//------------------------------// // Miracle - The DJ Rainbow Dash // Story: TwiDash Prompt Collab // by TwiDashCollabs //------------------------------// It stared her down. Every single aspect of it seemed to beckon her, draw her in and clutch her tightly like a sweet smelling pheromone. The sleek, voluptuous curves were quite pronounced, sliding down and meeting to a point. In a way it was able to envelope itself within her mind, as if she was becoming high off its essence. For most ponies, this would describe a special someone. In Twilight's skewed world, it described a math equation. With a quill held in her hoof, she checked her work for the umpteenth time, going over each part with a fine toothed comb. Despite her cautiousness, there was still something wrong with what she wrote, and she was well aware of it. Yet as hard as she looked, even with an eye as critical as hers, she couldn't figure it out. For the 10th time that day, a poor quill gave it's life for the cause. "Grrr... stupid Starswirl the Bearded. Stupid equation," she grumbled, rubbing her temple as a headache began to mount, "Did he really have to go through all this to make an equation for..." CRASH She looked up and turned to her front door. What once was a beautiful wood carved masterpiece now had bore the scars of battle, as if it was a shield on the front lines of the last Equestrian Civil War. Instead it was just the outline of a pegasus. "Come in Rainbow Dash." The door finally gave way, splitting in two, and revealing Rainbow. She stood there wearing the poorest look of innocence anypony could possible conjure up, and Twilight just rolled her eyes before turning towards her desk. "Hey Twi! I was doing some new tricks, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to grab some lunch." The cold chill of silence greeted her. "Uh Twi? Your ears are on right?" She began poking Twilight's head. "If you're wondering, I can hear you, and yes my ears are on because you can't turn them off," she replied flatly. "Woah, sorry. Didn't know you were getting down and dirty with, um, the math books today?" Rainbow focused in on whatever mixture of numbers and letters decided to vomit on Twilight's book. "Say, that is a math equation right?" Twilight nodded. "It's a unsolved Starswirl the Bearded equation on the speed that magic travels in a vacuum. I found it when I was reading one of his older books, when it mentioned nopony ever solved it. So I decided to give it a shot." "Well it doesn't look like you've solved it." Dash backed up at the deathly glare she was given. "Guess not huh?" Twilight huffed and threw her hooves in the air. "I've tried to solve it for the past 3 days now! But I keep getting parts of it wrong, and then other parts of it are wrong, and then other parts of those parts are wrong and..." She was stopped by a hoof in her muzzle. "Twilight, 2 plus 2 is four right?" Rainbow nearly started laughing at the dumbfounded expression Twilight gave her. "I'm serious though, it says right here, two plus two is five, which using my brilliant addition skills, is wrong." "You're joking." "Nope. Look where my hoof is." Twilight obliged, focusing on the near microscopic arithmetic in the vastness of the entire equation. Sure enough, Dash's word held true, and some say Twilight's eyes grew three sizes that day. Rainbow chuckled. "I'll see ya later Twilight, have fun with that." She flew out the empty doorframe, just as Twilight began to scribble like mad. Rainbow Dash put her hooves up, sinking into her soft, fluffy couch as she prepared her body for a well deserved nap. Her recent tricks had taxed every single fiber of her body, and the thought of doing anything just didn't click with her right now. "By Celestia! It's a Miracle!" Her eyes flipped open as she recognized Twilight's voice, remembering that it had been 3 days since she had seen the alicorn. She assumed Twilight was busy doing her equation, and prior experience told her not to interrupt her. But Twilight didn't live near her at all. ...And that voice was unmistakable. "3... 2... 1..." CRASH! Rainbow could only snicker at the alicorn indent that just appeared in her front door.