//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Dusk // Story: Fall Of Equestria // by Redman48 //------------------------------// Equestria has faced many foes during it’s existence, but this one was it’s greatest. The being of hatred was destined to destroy and forsaken the land. This being was so powerful that it took the lives of Celestia, Luna, and Twilight to stop and defeat it. Though the leader was killed it’s forces of darkness and fear march on. The horses of Equestria, fight for their lives, with the leadership of the rest of the mane six, as they promise to light the way out of the darkness. Meanwhile a group of royal guards and survivors, with somepony important with them, head for the Ponyville safe zone………… and they never arrived. Fighting noises arose from the darkness, as when sounds of growling and swords clashing rose too, then came a voice of a guard shouting. “MIss wake up”, we hear, “MIss you gotta wake up”. A sound of somepony drawing a sword came up. “Dammit!” the guard yelled. The sound of swords clashing close by followed by sounds of grunting and pain, then finally a sound of stabbing. We hear the guard breathing heavily. “Wake up” he said. “Please wake up, …. MIss Apple Bloom WAKE UP!” Apple Bloom has finally regained conscious in the middle of the fight, she was lying in the snow with a guard looking after her. “Wha- what’s happening?” she said while trying to get up. “Were being ambushed, you were knocked out cold when it started, the rest of the group ran that way, you should follow them.” “But what about you guys?” she asks. “We’ll be fine just run, don’t look back and just run.” Apple Bloom hesitates, but runs. Even when she was told not to, she looks back and see’s the guard run into the fight, before she could see what happens, she bumps into a stallion. When she looked up she realized it wasn't a normal horse. It was wearing dark armor, had green eyes and shadows coming off it’s back, with a look terrifying enough to make it look like a demon. Instead of attacking it just simply glared at her waiting for her to make her move, out of shock she runs. The stallion then makes a screeching noise loud enough to hurt her ears, and six dark wolves appear and immediately chased after Apple Bloom. She does her best lose them, going through narrow paths, kicking rocks at them, but nothing is working. As she runs deeper into the forest, she see’s more and more trees losing it’s leaves, and her losing more and more of her breath. Just when the wolves were about to reach her, she trips and slides down a hill and then slid into the edge of a cliff. She almost falls but quickly hangs on the ledge, desperately trying to hold on, the wolves stop the pursuit when they heard another screech from far away and left. Apple Bloom, still hanging on tries to pull herself, but can’t. “Help! Anypony!?” She yells, and no one answered. She almost wanted to cry, knowing she eventually going to fall, until she looked up and an Earth Pony in a cloak appeared before her. “Well, looks like you’re in a bit trouble hunh.” He said. Apple Bloom replied, “Help! pick me up!” “You sure, it looks like you can pick yourself up.” She almost slips “Please Hurry!” He briefly sighs and helps her up. After a moment to catch a breath the stallion asked, “What’s your name little lady?” “Apple Bloom” she answered while shaking. “Well Apple Bloom, come with me if you want to live” he suggests. “Live?! You almost let me fall off a cliff!” “Yeah but I didn't and with the cold, monsters, your scars and bruises, I’m afraid you wont make it that far.” Apple Bloom thinks on what to do until she was interrupted by him. “Don't worry, I’ll take care of you, for now, but we gotta hurry, it’ll be night time.” Apple Bloom tries to think again, but knows she has no other choice, but to go with him. The stallion took the lead, and A.B. followed him into the cold, snowy forest. Night falls, they set up camp in a cave, they managed to find. The stallion just set up the fire with Apple Bloom out in the cold, staring at shining stars wondering if she will make it out alive in all of this mess. The stallion then called Apple Bloom in, “Hey, come on inside you’d want to eat.” She walks in by the fire and see’s her meal in front of her, a piece of bread with daisies on top. They both sat down on the cold floor while eating quietly, there wasn't any noise besides the fire crackling. It was like this for a while until Stallion broke the silence. “So… where were you heading before… all of this happened?” It took a few moments before she answered, “Well… I was in the city visiting my aunt and uncle, when this whole thing started. Guards showed up and told us all to wait until things cleared up, then a few days later my group and I were being sent to Ponyville, but my group was attacked. I was sorta left behind and …… well here we are.” “Hmm, do you know the directions on where you were going?”he asks. “Sorry I never knew.” saying it, made her feel guilty not knowing. “Well, tomorrow we’ll try to find the place, but right now, let’s get some sleep.” he says, while putting his plate away. “Wait, so that means you’ll help me?” she says gladly. “I can't just leave a little pony alone in the woods and besides, this is only temporary until we find your family, ok?” A.B. replies a simple “Ok”, in a cheerful tone. The stallion then walked over to his pack and took out a bottle of green fluid, and gave it to her. “Take this for your bruises and umm..” says awkwardly as he takes off his cloak and hands her it “And.. use my cloak for the night, just don't ruin it.” “Thanks.” she said “Yeah, no problem” as