a painful lighting slap to his face, using an electric barrier to protect her hooves.

            Fili-Second goes quick against Pharaoh, as the Egyptian-like monster uses his mummy wraps to rise and whip towards the hero. The speeding pony then flashes through the thwarting sharp paper, coming up to Pharaoh with infinite varieties of hits as she comes around him in split seconds. Once the villain is struck at fair play, he then punches Fili-Second by the side of her chest, sending her back. She slides on the floor like it’s ice,  and drags herself back against the burning flames of the building. She then uses some of the fire with her speed to have it come against Pharaoh to scorch him, slowing his fighting moves down.   

            Radiance goes against Female Fatale, as the villain uses her dark star powers to try and strike Radiance in the chest. The hero then uses one of her gems to reflect the attack, and have it bounce away to strike Fatale. The villainess falls back in dismay, and gets up to throw a punch as Radiance jumps back to miss.

            Mistress Marvelous kinks her legs when wearing her sexy suit, then hoping up to miss ShadowMare’s dark aura attack. His shadow demons he casts try to grab Marvelous and choke her, but she uses her rope to tear the demons in half with such strong whips.  She then uses the rope to drag ShadowMare towards her, then thwarting him a head hit to his neck, having him cough out air from the pain in his neck.

            As Saddle Ranger from Mordum protects Bellcord, another villainous league member, Long Face, then assists the evil brother. The mime villain then throws deadly ink bombs at the heroes, having Bellcord grab Saddle Ranger to miss to explosive. The boom sends out acid sizzles that tear holes through the walls and floors. Some also drip over to one of Bellcord’s wings, sending him crashing back toward the floor when he tries to fly Saddle away. He screams in pain, and Long Face then comes at Saddle Ranger to hit her in the jaw. She fights back with her muscular strength, feeling extension to her veins.

            Then, Bakura plans his move to happen now. As he dodges Mote’s next attack, he punches him hard, REAL HARD, that he sends him crashing out of the building. The attack has Mote lay on the ground, severely injured ad groaning.

             “Now, let’s play the possession game.” Bakura giggles, looking at Matter-Horn and her mask.

            His eyes then glow red, as another green aura by his mind starts to come around Matter-Horn’s head.

            “WHAT THE?” Matter-Horn screams.

            She has her head thrash, trying to fight Bakura’s control. It’s no good, the power is too strong for her to fight against. The mask even starts to come apart from her a bit. Then, Bakura makes his next sadistic move. He starts to speak inside her head telepathically.

            “Stop resisting me.” his voice sneers, “Join me, capture your friends, obey my commands.”

            Bellcord and Saddle Ranger then look at what Bakura is doing to Matter-Horn. Saddle screams, as their leader’s eyes start to glow green. Matter-Horn then looks at Bakura and bows to him.

            “I will do as you say, Master Bakura.” Matter-Horn groans.

            Pouter comes out of his hiding spot to see what’s going on. Unfortunately, he was the first to be struck by Matter-Horn’s brainwashing attack, the ice ray. It freezes the blanket in place, trapping him and forbidding him to move. She then does the same thing under Bakura’s control, to Bellcord, Saddle Ranger, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, and Hummer. Mote then crawls into the room despite his injuries, hoping to fight again. Yet, he too is then struck, trapped in the ice holding down his hooves.

            “MATTER-HORN! What are you doing?” Hummer yells out in alarm.

            “Bakura… brainwashed her…” the blanket sidekick whimpers.

            “IS THIS BECAUSE YOU TOOK CONTROL OF HER MASK?” Mote demands at Bakura, trying to get free.

            “Well, that’s part of the way I had to take her mind so she can obey me.” Bakura grins, “Radiance, you’re next. You’ll be expected to make more masks like Matter-Horn’s personally for my assistants. Either that, or the rest of your team will die.”

            “YOU WOULDN’T EVEN DARE KILL THEM!” Radiance hisses.

            Bakura then goes next to Hummer, taking out his sword. He points it towards the dragon’s stomach, as if he’s ready to slice him open. Hummer gulps nervously.

