//------------------------------// // Training, In All of Its Horrors // Story: The Veins Run Deep // by Thunderblast //------------------------------// "Alright, Shadow. Let's get started, shall we?" Thunderblast grinned, standing a few feet before Night Shadow on the near-empty training field. "Yes sir," Night Shadow grinned back, standing at attention simultaneously. "Now, I'm sure you know the basics about training. First thing! Physical training. I may not be a Drill sergeant, or a Guard trainer at all, but I still know how to push one to their limits. That said, you're my first trainee. I'll go easy on you, but not too easy. Be glad the captain assigned me. Second thing! Weapons training. You'll have to get used to the guard's assigned weapons, whether it be a spear or a knife, or even those pretty little teeth of yours. As a pegasus, many parts of your body can be used to defend yourself. But, we will get to that later. For now, I'm going to need for you to step over..." Thunder floated over to a connecting dirt path beside the field, then landed on a white line. "...here," Night followed suit, standing on the line with his hooves together. "Next, follow the path. But, I would suggest running. Act like there's a manticore chasing you, and your wings were slashed to the point where you can't fly away," Thunder grinned more. "GO!" Night jumped at Thunder's order, then took off running down the dirt path, his hooves making loud clops against the hard earth. He wasn't used to running, and fought numerous urges to spread his wings and take to the skies. As he galloped, he noticed Thunder coming up by his side, galloping slightly faster. "What are you doing? FASTER DAMN IT! FASTER! THIS ISN'T AN ANT RACE!" Night grunted, and galloped faster. Faster than he had ever run before. "That's more like it! Keep it up, and don't stop 'till I say so!" "Yes sir!" Night yelled in response, keeping a steady pace on the constant-winding dirt path, cutting through pine trees and past the edge of Canterlot many times. Minutes later, the two reached their starting point. Night wanted to stop, but Thunder ordered he go on. Night kept his pace, slowing once or twice, noticeable to his trainer, who was keeping a pace beside Night and could outrun him if he wanted to. "Are you slowing down? I didn't grant you permission to! KEEP GOING!" Night panted and went on, straining his body to the point where his weak muscles started to hurt, and were bound to cramp up at some point. Time seemed to go a lot slower as his body ached, but he continued on, and eventually reached the white line, where he tripped and slid on his stomach to a stop a few feet beyond the end, panting and groaning. "Is...that...it...?" "Well...I was hoping for five laps total...but that was good. You kept a good enough pace. It'll take time, but you will get used to running more and more laps. You did good," Thunderblast smiled, extending a hoof to Night Shadow, who took it and weakly stood, wobbling a bit and still panting like a dog. "Are you alright?" "Y-yeah...I'm fine...just hurting all over is all." "Hmm...maybe we should have waited until lunch digested." "I-I'm not sick sir...I meant my body..." "Oh. Well, that is to be expected. I was achy after my first run. Usually the second run is what gets rid of the pain." "You think?" "I know so. Alright, let's take five. We'll do push ups and whatever else afterwards." "Oh joy." "You think the two laps were bad? I'm challenging you to seven tomorrow. But, tomorrow is tomorrow. We have all of today to prepare you for that horrible day known as tomorrow. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" Thunderblast grinned, then dropped down and quickly pushed his body up and down with his forehooves, his hind legs stretched behind him to their max. After five quick push ups, he stood back up on all fours, grinning more. "Think you can do five push ups that fast?" "Well...uh..." "Yes or no?" "Yes sir!" "Prove it!" Night Shadow carefully got into a slightly incorrect position, but acceptable for a first day trainee. Following that, he slowly lowered himself to the ground, his stomach coming just under an inch from the dirt. Then, he began weakly pushing himself up off the ground and grunting. His bones ached from the two-lap run, and he deeply regretted ever enlisting, but there was no going back now. Night then lost balance, falling onto the ground with a faint 'oof', but regained it and began pushing himself back up. By then, the time it took Thunderblast to do five push ups had already passed by three seconds, and Night was only at his second push up, feeling weaker than ever. "Times up Night," Night then moved to stand back up. "I didn't say stop. Keep going! Give me ten total!" Night whimpered softly and got back down and slowly began pushing himself up and down, barely picking up a faster pace thanks to his hurting body. Pain surged through his bones and veins at every movement his body made, more pain than he's ever felt in his life. Eventually, Night reached ten push ups, where he then collapsed, all four hooves spread out across the dirt and trembling. He panted, barely keeping his eyes open. He had to admit, he was a bit of a wimp, which made him wonder if he'd even be worth the guard's time. Meanwhile, Thunderblast simply stared down at Night with an eyebrow slightly raised. "Are you alright?" Night was too weak to reply, and instead shut his eyes, wanting to nap. "Come on buddy, we've only just started." Night groaned, a whimper mixed in as well. Thunderblast then sighed. "Fine, we can continue tomorrow," and slowly lifted the stricken and limp pegasus onto his back, and began walking back to the barracks with not much issue of the pegasus' weight. Minutes after, Thunder brought Night back into his barrack, laying him on his bunk. Night remained limp, weak from the two-lap run and ten push ups. He felt ashamed that he couldn't do more, but he also didn't want to strain himself to a breaking point. "I'll let you rest here. See you tomorrow," Thunder began walking away, a bit disappointed. Night then coughed a bit, and weakly spoke. "W-wait." Thunder's left ear swiveled a bit to the side, and he slowly turned his head and faced Night Shadow. "Hmm?" "Not tomorrow...later. I'll be fine in a little bit, alright?" Night weakly smiled. "I don't know, you seem pretty tired out already. I don't want you to kill yourself from this." "I-it is fine...just stay close to the barracks, I'll be out when I'm ready."