//------------------------------// // Day #9 - Fillydelphia // Story: JAGFest 2014: Equestrian Masquerade // by RockStarMLP //------------------------------// The train carrying the Princess of Friendship and her family and friends pulled into the borders of Fillydelphia, the next stop for JAGFest. Having left their previous location, Rainbow Falls, early that morning meant that the group could travel around the town and take in some of the sights before having to return to their private train. Normally they wouldn’t until they would have to leave for the next stop for the touring festival, but on the ride to Fillydelphia, Spike belched out a letter from Princess Celestia that contained some unexpected news- My Dearest Twilight, I write this letter with news regarding your current travels across Equestria. It would seem that your friends’ performances has grown the highest interest out of ponies, many of who have already participated in the events advising others they know to do the same, or even try to attend another. I had just received word from the mayor of Fillydelphia that because of this Equestrian Masquerade you are all enjoying, all places to reside for your time there have become non-vacant. Because of this, it would seem that you and your friends will have the greatest of difficulty finding a place to reside for the night, so I thought to forewarn you to take advantage of your private express and reside in there during your stay in Fillydelphia. Normally, the Hotel Palomare would have provided you all with accommodations, but with the overwhelming amount of ponies arriving at the city, that was where I was notified and made the decision to offer those rooms to those who needed somewhere to sleep. I didn’t mean to make any inconvenience for you or our guests during the festivals, but I promise to make this up to you all. Luna and I are looking forward to when you stop in Canterlot next and have already begun preparations for your stay at the castle as we anticipate what excitement and surprises that’s in store for the concert. I wish you all the fun you, your family and your friends can have in Fillydelphia, and tell your Crusader friends to have fun hosting the event. Sincerely, Princess Celestia Little did the Princess of the Sun could comprehend how a trio of Ponyville fillies shot out of the train the moment it came to a stop at the station… /)∞(\ The flooding streets of Fillydelphia showed that the festival continued to prove its success once again. The enjoyable times that the Team JAG Band and Team Sonic were having with the Mane 6 as they explored the festivities kept them believing that the interdimensional visitor’s intentions for the Masquerade continued to thrive. The presence of the Princess of Friendship and her adoptive daughter resulted in bowing respect for the former and occasional concerned for the latter. The fact that three fillies were serving as hosts of JAGFest: pleasantly insane. It was a choice that the Master Four were semi-agreeable with, choosing the Cutie Mark Crusaders to host a JAGFest. They weren’t against the idea, in fact they supported it, but to allow them free reign to host an entire festival seemed a little stretch, not without providing a form of guidance to help them out just in case. A couple older sisters, on the other hoof, didn’t approve of the idea unless there was that proper guidance there, and at least one other to stick by them for safety reasons, a somewhat overreacting request but understandable nonetheless. After all, Team JAG takes on each course of action expecting the unexpected. They were young fillies who, although trying not to, let their excitement take advantage as they performed hosting duties, and fortunately their antics didn’t erupt into anything destructive. The one time where things got slightly out of hand was the impromptu autograph signing they started with both the band and heroes of Mobius, but the two groups decided to not mind this as it gave them a new opportunity to meet new friends, and big fans as the ponies called themselves. Unfortunately, Shadow’s overprotective nature for Maria took control of him as he began to block ponies as far away from her as possible, after allowing only so much time to pass, and thus the two left with Applejack to go somewhere more peaceful as less hedgehog provoking: backstage. But the hours continued to pass until the sun began to reach the last couple hours of descent into a night’s rest. Phineas and Ferb set up the stage at the town’s hoofball field, the biggest open area the city offered the band to perform, the setup facing the setting sun. Bleachers that stood along each side of the field became crammed with ponies, and the open ground filled quickly. Atop the bleachers were two press boxes, one of which was offered for the royal group, but since it could not hold everypony and their guests, Twilight offered the box to the ponies sitting on the two bleacher lines below the box so that she and her friends could sit together. Once that was settled, she teleported herself away for a few moments to find her daughter. /)∞(\ “Nyx? Cosmo? Tails?” “Hey Mom!” Nyx, who was actually standing behind the suddenly appearing Twilight, trotted up to her side with a grin. “You’re just in time,” said the filly. “The band’s about to do their huddle, and then the opening speech will start.” “That’s great,” Twilight said happily, but then a curious expression crossed her face. “Wait, your friends aren’t making the speech during