Nightmare's Weapon

by Requiem17



“New Horizons this is Control, over?”

“We read you loud and clear Control, over.”

“Weather is good, flight path is good, all monitors are green. What’s your status over?”

“Pre-flight checks out, all systems green, over.”

“New Horizons you are clear for atmosphere exfil. Countdown at 30 and falling, over.”

“Solid copy Control, ready to rock, over.”

“Good luck and godspeed. Control out.”

Adam listened carefully through the radio, trying to make sense of everything he had just heard. He was strapped in a rather uncomfortable seat, wearing a strange digital uniform that seemed to be airtight as his head was engulfed in a helmet. He could see a timer in the lower left hand of his visor counting down from 20 seconds. He looked left and right, seeing more people dressed similarly sitting on either side of him. He felt someone tap on his shoulder.

“Hey Adam, you alright?”

Adam didn’t know who the man next to him was and attempted to voice his very thoughts. He was surprised when he heard his voice as it was saying something else other than what he had intended.

“Ah, this is nothing. You remember the time we dropped from the Sky Falcon? They had AA all over the place. That was more intense than this.”

“10 seconds…”

“Yeah, I remember you screaming like a little girl!”

“Oh, shut it James!”

This ‘James’ sported a grin as he nodded and looked forward again. “Reckon we’re going to find anything out there?”

Adam was still attempting to catch up to everything they were saying. From what he could make out the man named ‘James’ was a friend. He felt his vocal cords tense as he began to speak again. “What? You mean aliens? Psh, it’s all dust and rock out there.”
“3 seconds…”

The ship began to vibrate as the engines spun up, causing Adam to unwillingly clench up. Adam felt his gut move as the ship picked up momentum, the VTOL thrusters firing madly to lift the behemoth off the ground. James stared straight ahead as he responded, “I can’t help but feel that something big is going to happen.”

Adam, while holding down his lunch, rolled his eyes. “We’re going farther in space than anyone has ever been to before. This is a big thing.” James just shook his head.

“I got a bad feeling.”

“You always do.”

Adam wanted to look around more and ask James more questions but he felt the ship and people around him slipping away. He watched the picture flash out of existence. The darkness was his only company as he attempted to piece together what he had just seen. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a low roaring echoing in the blackness. A distant light caught his attention, the flashing beam racing closer. The roar suddenly became deafening as the light turned into flames and rushed past him. He found himself in the ship again, hanging on to a piece of yellow cargo netting. His arms burned with fatigue as the ship shuddered heavily, flames shooting past everywhere. He heard screaming and explosions, the ship whining louder and louder. A chunk of the wall ripped away, revealing a black sky. His fears of being sucked into space were overridden when he realized that they were crash landing within the atmosphere of… somewhere. His dream halted when the ship crashed heavily, thrusting him into the land of the living.

Adam jolted out of bed, cracking his head on the headboard. He hissed in pain while clutching his throbbing temples, the pressure providing slight relief. An ice cold wave replaced the pain, causing Adam to sigh.

“How is that?”

Adam froze before turning around, catching sight of Nightmare Moon as she regarded with a slight smile. The Marine breathed deeply, settling his nerves.

“Much better thank you.”

Moon continued to eye Adam critically before snuffing loudly. “You had a nightmare didn’t you?” Adam nodded faintly, not surprised that the magical queen of the land could deduce the truth.

Moon climbed out of the bed and stretched luxuriously, her bones popping lowly. She sighed before using her magic to grab her royal regalia. “You’d better get dressed my assistant. We have quite a day ahead of us.” Adam nodded before slipping out of bed, well aware that he was still in his undergarments. Nightmare Moon opened her chamber door and pointed to his door across the room. “I expect there to be new clothes for you in your room. After you get dressed have the one of the guards bring you to me.”

