A Wonderful Beginning

by mwclaud

Chapter 1

Rainbow Rush was tired after the birth but when her newly born baby opened her huge beautiful pink eyes and looked into hers she just could not believe that this tiny little pony had come out of her. This tiny beautiful creature was her child? She could hardly believe it. The baby had tiny hoofs and the cutest nose. She also had the same beautiful blue fur as her mom and an orange mane that made her look fast. She named her Rainbow Dash. She just wanted to hold her baby close, keep her warm and protect her from any harm. Love swelled up inside her heart for her tiny baby and she knew she would fight to keep her safe, no matter who threatened her baby. She was ready to give her life to protect her baby’s life.

The next few weeks passed quickly, Rainbow Rush, spent every moment cuddling her baby and feeding her. It was as if the outside world no longer existed, it was just her baby and her. She managed to do a few chores, feed herself and tidy up the house a little but as she did all that her eyes were always looking back toward her baby, longing for the moment when she was finished with these so she could cuddle her baby again.

Rainbow Dash was a fast developer though and quickly learnt how to walk and say a few first sounds. Her mom could not be prouder. She was certain that her baby was the smartest baby pony she had ever come across and she thought of many ways to teach and stimulate her precious child. She taught her to draw and play with puzzles. Rainbow Dash also loved it when mom read her a story and one of her favourite stories was Cinderella. As soon as Rainbow Dash could they ran through the forests and meadows surrounding their home looking for the best and most delicious apples to eat. Mother and daughter were inseparable.

Then one cold morning everything changed. There was a hard knock on the door and then a rumble, the door was knocked off its hinges and three ferocious looking humans walked into the house. They looked at the two frightened ponies inside and proceeded to grab Rainbow Dash who tried to run but they placed a rope around her neck. Rainbow Rush was furious and when she saw the man try to grab her daughter, went into action and fiercely started fighting the men off; she used her hind legs and kicked them. But the men had swords and fought back. She was wounded, and blood poured from her wounds, but she did not notice, she had to save her precious child. Eventually the men ran away, leaving a frightened and unharmed Rainbow Dash but her mom collapsed on the floor, severely wounded.
Rainbow Dash ran to the nearest neighbour for help and soon other ponies arrived but Rainbow Dash’s mother was dead by the time they arrived. The other ponies looked sadly at the little pony who was now orphaned. Rainbow Dash’s mom had given her life for her child as she had pledged on the day of her baby’s birth.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Rush was at God’s throne. The Almighty Creator explained to her that although He was pleased with the love she had shown to her child, she needed to do more. Many years before, He had come down to her world in the form of a pony and had allowed Himself to be put to death so that He could now offer all ponies a free gift, which was a wonderful life in Heaven without ever having to experience death, as she had that day. All she had to do was tell Him that she received that her life was now His. Rainbow Rush immediately said that she accepted His gift by saying, ‘”my life is Yours, Lord Creator of the Universe.” The Creator was very happy and told her. “I am sending you back to earth so that you can teach and demonstrate to your baby, Rainbow Dash, and other ponies, how to accept this free gift and how to live once you receive it”.

Rainbow Rush saw that Heaven was a beautiful place filled with peace and she desired to stay there but the thought of her baby having to grow up without a mother made it very easy to accept the Creator’s will. She realised that her life now belonged to Him so she would have to follow His instructions. She had a moment of foreboding, what if He asked her to do something that was too hard?
The Creator read her mind and smiled, “You don’t have to worry, my way is the way of love and when I give you something to do, I also give you the strength to do it. Also my instructions are easy, all you are to do is to love me and love other creatures. You love me by talking to me often about your life and you love other creatures by being kind to them and forgiving them when they harm you.”
“Does this mean that I have to forgive the two evil men who wanted to take my baby away?” Rainbow Rush asked perplexed. “I don’t know if I can do that? That sounds difficult.”

“Just decide you are going to do it to please me, thus showing love towards me, and I will give you the strength to carry it through. You see, I gave my life so that all the bad things done by humans and ponies can be forgiven and forgotten. You have done bad things too by being unkind to other ponies, haven’t you?”

Rainbow Rush immediately remembered when another pony had bumped into her by mistake and she had been very angry and called her ‘stupid’. She had not been kind as she now understood she should have been. She should have smiled and reassured the other pony that it was fine. It had been a mistake that was all. That would have been the proper kind thing to do. She was shocked that she was bad too as those two men had been. She realised that whenever she did not care about the feelings of others she was prone to do unkind things just like her attackers that day. She decided that it was only fair to forgive others, if she wanted to be forgiven too.

The creator further instructed her on how she should thank Him for all the good things in her life, her baby, her house, her food and anything else that was good and pleasant, in her life. He was the one who created all things and so was responsible for the existence of all things, and by doing this she would develop love for Her creator and remember that He was always there watching over her. Then He sent her back.

Rainbow Rush suddenly felt pain and noticed she was lying on the floor. The pain receded quickly as if her body was healing rapidly. She looked up to see her precious baby looking down at her with tears streaming from her eyes and many other ponies standing around also with tears in their eyes. But when she stirred and then tried to get up, they all jumped back in surprise and then their tears turned into smiles of joy as mommy and baby embraced.

Rainbow Rush then told them her story of going to Heaven and about her conversation with the Creator. Everyone decided to give their lives to the Creator and follow His instructions. The result was a very happy and fulfilling existence for all the ponies as they all tried to be as kind as possible to each other. Also, every morning they all made time to talk to their Creator. They thanked Him for all the good things in their lives and about what they would be doing that day. Sometimes if one of the ponies was hurt in some way, all the other ponies asked the creator for healing and blessings for the one who was hurt. What a wonderful existence for all the pony friends.