//------------------------------// // The Day of Chaos // Story: The Day of Chaos: Discord's Rule // by jsamolis //------------------------------// Epilogue: The Beginning Equestria, 1000 years ago. It is dark, cloudy and everypony is living in fear of their ruler. But two ponies in particular have caught the dictator’s eye. This dictator has the former rulers, Princesses Celestia and Luna enslaved in his lair. This dictator: Discord, God of Chaos. These two ponies: Silver Lining and his younger sister Silverfish have formed a Rebel Alliance against him to which Silver Lining is the leader. Discord wants any ponies that are against him caught and arrested and enslaved or killed. Silver Lining and his Rebels have yet to actually fight Discord because they are always slowed down or stopped by his guards. The Rebel Alliance consists of former slaves that Silver Lining rescued. They have their headquarters in a little shack outside the White Tail Woods. This will be a long battle for freedom and rescue the rightful rulers of Equestria, but the Rebels are ready… Chapter 1: A Day of the Discorded Early morning and it’s time to wake up. “Wake up, Fishy. We gotta get started early if we are gonna take back Equestria,” said Silver Lining, full of enthusiasm. “Aw, why so early? It’s only five in the morning,” she groaned. “Early bird gets the worm, Silverfish,” he insisted. “Fine, you’re the boss…,” she sighed. Silver Lining gives her her vest, while one member of the Rebels is making hayburgers for breakfast. “Hayburgers again?” asked Silverfish. “Yes, all we have is hay and buns, and we eat what we have,” he said. “Fine,” groaned Silverfish, as she made her way to the kitchen. The pony cooking greets Silverfish with a smile, and hands her the hayburger. “Morning Silverfish,” he said in a cheery voice. “I don’t see why you’re so happy Duke, it’s too early for smiles,” she complained. “Now sis, don’t be hostile towards him,” said Silver Lining. “Sorry, Duke… I’m not a morning pony,” she said. “That’s quite alright. So what’s on the agenda today?” he asked. “Looking to see if there are any more slaves that need to be rescued,” explained Silver Lining. “Sounds like a plan,” said Duke. They soon finish eating, and Silverfish goes with Silver Lining when they walk out of their shack. They head in the direction of Ponyville, when they are stopped by a large, armored pony. “Halt! You are under arrest for crimes against the supreme leader, Discord: The God of Chaos and Disharmony!” he said in a commanding voice. “Really? What exactly are the charges?” asked Silver Lining, in a joking voice. “You are rebelling against Discord, and must be punished,” he said. Silverfish hides behind her brother, shaking in fear. Silver Lining gets in a ready fighting stance, ready to fight the burly guard. The guard hits him in the head, knocking him out instantly, and then the guard grabs Silverfish, and drags her back to Discord. “Silver Lining!!!!!” she shouts as she gets dragged away. Silver Lining wakes up an hour later, but Silverfish is long gone. He struggles to get up, and panics at the same time, thinking to himself, “Discord! He has my sister!” He goes back to the shack, and Duke is curious and concerned. “What’s wrong, boss? What happened?” he asked. “Silverfish was… kidnapped!” Chapter 2: The Rescue Begins The next day, Silver Lining starts planning and he plans to rescue Silverfish alone. He wants to prove to himself that he can, and he has been training for combat for years. “Ok, I’m ready. No one follow me. I must do this alone,” ordered Silver Lining. “Right boss,” said Duke, as he cleans up the shack. Silver Lining prepares one last time, then heads out to Canterlot, where Discord is. He walks 10 miles before being stopped by a light blue pegasus mare, with a collar around her neck. Her face appeared to be ridden with sorrow, and he could obviously tell she’s been crying. “Halt!” she reluctantly shouted. “I have to bring you to Master Discord,” she said crying, mouthing the words ‘I’m sorry’. “No, I won’t let you take me, even though I’m on my way to see him anyway. It’ll be on my terms!” he shouted. She tries to just let him pass, but the collar beeps and it shocks her, making her scream in pain. “What is that collar?” he