Five nights at Pinkie's 1

by Chamomile Tea

Chapter 4: Pinkie's death

Chapter 4: Pinkie's death
Pinkie wearily opens her eyes, just about dead. She couldn't feel herself, Her stomach was completed opened up, she was losing a butt ton of blood, she felt like giving up, but slowly looked up, the Marrionette was still staring at her, Pinkie, at this point was too weak to scream, or even frowned, she just looked slightly scared, and given up.

"W-wh..hy...." Pinkie managed to blurt out, followed by blood dripping down her mouth.

"B-because your b-braking t-the-e rules"
Pinkie just couldn't reply. Pinkie was already, in a way, dying.
Pinkie's eyes slowly closed, she couldn't take it anymore.
The Marrionette teared the knives out, as the Marrionette was doing this, Pinkie was completely dying.
By the time Marrionette had finished, Pinkie's flesh had been mostly teared open, with her bloody rib cage open wide, and her guts, oozing out like soggy bread.
Then, Marrionette decided to pull one last trick on Pinkie.
Sound of needle going into flesh
Pinkie woke up, not even trying to breath, the Marrionette screamed at Pinkie Pie, giving her a heart attack, then that was it, Pinkie Pie was dead.
The Marrionette instantly took her off the fish hooks, tearing away at her hoof flesh, with delight.

"Now you can join us! Or better, we'll make a place for YOU to play!"

Defying 'a place for you to play', basically, 'Pinkie's Pizza Place' is born.
Freddy picked up the dead, lifeless Pinkie Pie and stuffed her body into the suit, being a suit with somewhat of an endo skeleton, the strong metal slices right through Pinkie's skull, brain mater goes everwhere.
While that was going on, Marrionette brought over some of Pinkie's guts that fell out, they were oozing with the crimson, bloody liquid, one of her lungs, which was de-attached dropped from the Marrionette's hands and he just left it there, just like anyone would, I mean really, if you were a murderer, would you really care if one of your victim's body parts fell out? It's a lung, not like anyone sane enough would go near it to inspect it.
The Marrionette reached out with the oozing, cold, bloody guts in his hands, and stuffed them into the suit, they all fell on Pinkie's face, covering it with even more blood, the only Pinkie could be alive in any way, was if there was friendship around her, being an element of harmony ofcourse, well, if Discord attacks now, or Tirek, then the mane 5 are doomed.
* * *
Rainbow Dash flew to Sugar cube corner in mega speed, almost able to make a sonic rainboom, she wanted to show Pinkie Pie Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and to see if Pinkie had already finished Five Nights at Freddy's 1.
Rainbow Dash landed, slightly tripping from the speed and trotted over to the doors of Sugar Cube Corner.
Rainbow spotted something before touching the handle. It was a small poster.


Dash had a thought, Pinkie's parents weren't Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Pinkie's parents were back far off in the rock farm. What had happend to Pinkie, Rainbow Dash walked in.

"The doors unlocked... strange since it's closed.."

Rainbow Dash walked in to find a message from both Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and it.. was to Dash herself.

"T-this is starting to get c-creepy.."

Rainbow Dash read the message.

Dear Rainbow Dash.
As you should have read, which by that we mean the message on the door, Yes, Pinkie Pie is missing. And because we know she is your best friend we were hoping you could help us find her? Sorry for the messy righting too..
But in all seriousness, can you help us find her? It doesn't matter how you find her, 'dead or alive' just bring her back to us, we'll take her to a doctor, just please find her.. Oh and.. er.. W-we need to rush.. e-er.. Make sure you check on her since we found lost blood trailing outside through the evertree forest and.. somewhere else, we don't really know.. that's all the police told us.
So please, bring our Sugarcube back, okay, we know we're not her parents, but she's important to us..
O-oh no.. E-er.. we need to g-------~~~~~~~~~

Rainbow Dash looked at the message inmensly. Why had it cut off? The end was all.. bloody. Rainbow Dash looked around, since all she did when she walked in was look at the message on the counter, blood was oozing everywhere, Dash instantly felt a chill fall down her back.

"Okay, what the HELL is going on here?"

