JAGFest 2014: Equestrian Masquerade

by RockStarMLP

Day #7 - Appleloosa

The train drove nonstop from Baltimare, arriving at its new destination halfway through the afternoon. The group of ponies, Mobians, heroes and musicians decided to leave early from their previous stop of the Equestrian Masquerade, their special touring event for the year’s annual JAGFest festival, in hopes to avoid getting to their next stop so late in the day again. If this was how the Team JAG Band wanted to get to know the ponies of Equestria better, traveling around to several different cities, they at least wanted to take in some of the sights outside of the festivities that would take place every other day. Perhaps it would have been better to space out some of the tour dates more, but with the time of year and numerous holidays each dimension were also in festive spirits for, it was the best compromise to go with. After all, Hearth’s Warming only came to ponies once a year, just like how Christmas and other holidays across the dimensions were taking place as well.

Applejack began to lead the massive group out of the train when, not so surprising, she came face to face with members of her clan. Her cousin Braeburn, who was leading the group of Apples, stared at the new arrivals with a grin even bigger than when Applejack and her friends first visited their then new settlement. Before anyone could say hello to the settler ponies, Braeburn gave him his usual town greeting-


“Good to see ya again, Braeburn, but y’all didn’-“

“Come now, cousin, are your manners still that bad? Ya haven’t introduced us your out-of-worldly compadres, not to mention a Princess.”

Not taking aback to being interrupted, Applejack attempted to speak again. “Now, Braeburn, we weren’t expectin’ anypony to greet us here at the station. We were plannin’ on findin’ you and making introductions anyways.”

“But thanks for coming to find us instead. That saves time I can use to go for a run,” joked a certain blue hedgehog, who walked forward and let out his hand. “Name’s Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. I take it you’re most of AJ’s relatives we heard about on our way here.”

“Darn tootin’, but not all of us are Apples. The name’s Braeburn, but before I can show y’all AAAAAAppleloosa…” He paused and turned his attention to the group’s alicorn princess, bowing before her in respect with the other townsponies following the same action. “It’s a pleasure to have you here, Princess Twilight. Might there be anythin’ we can do for you or your friends before starting a tour for our newcomers?”

Treating this with any and all casualty she could express, Twilight replied “Your welcome is more than appreciated, and another of your town sounds wonderful. Perhaps, though, we may walk over to where the main event will be held, so that my friends can start their own preparations.”

“Of course, Your Highness. Right this way,” replied the stallion, and he led everypony – and every Mobian, Seedrian, part-Saiyan, and human – down off the platform and around the train to go to the other side of the tracks where the town was. They then began to make their way down the main road of Appleloosa, all of the buildings and once open areas prepared and filled for the festivities to take place the next day.

The four Cutie Mark Crusaders were talking about how cool the town was, at least those who hadn’t been there before, and how excited they were for tomorrow’s next JAGFest. Apple Bloom then began to talk about how she and most of her immediate family traveled to check out the town’s competitors for a then upcoming produce-growing competition, only to be disappointed that their entry was sacrificed to undo a spell that created the Flutterbat. A couple of the others overheard this, primarily Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who both led the pack with Braeburn, and being far enough away from Nyx to not be overheard back, a couple concerns could be addressed then and there.

“Brae, did Big Mac and Granny Smith get here yet?” asked the orange mare. “I doubt it if they weren’t at the station to greet us.”

The cowpony shook his head and replied “Not yet. There’s another train comin’ ‘round in an hour from Ponyville, and that’s the one they booked to come here.”

“I see. I guess Granny’s still tryin’ to avoid her…”

Braeburn turned to face his cousin and asked “Avoid who?”

“Nyx. You know, Twilight’s kid,” Rainbow Dash explained, carefully pointing a hoof towards the black filly’s direction. “Granny Smith isn’t exactly the biggest fan of Nyx, let alone her granddaughters traveling all over Equestria with the filly that used to be-“

“Oh, so that’s little Nyx?” interrupted the stallion, followed by an upset sigh. “When the kin were here visitin’ for a few days, somepony mentioned Nyx in passin’, how Nightmare Moon was defeated and Equestria was safe again, but Granny Smith began to rant about Nyx. I didn’t quite know exactly what she was sayin’ until Apple Bloom and Big Mac told me about her, and how she was a filly under Twilight’s care. That, and the incident back at your home, cousin; that wasn’t a pleasant tale to hear.”