She turned to her right and walked down the hall. “See you in a bit then!” Adam called. He entered his room and found a parcel lying on his bed. He walked over to it and pulled the twine tie apart, unraveling the mailing paper. Inside he found two sets of clothes, both of them being more classy and formal. He struggled slightly as he was unused to such clothes before smiling in triumph. He stepped out of his room and approached the closest guard he could find, eyeing the armored equine with caution.

Adam cleared his throat, “The Queen asked that I be guided to the courtroom please.”

The guard brazenly eyed Adam before snorting. The guard, a male judging by his broad stature, led Adam through the hallways. Adam took the time to think about his recent nightmare, still attempting to figure out all that had happened. Pieces of it had faded away and continued to do so as his subconscious began forgetting the dream. Adam was grasping at thin air at one point, all but giving up on figuring it out. He was able to come to one conclusion. He was a part of an event that seemed to be bigger than he could imagine; and it had gone horribly wrong.

The guard stopped when they reached a large set of wooden doors, a recurring theme that Adam did not fail to notice. Adam opened one of the doors, as the guard had gestured for him to do so, and entered the voluminous chamber. He could see a set of square stone slabs leading up to the massive stone throne. Nightmare Moon was currently occupying the throne, her draconic eyes watching Adam’s approach.

“How nice of you to join us.” Adam stopped at the foot of the stairs and made to kneel before Moon raised her hoof. “Adam, we have had this discussion before. While I do expect respect you are not my subject. Please, treat me more as an… equal, if you will.”

Adam stood straight, “Yes ma’am.”

“Excellent. Now, being an assistant to the crown is a tedious duty and you have many things to learn. For now we’ll start with more trivial things, such as observing the environment and workings of the Royal Court.” She opened her left wing, “You shall stand beside me and pay careful attention.”

Adam nodded and climbed up to the spot Moon had gestured towards. He faced forward and clasped his hands behind him, standing at parade rest. Moon retracted her wing, nodding with satisfaction. She shifted in place before facing forward as well.

“Bring in the first visitor!”

Adam watched the doors open on the far end of the very long chamber. A purple earth pony walked through the threshold and headed towards the throne. The mare kept her head low as she slowly trudged to the foot of the stairs. She was visibly shaking as she knelt on her knees, daring not to look the dreaded queen in the eye.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Budding Radish, your majesty.” While Adam could clearly see that the mare was beyond terrified she did speak rather strongly. The fact that she was still scared bothered Adam but he figured that the citizens were probably afraid of their new ruler’s wrath due to their allegiance with the sun tyrant.

“And why have you come here?”

“Your majesty, I am concerned about the future of Equestria’s crops.”

“Ah, you are a farmer?”

“Yes, from Minneighsota your majesty.”

“What reason gives you concern?”

“The crops are showing signs of mutation your highness. I fear that the lack of sunlight will make them inedible.”

Nightmare Moon stared at the mare who still kept her head low, well aware that she had the queens attention. “As I have already stated throughout the kingdom the moonlight is enchanted and will produce crops just as efficiently as the sun had. You need not worry yourself.”

“With all due respect my queen, I have to disagree. While I may just be a simple farmer I do know my crops. The crops are being altered due to the unnatural and magical influence of the light. The sun’s natural light did not tamper with the genetics of the plant life. If I could jus-,”

“Enough!” The mare shank in fear, quivering more violently before. Nightmare’s glare was focused intently on the mare as she continued. “As you have stated before Ms. Radish, you are but a simple farmer and therefore are not qualified to make such claims. Your crops will continue to grow, feeding you and your nation. You will go home and continue doing your duty. Leave the science to the professionals. Have a good night, you are dismissed.”

The mare nodded and kneeled one more time before galloping out of the room, tears streaming down her face. Nightmare glanced towards Adam out of the corner of her eye. “She will learn to trust the judgment of those in charge.” She eyed Adam carefully, “What do you think?” Adam fidgeted as he thought of a way to respond. Nightmare smiled as she added, “Do not hesitate to speak your mind. You are my assistant and one of your rolls will be a separate source of opinion to confide in.”