Dash looked around more.. only to discover Pumpkin's distorted, bloody messed up head laying on the flesh near a cold, lifeless Pound cake. He had a huge cut, opening his stomach up, Y'all may not know this but it's been a year since Pound and Pumpkin have been born, and fillies learn to talk very quickly after born.
Rainbow Dash was in utter shock, she walked over to the lifeless Pound filly, trying not to look at Pumpkin, which had no eyes and a eery smile on her face, Dash obviously looked away in fear.
She touched Pound, right next to his stomach cut, gees, he was badly hurt.

Then, Dash felt her hoof slowly going up, closer to where Pound's heart was. It was still beating, and quiet fast might I add.

"P-Pound, Kido?"

Pound slowly opened his lifeless, obviously pained eyes.
Pound couldn't reply but managed to move his small hoof over to his throught, showing he was having a hard time breathing.

"Y-you need some h-help, poor guy?"

Pound slowly nodded.

Rainbow Dash grabbed some stitching tools, she didn't really know HOW to use them, but managed to roughly stitch up his stomach, Dash also remembered Pound had alittle bit of Asthma, she went stright for his pump, which was right next to Pumpkin's dead terrifying head. Dash grabbed the inhaler and instantly pumped it into Pound's mouth.

"You better, kido?"


Rainbow Dash looked around quickly, and found another note.
Dear Rainbow Dash
We're back, Sorry we split the letters in 2, we needed to get to our 'business', If you see Pound and Pumpkin on the floor, er.. Don't worry about them.. they're just robotic toys.

"Some kind of 'toys' they managed to be, bleeding toys"

Y-yes, they're just toys we built, oh, and in NO WAY do you give the Pound toy his pump. Or the robot will spaz out.

"Jees, I never knew the cakes were such.. freaks.. Murdering they're own children?"

Oh, and you may also see a robot toy of husband. T-they're just toys! They're not living beings! DON'T EVEN TRY TO CHECK IF THEY'RE REAL. Well Dash, this is the last letter, when you find Pinkie, bring her into my basement, she will join me and help me murder.

Dash froze, she managed to read a little under the crossed out text.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH.." She remembered the bit that said Mr. Cake was a 'robot toy' and also assumed he was murdered, giving Mrs. Cake as a likely subject.

Dash heard footsteps of somepony walking from a door, which seemed to be a basement door, she heard Mrs.Cake's humming.
"Oh crap!"

Dash looked around to spot Mr. Cake's dead body, she could see that he was obviously not alive, with his body parts all over the place and his guts splogged everywhere, cruelly murdered by his own wife, What the HELL was wrong with Mrs. Cake? Had she completely lost it since Pinkie's missing? Dash couldn't think, the humming was getting louder, she tried to look around the dark shop, it was already the evening, all the curtains were closed, and bare light was coming from the basement, underneath the door.

Dash heard the basement door opening, the lock was turning.
She grabbed Pound in the darkness, grabbing his bottle while this happend along with his inhaler, Dash exited the building in just the right time, as she heard Mrs. Cake saying something behind the doors.
"Rainbow Dash? Is that you sweetie?"

Rainbow Dash also heard the sound of a knife, dropping the floor.

Dash ran away as fast as her hooves could take her, she had Pound Cake on her back, which ment she couldn't fly. Rainbow Dash was running to Sweet Apple Tree Acres.
* * *
Pinkie Pie was now stuffed into suit, and all packaged up.
The Marrionette smiled sadistically.
"Now look what we have here, hm? A lovely lovely, smiley animatronic Pinkie Pie"

The Marrionette obviously knew her name.. but how? Did.. someone tell him?
Nevermind, Pinkie Pie was dead.
The Marrionette then went on to chant something at the pink animatronic suit.
'Twinkle Twinkle little one, now your one of us, so don't be afraid, little one, your just like us don't you know? It's me, It's me, Marrionette. Why can't you just die for us? But since you've already done. Why shouldn't we give you a prize?
Twinkle Twinkie little one, we're going to show you, the Joy of Creation. Twinkie Twinkie, Twinkle Twinkle, your now one of us.'

He finished his small chant, after repeating it several times. The animatronic suit sprang to life, turning on, the soul transfer was obviously going to take longer, but it had already, in a sence, finished converting the soul. Pinkie was no longer free to goto Celestia's world of.. the passed away.

Pinkie was never going to reach that place now, the place she was now was like a hell, her own personal hell where she is forced to hurt her own family and friends.