It was no secret back in Ponyville that Granny Smith was one of several ponies who disliked the fact that Nyx was pardoned for her actions and allowed to remain Twilight Sparkle’s daughter. It went so far that she kept the alicorn filly trapped under a basket, with Apple Bloom sitting on it to prevent any escape, so she could get a police officer to re-arrest ‘Nightmare Moon’ for her crimes. Even with all the time that had passed since, the old mare still resented Nyx, and never approved of her family going anywhere near the filly to this day. This made this JAGFest all the more difficult, because Nyx was one of the closest ponies to not only the Team JAG Band, but to Tails and Cosmo, the two who helped connect Equestria with all the others that have been introduced.

There was no choice in the matter for Applejack: she’d have to pick up Granny and Big Mac from the station personally and have a stern conversation with her grandmother about how to act around Nyx, and at JAGFest. The festival promoted togetherness and celebration of music after all, and she didn’t want anypony’s pride or stubbornness get in the way of that. There was an old saying she learned from Dan and Gohan, about how you can’t make a horse drink out of the same pond as everypony else, and this case was no different, except that Granny Smith would say everypony who accepted Nyx would be drinking poison.

If all else would fail, Applejack wouldn’t leave her grandmother’s side until the festival was over, or keep her as far away from the Sparkle family, some of her best friends, as possible.


Evening came faster than anypony could have imagined. JAGFest resulted with even more success as the ponies of Appleloosa celebrated all of their small town ways with one-another, along with some visiting buffalo and out-of-town ponies that came in by train, or flight if they were pegasi. By this point, the image the band had given itself had made them recognizable and iconic even more, as nearly the entire town kept coming up to band members and those from Mobius with offers of hospitality and respect for what the festival was providing. It was, indeed, all a positive sight to behold, but the Master Four did admit with each other that the ponies supplying all eleven members, technically thirteen when counting the two stage managers/engineers, their own custom-styled Stetson hats for them to wear.

Being treated like celebrities continued to stupefy the Team JAG Band, as the lingering thought that remained was how their biggest following, for music most would consider the sounds of evil, were multi-colored and cute ponies.

All of the festival-attending ponies gathered along the main strip of the town and most of the open land towards the end opposite of the railway. The band’s stage stood tall and proud over towards where the flatland met with the hillside, allowing as much open space in front as possible for ponies and others to stand. Most of the traveling visitors, however, sat farther back on rooftops and balconies of buildings closest to the edge of town, two balconies of which faced opposite of each other.

One was treated as a smaller-sized royal sitting section, made for Twilight, Nyx, Spike, Cosmo, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to sit or stand comfortably. Opposite of that was specifically for members of the Apple family: Applejack and her immediate family, Braeburn and Pinkie Pie, the latter of whom still having slight hope for blood ties with the Apples. Among them was Granny Smith, of course, who was as calm and content as can be. After a lengthy conversation with Applejack last night, and another with Big Macintosh on the train ride, she didn’t make any fuss regarding Nyx being there. In fact, she offered to take care of all four CMC during the afternoon and caused no trouble whatsoever. When AJ asked about her actions, Granny simply explained “I guess it was from that certain tune yer friends offered to play; it struck a thought in me like a needle sewing pants about this whole dang JAGgyFest.”

It was a thought the mare carried in her mind happily as she and her little sister made their way backstage with Nyx and Cosmo, spending some time with the band before having to make the final hosting speech. Throughout the day, many members of the Apple clan had a turn to host: Braeburn opened the festival, the Oranges welcomed all the relatives from all corners of Equestria, even Babs Seed, who announced a mini Iron Pony competition for both kids and adults to partake in. At Twilight’s suggestion, it was more than fitting to have the closest of the Apples to Team JAG have the opportunity to make the main introduction, and they couldn’t agree more.

Phineas and Ferb eventually gave the two their signal to walk out on stage, where two microphone stands elevated up at respectable heights. As they did, Ash called everyone in the band together for the annual preshow huddle, with Cosmo and Nyx joining them right beside Tails. The fox waited a moment for everyone to get comfortable before starting to hype his friends for another show.