Adam breathed deeply, “I think that she may have known what she was talking about.” When Nightmare eyed him incredulously he continued, “She is a farmer and by the sounds of it she’s a good one, especially if her name is anything to go by. She can probably notice when something is afoot when it involves her livelihood. I would have asked her if she had any proof of it.”

Nightmare nodded slowly, thinking carefully about what Adam had said. “You argue a good case. I’ll see to it that someone looks into this.” She smiled at Adam, “You’re doing an excellent job already. You’ll make a fine assistant in no time.”

Adam only smiled nervously before looking forward at the sound of more hoof steps. Adam’s eyebrows lifted when he saw the swagger the approaching pony carried himself with. The baby blue unicorn was groomed to perfection, some of the mares waiting in line swooning at his presence. The stallion didn’t even pretend to not notice this and encouraged it with a flick of his shiny gray mane. The mares promptly fainted. He arrived to the foot of the throne and bowed with a huge sweeping gesture with his hoof. When he looked back up he winked at the queen, his confidence not faltering in the slightest when Nightmare’s disapproving and cold gaze drilled right back at him.

“What is your name, brazen one?”

The stallion cleared his throat, ensuring that his voice would be most eloquent. “My name is Deep Pockets, your majesty. And I have co-,”

“Do not speak further unless invited to, Mr. Pockets.” Moon commanded, irritated at the stallions rather brash ego. “If I recall correctly, you are a member of the surviving noble houses are you not?”

“House Cheapskate, my queen.”

“Yes,” she replied with clear dissatisfaction, “It is as I thought. What can the crown do for you Mr. Pockets?”

“I have come to discuss the momentous problem our nation faces, your highness. If not addressed immediately I fear the repercussions it will have upon all of Eq-,”

“Get to the point, Mr. Pockets. I am a rather busy mare.”

“Er, right. Well, I fear that you are being robbed!”

Nightmare looked upon the stallion carefully, attempting to understand just what exactly he was saying. “Robbed? By whom?”


At this point, Moon was just confused. “How so?”

“The tax rate of course! It is much too low and is being used in an insufficient manner.”

The dark alicorn stared at the stallion with a deadpan so dense that Adam’s brain began to hurt. “You believe that the system set by me is insufficient?”

The stallion nodded eagerly. “By spending the treasury on weapons manufacturing, we approach an economic collapse unlike any we’ve ever seen! All those bits will no longer be distributed among other businesses. Shops will close and ponies unemployed. It will be anarchy!”

“And what exactly do you suggest I do?”

“Why, pay the noble houses for our services!”

Nightmare leaned back into her throne and rubbed her head with a fore hoof, regretting ever allowing remnants of the nobles to survive. “What services might you offer?”

“With our influence and contracts we will be able to keep money circulating by investing in multiple businesses. Said businesses will benefit the production of equipment for our impending war.”

Nightmare shook her head. “Said businesses are under your control as you have stated Mr. Pockets. You would receive a direct pay from the crown while seemingly give us exactly what we need. Unfortunately, you would have the power to charge me exactly what you want and can, at any point ground the war to a halt. You would threaten the outcome of the war. I reject your offer and demand that you leave before I change my mind about allowing your house to live on.”

The stallion sputtered before replying, “What about the imminent layoffs? Everypony will be working in the factories, causing a severe demand for other necessities!”

“When we conquer Griffonia there will be plenty of goods to go around. Now, be gone!”

The stallion was rallied by two lunar guards, forced towards the entrance. “Wait! I didn’t get to propose marriage to you yet!”


Adam watched the two lunar guards step away from the stallion, listening to their queen without question. Nightmare Moon stared at Deep Pockets with barely suppressed disgust. “What did you say?”

“Marriage. I come to claim your hoof in marriage.”

“And why would I marry you?”

“Well a queen must need a king now wouldn’t she? Why not somepony of high class like me? Besides, you obviously need help for your short falls in controlling a modern nation.”

