//------------------------------// // Bedtime Stories // Story: Gems and Jewels // by FIeetfoot //------------------------------// May 8th My little sister has always longed for a bedtime story, and now it's my duty to read her one. So, it's time I read her one of my exciting tales. Maybe something about Cloudsdale. Lyra's and my life of crime hasn't stretched that far, but it could. All we would need is one of those spells, and supplies. Then, we'll be selling jars of rainbow paint in no time. Anyways, here's the tale. A long time ago there lived a criminal. She was a sneaky pony with a greedy attitude. Her name was, Purplehaze! She was one of the most wanted criminals. Her first crime was a robbery of a bank. Along with her in this criminal act was Tealmoon. The guards inside said they'd never seen a mare strike a stallion in the chest so hard. The money they demanded wasn't much. There were even told stories that Tealmoon practically defied gravity while she was fighting off the guards. Her partner, Purplehaze, seemed to be wearing the tightest spandex suit. They were such an amazing team! Committing crimes all over Equestria! They even found a way to rob the Rainbow Factory. Together they were the best criminals in Equestria. Of course some of this is just stretching the truth, and the names are made up. I just copied the names from the newspaper, it seems like the press have an active imagination. It sure filled Dinky with imagination. I saw the gleam in her eyes, as I told the story about how they nearly escaped guards after a robbing of a bank in Canterlot. It was a great tale of action again, I was stretching the truth a bit. She's getting better at her magic, by this time she can turn a page in a book! But for her it requires much effort. I just hope one day Dinky will become a very talented unicorn. I have a gift prepared for her birthday. It's what she always looked at in shopping magazines for unicorns. It will help her with her magic, making it less difficult for her. "She left that gift?" Dinky wondered aloud. June 10th By this time the suspicions have died down. I really have to be more careful. Luckily Rarity didn't get to a phone, until I disappeared into the back alley. Lyra and I have worked on our costumes. They look better and I suggested curling our hair before committing another crime. At first this just started out as a way to get money for my family. But I don't intend to be greedy. I have enough money to last us through the fall. I just hope they never find my stash of bits and gems. Lyra believes we should leave soon. They don't suspect us, but soon they probably will. Princess Celestia is offering a million bit award for anybody who turns us in. Luckily, I can trust Lyra and she'll never turn me in. We made a deal to make sure of it. June 18th The ponies of Canterlot have issued wanted signs all over the place. There are detectives who have been sent out to every town in Equestria. I think me and Lyra should lay off the crime for a while. Sure she has grown a little bit greedy, but I don't want to get arrested. The only way we can escape is running away to Ponyville. It's a small town and the folk there are nice, so nobody will suspect us. Lyra even has an old friend named Bon Bon she can live with. I have enough jewelry and diamonds to buy a house. I might as well start packing. I'll send a letter back to mom and dad saying I'm okay. June 20th We've decided to escape Canterlot by train. The guards are swarming everywhere around Canterlot. I can't take the pressure, we should be able to leave soon. June 30th We leave the day after tomorrow. My saddle bag is packed sacks of bits, jewels, jewelry, and food. I'm taking one diamond with me and leaving the rest under my bed. Lyra and I decided to not take all our treasures, and leave our disguises. Then, we write letters back to our families saying we're okay. I should have enough money for shelter and food, and the jewelry will give me more money once I sale it. Lyra is playing her lyre for tips on the street. She'll still be staying with Bon Bon either way. I wonder if Lyra will have enough money to get her own place in the future. Maybe I should check with Lyra, and see if she wants to make a carrier out of it. Like Octavia did with her cello. Now, she plays for Princess Celestia and the entire upper-class of Canterlot. She was a good friend, until she became selfish. Right now she's living with a famous Dj who can handle her selfishness. I till want to be friends with her, but it appears 'I'm not on her level'. "Make sure to check under Sparkler's old bed," Dinky said while making a mental note. May 2nd We are leaving soon. During the middle of the day would be fine. There would be few guards, and almost no suspicions. I'm leaving my disguise in an old box hidden in the library. I'm leaving my diary in a bookshelf right beside my disguise. One day when Dinky is older I hope she'll find it. She should know all my secrets I kept from our parents. It will only make us closer, and heal her broken heart when I ran away. Hopefully, she won't tell our parents. Even if they won't call the royal guard, I'll still be punished somehow. My life of crime is over. Well, I wouldn't say over. After all, there are many adventures to be had. There is one thing I need to leave for my little sister. I hope she loves it...