“We’ve made it to day number seven, everyone. It feels like this trip is going so fast now that we’ve come this far, but we still power through each and every night giving the show all that we can, and more importantly, having everypony enjoy the show. Out there waiting for us right now is Appleloosa, and all the Apple family relatives and buffalo herds you can fit into that one strip of street, stretching as far back as the train tracks. They welcomed us like family, and treated us like family, so I better not see anyone here show that same love and respect in return! Hands and hoof in!”

Everyone then reached in the center of the huddle to stack their hands in a tower, with Nyx’s hoof topping them all. “Let’s make tonight loud, and let’s give the music we love justice! Tonight is all about getting wild in the west! At the count of three, I want to hear ‘Aaaaaappleloosa!’ Ready?

“1… 2… 3!”


And with that, the huddle broke open as hands and hoof were thrown in the air. From when that concluded, it seemed to be perfect timing as they overheard Applejack and Apple Bloom on stage. The two said their final words to the audience before they’d go meet with Nyx and Cosmo, and rush their way back to their friends.

“Appleloosa, it is our mighty pleasure of introducin’ to y’all some of the most talented friends anypony could meet!”

“Now put your hooves together for…”



YOU’RE YOU – William Anderson/audio introduction
DEVOUR – Shinedown/Yugi/Tails on piano intro and rhythm guitar
BACK IN THE DAY – Megadeth/Yugi + rhythm guitar
ACE OF SPADES – Motorhead/Gohan + rhythm guitar
EVERYTHING ENDS – Slipknot/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar, Dan on keyboard, Ami and Yumi on custom percussion, Aelita on turntables/samples
OLD FRIEND – Disturbed/Gohan/Kim on rhythm guitar, Tails on synthtar

“WHAT’S UP, APPLELOOSA! WELCOME TO JAGFEST!” Yumi said, the first amongst the band to speak to the crowd. They cheered loudly and full of energy in return, just as she wanted, up until she began to speak again. “Now’s the time where we show all of you the power, the energy, and the togetherness that comes from rock and metal. Tonight is, without a doubt, going to be my favorite night so far with what my best friend has in store for you later. But before this show goes anywhere, I need to know something… ARE. YOU. READY?!” She allowed the crowd to cheer once again before concluding with “Here’s a little rarity that doesn’t always make it into our sets, but tonight it has a special place. This is ‘Say You Will…’”

SAY YOU WILL – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano/keyboard
PHOTOGRAPH [DEF LEPPARD] – Santana/Gohan/Tails on lead guitar, Aelita on keyboard/organ, Ami on tambourine
EVERY TIME YOU GO – 3 Doors Down/Yugi/Tails on lead guitar and co-vocals
A THOUSAND FACES – Creed/Jason/Tails on acoustic guitar, Ash on Mark Tremonti vocals as well as lead guitar

Jason walked around the stage, using his microphone to say to the crowd “I hope you guys are ready for some big surprises tonight, because we’ve got quite a few set up for you tonight!” He paused because of the audience beginning to cheer excitedly, waiting for that to quiet down before continuing. “Just to let you know, we are currently in part one of our three-part set, and this is the part when we play songs our band used to rehearse with before shows we’ve played a few years ago. It means a great deal to us to play these songs because some have become our favorites, others have never been played live before, and some of these were challenging for us to give proper justice and formulate the right lineups. This next song, however, is one that we’ve played before, but we have a special way of doing so tonight…”

He paused and let Ron appear on stage with one of his Les Paul guitars, decaled with the album cover design related to the next song to be played. After Ron stood stage center as the crowd cheered for his presence and was ready to play with the Master Four, Jason concluded with “Instead of me playing rhythm guitar as I normally would, we’re going to give Ron his fair share of shredding and have him play my part every so often. Here’s a song by one of our most respected bands that we can call our friends, Alter Bridge. Now, Appleloosa, answer me one thing… HOW’S IT FEEL… TO BE ALIVE!?!”