            “I would dare.” Bakura snarls, “Now do as I say. I’ll have the mask any way I’ll have to try forcing it to happen. Time is ticking…for me… for you…”

            “V…very well….” Radiance weeps, hanging her head down.

            “NO!” Hummer screams.

            “You’re making the right choice…” Bakura grins.

            Mordum dusts his hands now that the fight is over. The Power Ponies are now in bad defeat, and Matter-Horn is under Bakura’s power. Zapp and Fili-Second try to get their hooves free, but it was all no good.

            “What about Bellcord?” Bakura asks his brother.

            “He won’t be a problem. Bellcord…” Mordum laughs.

            The evil brother then approaches to him and holds his neck.

            The heavy punch has Bellcord break from his restraints and fall flat to the ground. Blood rushes to one of his eyes, as the draconequus goes into deep unconsciousness. That’s when Zapp feels sympathy for him for the very first time, crying at the horrible beating he received.

             Fili-Second, Radiance, Mistress Marvelous, and Saddle Ranger are too shocked in fear about Bellcord’s injury and possible coma.

            “No… Bellcord…” Saddle Ranger cries.

            “We should have treated him fairly…” Mistress Marvelous sobs in guilt.

            “VICTORY!” Bakura laughs, “Now, we have more business for you pests at our hideout.”

            One of the villains also laughs as they pick up Pouter the blanket, knocking him out cold as well. They call the sidekick worthless, as they use their powers to take their Power Pony prisoners back to their base. Mistress Marvelous, Mote, Fili-Second, Zapp, Radiance, Hummer, and Saddle Ranger struggle in their restraints, crying that they’re prisoners.


            Pouter awakes a couple hours later, rubbing his head from the throbbing pain. He looks up, seeing dead bodies through the demolished prison wall hole. All the reporters, convicts, and authorities are DEAD! The League of Evil had DONE THIS, all because of Bakura and Mordum! The blanket shudders in shock, then looking to see the unconscious Bellcord.

            Pouter floats and rushes to the chaos-powered hero, the one who tried to save his new friends. Pouter uses his flippers to try and wake him up. He can also hear Bellcord wheezing in pain.

            “Bellcord! WAKE UP!” The blanket begs.

            Bellcord slowly opens his eyelids, seeing the damage in the prison. He then knew that his friends are captured, gone, into the clutches of Mordum. The reality of it makes him sit upward, covering his eyes as he cries hysterically.

            “THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!” Bellcord sobs, “If my powers were strong enough, I would have saved them! Why was I evil before? Now… there’s no hope…”

            Pouter understood very thoroughly about the situation, and has his flipper pat Bellcord on the back. The blanket then thinks of a way to solve the situation. Then, he beams in hope.

            “I HAVE A IDEA! POYO!” Pouter cheers.

            “What good will an idea do?” Bellcord said negatively.

            “It’s called, ‘Let’s find more superheroes’ idea!” Pouter said, “I just came up with it.”

            “How does it work?” Bellcord asks, wiping his tears off.

            “Simple. I know of two other superheroes who know about Bakura.” Pouter informs, “They’re known as Firestorm and Gladiator. Firestorm is a dragon pony with firepowers from a mystical volcano. Gladiator is a griffon with robotic limbs that carry cyber strength.”

            “You… really think THEY will help?” Bellcord wonders.

            “They’re still at Chestnut University.” Pouter lets him know, “What else can we do? The least we can try is get their help. You can still make things right just like me. We’ll do it together!”

            Bellcord is starting to like the sound of that. Pouter’s positivity is also gaining his self-esteem, ready for more challenges ahead to defeat Mordum. Bellcord then gets up, throwing his fist into the air.

            “All right! Let’s do it!” Bellcord agrees.

            “POYO!” Pouter cheers.

            Bellcord then picks the blanket sidekick up, and flies straight into the air. The two of them start to fly towards the north, where Chestnut University is located. They need to get help before it’s all to late…