he lies by the fire. “Well, see you tomorrow kid.” Then suddenly Apple Bloom yelled “Wait!” Causing the stallion to look up. “I.. still haven't gotten your name.” says nervously. “It’s Dusk, not a very good name, but it was what my mother called me” he answered. “Oh.. well, good night Dusk” “Yeah, you too.” before finally going to sleep. Before Apple Bloom went to sleep herself, she notices Dusk’s mark, it was a picture of a bag of bits, thinking he specializes in finance, and realizes she doesn't have one herself, making her have concerned thoughts, but she eventually gets to sleep. It’s the Middle of night when both of them were sleeping and the fire now in an ember, it was clear that Apple Bloom was dreaming, and based on the looks of it, it wasn't rainbows and sun. When she opened her she finds herself in a dark room, with a light shining above her, and somepony stood in front of her. “Hello, who’s there?” she questioned. The thing answered, “Follow.” In a weak, trembling, but soothing voice. As the horse trotted, Apple Bloom followed, as well of a path of light. They walked until they have reached a dark lighted door. “Go ahead.” said the figure. Apple Bloom still puzzled on what is going, walks up to the door and placed her hoof in the middle. At first nothing, but then the door glew and flashed into many colors, then finally a blast of bright light, causing her eyes to go blind, when she opened them again, she was back at the rocky cave. It was clear morning with the sun shining over the snowy forest. A.B. woke with a headache and Dusk’s cloak, keeping her warm. She turns to look for Dusk, who wasn't where he slept, and finds him outside drinking something blue from a bottle. At first she hadn't noticed, but when her mind was cleared she noticed Dusk’s mark of a bag of bits has turned into an image of a wrench. At first she thought she crazy from the headache or from her dream, so she pinched herself to see if she was dreaming, but wasn't. Then suddenly Dusk stopped drinking and glanced behind him, immediately Apple Bloom ducked under his cloak, hoping she wasn't spotted. Dusk then walked up and took the cloak off her. Apple Bloom awkwardly answered,”Uh.. Hi!” “Were you just pinching yourself?” He asked. “Yeah, I always pinch myself to get out of bed.” “Anyway, glad you’re up, get ready, because we’ll be moving soon.” “Right, Right”, saying with a smile. Later, they chose a direction and started walking. As they walk, it is clear that the enemy didn't care about the land they walk on. Trees were cut in half, some of them still burning even in the cold, and path of birds lying on the ground. It was horrifying seeing a forest end up like this, that even a family of rabbits would be too afraid to leave the safety of their home. Dusk and Apple Bloom walked side by side, but neither of them said a word, unless pointing out something. It wasn't until midday, when A.B. broke the silence. “Sooo, do you know which way we are supposed to go.” she asked, while stepping over a tree. “I have absolutely no idea.” he quickly replied. Then the silence arose again. With Apple Bloom still wondering about his mark, she tries to get another look at it. Then Dusk, who noticed said “Wondering about how I got my marking?” “Why do you ask?” “To simply start conversation and that you don’t have yourself.” “True.” She said briefly “When I got mine, I was a little older than you, there was a ton junk in my uncle’s attic, so I took some to my room and-” He suddenly stopped. “Something wrong?” “Look up ahead.” He whispered. In the middle of open forest lies a pegasus pony, she was blue with yellow hair and a marking that sort of looked liked bubbles, standing out of the white, cold snow. Apple Bloom suddenly said “Wait, I think I know her.” She hurries over there, while Dusk walked at his own pace. “Derpy, are you okay.” “Hold on.” Dusk said as he moved in closer to look. There was short pause until Dusk stepped back. “Nothing.” he said as he looked over to A.B. “Sorry.” Derpy, suddenly opened her eyes and tries to get up. Causing everyone to back off in shock. When she struggles Dusk steps in to help her. “Careful.” He said. When Derpy finally gets up, Apple Bloom started asking questions. “Derpy, do you remember how you got here? Do you have any idea where we are?” Derpy shook her head. Dusk stepped in again. “But you do-” Before he got to finish his question they all heard a growl. Apple Bloom frighten since this is the very same growl from the dark wolves. “Dammit.” Dusk said. “Miss we don't have much time, do you remember the way back to Ponyville?” She smiles and nods. “Please show us.” At that moment, just when they thought they were going to make it out, Derpy turned around, and there were six wolves, right in front of them. They were large, with overgrown fur and with eyes as dark as night. Everyone started to get back as they moved towards them, trying not to make any sudden move. As the wolves got closer, Derpy suddenly stopped, said nothing, and stood still. “Derpy get back.” Dusk called out, but she didnt. The wolves surround her, with Dusk and Apple Bloom just staring, waiting for someone to do something. Everyone stood silent. Instead of attacking, the wolves just sat there, like if they were waiting for something or someone. Derpy looked back at Dusk, and her eyes weren't crossed anymore, they were straight. Soon shadows flew around her, her wings disappeared, and gave an evil look to the two. The shadows covered her from head to hoof, once they disappeared, the two stood silent, with Apple Bloom’s heart racing, as her true form was revealed. She was a Changeling.