ONE DAY REMAINS – Alter Bridge/Jason/Ron on rhythm guitar
MISTRESS DREAD – Lou Reed & Metallica/Dan with Gohan lineup/Dan and Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer
IN THE END – Anthrax/Ash/Tails on rhythm guitar
WHO WE ARE – Machine Head/Jason + co-lead guitar/Tails on rhythm guitar, Ami and Yumi on violins, Dan on cello/audio children’s choir

“Do you want some more?!” Ash called out to the Appleloosans, all of whom began to cheer loudly and excitedly once again. “Come on, that was weak. I Said… DO YOU WANT SOME MORE?!?!” The response this time sounded if it tripled the previous cheering, almost quadrupled if Pinkie Pie and the CMC cheered just a slight louder. “We’re near the end of the first part of our set, and we’d like to play one of the heaviest electronic/percussion/melodic songs by one of our Master Four influences- Linkin Park! Now, everypony, we want you to join us for a few minutes in a nice, dark… Blackout.”

BLACKOUT – Linkin Park/Ash and Dan on co-vocals/Tails on lead guitar, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer, Kim and Ron on custom percussion, Yumi on bass guitar, Jason on turntables/samples, Ami on own drum kit
NARCISSISTIC CANNIBAL – Korn/Yugi/Dan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on turntables/programming/samples
EMPTY SPACES [PINK FLOYD]/BORN OF DESIRE – Mushroomhead/Ash on Jeffrey Nothing vocals, Gohan on J-Mann vocals/Jason and Yugi on drums, Tails on lead guitar, Yumi on rhythm guitar, Ami on bass guitar, Kim on keyboard/synthesizer, Dan and Ron on custom percussion, Aelita on turntables/samples
HOUSE OF CARDS – Solipsist/Jason/Dan on rhythm guitar, Gohan on Jason Popson vocals, Ami on drums, Ron on keyboard


WHY NOT ME – Within Temptation/audio introduction
SHOT IN THE DARK – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard
OUR SOLEMN HOUR – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard
LET US BURN – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard
ICE QUEEN – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim joins on co-vocals with own voice
SAY MY NAME – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim on backing vocals with own voice
MEMORIES – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Ron on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim on co-vocals with own voice

“Thank you so much, everypony! Y’all are just amazing!” Ami yelled, humorously mimicking the country accent of the townsponies, who were cheering and stomping loudly. Listening carefully, she could have sworn she heard a few “Yee-haws” somewhere in it, causing her to smile and giggle a little. “What you’re watching us perform now is part two of our set, where we make a tribute to some of our favorite bands and influences, and tonight is my turn to share with you my favorite band to help perform: Within Temptation. This is a very special set for me, and I hope it becomes just as special to all of you. But, in order to really make this tribute memorable, we’d like to play one of the band’s newest songs, and to make it happen, I’ll need some help making a new vocal debut…”

She paused to allow Yumi to walk out to the stage, but towards Gohan in order to take his bass guitar and prepare to play it herself. Gohan then walked up to one of the microphone stands and took said tool off the stand, and then said “It’s about time we add a little twist to the sounds of symphonic metal. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks, because this was a setup that took literally months to make satisfying for us to give the music justice. We dedicate this song to all of those in the Apple Family, every citizen of Appleloosa, and our friends in the buffalo herd and Chief Thunderhooves. Let’s keep this shit going; this is called…

“’And We Run…’”

AND WE RUN – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim on keyboard/synthesizer and backing vocals, Gohan on Xzibit vocals, Yumi on bass guitar
FASTER – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi and Dan on rhythm guitars, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard
THE HEART OF EVERYTHING – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim on co-vocals with own voice
MOTHER EARTH – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim on keyboard and backing vocals, Dan and Ron on backing vocals during male chorus


LORDS OF SUMMER – Metallica/Gohan + rhythm guitar
SAVE YOUR SOUL – Shadows Fall/Yugi/Yumi on rhythm guitar
PANDEMONIUM – Venom/Jason + rhythm guitar
REFUSE/RESIST – Sepultura/Ash/Yumi on rhythm guitar
ABIGAIL – King Diamond/Yugi/Ron on rhythm guitar, Kim on keyboards

The band members needed for the next song were already positioned, all set to go to keep the show going. The only one out of place was Tails, who was supposed to beat his piano to play, but instead was at the front of the stage at his microphone stand. It was his turn to say a few words, but not before she turned his head to the right to see the remaining band members, and then to his left to see the two stage managers, and a few members of the Apple family awaiting their cue. With a smile across his face, the fox looked out into the crowd to find the happiest stares coming from his beloved, his best friends and his pony friends, and then began to speak.

