The Shadow In The Garden

by SterlingCabin

Ch. 4 Nipping It In The Blood

'' ( Pant ) T-Twilight, it's Fluttershy she's- ''

'' Yeah I know, she downtown and she's really scaring the ponies. Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity are trying to calm her down. But what I don't understand is that how she became-- well, a giant wolf. I thought it only existed in legends and stories told around campfires at night. But this ... This is real. ''

'' Well she was that bat thing for a bit, so this isn't totally crazy to grasp. But I gotta say, despite that a wolf is terrorizing the town, I find it kinda cute. But what are we gonna do now ? ''

'' Yeah just wait till she claws for face off Dash, but I have no idea. Zecora might have a clue, she's knowledgeable about these...situations. We should try find her, I'll lead the way. ''

'' Be my guest princess, lets just hurry so Flutterwolf doesn't turn her intention on any ponies. ''

Twilight and Dash made their way threw the haunting forest of the Ever Tree, a light coat of frost covered the brush. Dash swore she could see faint faces in the bark of the twisting trees. She had been here many times before, but the snow gave off a feeling of...stillness. But in the distance the bog still echoed with the sounds of alien creatures. Dash wasn't excited to revisit.

The wind howled and nipped at their coats as they continued down the path to Zecora's place. Dash trembled as she thought of the look that Fluttershy gave her at the door. It wasn't like when she was that bat thingy, she was hungry. Hopefully not for ponies...or any living creature. Despite her nerves Dash grew a smirk as she thought of Rarity trying to tame the wild Flutterwolf.

Dash stopped Twilight and listened to their surroundings, a faint howl bounced about. With her nerves shaky and her hooves clammy Dash took and a breath and quickened her pace, Twilight could barley keep up. As the air fell silent, so eased Dash's nerves, but she wasn't sure for Twilight who had a puzzled brow most of the trot.

Twilight's worries were dulled as the pair saw the tree that housed Zecora's home. Luckily for them, orange lights glowed in the windowsills Without a second thought Dash rushed threw her door with Twilight by her side.

'' Zecora ! Fluttershy's a giant wolf thing, and she's terrorizing Ponyville ! You make potions right ? so you can help us right ? '' Dashed pleaded. But Zecora simply starred in confusion.

'' Yeah so, I didn't know werewolves were a real thing. Do have anything to help us ? '' Twilight chimed in.

Zecora stood silent and studied their faces. After a few seconds of awkward silence Zecora turned to her counter and dug around in her many chests. Dash and Twilight shared a look of mutual confusion as they waited. Minutes slogged by and then with a sudden exited gasp, Zecora came back out and laid what she had found on a nearby table.

She flipped threw a thick black leather bound book and pointed to a page for Dash and Twilight to see. It was a drawing of a wolf, not unlike what Fluttershy looked like. Zecora placed her snout in her saddlepack and brought out an object wrapped in a purple cloth. It mad a loud thud as she placed it on the table.

'' Lycanthopy, that is what your friend is experiencing. It dates back to the days of ancients past, it is very rare and very dangerous. In fact the last known case was in Hollow Shades over 200 years ago. ( unwraps cloth ) Here take this, the only known cure for a werewolf is...silver, shoot this into it's heart and it shall cure it. But I warn you, if you use this on Fluttershy she will die, so don't brash, you must find the one who gave the sickness to her. Cure them, cure Fluttershy, do you understand Dash ? But for this whereabouts of the beast I do not know. ''

'' Ugh...That's a lot to digest, ( sigh ) ( frantic murmuring ) OK-OK-OK, Dash you said that Fluttershy burst threw her door right ? Could the other wolf be there ? ''Twilight asked.

'' ( playing with tranquilizer gun ) Oh-yeah, yeah it could be there. It's worth a try, but I want to try this bad boy out ! '' Dash replied.

'' ( heavy sigh ) fine then, lets go. Thanks Zecora your a life savior. '' The duo bid Zecora a fair well and was on their way to Fluttershy's home ; to find the source of the problem.

. . .

The eerie shadow of Fluttershy vacant home made Dash's coat crawl with fear, anticipation, dread. Twilight held a bright lantern in hoof, but even that did little to steel Dash's nerves. With one final deep breath Dash set a wobbling hoof in her friends home. It was cold, dark, and messy. The remains of the party they had days ago still lingered about, like forgotten relics.

Dash and Twilight jumped as they saw Angle scurry about and stop at their hooves. With his ears pinned back and a sad whimper Angle crawled on Twilight's shoulder and nuzzled his nose in her coat. Dash let out a worried laugh and made her way threw the kitchen. It was clean...for the most part but fly's hovered over unwashed dishes.

Twilight jumped to the ground and pulled Dash with her. With a shaking hoof she pointed out the window at the wolf prancing about Fluttershy's garden. It had a strange tinge of orange to it's coat and it looked distressed, almost like it was in pain. With her heart blasting in her ears Dash smiled weakly, but with a hint of determination.

The moon was high and shinning like a high beam. Dash sang words of engorgement to herself and was about to rush the wolf when Twilight laid a hoof on her shoulder.

'' Be careful, I don't want a rainbow colored wolf ripping my body in half . '' Twilight joked seriously. Dash smiled and took another breath, she was ready.

'' LETS ROOOCK !!!! '' She screamed.

Rainbow rushed out the kitchen door, swinging the gun wildly. The wolf looked puzzled and simply took a step out of Dash's rampage. Dash tripped over her hooves and landed face first into the rose bush. With a angered grunt Dash pulled her head out of the thorns and looked back at the wolf. It smiled happily at her, Like she knew Dash personally.

Bedeviled Dash raised the gun, that trembled in her grasp and put it up to her eye. She could barley keep it from veering off wildly. Without thinking, she lightly pulled the trigger. One tiny vile of silver shot onto the wolves heart and it fell over. It started to change and morph, it looked like it was berthing itself ( lovely imagery ). Lopsided wings jutted out in opposite directions. she nearly vomited when they beast let out a bloodcurdling shrill.

The beast thrashed and twisted about the grass in disturbing patterns. Dash couldn't take her eyes off the, the...thing. It paws turned into hooves, bones twisted and melded into each other, and the things appearance took a more pony like direction. When it was all done it looked like a normal orange, filly. Dash frightfully hovered over it and examined it,

'' Scootaloo ? ''