asked. “It’s what Discord uses to control his slaves; it keeps them from disobeying him,” she said. “If a slave doesn’t carry out an order or if they just do nothing, the collar electrocutes them.” “Then I have to get that off you,” promised Silver Lining. “You can’t, only Discord can remove it,” she explained. “Then that shall be a problem. What if I were to defeat Discord?” he asked. “The collar would probably fall off, since they are controlled by his magic,” she said. “Then defeat Discord is what I must do. Don’t worry miss, I’ll save you,” he assured. “My name is Maple Leaf,” she said. They smile at each other, which causes the collar to electrocute her. She takes and smiles through the shock. Silver Lining walks off, and continues on his way to Canterlot. But, not long after that, he is confronted by 5 of Discord’s guards. Chapter 3: Outnumbered “You are not going anywhere!” boomed guard #1. “Discord ordered the death of you, Rebel Silver Lining,” said the second guard. “You want me? Why don’t you come and get me!” challenged Silver Lining. The guards charge at him, but his expert training has come into play as he jumps over the guards like a ninja and lands on the spine of one guard. That guard screams as his spine is nearly shattered. Another guard steps up with a sword and swings at Silver Lining, but he jumps up, grabs the sword and stabs the guard with it. The guard that was stabbed collapses and dies, while the other three charge at Lining. Silver Lining dodges it and snaps the neck of one, knocks one unconscious and breaks the last one’s wing. The ones who remain alive and conscious look at Silver Lining with fear as he walks off. One of them radios to other guards warning them, one of them even warning Discord himself. Silver Lining arrives in Ponyville, seeing that it is seemingly deserted. He walks around and says, “Hello?” No one answers, and he explores the town, until he sees a pony lying on the ground bleeding. He runs to the pony, and finds that it’s a stallion who was attacked by a guard. He seems lifeless, but he checks his pulse and he’s alive. He pulls bandages out of his bags and wraps them around the pony. Soon, the pony wakes up, and is in obvious pain. “I was… attacked. Did you see who did it? It happened all so fast. They even took my fillyfriend!!!” he panicked. “Relax,” said Lining, “I’m after Discord, and I’m sure you’ll get her back once I end him.” The pony smiles and tells him to hurry and thanks him, then he runs into hiding. Silver Lining joins the pony, since it’s getting late and he needs a place to sleep for the night. The pony lets him in his house, and Silver Lining rests until morning. Chapter 4: Trouble in Paradise (part 1) The next morning, Silver Lining wakes up and leaves Ponyville, leaving a thank you note for the pony he helped. He then looks up at the mountain Canterlot is on and sees that it looks topsy turvy and protected by an electro-forcefield. ‘This is gonna be a challenge,’ he thinks to himself as he walks to the road that goes up the mountain. At the base of the mountain, he looks up and sees the Canterlot Castle. ‘It’s just uphill from here,’ he thought. He starts to walk, but after not too long, he gets to a deep chasm in the path which is 10 miles deep and 1 mile wide. “This is gonna be hard,” he says to himself, “but I must overcome this to get my sister back, free the princesses, and put an end to Discord’s reign.” He scans the chasm and sees no way across and no way through. He then takes a rope out of his satchel, and ties it to a dried branch and himself, and rappels down the side of the chasm. Half way down, the rope breaks and he falls, but he lands in some shrubbery at the bottom of the chasm. He scans where the rope “broke”. “It was cut!” he shouts, “but who could have done it?” He walks to the other side of the chasm and looks up, seeing it’s more jagged than the other side. “I can climb this,” he says with a confident attitude. Perhaps too confident. He starts to climb and makes sure he moves slowly and carefully, to avoid slipping and falling to his death. Three hours later, he reaches the top, and is welcomed by an army of Changelings and Chrysalis herself. “Hello, Silver Lining,” Chrysalis says, smugly. Chapter 5: Trouble