TwiDash Prompt Collab

by TwiDashCollabs

Misinformed - Timaeus

Twilight’s lips left Rainbow’s with a small pecking sound. Smiling from ear to ear, Twilight fell back into her seat, a dreamy look on her face. She felt elated, there was no other way to describe it. After weeks of planning, beating around the bush, and working up the courage to ask Rainbow Dash to dinner, they had finally shared their first—of hopefully many—kisses.

Her stomach doing somersaults, Twilight blinked through the haze of euphoria that clouded her eyes and looked to Rainbow, expecting to see a similar drunken smile on her face. Twilight was sure her cheeks must have been glowing red when she stared into Rainbow’s cerise eyes, looking to see the same spark of excitement and anticipation that Twilight hoped shined in her own eyes.

It came as a great shock for Twilight when she was met with an aghast Rainbow Dash. Her smile faltered when Rainbow looked down in horror at Twilight’s lips with a slack jaw and an expression of horror drawn over her features.

“Wh-what the hay was that?!

Twilight’s blood ran cold and drained from her formerly blushing cheeks. “I-I...” Twilight sputtered, her heart falling to her stomach. “A-a kiss?” she asked quietly.

“The hay did you kiss me for?!” Rainbow shook her head, a pink hue showing through her fur. She looked at Twilight in disbelief before shaking her head again and staring resolutely at her half-eaten dinner.

“Um...” Twilight fidgeted with her hooves. “Y-you mean you’re not... we’re not...” Her gaze drifted down to the tablecloth as she scrunched shut her suddenly burning eyes.

“We’re not what?”

Steeling herself, Twilight inhaled deeply and dared herself to meet Rainbow’s gaze. The blank look on her face managed to make Twilight exhale and deflate. “S-so... this isn’t a date?”

“A date?!” Rainbow’s eyes widened and she gaped at Twilight, making the alicorn look down in shame. “I— But— what made you think this was a date?

“Um...” Twilight gestured to the candlelit dinner set before them, idly noting how the dim light from the candles managed to make Rainbow’s eyes glow like a pair of rubies.

“Yeah, but this is just a dinner!” Rainbow said, a note of panic in her voice. “No romantic junk or anything! Just two friends having a totally friendly dinner...” She bit her lip and her ears pinned against her skull. “...Right?”

“B-but I did everything the book said!” Twilight protested weakly. Her mind raced. Where did she go wrong? A flash of her horn later, and Twilight was flipping through red-covered book. “A-all the signs were there! I thought I did everything right!”

“Book? Signs?” Rainbow asked feebly. “What are you talkin’ about, Twi?”

“Us!” Twilight snapped the book shut and looked desperately at Rainbow. “I thought that you... Ugh!” Twilight groaned and rubbed her face roughly. “You mean you really don’t have any feelings for me?”

Rainbow’s gaze wandered, seeming to want to look at everything except Twilight. “I... dunno,” she said lamely.

“But what about all those nights we spent cuddled up in front of the fireplace?”

“Th-those were just reading nights!” Rainbow wrung her hooves and her wings twitched by her sides. “We’ve been doing that since forever.”

Twilight’s heart fell in time with her head. “Y-you put your wing over me...”

“You were shivering,” Rainbow said immediately. “Like I would let my best friend freeze.”

“We’ve spent the last few days together...” Twilight swallowed thickly and blinked the forming tears from her eyes. Her head hit the table with a small thump and she held back a sniffle.

“I’ve had a couple extra shifts, and we just kinda hung out, I guess.” Twilight heard Rainbow’s chair squeak as it was pushed across the kitchen floor. Not a few seconds later she felt a hoof tentatively grip her shoulder. “Twilight?”

“I got you a bouquet of roses,” Twilight said more to the floor than to Rainbow. “And when I asked you to dinner, I thought—” she clicked her jaw shut. “Nevermind.”

There was a pregnant moment of silence, leaving both mares to their thoughts. “Yeah...” Rainbow mumbled slowly, a dawning realization growing in her voice. “You did....”

“And when you said I was one of the most important ponies in your life, I thought that you...” Twilight let out something between a sob and a snarl and pushed her chair back. “I-I’m sorry, I was wrong,” she said without looking at Rainbow. “I should go.”

Before Twilight could turn to leave she felt a strong pair of forelegs grab her by the shoulders, spin her around, and pull her into a tight embrace. Twilight’s eyes snapped open, freezing in Rainbow’s hooves. It was only when she felt a pair of wings wrap around her back that she let herself return the hug, burying her head in the crook of Rainbow’s neck.

“I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” Rainbow sighed into Twilight’s neck, sending a shiver down her spine. Rainbow pulled away from Twilight, her eyes flicking around the room. Finally, they settled back on Twilight, who brushed away a lingering tear from her eye as a sheepish smile formed on Rainbow’s face. “So... I don’t suppose we could, y’know, try this again?”