the huddle?” “Not this time,” Nyx replied. “Ami suggested that they can be part of the huddle tonight, and everyone agreed to the idea.” “Alright guys, bring it in!” called out Yumi, who was standing a small distance away with her favorite guitar. She had just finished fine-tuning it for the show, and the others were conversing amongst themselves waiting as they had finished with their preparations. The eleven band members grouped together, with the addition of Cosmo besides Tails, Nyx on the fox’s back, and the trio of hosts poking their heads between the Master Four’s sides. Before they could start, Cosmo turned her head out to the alicorn in the room. “Twilight, would you like to join us?” she asked. The purple mare grinned and replied “I’d love to,” and walked her way over to join them. Tails and Yumi opened the space between them to allow her entry, and when she was in and ready, the fox began to speak. “It’s time, you guys,” he said. “Time for another show and another chance to rock out with Equestria. This is a big night, because we’ll have only two more shows here before we end things back home, so tonight really has to count. Some of the heaviest songs we love, some of the rarest songs we play, and some big moments are packed into the next four hours for Fillydelphia, and we’re going to make our way through this as the crusaders we are! And speaking of crusaders… Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo got me HYPED to take the stage tonight! I know they did the same for us all, and gave us the example of life and energy that we’re taking out on that stage! Cutie Mark Crusaders, thank you!” The trio of hosts, even Nyx just to be included, saluted their fox friend and said “Yes Sir!” It was like one of the previous huddles, where everyone treated him like their lead soldier, which he appreciated very much. He then continued with “Now listen up and answer me one question… Are we ready for tonight, or ARE WE READY TO ROCK TONIGHT!” “WE ARE READY!” everyone yelled, even their included princess. “Hands and hooves in!” Tails ordered, and in an instant the pile of hands and hooves stacked together in the center. “It’s time we give this town the taste of Team JAG! It’s time to show how us friends work together when the going gets tough, and when the fun has yet begun. Tonight… we are… Cutie Mark Crusaders: Rock & Roll Warriors! I want to hear that in 3… 2… 1!” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS: ROCK & ROLL WARRIORS! YAY!!!” The huddle broke apart after the cheer, and the band divided up to get what they needed to start the show out themselves. The fillies grouped with Twilight and Cosmo for a few moments until Phineas walked up and said “Alright, CMC, you’re all set to go. Once you’re done with your intro for the band, look for the light Ferb has on our control desk and walk over to it to meet with Twilight and Nyx.” He then turned to the mentioned alicorn and added “Twilight, we have space here if you’d all like to stay backstage.” Twilight smiled but shook her head as she replied “No thanks, Phineas. I’ve been with everyone during each show, and I think it’s only fair to do so for the last few. Thank you for the offer, though.” “But of course, Your Highness,” he replied, and them motioned the hosts to the limelight of the stage. “Fillies, if you would…” “You got it,” Scootaloo said confidently. “You ready, Crusaders?” “You know it. Let’s give ‘em an introduction they’ll never forget,” said Apple Bloom. “Then let’s go!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. The three then began to run out onto the stage, but unfortunately without looking close enough to who was going where. The moment they were in the view of the audience, they crashed into each other and began to tumble their way to the three microphone stands waiting for them to us. After they landed, and feeling awfully embarrassed, the crowd began to laugh. Backstage, both Twilight and Cosmo were trying to stifle their chuckling as Nyx just put a hoof between her eyes and groaned. “What’s wrong, Nyx?” Cosmo asked in her chuckling. Nyx let out a sigh and replied “You know that strange feeling that something was going to mess up somehow? I don’t know why, but I thought we finally moved past that in our lives, and I didn’t feel it all day. I think I was dead wrong about that.” Cosmo couldn’t help but laugh at what the filly said, and waited until she had it back under control before saying anything. “Oh Nyx, everybody gets a little clumsy at times. The stories I can tell you about my friends when we’re together will prove that, including when Tails tried to call me beautiful one day. Somehow, he ended up unconscious after tripping and falling off a ladder in his workshop…” /)∞(\ STAKEOUT – William Anderson/audio introduction COME ON – Mushroomhead/Ash on Jeffrey Nothing vocals, Yugi on Waylon vocals/Jason on drums, Tails on lead guitar, Yumi and Gohan on rhythm guitars, Ami on bass guitar, Kim on keyboards, Dan and Ron on custom percussion, Aelita on turntables/samples FUCKING HOSTILE [PANTERA] – Machine Head/Jason + rhythm guitar RIGHT NOW – Korn/Yugi/Dan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer PEOPLE = SHIT – Slipknot/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar, Dan on keyboard, Ami and Yumi on custom percussion, Aelita on turntables/samples 3 – Disturbed/Gohan/Kim on rhythm guitar “FILLYDELPHIA,” Yugi bellowed out to the crowd, “MY NAME IS YUGI, AND I WELCOME YOU ALL TO JAGFEST!!!” The audience cheered on and on in great volume, excitement a plentiful in their tone. “We’ve got a big night in store for you guys tonight, and it all starts out right here… Right Now! