The Story Of Zolziac

by Trainboy

2: The Early Years

Zolziac had learnt a lot from the night Croitas was killed. The next morning he still found himself shivering next to his mother. But he had taken the alpha's (Shamak) advice seriously and decided from that night, that he would never become tame. When he told this to Shamak the next day, Shamak laughed.

"Good young pup" he smiled "I hope you understand that it gave me no pleasure to sentence him to death. I'd been a second father to him, but you must understand Zolziac that what he did was not right, and that should not have to happen to you either"

"Don't worry sir" Zolziac squeaked confidently "I'll make sure to follow you at all costs!"

"That's what i wanted to hear Zolziac" Shamak smiled "You never know, when you're a little older, you can learn to be a Beta and help the alphas hunt."

"You really think so?" Zolziac said excitedly.

Shamak chuckled.

"If you carry on the way you are now" he said "I know so"

Zolziac made it his mission, from that day, to be as loyal to his alpha as possible. In about a year, he was nearly fully grown. Shamak then invited him to attend an alpha and beta school, which would last until next spring. In fact, one day, when he was practising his hunting skills in the clearing, a grey wolf ran up to him.

"Hey" he said "Your Zolziac aren't you?"

"Yeah" said Zolziac

"Hi" said the wolf "I'm Harinka"

"Harinka?" Zolziac paused "I swear i've heard of you before"

"Well i know i've heard of you" Harinka smiled "The whole school is talking about you. Apparently you're Shamak's star pupil"

"Really?" Zolziac asked

"Sure" Harinka continued "He sure does like you. Apparently he's training you to be a Beta."

Zolziac suddenly remembered.

"I remember you" he said "You were the son of Niak, the secondary Alpha"

"So i Am well known" Harinka smiled. Then he paused "They say you saw the death of Croitas at a very young age"

"Why is he so famous?" Zolziac said "He committed the greatest crime, and he's being seen as some sort of legend"

"I'm not sure" Harinka said "Apparently he did some great stuff in his life, and that's why Shamak killed him... Because he was jealous of Croitas' popularity"

Zolziac was horrified.

"He would never kill out of hatred!" he growled "I know him better than anyone, he would never do that."

Harinka smiled.

"Your loyalty is great" he laughed "No wonder you're Shamak's favorite student."

Zolziac stopped growling.

"I saw you were practising some hunting" Harinka said after a small pause "Mind if i join you?"

"Sure" Zolziac said "I'm currently pursuing this rabbit. Ready? Go!"

The two wolves started off into the forest, sniffing the ground and air as they went. At one point, Harinka thought he'd found the rabbit, but it turned out to be a squirrel, which the two enjoyed chasing for a short while. Eventually they came to a small field. In the field was a herd of elk. Zolziac tried to move away but Harinka held him back.

"Can you imagine the praise we'd recieve if we took down a full grown elk?" he said, his eyes lit up.

"Harinka" said Zolziac "No. We're not experienced enough yet"

"So much the better" Harinka grinned "Imagine how proud Shamak would be if he found you'd taken down a full grown elk"

"Well" Zolziac paused "I guess he would be... But we're merely tail wolves. We don't have the knowledge or the training."

"Even better" Harinka continued "We'd we looked upon by the highest ranks"

"Still" said Zolziac "I don't know"

But before Zolziac could say another word, Harinka had strolled out into the field.

"Harinka. Get back here!" Zolziac hissed. But Harinka only beckoned for him to come out into the field.

The herd had noticed Harinka and Zolziac. They slowly started to make defence positions. Zolziac and Harinka circled around them. Making long, low growls as they went. The herd were unsure what to do.
Suddenly, it happened. Harinka barked and the herd charged. Zolziac dived into the cover of the forest. But that was when he realized Harinka was still in the charging herd and flying dust.

"Harinka!" Zolziac cried.

He ran into the dust, dodging about six deer.

"Harinka!" he called "Harinka! Har...." he stopped dead as he saw the body of a wolf on the ground.

He strolled up to it. He then sat beside it, before slightly poking it with his paw. Suddenly Harinka started breathing. The herd had long gone by now, so Zolziac was able to hear his hoarse whispering.

"Zolziac" he said "You were right it seems"

"I knew we should never have tried such a thing" said Zolziac "But what about you?"

"I'm afraid i'm not going to be able to make it back to the territory" Harinka said with a nasty, throaty cough.

"Sure you can" said Zolziac. He then howled as long and as loud as he could.

This went on for a few minutes until he heard the scatter of running paws behind him. Six wolves emerged from the forest, all of them betas. Also among them... was Shamak, who had recognized Zolziac's help call and had come to see what was wrong.

"Zolziac" said a Beta "What on earth happened?"

Shamak looked at the hoof print covered ground.

"You tried to take down a full grown elk didn't you" he said. Zolziac was about to reply, when Harinka spoke up.

"Sir, please... You must understand that Zolziac was against the whole thing." he said in a hoarse cough "I was the one who wanted to do something foolish."

Zolziac scooped Harinka onto his back.

"Sir" said Zolziac "This is Harinka, son of Niak, please help him"

Shamak paused for a few seconds. He sighed.

"Very well" he said "Betas, bring him home. Zolziac and i are going to have a little chat"

Zolziac gulped as the Betas took Harinka back towards the territory. He watched them for a little while, before slowly looking up to Shamak. Who stood towering over him.

"Zolziac" he began "I expect a lot more from a star pupil. He was insistent that you do this yes, but you could have saved his life any time and you chose not to."

"Saved his life?" Zolziac said "Y... you mean he's not going to..."

Shamak slowly and silently shook his head. If there was any time Zolziac felt like the smallest wolf in Equestria, now was the time. He could have saved a wolves life, yet he went along with a plan and now got him killed. He had to think about things. Shamak put a paw on Zolziac's shoulder.

"I know you must feel very unhappy about this" he said "But i'm afraid i have to..."

Zolziac knew what was coming.

"Oh no please sir" he blurted out "Please don't send me away, i'd hate to end up like Croitas a few years ago, i can learn sir, honestly i can, please don't send me away"

Shamak was startled.

"Why would i want you becoming tame?" he said "Your grandmother became tame before you were born, but that doesn't mean i want you tamed."

Zolziac paused.

"You mean i have a grandmother... Whos Tame?!" he asked slowly.

Shamak sighed. He knew this day would come. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell Zolziac of his past, secretly he was just as keen as anyone. But he was unsure of how Zolziac would react.

"Yes" Shamak said briefly "Yes, your grandmother became a tame wolf to a pony. Cele... something i don't know her name"

"Celestia?" Zolziac asked. He'd heard the name mentioned a few times while he was growing up. But never knew that it had a connection with him.

"That's it" Shamak said "Celestia. But she is tame Zolziac, i don't want you following the same path."

Zolziac thought for a moment.

"What if i went to visit her sometime?" he asked "I'm sure she, or Celestia wouldn't mind."

Shamak, also thought for a little while. He didn't want to have his loyal-est wolf leave and become tame. But he had to know of his family background someday. Now might as well be the time.

"Very well" he said "I'll let your mother and the school where you've gone. But i'm only doing this because you are my loyal one. You won't become tame."

"Don't worry sir" said Zolziac "I'll make sure i won't. Tell mum i said goodbye."

and with that, Zolziac set off into the sunset. Determined to find his grandmother.