//------------------------------// // 7: The Final Battle // Story: The Story Of Zolziac // by Trainboy //------------------------------// Zolziac leapt up the rock, jaws open, and slipped them around Shamak's neck. Shamak reflexed quickly and got Zolziac back in the leg. Zolziac yelped and fell down a ledge. Niak came up to help, but Zolziac grabbed her by the stomach and ripped her inside out. "Mother!" cried Harinka from the crowd. Zolziac, blood dripping from his muzzel, snarled up at Shamak. Applejack took the opportunity. She bucked the wolf who was carrying her and sent him flying into a rock with a sharp Crack! "Still think i'm so tame Shamak?" Zolziac asked. Shamak looked and saw the pack advancing on Zolziac. "Hmm" he pondered "I'll wait and see how you handle them" he pointed to the pack. Zolziac saw the group of snarling, druling wolves coming straight for both him and Applejack. "Applejack!" cried Zolziac "Run!" Zolziac and Applejack ran through the forest, wolves snapping behind them. Zolziac looked behind him and saw Harinka at the front of the charging pack. His mouth looked just about ready to murder both of them in one snap. "Applejack!" cried Zolziac "Get to Ponyville! Twilight's an alicorn right?" "Right" cried Applejack "Then get her and the rest of the gang to come to me! Go!" Zolziac said. "What about you?" Applejack shouted. "I'll lead them away" Zolziac cried. "But Zolziac..." "GO!" Zolziac snarled. Applejack shot in a different direction, and Zolziac drove the pack in the opposite direction. "You'll Pay For This Zolziac!" Harinka roared. Zolziac ran and ran. Until, at last, he began to feel tired. It was then that he noticed the howling ledge. While the wolves were getting tired and falling behind, Zolziac took his chance and pelted up the hill and howled over the ledge. He gave an emergency C.Q.D call towards Canterlot. He howled it louder than ever. "He's getting reinforcement!" bellowed Shamak "After him!" "Oh not more running" Zolziac sighed. He finished his howl and hid in the nearby bushes. The pack got to the howling ledge, and looked around. They sniffed the air and the ground. Until one found Zolziac's scent. The other wolves followed it to a bush. They opened it and... Zolziac was nowhere to be seen. "Hey guys" came a voice from behind them. Zolziac was sat smiling on the edge of the ledge. The pack advanced on him, but Zolziac jumped over the edge. The pack stopped and looked down. Zolziac was safe and sound on the bottom. "But how?" Harinka called. "You don't visit the tame world without picking up a few tricks you know" Zolziac smiled. "After Him!" Harinka called. The pack charged after him, but some where stupid enough to jump off the ledge in an effort to capture him. But only ended up showering the ground and rock with their own blood. "You want some more?" Zolziac asked innocently. By now, Harinka's rage was at boiling point. "Zolziac!" Harinka called "I will get you back for the death of Niak!" "Come on then" Zolziac said bravely "I dare you!" That was enough for Harinka and the rest of the pack. Zolziac ran again. This time, back to the field where he had been spotted talking to Applejack. It was also the field where he had first met Harinka. Harinka eventually appeared. "Where's the pack?" Zolziac asked. "I told them i'd face you alone, they all went after that pony friend of yours" Harinka snarled. The two circled each other, snarling and barking fiercely. Harinka jumped and made a grab for Zolziac's neck, Zolziac dodged and Harinka fell flat on his back. Zolziac then grabbed Harinka by the paw and swung him around. Harinka kicked Zolziac in the nose, and was sent flying across the field. He stopped himself soon after though, and charged for Zolziac's neck. But Zolziac was ready. In a single snap, he grabbed Harinka's neck and Crack! Harinka stopped shaking. His body lay with only Zolziac's jaws for support. Zolziac dropped him and his lifeless body collapsed on the grass. Blood came frothing from his mouth and covered the surrounding area. Zolziac slowly left the scene. While the wolves were trying to find Applejack, he could get his revenge on Shamak. But when he stood on the Alpha's ledge, he heard a growling from the ground. There was the pack. Growling and roaring fiercely. "Well, well, well" Shamak grinned, stepping up to be level with Zolziac "Zolziac, Zolziac, Zolziac." "Why'd you say it" Zolziac growled "Why did you say to Harinka to lie?" "Because" said Shamak "I don't want you here anymore. Don't you get it?" "Well if you don't want me around anymore" Zolziac said "Why not prove it" "I'll be happy to" Shamak grinned. Suddenly, Twilight appeared from behind the alpha's ledge. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew by her either side. "Without the pack!" Zolziac said "Or i'll get these guys to fight for me" "Fine" Shamak smiled. He then gave a signal. Within seconds, the pack was in panic. Shamak had signalled to his shoulder wolves, and now they were killing every member of the pack. The elderly, the mothers, the fathers, the pups. Carcasses of all were being scattered around the area. "What the hay is wrong with you!" Applejack said, outraged. "I couldn't fight with this pathetic little group watching" Shamak said. "That's why isn't it" Zolziac said "You knew i would find you out someday. Find out that you were never mean't to be an alpha, and so you wanted me up and out so i wouldn't spread anything bad about you" "Well done" Shamak grinned, as he looked down at the slaughtering of pups down below. Zolziac didn't want to see any more. He snapped for Shamak's neck, but he missed and went flying off the alpha's ledge. Shamak stood and smiled at the turmoil going on below. But suddenly, he saw fireballs being fired at the shoulderwolves. Celestia was using her horn as a sort of, fireball machine gun, and was shooting down all the wolves that were threatening to kill even more. Zolziac finally took Celestia, as Shamak's distraction and launched himself onto his back. Shamak shook around, while Zolziac sunk his teeth into the flesh of Shamak's neck. The taste of blood filled Zolziac's mouth, before he was shaken off. Zolziac and Shamak circled each other. "Now, now" Twilight said "I'm sure things can be sorted out with the power of friendsh..." a stone hit her directly on the head. "Y'know what?" she snarled "Screw friendship! Get over here you son of a Mary Sue!" As Twilight and Celestia took on the shoulderwolves, Zolziac continued to bark and snap at the, bleeding, Shamak. Shamak made a dive for Zolziac's leg. Zolziac felt a sharp pain, as Shamak's canines sunk into his flesh. He shook off the wolf before making a grab for the tail. He pulled it and pulled it, until he used the fact that Shamak was now rather close, to rip his stomach open. A long, low howl filled the air. Shamak's lifeless body lay in front of Zolziac. "Oh Zolziac" said Applejack, giving Zolziac another hug "Your pack" Zolziac looked over the sea of wolf carcasses that scattered the area. "They weren't my pack" he said "I was expelled tonight" "We're so sorry Zolziac" Twilight said Zolziac joined in a group hug.