//------------------------------// // Stumped - bats // Story: TwiDash Prompt Collab // by TwiDashCollabs //------------------------------// Clack, clack, clack, clack. Twilight glanced up from her desk, absent-mindedly rolling the piece of parchment up and setting the quill back in an inkwell with her magic. Rainbow Dash’s hooffalls were heavy on the stairs; slow and deliberate steps taken grudgingly. Her rose colored eyes were clouded with deep thought under the unkempt reds, oranges, and yellows of her mane. She reached the landing and paused, her vision slowly coming into focus on Twilight’s worried gaze. The blue mare regarded her blankly for a moment before her mouth opened; a subdued tone of voice punctuated by cracks from disuse. “Hey.” Twilight smiled wanly, her reply gentle and infused with kindness. “Hi, Rainbow.” She stood from her writing desk and cantered over to Rainbow Dash, but was unable to bring herself closer than five or six feet. “How are you feeling?” The pegasus stiffened; a rolling wave of tension running from snout to tail across her frame. In jerking motions her head turned to regard her sides. She looked at her wings. Sky blue limbs powered by honed musculature and constant practice, the most powerful wings in Equestria, were no more. Stumps jutted from her barrel on either side, criss-crossed with darkened scar tissue shiny and hairless. Her head snapped around to face forward again, a pained determination forcing her expression to be neutral. “I’m fine.” Her voice cracked again. The break expanded past her voice to her mask, tears edging their way from the corners of her eyes. A look of shame flashed over Rainbow’s face as she sunk to her haunches, violent shudders cascading down her shoulders. The spell of caution over Twilight broke and she galloped the remaining distance to wrap her hooves around her broken lover. “I’m here, Rainbow,” she whispered, hot tears running down her shoulder as she held the pegasus close. “They took everything from me, Twilight,” she sobbed, wrapping her hooves around Twilight’s middle and holding her in a desperate, iron grip. “What’m I supposed to do now?” Wetness running down her cheeks, Twilight stroked colorful mane soothingly. “We’ll figure something out. Together.” “You’re all I have now, Twi’,” Rainbow rubbed her eyes into Twilight’s chest, “I’m useless now. That’s not fair to you. You deserve better’n a cripple.” Twilight’s grip tightened, vehemence entering her voice. “I love you, Rainbow. Wings or no wings. You’ll find your place again. I promise.” “Where do I even look?” Rainbow asked miserably. Twilight didn’t have an answer. She held her lover while they both cried.