Adam slowly began backing up as he could feel the air around Nightmare Moon dropping in temperature. Her eyes flashed white and the stallions smile dropped for the first and perhaps the last time…

“Court is adjourned for an hour long recess,” Nightmare Moon called out, sighing loudly as she rose from her stone dais. “Come Adam.” She walked down the stairs and headed through the courtroom, her silver horseshoes cracking the broken glass beneath her. Adam glanced out the hole in the wall where a window had previously occupied. It was a long drop.

Adam followed Nightmare into the main foyer before the courtyard. The room was filled with ponies milling about, waiting for their turn to talk with the queen. Nightmare and Adam walked through the space that they cleared, allowing them to exit the far doors. The sight on the other side was strangely familiar to Adam. Armored ponies rushed about, miscellaneous crates were being loaded and unloaded, and uniform lines of guards were drilling. The Drill Sergeant was screaming at a recruit who was chest deep in the mud, struggling to fulfill his orders. Adam instinctively straightened, the presence of the yelling pony urging him to pay closer attention to his surroundings. Nightmare stood still, watching her soldiers hustle about.

“General Steel!”

Adam about faced quickly as Moon called out. The pegasus she had addressed quickly maneuvered his way through the yard, saluting stiffly. “Reporting, your majesty.”

“How are we progressing?”

“We are ahead of schedule. There was little resistance to the draft and equipment deliveries are pouring in at a steady rate.”

“And the Griffons?”

“Mobilizing. There are several large invasion forces building at strategic hard points along our border ma’am.”

Adam continued to listen intently, his eyes still roving around the yard. A small wagon rattled past, a particularly nasty patch of cobblestone causing it to shudder violently. A large green case slipped out the back, landing on the ground with a dull thud. The metallic ring drew the two ponies and humans attention. The wagon stopped and the driver hurriedly unharnessed himself. Adam’s attention was zeroed in on the case, more particularly, the writing on the case.


Nightmare’s gaze locked onto Adam, searching for any change in his demeanor. General Steel was currently yelling at the driver for not properly securing cargo and potentially damaging it. The name had a familiar ring to it. Adam watched as the driver placed it back onto the wagon, securing it down under the watchful gaze of the General. The wagon pulled away and Nightmare nudged Adam towards the castle.

“What was that?”

“It’s classified, but what I can tell you is that it can potentially tip the war in our favor.”

Adam thought for a moment, struggling to break through the fog that clouded his mind. Nightmare continued to subtly eye him, wary of his attempts to recall his past.

“You said I was a Marine right? A soldier from… what did you call it? The United States?” Nightmare nodded, prepping a stun spell if he continued thinking down such a dangerous tract. “USMC…” It suddenly clicked. “United States Marines. I don’t know what the ‘C’ stands for but did that come from my country?”

Nightmare decided that out right lying would not be wise and that she could still potentially save the situation. “Yes, it is.”

Adam smiled excitedly. “Can I see it?”

“No.” Moon’s simple but blunt response gave Adam pause. “Before you ask why you need to understand that there were things that your people did that are considered to be war crimes. Mind you, you didn’t wipe out an entire country. You were however developing weapons that would devastate a country.”

Adam’s mind attempted to wrap around such a device. He chose his next words carefully. “Did we use one?”

“No, but you certainly had a plentiful amount of them. I cannot allow you to see it until we have deemed it safe and have disarmed the weapon.”

The Marine nodded, albeit reluctantly. Adam believed that if he could see something like it that it could potentially spark more of his memories. Nightmare smiled at Adam. “Don’t worry Adam; I’m sure you’ll remember soon.” When Adam still didn’t improve in mood Nightmare attempted a different angle. “Hey, cheer up! We have a celebration to attend to tonight! Relax, have some fun. It’ll be a good time.”


Nightmare tilted her head, “Well, it’s more of a formal gathering acknowledging the end of Celestia’s rule and the beginning of a new age.”


Shaking her head, Moon continued a brisk trot. “Come, we need to get some formal clothes for you.”

Adam did not envy Silver Thimble.

