//------------------------------// // #2 Daily Court // Story: Ponyville Shorts Vol.1 // by SterlingCabin //------------------------------// Canterlot : a city of gold and white sprawling towers nestled high on a grand waterfall. It is a city of the rich and privileged, normal worries mean nothing here. Ponies here eat the finest cuisines, wear the finest silks, and all have bits to rub together. Celestia: the princess of Equestria rules here, and all are happy to obey her. But yet even here, where the sun shins high, there are still...troubles. In the royal palace the princess sits, passing judgement on the citizens of her land. By her side is a loyal Knight and Jester stand, and around them are the heads of various noble houses. A soft murmuring is heard throughout the great hall. Celestia turns to the Knight, who glitters in his silver armor, and gives her a nod of good faith. And the Jester, who sits idle plays a tune his mask pressed tightly on his snout. The day continues and the princess hears the pleas of her subjects, all from poor farmers worrying about winter, to pesky nobles battling for family inheritance. Celestia rests her head on her hoof as the day slowly eats away at her energy. The Jester, who sees this decides to make his ruler happy by playing a tune from his youth. The Jester slides onto the carpet and brings out his lute. The princess perks her ears and the crowed of ponies stopped to watch the show. He danced and sang, and behind his mask his lips curled into a smile as he saw the Knight shift uncomfortably in place. He sang of a small filly that went into the woods against her mothers will. The woods were dark and was layered in a blanket of heavy mist. The filly soon grew tired of her playing and decided to go back home, but when she tried the way back was gone, covered by brush. She frantically searched for hours, only when night was upon her did she realize why her mother warned her. As the fire that the filly had made started to die, she felt a faint breathing on the back of her neck. Once the Jester was done he drew back on his chair and softly slept. The court burned with intrigue, and the Knight scoffed at the tale. Just as Celestia was about to ask the Jester about the story, the doors tot he place were thrown open. Two guards brought out a dirty servant filly. They placed her in front of the princess and drew back. Out of the corner of his visor, the Knight could see the Jester turn his head to the little one. '' Princess, we bring you a thief. She has stolen a dagger from the armory. '' The guard said. The princess drew herself from her throne and trotted out to the filly. The knight saw that the Jester nervously starred at the filly, as if he knew her. '' Why have you done this ? And my you look half starved ! '' Celestia asked. The filly remained silent. '' him... '' She said, too quiet for Celestia to hear. '' Well, we should convene later, you and I. But for now guards take to the kitchen and get her some food to eat. '' '' Wait ! Your highness, may I take her ? '' Said the Knight. The princess allowed it and the Knight in silver took the filly away. More awakened Celestia sat back upon her throne. The crowed went back to their gossip and the Jester was left alone by the princess's side. As the day went on the Jester became more and more anxious, his hooves couldn't hold the lute right anymore. To calm his nerves he went for a bottle of wine he had gotten from the kitchen, and then stopped as the doors swung open again. The guards dragged in another servant filly, younger then the other one. She thrashed and tried biting the guards but they overpowered her. The jester's heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw the tiny filly's black eye. '' Forgive us your highness but this simply needs your attention. This filly, has poisoned the vintage wine collection. '' Said the guard. '' ( gasp ) !?! Is anypony sick ? '' Celestia asked. '' No, only one bottle has been taken. '' The jester rose to his hooves and smacked the bottle of wine of the cart. With a cold sweat running down his cheeks and his anger boiling he trotted towards the guards, leaving his lute behind. '' See my liege, this servant plans to kill us, maybe that wine was planned for you- '' '' ( spits in Jester's face ) He's a lair ! Iv'e seen what he does with the servant filly's ! Iv'e seen the skeletons in your closet ! '' '' Silence ! Princess you can not listen to this peasant filly, she has no proof. So may we taker her to the dungeons ? '' The Jester said, starring down the filly with daggers in his eyes. The princess starred at the angry jester with burning confusion in her eyes, the fool couldn't do something so evil ? The great hall was a burst with hushed tones and and worried stammering. Celestia pondered deeply the situation, the filly must of been lying... '' Stop ! '' Called the Knight with the first filly on his back, and a row of guards behind him. '' Go away Knight ! you have no business here ! '' barked the Jester. '' Silence fool, what these filly's claim are the whole truth. I found these in the Jesters closet ( throws bag of filly bones in front of Celestia ), he has been preforming black magic ...'' '' No ! The Knight is lying mad'am '' '' Guards arrest this monster ! '' Celestia finally answered. The guards dragged the poor Jester away, all the time he kicked, pleaded, and screamed. Horrified, Celestia brought the two filly's closer to her and lowed her head. After a moment of silence the princess looked towards the chivalrous Knight and asked, '' What shall we do with him ? '' She asked. The Knight took a moment to answer. After he removed his helmet and looked to the bag , then did he give an answer, '' Hang the serpent... '' As the gallows swung loosely in the air, the Jester did not frown. His goals were noble he knew, he just wanted to hold his sister again.But as they tied his neck to the noose, he sang his finale verse... '' Sister may I take the tulips, down by the river, May I see them float, around your grave, Oh sister, now I can hear them washing away... ''