//------------------------------// // chapter 6 // Story: the life of a human turned pony. // by Shadow Blaze //------------------------------// chapter 6 i awoke to the sound of breathing that was not my own i was confused for a moment, that is before i remember yesterdays party and twilight telling me she wanted to date me it brought a smile to my face. I used magic to lift her off me as i slipped downstairs and quickly looked through the cabinets for food of some sort before creating something that resembled a sandwich, i have to say that sandwich was pretty good noticing the time it was around 8-ish i then proceeded to realize pony's had clocks how had i not noticed this before? oh well I ran upstairs and jumped into the shower when i started to hear some movement from the other room i guessed twilight was wakening up so i finished my shower and went to go say goodbye before work but instead brought her to the bathroom for her to get a drink of water and pain medication i then figured out that light headache was my hangover from the party i knew i drank just as much as twilight, guess i can hold my drinks a bit better after getting her water i started some conversation "feeling better twi?" i asked her as she laid down in bed "yeah much better i have some water and the headache is going away" she said i got up and gave her a kiss she seemed startled but returned the kiss it was quick but then she pulled me back in for another before backing away blushing "well you just rest today ok twi take it easy" i sad not wanting her to get in even worse condition then she was already in. "ok shadow i won't thanks again" she was quiet for a while " i guess you got to go to work today huh?" "yeah i do twi i will be back as soon as i can alright?" i said to her she smiled and laid down "would you mind looking for spike if you can shadow he stayed with rarity yesterday"she said, alright i could do that "i don't mind twi i'll do it when im done work" i walked outside again it was slightly colder but still pretty warm out for what ever time of season it was i guess. i quickly walked (trotted?) to rarity's when spike was already outside. "oh well that saves me trouble" i said, spike turned around to face me "oh hey shadow" spike said "enjoy taking care of rarity last night?"i asked the dragon he smiled and nodded "she wasn't that drunk but she needed some extra help with dresses so i decided to stay over" he said, he really liked working with her "alright then spike im glad you enjoy her company keep working at her like this and you will have your own marefriend" i told him he smiled, i presumed he was thinking about rarity he then proceeded to burp up a letter with the royal seal on it "is that a letter from the princess?" i asked he nodded " i had better get back to twilight see you later shadow!" spike yelled running to the library i smiled the kid had potential that was sure, reminded me of.. well me when i was younger hehe i walked to work not much happened i met mist at work and we worked all day i left with my pay when getting out i decided i would visit rarity i had after all made a promise to model for her i walked to rarity's place yet again it was a short walk from work i opened the door and walked in the bell making a ding as i walked in "hello there welcome to - oh hello shadow" she said happy i was there "hey rarity how are you doing" i said to her "fine darling how are you is twilight ok are you treating her good" she said suddenly serious "im are fine rarity twilights just home resting from the party i was really wondering if you were ready for me to model for you" i said she smiled "oh yes darling come right this way and we can get started" she led me to a room i stood there as she measured me -alot of time standing still later- i think im going insane it was getting late i wanted to get home eat and be with twilight, rarity was almost done though so that was good i think i counted to about 5000 before she was finally done "ok darling im done" YES FREEDOM i managed to keep calm though stepping down from the area she had me modeling in "thank you again for modeling for me darling it helps alot" rarity said "oh it was no trouble rarity anything for a friend" i smiled and walked out of the shop as soon as the door closed "FREEDOM YES HAHAHHAHA SWEET FREEDOM!!!" i ran as fast as i could using shadows to move faster i was at the library within seconds i walked in to see twilight just siting there most likely waiting for me. i came in and pulled her into a hug "so how was your day twi?" i asked her "oh you know just reorganizing the library the usual " she told me spike came running down the stairs of the library. "twi we got a letter from the princesses!" he yelled running towards us. "oh give it here spike" twilight asked him, he handed it to her she opened it and then looked confused. "it looks like its for you shadow" she told me, hmm wonder what thats about the letter read this Dear Shadow Blaze We would like you to come to canterlot castle to answer some questions, You are allowed to bring friends if you wish to you will be staying for a week. Princess Celestia And Luna. huh wonder what that's all about, oh well guess i get to go to canterlot for the week "well twi pack your bags we're going to canterlot" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sorry for not uploading much been busy with school and such but enjoy the chapter hopefully will have another written soon.