The air was filled with joyous music, the low murmur of conversation underlying the sound. The cavernous room was brightly lit, revealing beautiful shades of colored cloth hanging from the walls and being worn by the occupying ponies. There was a large table piled high with food as well as numerous dining tables for one to take a moments respite and chat with friends. The center of the room was cleared into a dance floor, revealing the cool marble beneath. At the back of the room was an elegant wooden platform for performers to peacefully share their namesake.

Adam was honestly having a good time. There was food, music, and quite surprisingly, good company. What more could a guy want? Well, let’s not discuss that.

Finishing off a rather delicious pasta, Adam wiped his mouth with a napkin, reaching for his wine glass after. Nightmare was currently somewhere else in the room, no doubt having to play the game of politics with the nobles of the room. The human swirled his glass, sipping from it periodically. His eyes were drawn to the band stage as another musical number began playing, the sad song of a very talented cello player catching his utmost attention. Closing his eyes and focusing on the music, Adam cancelled out the drone of conversation and listened as the music pulled at his emotions, allowing him to truly appreciate the power and message music could bring to one. He opened his eyes and glanced about the nobles with disinterest. The ponies were well dressed, no doubt attempting to create a flashy display of wealth and influence. The Marine did not care for such antics and instead dragged his gaze away.

He honestly didn’t know what he should be doing. He was not used to a crowd with the current air oozing from them. Setting his wine down and leaning back, Adam noticed that the vaulted ceiling was painted. His curiosity peaked, Adam’s eyes roved about the massive art piece. It was split into several equal sections, all depicting what Adam deduced to be pieces of history in Equestria. The first one showed the three different types of ponies confronting each other, their stiff legged stances clueing in on their obvious tensions with one another. The next scene proved to be more violent, fires burning cities in the distant landscape while the ponies charged at each other in full armor. Flicking his gaze, Adam continued to browse through the visual story, his interest gaining as the painting became more complex and difficult to figure out. A roaring blizzard froze the land with monstrous forms of what seemed to have once been ponies expelling freezing breath.

Six figures were trapped in a cave, three of them already succumbing to the freezing air. The remaining ponies huddled together, attempting to keep warm judging by their tear streaked faces. Following it was a picture of a large magical pulse exploding out from them, forcing the cold away. The final image consisted of the ponies standing on equal grounds with one another, presenting gifts in an effort to show their friendship. Adam smiled slightly, rather pleased by such a simple story of friendship. He wished he could recall if he had had experienced anything similar.

Breathing deeply, Adam stopped slouching and sat up, brushing his hands on his tuxedo before freezing, the mare occupying the seat across from him watching him intently.

“Uh, can I help you?” The mare, which Adam recognized to be the pony he had seen playing the cello, did not respond immediately, instead flickering her gaze from one side of Adam’s face to the other. Her stoicism gave nothing away, an air of indifference floating about her. Before Adam became increasingly more uncomfortable the mare slowly blinked.

“Forgive me for staring, but I was merely curious about the one who was staring at me.”

Adam relaxed slightly, lightly chuckling at her response. “Sorry if I unnerved you.”

The mare waved him off, “Not at all. I know an admirer when I see one.” Adam blinked in surprise before nodding. The mare smiled again before continuing, “My name’s Octavia. A musician for the Canterlot Orchestra.”

“Adam Larson, ex-Marine and newly appointed assistant to the Queen.”

“As I’ve heard. Forgive me if I’m rude, but I can’t help but find you rather peculiar.”

Adam once again chuckled. “No offense taken. I was in the same shoes when I first woke up, only to find myself in the bed of the Queen.”

Octavia coughed before gesturing a nearby waiter for wine. “Well that’s something isn’t it?”

“You’re telling me.”

The musician giggled before taking a sip of wine, relaxing slightly. She looked around the room, grimacing at the nobles. Adam smiled, a pers-, uh, pony after his own heart. “Don’t like them much do you?”