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!” He let the crowd cheer once more before concluding with “This first part of our set has A LOT of great songs put together for you guys to enjoy, and from all the love and respect you guys gave it today, we don’t want to give you any less than all we’ve got! To keep this show starting up, here’s a song by a great band known as Avenged Sevenfold… This song is called… “Not Ready to Die…” NOT READY TO DIE – Avenged Sevenfold/Yugi/Kim on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer SIN & SACRIFICE – DevilDriver/Jason/Yumi on rhythm guitar SUDDENLY – Creed/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar DIAMOND EYES (BOOM-LAY, BOOM-LAY, BOOM) – Shinedown/Yugi/Tails on piano and rhythm guitar AGAIN – Flyleaf/Yumi with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar JORNADA DEL MUERTO – Linkin Park/Ash and Dan on co-vocals/only with Tails on keyboard/synthesizer WAITING FOR THE END – Linkin Park/Ash/Dan on lead guitar and co-vocals, Tails on keyboard, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer, Yumi on bass guitar, Jason on turntables/samples Jason, positioning himself on the middle riser with one of his black Stratocaster guitars, called out to the pony audience with the microphone on the stand before him. “If you’re alive out there, everypony… MAKE SOME FUCKING NOISE!!!” Ponies as far he could see began to cheer and scream long and loud, filling the air with all they could give, pleasing him very much. “Good, THAT’s what I wanted to hear. We’re winding down on our first portion of tonight’s set list, which is a collection of songs our band has rehearsed before shows that we played in the past, these ones going all the way back to my birthday a few years ago. This next song, it gives me a bit to think about, such as the fact that we’re winding down on the amount of JAGFests we have left with all the great ponies across Equestria, and everybody in the band looking forward to where we’ll be heading next. When JAGFest is all said and done, home is where you’ll find us…” Without another word to say, the band got back into performing as the next song began. HOME – Alter Bridge/Jason + rhythm guitar WHEN YOUR’E YOUNG – 3 Doors Down/Yugi/Tails on lead guitar and co-vocals AMONG THE LIVING – Anthrax/Ash/Tails on rhythm guitar SUDDEN DEATH – Megadeth/Yugi + co-lead guitar/Tails on rhythm guitar DISCIPLE – Slayer/Jason + rhythm guitar [ONE MINUTE INTERMISSION] SWEET SACRIFICE – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards GOING UNDER – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards MADE OF STONE – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards EVERYBODY’S FOOL – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards, Aelita on symphonic keyboard “Who out there is ready for part two of this concert?!” yelled Yumi, who received a round of roaring cheers in return. “Tonight, it is my pleasure to share with you the second portion, where we play a tribute to a favorite band of a member of the Team JAG Band. Tonight, it’s my turn to share with you my love and appreciation of the music by a band that goes by the name of Evanescence! We plan to power on through all these incredible songs, but only if you’re ready for it! You want us to keep going or what?!!” She paused to hear the crowd cheered loudly with anticipation, and then concluded with “Well then, with an attitude like that, the title of this next song fits what you deserve. Tails, if you’d please…” ANYTHING FOR YOU – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Ami on extra rhythm guitar and backing vocals COULD NINE – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards SICK – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Ron on keyboard SAY YOU WILL – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer WEIGHT OF THE WORLD – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards, Dan on acoustic guitar MY LAST BREATH – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Jason and Kim on backing vocals, Ami on drums [ONE MINUTE INTERMISSION] INFERNO – Marty Friedman/instrumental with Yugi lineup/Yugi on co-lead guitar BURIED IN BLACK – Kingdom of Sorrow/Jason/Ash on co-vocals as well as lead guitar, Yumi on rhythm guitar SHADOWS – Fallen Captive/Ash/Yumi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/samples DEATH BLOOMS – Mudvayne/Gohan MAGNOLIA BLVD. – Butcher Babies/Ami and Yumi with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar Dan walked out with one of his guitars worn on his back, but swung it around to his front when he stepped up at the front left microphone stand. “Now it’s time to really have some fun!” he declared to the cheering and still excited ponies. “We’re now in our third portion of the show, where we play a different song by all the different bands we perform… with a few premieres thrown in here and there to mix things up. With tonight’s set, we’ve decided to make things a little heavier than previous shows along the Equestrian Masquerade, and play some songs by some of the heaviest bands we’ve come to know and perform ourselves. Here’s a little number for you guys, with a touch of melodic death metal thrown into it. This is ‘Extinction Mantra…’” EXTINCTION MANTRA – Scar Symmetry/Gohan/Dan on rhythm guitar and clean vocals, Aelita on keyboards ALL