Fallen Star

by SenpaiStarFeather

Lonely Sun

The moon hung directly over the young Colt's sleeping body, and deep within that moon a pony collapsed on the floor.
"Damn... That much power to contact somepony so close to me? I suppose I did use a lot of power to summon that gaming system but... That's not the point!"
The pony looked around, so many years she had sat here in this shiny bright room, a window on one side giving her a view of the planet she had once lived on. Her life consisted of playing video games mostly but it was still a prison.
"I hope that she notices our similarities... Who am I kidding? She's probably so bored without me she would kill for some company! She'll probably adopt him on the spot!"
The pony chuckled and looked at her twinkling silver crown, it had been so long since she had worn it... She rested the crown on her black coated head and looked at her reflection in the shiny wall.
"Look at me. I'm so pathetic... My mane has returned to the way it was when I was a mere Pegasus like him... My body has grown thin... I mean sure I can summon food at will but... I don't really have an appetite these days..." She curled up on the couch in front of her T.V and fell fast asleep...

The sun’s warm light gently entered through a nearby window. It touched the young Colt’s face. When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in a bed. Unbeknownst to him it was a room in the Canterlot Hospital. He could overhear muffled voices outside the door.

“So, he was passed out in the street?”

“Yup… tried to get in the castle yesterday but I sent him off. I asked him where his mommy and daddy were but he had no idea what I was talking about. Something’s really wrong with this one.”

The door flung open. A white mare with a shiny pink mane entered the room. Her smiling eyes felt very welcoming to the confused young colt. She walked up to him, and looked him over thoroughly. She looked in his eyes, opened his mouth, twisted his legs in all sorts of strange directions, and even asked him to cough loudly. That part made him very uncomfortable.

“Hmmmm…. Nothing wrong with this one” said the white mare. “Tell me, what’s your name little one?”

The colt looked down at his hind legs and remained silent.

“Oh come now dear. You certainly must have a name!”

“I… I don’t… I don’t have one,” he muttered, rubbing his forehooves together.

The door flung open again. This time is was a rather tall white mare with a glowing mane. She wore a crown upon her head and had a symbol of the sun on her flank. She was a sight to behold for such curious young eyes. This bold and imposing figure looked over at the touchy-feely mare with great concern. “Nurse, is he alright?”

“Yes your majesty. He’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with him per se. But… ummm…. He has strange eyes. His pupils. They’re… they’re different.”

“Thank you. That will be all. I wish to speak with him in private.”

“Yes your majesty.”

The nurse left room. The tall and intimidating mare stepped towards our very thoroughly confused and scared young colt. She looked down upon him, but with compassion, not authority. Her warm smile put the young colt at ease. “Tell me little one, what is your name?”

“I don’t have one” he lamented, shrugging his shoulders.

“I see.”

She looked into his eyes. His pupil weren't round like a pony’s, square like a goats, or even ovular like a bat’s. They made a five pointed star. Celestia had not seen eyes like these in a long time. This youngster sitting before her was special.

“Now little one. I have something to tell you. You are very special. And I believe I know where you came from. You are a Star Pony – born to protect the night sky. Your purpose is to defend our world from others with ill intent. I have seen one like you. Only one. Maybe you will meet her someday. But for now, let’s focus on you.”

Tears began to well up in his shiny eyes. “So that’s it then. I exist. I’m here just to protect a world full of creatures won’t even realize I’m protecting them? What’s the point?”

Celestia gently placed her hoof under his chin. “Look me in the eyes, child. I know it may seem like a bad thing. It’s a scary world out there I know. But you are gifted! You are special and your purpose is so important. I will take you to Cloudsdale tomorrow. It’s a city in the sky. You’ll love it there. I will place you under the watchful eye of my faithful servant. He may seem a bit odd, but you’ll like him.”

“I still need a name!” he stammered.

“That is important, isn’t it?” She look up towards the ceiling thoughtfully, not uttering a word. Her eyes shifted back towards the colt, a big smile on her face. “I know!” she exclaimed. She tapped her horn on each of his shoulders. “I hereby dub thee… Star Feather!”

The newly named Star Feather looked up at her with great concern. “But I don’t know what to do. Just having my destiny picked for me? It doesn't seem right.”

“Trust me little one. It is.”