TwiDash Prompt Collab

by TwiDashCollabs

Tag - Cynical

There was an enormous crash as the window gave way, spreading millions of tiny fragments into the building along with Rainbow Dash, out of control as she plummeted into the library along with most of the window.

Then she stopped in mid-air, surrounded by a purple aura as she was lowered gently towards the glittering ground. As she drew nearer, the glass directly beneath her started rolling away, fleeing from her as she landed on the floor of the library before stopping, surrounding her in a circle.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, closing the book in front of her and turning around to face the disturbance in what had been a very engrossing book.

“Afternoon Rainbow, third time today right?” she asked, an almost bored-like tone to her voice as she surveyed the damage.

Rainbow herself looked fine, slightly dizzy but fine nonetheless, then there was the window. The Same window, now resting in pieces on the floor with Rainbow in the middle, looking around sheepishly.

“Um… sorry?” Rainbow offered, her smile hopeful.

Twilight sighed, she couldn’t stay mad at her really… well she could, but that wasn’t going to repair the window. “Fine… I suppose there’s no use in me saying not to do it again?”

Rainbow shook her head, her smile transformed into a grin. “None at all.” She vocalised.

Twilight snorted, a small smile barely hidden as she gathered her magic and focussed on the floor in front of her. All around Rainbow, the glass which had laid still moments before started rising. Then one by one, they all started rolling into collections in mid-air.

Rainbow stopped paying attention.

She’d seen it twice already today, first she’d gather the glass, then she’d melt it, then she’d press it back into the hole where the window had once been and hey presto, new window. Not really that interesting.

“Anyway, Twi?”

“Yes Rainbow?” Twilight replied, still focussing on the clouds of glass Rainbow knew to be just above her head.

“Guess what I found?” she asked in a sing-song voice, subconsciously pressing her wing to her side to make sure the package was still there.

“Hmm?” Twilight enquired, looking over at her friend as the cloud of glass started spinning, glowing a light red.

Rainbow leant her head into the crook of her wing and brought forth a book, the cover depicting a neon star inside a circle with the words ‘The Restaurant at the End of the Universe’ raised up from the book and Twilight knew that on the bottom of the cover somewhere, the author would read ‘Douglas Adams’.

Twilight’s eyes widened and she dove at Rainbow, all but snatching the book from her with her hooves, running one down the cover reverently, “But this looks like the first edition, Rainbow, where did you find this?” she asked, amazed.

Rainbow smiled at Twilight, “Found it in one of those antique bookshops you’re always telling us about, you like it then?”

Twilight nodded emphatically, “I love it, but how much did you have to pay for this? It must have cost you a hoof and a leg.”

Rainbow’s smile faltered slightly before reinstating itself, Twilight was right, it had been an amazingly large sum to get that one book, but the smile on Twilight’s face made it worth it, “Don’t worry about it, like I said, it’s a gift.”

A moment later the scent of coconut filled her nostrils as Twilight engulfed her in a hug. Rainbow awkwardly tried to return it, patting Twilight on the back until she drew away.

“Thanks Rainbow” Twilight said, smiling widely at her friend, “I’ll get straight to it after I finish fixing the win… dow.” Rainbow followed Twilights gaze to the ceiling at the glob of molten glass that had attached itself there when Twilight had ran forwards to claim the book.

Her work done, Rainbow turned around and flapped her wings once or twice, “Well nice seeing you again Twilight, sorry about the window… again.” She said before giving her wings a mighty flap and zooming towards the still-empty window pane.

Or at least she would have been zooming towards it if Twilight hadn’t caught her tail within her magic and yanked her down again.

“You think I’m going to let you go so you can inevitably smash my window again?” Twilight asked incredulously, out of Rainbows field of view.

“You might have done?” Rainbow said hopefully.

She heard Twilight chuckle and saw a few boards start floating over to the missing window, already boarding it up. “No, my windows are safer while you’re here, come on, let’s read that book.”