Leave of absence

by Stormhoof

Sorry is not enough

Spike continued through the Everfree forest, thinking back it wasn't all that scary in the later parts of the night. He was still angry though, Twilights words were burned into his mind. He stepped into a clearing, it was almost 3 in the morning and this was the first break He had taken. On the edge of the clearing there was a mass of rocks of various sizes, It would be hard work, but he could make himself a decent sized cave right there, And if he wanted to return...

"No...why would I? back to a life of sending letters and basically being a servant?" He said aloud to himself... If he were to make a cave it would definitely be much further away from ponyville... He pondered the idea of making a cave as he sat on a tree stump, it would be bad for him to be out in the elements too much if he kept going...why not stop here? It is rather close to a river, it would only take a few hours to move all the rocks...

"Yeah...a cave for me... away from all those...demands..."He said to himself, not realizing he was already in the process of moving some of the rocks. He grinned, rest can wait till later, in the mean time, maybe setting up a cave will settle his anger a bit...maybe...

Twilight yawned as she woke up at around 7:00 AM... she was the second one awake, Pinkie Pie was down in the Kitchen cooking up a storm with her normal bouncy mood. She looked down at spike basket, and seen he was not there, she sighed a bit annoyed

"Stubborn dragon" She mumbled rather angrily.

Rarity stirred in her sleep, waking up moments later to say "Ahh has our Spikey wikey returned?" She said, removing her blindfold. Looking about to see the empty basket she frowned.
"Twilight? have you sent dear spikey wikey that letter yet?" She said looking over the the purple unicorn.
` "No I haven't, What should I even say?" said Twilight her voice clearly annoyed
Rarity thought for a long moment whilst fixing her hair with magic, "Well darling, you could say 'I am sorry, I was wrong, and I was being completely bullheaded about the entire situation' darling it really is as simple as that."
Twilight huffed "Bullheaded? I asked for him to keep pace with me better!" she said in an angry whisper so not to wake the others.
"But darling...was that the wording you used? what exactly did you say" Rarity said looking Twilight in the eyes.
"Well I...I said since our workload increased it seemed like he was slacking and should pick up the pace" She said, receiving a particularly annoyed look from Rarity.
Rarity sighed slightly "darling...you...Actually said slacking? to Spike? The purple dragon who helps Me,You, and all of our friends on a more the regular basis? The little dragon who cleans up Ninety percent of your messes when you almost empty every shelf? Darling surely you know how ridiculous that sounds!" She couldn't help but feel shocked, almost even insulted by Twilights statement.

At this moment both Fluttershy and Applejack were waking up, each of them looked rather confused. Each of the two said good morning and Applejack took the opportunity to ask what was going on.
"Well dear Twilight and I are discussing what to say in her apology letter to Spike." Said rarity losing her frown.
"Ah well, Im gonna go and see what Pinkie is makin up for breakfast, good luck to ya on the letter Sugarcube" said Applejack as she trotted off, leaving a silent but curious looking Fluttershy.
"Fluttershy dear, is something on your mind?" Rarity said still silently rolling Twilights words around in her head.
"Well its nothing...Just that...I overhead what Twilight said and...Well not that it is my place to say but...I mean... Spike does help out everypony in Ponyville...So maybe...perhaps..." Fluttershy started and turned to Twilight "M-maybe you could have been Nicer...I mean...He has always been more then willing to take care of my animals while I'm away..." she finished, not quite finding the words she needed.
Twilight simply sighed and said "I know I didn't exactly word it too well but I never meant to Insult him..." She hovered a quill and parchment and began writing "A short apology should be good until he is back, then I will talk with him I suppose" Both Rarity and Fluttershy gave her a short nod as they went down to Join Applejack and Pinkie Pie.
Sighing again she looked over her letter,no...It was more of a note, a small note, but she was sure it would be enough for the small dragon. She tried to remember a spell for individual Object teleportation...Of course dragon fire would make it much easier. She looked at the fire place which had a small flickering flame left. Then it hit her, Spike was the one tat lit the fire, it was a long shot but she had to try it.
Just at that moment Rainbow Dash quickly woke up looking around.
"Wa-what time is it?"She said urgently looking about.
"Its about 7:30 Dash...why?"She asked curious.
Dash hopped up quickly saying "I was supposed to help the weather team with an upcoming storm, I gotta go Twi!" And she was off, rushing downstairs she said goodbye to everypony and left.
Twilight Shook her head and tossed a dry log on the fire saying to herself "This better work...come on..." she slowly sent some magic into the log, watching as the fire turned green, Quickly she tossed the note in while doing the teleport spell. She watched as the note was enveloped in green fire and the glowing ashes flew out of the nearby window. Sighing in relief she made her way downstairs.

Author note:Another update soon.Promise