Rise of The Ancient Summoner

by Hekkar

Chapter 1: Introductions

Twilight POV

I sat there, quill wrapped in my magic as I took notes over the creature with my mentor, her sister, and my friends. From observation of the creature itself, it looked bipedal by nature with hardly any hair on its head and bits of hair on its body. So far most of it's body was naked with only skin on it's body. Its eyes were a nice shade of light blue eyes all of it worked on a average looking body. Not a lot of muscle, but also not too little muscle. Its skin and readings showed it was properly full of nutrients so it was not malnourished.

Its attire, which was removed because of hospital procedure and I was allowed to take back to the library to study, was all black with some unknown symbol on the hood. A button-up shirt, some black jeans, black boots by the look of them, though honestly most of the attire was ripped up from the crushing ceiling and of course the fall from the sky as the scorch marks on his hooded cloak were evident. The oddest part of his attire was the metal components on it that seem to act like a belt and when I touched one of them, it opened up as if it was like a small container or pocket to add to his regular pockets.

From all of his attire, I couldn't even detect the smallest trace of magic in them at all. All the clothing here in Equestria has a faint trail of magic in the thread no matter who made it, from the Earth pony to the obvious magical unicorn. Despite all this, there was one form of its attire that gave off high levels of magic, levels that only equal masters or even grandmasters of magic, all in that gauntlet. Curiosity did get the better of me as I observed the gauntlet, this was all while the creature was asleep and discovered some things about it. The gauntlet's magic was not of a single class, like how some unicorns are skilled in ice magic, but this thing was emitting magic of all categories! Ice, fire, wind, light, earth, water, even dark magic like shadow and, what Starswirl called in his journal, 'plague magic', a type of magic that causes disease, decay, and eventually death.

I would of studied it more, but that was when I got a letter from Princess Celestia telling me that the nurse called of the awakening. I teleported right over and walked with the girls who arrived a few minutes later we all entered. I used my magic to get in some paper and quill as we entered. I sat closest to him and, of course, Pinkie jumped on him as it caused him to yell at her. Normally I would hate anypony who yelled at one of my friends, but considering how much pain he was in and he apologized, I let it slide.

After getting him to sit up with help, all of us had decided earlier to take turns with questions, just to see what made him comfortable and what he would give us, given how we treated him. I of course went first as I smile and ask "What is your name creature?" in a kind voice and gentle smile.

The creature slowly turned, since he was still recovering, as he coughs a bit as he breathes for a bit. His eyes look at mine as they seem tired, probably from all the pain numbing medicine along with healing magic as he tries to put on a weak small smile "I would like to say first I am called a human. Pronounced 'hyoo-muh n' and I am male, just for extra detail. As for name, is it not consider good manners for the host to introduce themselves first?" he asked. Despite his voice sounded tired, it felt naturally calm, as if he didn't feel threatened in a different world. I just marked that again to the medication.

I simply noded "Of course, it's just.... we never met a hu-man before" I say. I placed a hand on myself "My name is Twilight Sparkle. This" I say waving my hand to one of my Earth pony friends. She was in a red plaid button up shirt that was tied off under her breast showing off her stomach and a bit of muscle from being a farmer. On her head sat her famous Stetson, a item no one would ever steal unless they wanted to get bucked out of life. She also had on a pair of brown gloves and a pair of blue jean shorts. All of it complimented her orange body, apple green eyes with freckles and of course her long, blonde ponytail that reached to her mid back. "This is Applejack" I say to introduce the two.

Applejack reached over and held back a bit of her strength to shake hands with the injured human "Name's Applejack partner. I got the right juiciest apples in all of Equestria. Ya ever need a place to earn some bits, ya come on by ya hear?" she asks in a southern drawl. The human nods as they stop.

My hand then motions over to Pinkie "You already met Pinkie Pie" she says. She of course was referring to the bouncing bubblegum pink coated, blue eyed, cotton candy haired pony. She had on a tight tanktop that always seemed like if she bounced hard enough the shirt would simply rip and expose her assets. She also had on a pair of shorts, but the problem was they were pink, but luckily identified by the white line design on it. She sees her about to jump as I hold a hand out to stop her "She is a very enthusiastic mare and is very sorry for what she did earlier." she says.

To my surprise he just chuckles a bit "No harm done. I remember times when I got so excited I practically kneed my dad in the gut when it snowed" he says.

A pink blur runs up "But it's not fine! I hurt a injured hu-man, though I NEVER met one before today which means I need to go and make a 'Welcome to Equestria Human party!' along with a 'Sorry I hurt you party' !" she says as she bolts out like a arrow as the human seemed about ready to ask something.

I stop him "It's Pinkie Pie. We.... don't question her" I say. I move my hand to the mare who was hiding behind a white coated mare "The mare hiding behind the white mare is Fluttershy" she says. Rarity was in a simple silk shirt and skinny black pants with a black belt. Her mane and tail were all in loops and curls in a fancy manner, like a high class mare. Behind her was the mare known as Fluttershy. She carefully came out from behind Rarity as she looks away with her blue eyes as she tries to hide behind her mane.