Octavia smirked. “The only reason I put up with them is because I get paid to do it.” Her smirk disappeared in a flash however. “I’d rather play for ponies who actually listen. Finding work in the music industry, especially after the creation of the new empire, is hard to come by. I have to take what I can get.” Adam nodded sagely, perfectly understanding the desire to be at peace. The mare sighed before looking back up with a smile. “Enough about depressing subjects. Tell me a bit about yourself. It’s not often one crosses a new individual like yourself.”

“Not much to tell I’m afraid. Up to a few days ago I had no idea who I was. I was injured and am currently struggling with memory loss.”

Octavia gasped, “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bring up something like that!”

“It’s alright. I’d tell you more if I could remember. All I know is that I was a soldier.”

“A Marine was it?” Adam nodded, prompting the grey mare to continue. “You certainly don’t look like a soldier or act like one.”

Adam shrugged, looking down at his new tuxedo. “What can I say? Someone raised me right.”

“I can most assuredly agree with that.”

Adam took another sip of his wine, giving him a brief moment to gather his thoughts. Setting the glass down he asked, “What about you? You must have an interesting story if you are among the higher class like this.”

Octavia chuckled before nodding. “Alright then, you might want to get comfortable…”

“… and then the prick thought that I would still go home with him! Can you believe that?” Adam laughed loudly as he listened to Octavia, shaking his head as he wiped a stray tear of merriment away.

“Wow. He sounded like a real piece of work.” Octavia stifled a giggle, quieting down. Adam smiled and polished off his glass, feeling very upbeat about his night.

“Well well, looks like you made some new friends.”

Adam looked over and spotted Nightmare Moon walking towards him. With a smile he gestured to Octavia with a hand, “I did indeed. This is Octavia. Octavia, Queen Nightmare Moon.”

“Good evening your majesty.”

Adam turned and looked at Octavia, noticing she had since then lost her informal attitude and sat ram rod straight, bowing her head slightly while addressing the Queen.

“A good evening to you as well.” She looked at Adam. “She must be fine company to have occupied you for the entire party.”

Confused by her statement, Adam glanced around quickly, noticing that the room was practically empty with only a few stragglers headed out the door. Adam cleared his throat, “My apologies.”

“There is no need to be. I’m well aware how… unentertaining these can be. I did invite you to have fun after all.” She looked back to Octavia. “Your cello playing was most satisfactory. Expect my business in the future, Dame Octavia.”

Adam looked to Octavia in shock. “What?”

Octavia sighed, “Yeah, I was awarded that title a while back when I was fresh out of the university. I had caught Celestia’s eye when I was performing in the band for my first play.”

Adam looked to Nightmare when Octavia said the name of her sister, watching carefully for her reaction. Nightmare glanced right back at him and explained.

“Even though Celestia is gone it does not mean all her decisions were for naught. She saw an aspiring young mare, as do I.”

Adam nodded before looking back to Octavia. “Well, my apologies for not addressing prope-,”

“Not one more word. I will have none of that pish posh.” Octavia glanced at Nightmare, careful about stepping over boundaries. “I consider you a friend and wish you to think of me as such.”

Dumbly, Adam nodded slowly. Nightmare smiled before she saw the form of General Steel gesturing for her from a far curtain. “If you would excuse me, I’ll be but a moment.”

“Of course, your highness.” Octavia and Adam watched Nightmare walk away before Octavia suddenly perked up. “Say, do you know how to play any instruments?”

Adam didn’t need a second to think as he replied, “I don’t remember anything, but who knows?”

Octavia sported a thoughtful look before standing up. “Well there’s only one way to find out!” She gestured for Adam to follow her as she began trotting over to the band stand. She quickly climbed up the set of side stairs while Adam simply climbed up over the low edge. Adam could guess where Octavia was already going with this. The mare grabbed her cello and presented it to Adam. “Here, try this.”

Adam carefully took it from her and attempted to position it as he had seen her holding it earlier. A thought struck him suddenly. “How will I know what to play?”

Octavia sported a wide smile as she replied, “A musician, if well versed in his or her art, will be able to play even the simplest of chords from muscle memory.”