HOPE IN ECLIPSE – Cradle of Filth/Yugi/Yumi on rhythm guitar, Aelita on keyboards, Ami on keytar WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE – Napalm Death/Jason CASTLE OF SHADOWS – Slyphstorm/Yugi/Gohan on rap vocals, Ron on rhythm guitar, Kim on bass guitar, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer, Ami on keytar, Tails on symphonic keyboard LIES GREED MISERY (DIRTYPHONICS REMIX) – Linkin Park/only Aelita on turntables/programming/samples DEATH TO ANALOG – Julien-K/Dan with Ash lineup/Ash on rhythm guitar, Kim on keyboard/synthesizer, Ron on keyboard/programming/samples “I think it’s time that we have a little, more relaxing and calming, music to get the night by,” Ash said, talking to the crowd from the front center microphone. “Before we start things again, I just want to give you a small, early surprise by saying that our good friend, the lovely lady Rarity, will be joining us for the song following this one, so we hope you look forward to that. But for right now, we have a rare treat for you, with a song that we’ve only played a couple times ever, by a band we always try to play. We’d like to send this one out, to all the ponies out there looking for that one very special somepony, and to anyone who already has that pony in their lives… well, you can disregard this entire meaning.” A small round of laughter came from both the crowd and those currently on stage, including Ash. When it settled back down into silence, he began to sing the opening words of the song… SOMEBODY TO LOVE – Queen/Ash/Tails on piano THE TYPE OF PONY EVERYPONY SHOULD KNOW – My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/Rarity with Gohan lineup/Gohan on acoustic guitar, Tails on keyboards, Aelita on symphonic keyboard BELIEVE – Orianthi/Ami with Ash lineup/Ami on lead guitar, Ash on extra rhythm guitar, Aelita on keyboards, Tails on piano LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL – Sixx A.M./Yugi/Kim on acoustic guitar ATONEMENT – Pitch Black Forecast/Gohan/Yumi on rhythm guitar DIE, DIE MY DARLING – Misfits/Ash THRONE OF THORNS – Testament/Jason/Ron on rhythm guitar SYSTEM – Jonathon Davis/Yugi/Dan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer Ron ran out onto the stage, yelling into his microphone “Fillydelphia, you are awesome! Who’s ready for a few more songs?!” The entire crowd cheered immensely once again, but he kept hyping them up to cheer louder and louder until he could hear Pinkie Pie cheer louder than ever. “We’ve reached the near end of our set for you guys tonight, and even though we hate how fast it’s gone, the old saying goes: all good things must come to an end. So, we need your help, and that’s to make damn sure we end this with a BANG! Will you help us with that?!” After another round of cheers from everypony, he concluded speaking with “Here’s a new song for you guys, by one of our most recent debuts. This song is called ‘Leaving…’” LEAVING – Fight or Flight/Ron with Gohan lineup/Gohan on acoustic guitar, Tails on piano/keyboard CURSE OF IMMORTALITY – Insomnia/instrumental with Jason lineup/Jason on co-lead guitar, Tails on rhythm guitar BREATH – Scott Weiland/Gohan/Ami on rhythm guitar, Kim on keyboard PARADISE CITY – Guns ‘n Roses/Ash/Tails on lead guitar, Ron on extra rhythm guitar, Kim and Aelita on keyboards/synthesizers ENCORE: TRAPS – William Anderson/audio instrumental/fadeout outro SNUFF – Slipknot/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar, Kim and Ron on acoustic guitars, Dan on keyboard, Ami and Yumi on custom percussion, Aelita on turntables/samples THOUGHTLESS [KORN] – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano “Fillydelphia,” Tails said, addressing the crowd from his microphone stand as the rest of the band positioned themselves on the stage, “this is it. This is our final moments of JAGFest with you tonight, but we have a special surprise…” He paused to take in a deep breath, but not before looking towards his beloved and his Mobius family. “You see, there was a song from our original rehearsal set that we didn’t play, mainly because that song has only one place to be performed. So for tonight, and tonight only, everyone in the band wants to come together and perform you a similar song… A song that has brought us all together to jam on before for our All Band Jams, and never being performed like this in Equestria. This rare occasion goes out to the Cutie Mark Crusaders for doing a fantastic job hosting today. This song is called ‘Overkill-‘” OVERKILL [MOTORHEAD] – Metallica/Gohan + rhythm guitar/Tails, Phineas and Yumi on extra rhythm guitars, Kim and Ferb on extra bass guitars, Ron and Ami on own drum kits, Dan and Aelita on custom percussion “Thank you, everypony! You have been awesome to us tonight!” Gohan yelled, receiving a great cheer in return as most of the band left the stage. “It all comes down to this, Fillydelphia, the last song of the night. After tonight, Canterlot awaits us for one more go before a much needed rest to enjoy the holidays, before we return for one more dance. This is the time we need you to keep up with us one last time, and send us to your capital city for one more big night! WILL YOU HELP US?!” He allowed the audience to show their respect through another round of loud cheers before concluding with “Then let’s do this right, with one of the greatest heavy metal anthems of all time! It is time, friends, to SEEK… AND… DESTROY!!!” SEEK & DESTROY – Metallica/Gohan + rhythm guitar/outro jam of ‘One’ outro