She tries to speak "Um.... hi" she says in a soft voice like silk. I watched as her and the human seemed to speak softly to eachother. I saw a smile on her face as she blushes a bit "I-I hope you get better soon" she says. I looked at the human as he smiles a bit.

"I simply helped ease her fear of me" he said in a more tired tone now. That tone did not go over my head as he reached for the water and help levitate the water to him as I continued.

"This here is Rarity" I said as my hand waved to the white unicorn who looked like she came from nobility with her button up blouse that had some sequins in it. She also had a pair of skinny jeans on and of course her mane and tail all done up as she walked over and shook his hand.

"Simply marvelous to meet you darling and don't you worry about your attire, I will fix it up and it will be fabulous!" she says with a wide smile.

"Please Miss Rarity, a simple repair job would be most satisfactory. No fine silks, no gems, nothing of the sort" he said as he has a small smile. Despite her rather disdain look of not making it look 'better' for fashion, she nodded with a smile. I look over at the Princesses and smile at how well things are going... well despite Luna still seeming suspicious of him.

"And now let me introduce you to Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria alongside Princess Luna" I said with obvious glee. That just got a simple chuckle out of him.

"Forgive me for not bowing Princesses. As you can see I'm not exactly in the best form to bow" he says as he does a more simple bow with his head. As he looks at them all, he leans back as he seems to relax a bit "As a man of my word, I shall introduce myself. I am Drake Blackwood and... what exactly happened to my clothing?" he asks.

"Well after you fell from the sky, we found your attire a bit scorched from the fall, but the only part unscathed is that gauntlet of yours." I explain as that got a confused look from him.


Drake POV

Did I hear her right? Did she just say my gauntlet is unscathed? After hearing that I just chuckled "Really? Unscathed? That thing is just made of plastic and its unscatched?" I ask as they got confused looks from all of them.

"Plastic? That gauntlet's made of metal and giving off large quantites of magic" Twilight told me. Wait metal? When the hell did it get turned to metal? Whatever I'll figure that out later. Right now I needed to know something "Nurse. When can I leave?" I asked her. Before a answer was given my body was coated in some golden aura and honestly.... it tickled as it made me laugh at the coat "Stop! It tickles!" I say loudly as it soon vanished.

As I calmed down and looked at everybody, or whatever the term is, I saw confusion "What?.... it tickled" I told them just as the nurse came over and seemed to scan me with some kind of spell as she gives me a clean bill of health. Evidentally that was a healing spell as I got disconnected and sat up, a bit more awake then earlier today. As I looked around a question came to mind "Can I get some temporary clothes?" I ask the mares. In a flash of white light and a *POP*, my attire laid before me as I simple "Going to have to wait on those repairs... well until I can get more clothing" I say.

I look at the mares as I rub the back of my head as with the cover still over me I got my attire back on.... well the boxers and pants on before that rainbow pegasus ripped the sheets off my bed. I smirk "What? Wanted to see what I had down there? I know I'm handsome" I teased as she rolls her eyes. I move to the edge to get my boots on before standing slowly, so I don't fall down again. On the bed laid the rest of my stuff as I reached for the makeshift belt, but when I grabbed it, it clinked like armor and definitely felt a bit heavy then its original form of plastic. Guess Sparkle wasn't lying about that part as I put it on before putting on my shirt and hood cloak. I looked at the edge of the hooded cloak and saw the frayed edge of it. Honestly it looked pretty badass and made me contemplate whether I should let Rarity repair it.

I looked at the gauntlet and much to Twilight's 'research' as I call it, she was right. The gauntlet was of metal and not plastic as I turned it around to gaze at it. Much like my metal belt, both looked to be of a obsidian color, but the difference was that my gauntlet still had the object in its palm and of course was different. As I gazed upon the object, it was not a green plastic dome like before, but a light grey gem that was about two and a half inches in diameter. As I slid the gauntlet on me, it fit me perfectly. No tight joints, easier wrist turning, it was as if the amateur gauntlet I made no longer existed.

As I looked at everyone in the room, I had met the eyes of Luna who seem to turn away from my gaze, she's probably shy. I got dragged from my thought as I felt my lungs collapsing, my bone's crushing and I looked to see who was causing this. Pinkie has me in a hug as I tap her arm with my right hand as she lets go and giggles "Sorry! Just super-duper excited for the party! Let's go!" she calls out, grabbing my collar as the others stop her

"Pinkie, we need to get some other stuff figured out before Mister Blackwood-"

"Drake is fine, Twilight. Mister Blackwood was my father" he says. They seemed confused as Celestia steps forward, towering over Drake as she speaks.

"In any case, we do need to find him a place to stay. Twilight, would you do the honor?" she asks. Twilight simply nods as she smiles at Drake with a look that shows the gears in her head turning with questions and ways to find out more about me.

Lord have mercy for what may happen.