The Day of Chaos: Discord's Rule

by jsamolis

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: A Day of the Discorded

Early morning and it’s time to wake up. “Wake up, Fishy. We gotta get started early if we are gonna take back Equestria,” said Silver Lining, full of enthusiasm.
“Aw, why so early? It’s only five in the morning,” she groaned.
“Early bird gets the worm, Silverfish,” he insisted.
“Fine, you’re the boss…,” she sighed.
Silver Lining gives her her vest, while one member of the Rebels is making hayburgers for breakfast.
“Hayburgers again?” asked Silverfish.
“Yes, all we have is hay and buns, and we eat what we have,” he said.
“Fine,” groaned Silverfish, as she made her way to the kitchen. The pony cooking greets Silverfish with a smile, and hands her the hayburger.
“Morning Silverfish,” he said in a cheery voice.
“I don’t see why you’re so happy Duke, it’s too early for smiles,” she complained.
“Now sis, don’t be hostile towards him,” said Silver Lining.
“Sorry, Duke… I’m not a morning pony,” she said.
“That’s quite alright. So what’s on the agenda today?” he asked.
“Looking to see if there are any more slaves that need to be rescued,” explained Silver Lining.
“Sounds like a plan,” said Duke.
They soon finish eating, and Silverfish goes with Silver Lining when they walk out of their shack. They head in the direction of Ponyville, when they are stopped by a large, armored pony. “Halt! You are under arrest for crimes against the supreme leader, Discord: The God of Chaos and Disharmony!” he said in a commanding voice.
“Really? What exactly are the charges?” asked Silver Lining, in a joking voice.
“You are rebelling against Discord, and must be punished,” he said.
Silverfish hides behind her brother, shaking in fear. Silver Lining gets in a ready fighting stance, ready to fight the burly guard. The guard hits him in the head, knocking him out instantly, and then the guard grabs Silverfish, and drags her back to Discord.
“Silver Lining!!!!!” she shouts as she gets dragged away.

Silver Lining wakes up an hour later, but Silverfish is long gone. He struggles to get up, and panics at the same time, thinking to himself, “Discord! He has my sister!”
He goes back to the shack, and Duke is curious and concerned. “What’s wrong, boss? What happened?” he asked.
“Silverfish was… kidnapped!”