//------------------------------// // Rumors - Cynical // Story: TwiDash Prompt Collab // by TwiDashCollabs //------------------------------// It was quiet in the library, the two ponies snuggled on the floor in front of the crackling fire paid no heed to the rain outside, nor to where they knew Luna’s moon to be beneath the cloud cover. Rainbow Dash had her wing laid across Twilight’s back lazily, providing an extra layer of warmth, while Twilight herself had pressed herself into Rainbow, keeping as much contact between the two as she could. “Twilight?” The named pony stirred against her, looking up at Dash after a moment. “Hmm?” “I talked to my boss, Spitfire, after work today.” “That’s good.” Came the drowsy reply. Rainbow sighed, shifting her wing slightly, and immediately it was as if someone had turned on a switch. Twilight blinked and looked at Rainbow with sudden wakefulness, “Sorry, what did she want?” “She wanted to say that she was, well, happy for me.” “Aren’t you happy Rainbow? I don’t quite get what’s wrong.” Rainbow looked into the fire, speaking up after another moment, “Sorry, of course I’m happy. I guess that I’m just not used to ponies ruminating on my private life.” She continued to look into the fire, then looked away into the eyes of the pony who was nuzzling her. “Let them say what they say, we know the truth right?” Rainbow Dash chuckled softly, returning the nuzzle and replacing her wing around Twilight again. “We know the truth.” She echoed, resting her head atop Twilight’s own and looking into the fire again.