//------------------------------// // Doctor Whooves // Story: Doctor Whooves // by jsamolis //------------------------------// Doctor Whooves By Jsamolis It was just a typical day in Ponyville. Derpy Hooves was doing her usual mail route until a large blue box lands in front of her. She just stays there and stares at it, looking confused. About a minute later, the door opens up and Derpy jumps back with a start. Soon a light brown pony with an hourglass cutie mark appears. “Oh, hello,” he says. “Um… you’re a pony?” “Yes, I am… So are you mister,” Derpy says. “I’m not a pony…” he says, as he looks at his hooves. “I have hooves?” “Yes, you have hooves. We all do,” Derpy says, as she points to several ponies around town. He looks around wondering where he landed. He sees about 20 ponies walking around. “Where am I and who are you?” he asks. “My name is Derpy Hooves, but you can just call me Derpy. I am the local mail pony here in Ponyville,” she explains. “What’s your name, mister?” “I am the doctor,” he says. “Hello Doctor, welcome to Ponyville! And don’t worry about the citizens, they’re rather friendly and should be very welcoming,” she says. “Excellent, I shall mingle,” he states. Derpy walks close behind him as he walks into town. He walks to the center of town and looks around. “Um, Doctor?” asks Derpy. “What is that blue box thing you came in?” “That’s the TARDIS,” he explains. “The TARDIS?” Derpy asks, confused. “It’s stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. I use it to travel through time and space,” he explains. Derpy doesn’t say anything and just keeps following him. “Why are you following me?” he asks. “My shift ended and I thought I’d study you, because I don’t think you’re from here,” Derpy says, curiously. “I’m not. I’m from another planet… A planet that is littered with evil robots and killer angel statues,” he explains. “An evil planet?” asked Derpy. “No not an evil planet, the planet has evil stuff on it,” said Doctor. “Do you think they’ll ever make their way here, Doctor?” asked Derpy. “I hope not,” he said. Doctor and Derpy continue to walk into Ponyville and are stopped by a yellowish pony with an orange mane. “Hello you two! I see you are new to Ponyville!” said the pony as she was looking at Doctor. “I am and my name is The Doctor,” he explained. “What would your name be?” “Carrot Top at your service Doctor!” she said excitedly. “Hello Carrot Top,” greeted Doctor. The Doctor and Carrot Top converse more about each other until they are interrupted by Derpy. “Now Derpy, it is rude to interrupt,” scolded the Doctor. Derpy apologizes and walks with The Doctor and Carrot Top until a loud rumbling is heard. “What was that?” asked Carrot Top, with fear in her voice. “I’m not sure, but I have a hunch,” said The Doctor. Just then a faint ‘Exterminate’ is heard in the distance. “Oh no!” exclaimed the Doctor. “What is it, Doctor?” asked Derpy. “Daleks,” he explained, “they are very bad news.” “What are Daleks?” asked Carrot Top. “They are robots that apparently hate my kind,” he explained. They hear the Daleks get louder and louder as they approach us. Carrot Top freaks out and runs off. “Carrot Top! Don’t run away!” shouted Derpy. “Let her go, at least she won’t die first,” said Doctor. “What…?” asked Derpy before a Dalek just missed her by that much. The Daleks keep firing their lasers all over Ponyville, trying to destroy it, like they destroyed Gallifrey. Then the Doctor and Derpy kick Dalek after Dalek, also getting help from such ponies as Big Mac and even Applejack. The Daleks are tougher than they seem as not even Big Mac can make a dent. The Daleks have destroyed half the town and the only way they can be defeated if The Doctor can make it back to the TARDIS. Derpy follows him to the TARDIS and helps him. “Can I help, Doctor?” asked Derpy. “Sure, I needed a new assistant anyway,” he confirmed. “Yay, I get to be an assistant! How do I help?” she asked. “Find a Dalek laser I have stowed away in here,” he said. Derpy nods and starts to look for a laser. “I found it Doctor!” she exclaimed. “Allonsy,” he said as he went outside to mount the laser on the TARDIS. The Doctor shoots the laser and aiming at the Daleks, destroying each one. Scattered throughout Ponyville are the shattered remains of the invading Daleks. No one really knows how they got there, but the important thing is that they made it there. As the Doctor, Derpy and Carrot Top clean the mess, a faint chuckling is heard. The mares gasp while the Doctor wonders who that was. Carrot Top explains to to him, “that’s Discord’s evil chuckle. I thought he was turned to stone.” But It was true, Discord has returned and he i hungry for chaos.