//------------------------------// // Introductions are at hand // Story: Ya dun goofed // by Tyrfang //------------------------------// It happened with a bang...sort of... Another prank war. It happens at least once a month nowadays. Maniacal laughter, color changes, and just a general mess. This one was different. This one leveled the tower as the Royal Sisters fought. The ground shook as they fought. The sounds of their clash was heard in Ponyville. The two rose their hands, about to bring down their respective Celestial bodies. They reach out...nothing. They reach for them again, trying with all their might...nothing. "What is the meaning of-" An explosion hit the middle ground. Two forms emerge. One with blonde hair and sky blue eyes, the other with with dark brown hair, and eyes as dark as the night sky. They stand, as if waiting for the Sisters to move. "Well?" the blonde asked, "Aren't you going to say hi? It took an awful lot for us to come here." He smiled as he walked over to Celestia. "Well, bro? What do you think?" he asked his brother. The dark haired one walked slowly to Luna, smirking. "I dunno...let's ask." They each took a deep breath, and what happened next was heard in the Crystal Empire. "WHAT IN THE EVERLASTING BUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO FEATHERBRAINED, HORNHEADS?" Their ears bleeding, the Sisters stared, mouths agape at the beings. "Well?" The dark haired man asked. The blonde laughed, "We may have broken them." "WHO ART THOU TWO MONSTERS AND WHY ART THOU IN OUR CASTLE" Luna shouted, angered that these beings had the gall to yell at them and insult them. They aren't featherbrained. Who are they to say that? "Luna, calm down. There has to be an explanation," Celestia said, "She has a point, however. Who are you two?" 'No doubt some trick of Discord's' Luna thought silently. 'Try again, Bat-mare' Luna shrieked at the intrusion. "HOW ART THOU IN OUR HEAD?" The dark haired one sighed. "If you haven't figured it out yet, I guess we'll have to explain it." A tune begins to play... "NNNOPE, UH UH. We're not doing that. No singing, no. "The blonde shouted, "I've heard enough singing from this place." The other man laughed at this, "Well, Luna, Celestia, let me put it this way. Have you noticed that you have to lower the sun, and raise the moon right now?" Celestia and Luna gasp. It can't be that late already. They try to move the Sun and Moon...nothing. Not even a smidge. They try again, this time with more force...nadda. Again, zilch. Again, nein. Again, non. They even try working together to move them individually. And nothing happened. With a snap of the men's fingers, the Sun went over the horizon, and the Moon showed itself. "Who exactly are you two?" The elder sister asked. "It's about time you met us anyways. I'm Solaris, and I'm the Sun." The blonde answered. "And I'm the Moon, you can call me Nocturne." "And you two,dun goofed." ------------------------------------/////----------/////-------------------------------- "Pfft why soo gloomy Moony?" "Maybe because you sparkle like a queer and its hurting my eyes" "TAKE THAT BACK OR ILL-" "You'll what? Tell mother? Pfft, try again, she hasnt been seen in years" "At least she liked me." "Take that back." "No." "RAAAAAAAGH" The brothers started wrestling in the throne room. "...Tia whats happening?" Luna asked, a bit scared of the brother's banter. "I don't know...they seem to be rather...rambunctious to be the Celestial Bodies" Celestia replied, eyes never leaving the two. "ENOUGH" The brother's stopped, and stared at the solar princess. "Whatchu want, Sun butt?" Solaris asked. A guard nearby stifled a chuckle while the other one looked ready to pass out at the comment. "HOW DARE YOU CALL MINE SISTER, 'SUN BUTT'?" The guards all across the castle are struggling, trying so hard not to laugh. "Well," Nocturne began, "She had control of the sun. And you controlled the moon. Each insignia is on your upper thighs." Nocturne smiled, "And Sun thigh doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely." "He has a point Moonbutt." Solaris laughed. Luna was pissed. "WE ARE NOT MOONBUTT AND SUNBUTT, WE ARE PRINCESS CELESTIA AND LUNA OF EQUESTRIA AND YOU WILL CALL US BY OUR GIVEN TITLES." "WHAT DID YOU SAY, MOONBUTT? COULDN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF ME BEING LOUDER THAN YOUR ASS." Solaris, after trying to clear out his ear, yelled back. The guards and maids and chefs and the rest of the facilty lost their collective shits, and started to guffaw at the name calling. Solaris clapped his hands. "NOW, if you two will be so kind as to SHUT THE BUCK UP FOR A SECOND, we'll explain." ..... "Do you remember the day you got your cutie marks?" Nocturne inquired. "Yes. I got mine after raising the Sun on my own for the first time." Celestia answered, smiling at the memory. She couldn't have been more excited that day, bouncing up and down smiling and laughing. It was oddly like a certain lavender filly. "We remember as well. It was a great time for us." Luna commented. "Then you remember us." Solaris stated, as if they should. I mean, they were they the entire time, how could they not remember? "I remember a faint voice when I reached out for the Sun. I thought it was fake." Celestia said. "Well damn, Celly. I guess I'm not that impressionable." Solaris laughed. "ANYWAYS," Nocturne interrupted, "when you raised the Sun and Moon, you gained the connection with us. We can hear your thoughts when nearby, and we can restrict access to the Sun and Moon. Like now, they are out of your grasp." Solaris grunted, "Maybe if you guys didn't level a bucking tower, this wouldn't have happened." "Which leads me to my next point; for the time being, my brother Solaris and I will be staying in Equestria. How long? I don't know." Nocturne said. "What I do know is that you two are no longer in control of the Sun and Moon. We will raise and lower them ourselves. We cannot risk these powers to be used in the manner they were used today." "...Also, we need a place to stay."