“Appleloosa, we’re now in the third part of our set, and this is when we play a collection of songs by certain bands that are not repeated on other nights of the Equestrian Masquerade, so these songs are only for your enjoyment. Now I say that because, we have this new song to play next, and it’s only fitting that we play this in the biggest town of Apple family relatives, and I’ve come to understand that this is the next-biggest Apple family reunion in history! It is very important to have your family, whether you share a name, or a bloodline, or just all the love and care that takes to make a family strong and meaningful. For myself, I have my best friends from Mobius, Princess Twilight and her family from Ponyville and Canterlot, and the most wonderful fiancé I never thought could exist before her. Now, this next song is all about that, and it’s only fair that we bring out some of our closest friends from the Apple family that we met when we first discovered Equestria!

“Mares and Gentlecolts, I am excited to bring out on stage the following amazing ponies- Applejack, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and the honorary Apple, Pinkie Pie! Now let’s get to it! This song’s called ‘Apples to the Core!’” He then stepped back from his microphone stand and quickly greeted the five ponies now on stage. Once he was back at his piano, he gave an okay symbol that allowed the Master Four to start clapping their hands, with the audience following suit by stomping their hooves or feet to the opening rhythm to the song, and the band began to perform once more…

APPLES TO THE CORE – My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Apple family with Yugi lineup/Yugi on acoustic guitar, Tails on keyboard, Ami on banjo, Yumi on violin
THANKS – Volbeat/Gohan + rhythm guitar
SAY HELLO 2 HEAVEN – Temple of the Dog/Jason/Kim and Ron on rhythm guitars
ADDICTED TO CHAOS [MEGADETH] – Primitivity/only Tails, Dan, Ami and Yumi on cellos
HOME – Jeff Burgess/Ami and Yumi with Ash lineup/Ash on acoustic guitar, Tails on piano
DON’T YOU LET ME DOWN – KISS/Ash with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Ron on drums
GOD SAVE ROCK ‘N ROLL – Kid Rock/Jason/Ami and Yumi on rhythm guitars and backing vocals, Tails on piano, Dan on saxophone
HOW YOU REMIND ME – Nickelback/Gohan + rhythm guitar

Yugi had walked onto the middle section of the stage setup and stood at one of the end microphone stands to talk to the crowd. “Everypony,” he said, “we’re reaching the end of our set, and you guys have been amazing keeping up with us for so long. Do you have it in you to keep going for just a little longer?!” His answer came as another round of powerful cheers from them, a great sign to the band at just how strong the wills of ponies continue to be. “Since we’ve been powering through this set, we’re going to keep that momentum going and get through the rest of our set. As for this next song, this one goes out to some of the best friends any world can have, and a core reason why this band exists today: Team Sonic! By the band Crush 40, here’s ‘Never Turn Back!’ Sonic, everyone, we love you guys!”

NEVER TURN BACK – Crush 40/Yugi/Tails on lead guitar
NEVER LET ME DOWN AGAIN (SPLIT MIX) – Depeche Mode/Dan with Jason lineup/Jason on keyboard/synthesizer, Tails on piano, Kim on keyboards/audio symphonic intro
COLD BLACK DAYS – Atrocity/Jason/Dan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards/samples
NO SAVING ME – Walls of Jericho/Yumi with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard
APPLEPLOSION – The L-Train/Tails + lead guitar with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar

APPLEJACK – William Anderson/audio instrumental
THE HUMAN INSTRUMENT – Volbeat/Gohan + rhythm guitar/Yumi on slide guitar intro
A LINE IN THE SAND – Linkin Park/Ash and Dan on co-vocals/Tails on lead guitar, Yumi on bass guitar, Jason on turntables/samples
FORGIVEN – Within Temptation/Ami with only Tails on piano, Aelita on symphonic keyboard, Kim and Yumi on co-vocals

“Appleloosa, you have been an amazing audience tonight!” Kim said to the crowd to end the festival. “Thank you for all of your kindness, and thank you all for our new friendship with yet another great town of Equestria! Rainbow Falls has a lot to measure up to during our next show, but we’ll make sure you send your regards! From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU, AND GOOD NIGHT!”