Gems and Jewels

by FIeetfoot

A New Arrival

May 26th 7:00 p.m.

Comet's party is amazing! There are a lot of famous ponies here. Including Fancy Pants and Photo Finish. Photo Finish was only there just to take pictures, though I wouldn't be surprised if this party ended up being one of the biggest parties of the year! Time to hit the dance floor!

May 26th 9:00 p.m.

I think it's time I write this down. It's about what me and Comet did in his room. This is what happened, Comet took me into this bedroom. It smelt amazing along with the mints on the pillows. He slowly laid me down on the bed. His hooves had a strong hold on my body. Comet whispered something in my ear and made his way down to my neck. Comet began to kiss me on the neck as he unzipped my dress. I started to pant as the sexual tension started to build up. I felt his warm breath on my neck, I wanted him more than ever. But let's not get into detail here, I'm sure Dinky wouldn't want to read something with such graphic content.

P.S. It felt amazing.

May 30th

The rumors have been true! Derpy is having a filly! She announced it this morning at the table. I'll have a little sister to look after soon. Hopefully one that isn't annoying. I just hope there is nothing wrong with her. My mom's eyes are a little all over the place. She may take after my mom and be born with her eyes all out of wack. I hope I don't have to steal anymore bits. Derpy seems excited about this new arrival, and I believe she knows of the hardships in the future. The mail business isn't really good to be in right now. I hope she gets promoted to royal mail carrier.

June 10th

I think it's time to give mom a bag of gems. That would be enough to get a new house, big enough for the four of us. I decided to tell them I've been saving up. I can't take this small space anymore, and I don't want to share a bedroom with an annoying foal.

Dinky gasped at her sister's words, Derpy told her she was never annoying as a foal. Maybe Sparkler would realize she was wrong, after she was born. She glanced at the doorway, then the window. The day was still young and her home was still quiet. She had all day to read her sister's journal. If she ever showed this to her parents, they would have Sparkler arrested for sure. Or they might force her to move back here with them! It would be easy to hide the diary, her parents almost never read anything. Except for her father who read about a bunch of gadgets, and the theory of time travel. It seemed impossible, almost ridiculous. Nevertheless she went back reading.

June 29th

It's been a long time since I've done a diary entry. We have moved already and I'm enjoying the new space. The house is huge! My bedroom has lots of windows, and we even had enough room for lots of books. Twilight has visited already and of course, she raced off to read our new books. Lyra believes we should go on another adventure. This time we are stealing books. I find stealing books is not worth my time or her's. But the royal library has plenty of books, some of them have the recipes for making diamonds. Some of them have golden covers. Lyra seems to be stretching the truth a little, but if she's right we'll need a plan. This time the target is in the castle.

June 30th

I've trotted pass the castle with an empty cart. The gates are guarded well. It seems impossible to break in. The first step is to place the cart below the window of the library. I don't see how this will help, because the library's window is practically thirty feet above the cart. The sun is setting and it's time to go home. I hope this plan will work.

May 2nd

The robbery last night actually worked! Lyra blasted the guards out the way, before they could even alarm the others. She said when she got into the castle, she saw Princess Cadance eating tubs of ice cream. Which I find weird, because a princess wouldn't eat something like that. Anyways, I was hooked up to the cart. It was barely visible in the dark, and because I was wearing black I was barely visible too. Soon, she bucked down the doors of the library and tossed all these fancy books into the cart. By the time Lyra was done the legends section had been cleared out. Obviously the section was filled with expensive books. The guards came galloping end, but all they found was an open window. I had already galloped off with the cart full of books, and Lyra was on my tail the whole time. In the morning I was dog tired, and the story was already in the newspapers.

Dinky smirked and thought, that was the story she told me when a was younger.

May 4th

Nobody has noticed the new books in the library. Dad is still reading about his time travel stuff. While Derpy is reading about pregnancy tips. I don't see what all the ruckess is about. They sent me downtown to buy a new cradle and some toys for the new foal. I think she or he will like a nice Ursa Minor plush to play with.

May 6th

Mom just got the results back, and it's a.... Filly! It'll only be a few days until she is born, so preparations are being made. Her room has been decorated, and painted to look like the night sky. Mom told me they decided Dinky will be her name, although Dinky Doo sounds better. I only have one diamond left. I think I'm feeling the need for more bits and gems. Surely Lyra will understand this feeling. After all, she's the one who formed all the plans.