in Paradise (part 2) “Chr-Chrysalis…” said Lining nervously. “That’s Queen Chrysalis to you!” she barked. “Why are you and your army of cockroaches doing here?” he asked. “Cockroaches!? They’re Changelings! We work for Discord, and he sent us to kill you!” she scowled. Silver Lining tries to avoid each and every Changeling, but comes up short numerous times. ‘She’s not easy. If she is this difficult, imagine how Discord’s gonna be,’ he thought to himself. The changeling swarm flies after him, but he ducks, then he jumps up and lands on one, riding it like a horse. “Get off me!” shouts the Changeling. Lining continues to ride him, steering him into the other Changelings which, makes them swerve into the mountain face. He then darts at Chrysalis, but she flies up. “You fool, you can’t beat me that easily!” she shouts. “No, you’re the fool, you can only feed on love, and since there isn’t any here, you’ll starve!” shouted Lining. “Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. I can feel love among you, love for your sister,” said Chrysalis. Lining stops in his tracks, realizing how correct she is. His love for his sister in burning inside him and Chrysalis can feed on that. “Hehe, well then, that seemed to stop you in your tracks,” she chuckled, “now I must end you.” Lining jumps each time Chrysalis throws a punch, until he lands on her back. He then grabs her horn, while she violently tries to buck him off. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said as he snapped her horn clean off. “NOOOO!!!!” shouted Chrysalis in obvious agony, “My horn! You broke my horn!!” Then, Lining takes the horn and jams it into her chest, stabbing her heart. She screams as she collapses, dying soon after hitting the ground. Soon, all the other Changelings die off. “Now that that obstacle is done, I am on my way to Canterlot,” he said confidently. Chapter 6: The Final Standoff Silver Lining makes his way to Canterlot, but it seems deserted. “Where is everypony?” he thinks to himself. He makes his way to the Canterlot Castle. As he enters, he is greeted by Celestia and Luna, tied up in chains, clearly miserable. “Please, help us,” whispered Luna. “I will,” Lining assured her. He then walks up to the throne room and sees Discord sitting valiantly in the throne. “Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in,” smirked Discord. “Nopony ‘dragged’ me in, I walked in,” scoffed Lining. “So you really think you can defeat me? You must be delirious,” said Discord. Just then Luna and Celestia walk in, still tied in chains. “I won’t be alone,” he said as he takes out his sword and cuts their chains. “Now that we’re free, you won’t stand a chance Discord!” shouted Celestia. “I’m so scared!” Discord said sarcastically. “You should be! Now then, release my sister,” said Lining. “And if I don’t?” scorned Discord, as he signals his guards to bring out a bloody and beaten Silverfish, who is obviously crying from pain. “What did you do to her!?” he shouted. “Well, she’s been very disobedient, and I had to do something. You just expect me to let her off for bad behavior?” teased Discord. Silverfish looks very weak and can barely stand on her own. Silverfish can’t even speak because she is in so much pain. Silver Lining snaps from seeing his sister in so much pain and charges at Discord, punching him in the face, from which he dodges by teleporting away. He reappears in the stained glass window dancing on Celestia’s head. “Enough goofing off, Discord!” shouts Lining. Discord reappears in front of Lining and throws a punch, but Luna and Celestia hold him suspended in mid-air. “Let me down!” demands Discord. “No, I don’t think we will,” said Luna, “this is for beating us and using us as slaves. This is for beating that poor helpless mare and treating her like a slave!” Then they start to turn Discord into a diamond statue, so he can’t break free. Lining then goes to Silverfish and frees her from her shackles as the collar falls off. She hugs him, but is in too much pain to keep it going. Celestia then heals her and she is back to normal. “Thanks, big brother. I love you,” said Silverfish, hugging him. Hours later, the princesses reclaim the throne, and restore Equestria to its former glory and all is happy and well.