Adam could see her line of reasoning before shrugging. “Well here goes nothing.” He drew the bow across the strings… almost immediately regretting it as he somehow made the beautiful instrument produce a horrific squealing sound. He stopped and recovered from his wince. Without looking he handed the instrument back to Octavia, who was not deterred in the slightest. Adam rubbed one of his arms nervously, not so sure if this was actually a good idea.

Octavia saw this while scouting for different instruments. “Don’t feel bad. We have to start somewhere after all,” she reassured. A glint of brass caught her eye. Diving into the maze of equipment and instruments, Octavia pulled out a brightly polished trumpet. “Try this one.”

Adam lifted the trumpet and placed the mouthpiece to his lips, pursing them tightly as he blew. The trumpet blared loudly, causing him to jump. Octavia pulled it from him, tossing it back into the pile while she routed around for more. “Not that one. Let’s try something else.”

The two went at it for several minutes, trying out a variety of instruments. They were unaware that the eyes of the queen were watching them. Adam yelped when he broke the string on a guitar, handing it quickly back to Octavia.

“Well, we tried just about everything,” Octavia sighed.

Adam glanced apologetically at Octavia. “Sorry, I guess I wasn’t musical.”

Octavia nodded in defeat, turning around to head down the stairs before a large object in the back caught her attention. “Of course!” she exclaimed. She grabbed Adam’s hand and dragged him over to what Adam recognized to be a piano. She quickly pushed Adam onto the bench and stood back, watching him with hope filled eyes.

Adam eyed the beautiful polished look of the black piano, knowing full well that this was an elegant instrument. He cracked his fingers quickly before resting his hands in what he guessed felt natural to him. He struck a few chords, surprising himself when a quick jaunty tune registered in his ears.

Octavia’s smile almost broke her face in half. “I think we found a winner.”

Adam smiled with her as he instinctively played quick chords that were random in nature, drawing from a hidden part in his mind. After a few minutes of playing short, easy songs Octavia raised her hoof. “Why don’t you try something more complicated? See if you know something else.”

Adam frowned in thought, attempting to recall anything that could fulfill her request. Octavia touched his arm, dragging his attention back to her. She shook her head at him, “Don’t try to remember. Just close your eyes and play.”

Adam nodded slowly, turning his attention back to the white keys before him. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply for a few seconds, calming himself and clearing any thoughts that were running rampant through his head. With a few tentative strokes, he played another short chorus, albeit it was more complex and required quicker hand movement. He stopped and opened his eyes; his hands itching to continue playing as he suddenly remembered how to play.

Smiling widely he unbuttoned his cuff links and rolled up his sleeves. Sitting straighter, he placed his hands back on the keys and readied his feet on the pedals. Taking another deep breath his fingers began to move.

Octavia’s smile relaxed as she closed her eyes and listened to the new music. The beginning started out beautiful enough, the light playing sounding pleasantly in her ears. She was surprised as the tone became louder and heavier, the music taking an almost darker turn. It wasn’t unwelcomed, just unexpected. Adam was focused entirely on his motions, his hands moving with incredible fluidity across the piano. He could not recall where he learned it, but he was nonetheless happy. He peeked at Octavia and smiled when he saw her breathing deeply, listening to the music intently. Closing his eyes, he continued to play on.

Nightmare Moon had long since finished talking with General Steel and was, quite frankly, enraptured by the music Adam was playing. For some unfathomable reason, the tone of the music drew her in, tempting her. The song had a very clear dark undertone, matching her feelings perfectly. Strangely, she felt an alien tingling wash throughout her body. Nightmare didn’t understand the feeling at first, but as the song continued and the feeling intensified every time she glanced at Adam, it soon became apparent. Her smile turned fairly cruel in nature, her fangs flashing brightly. Her eye lids dropped as ideas raced through her head. For now however, she would bide her time.

Adam’s hands slowed down, the song drawing to a close. Octavia broke out of her trance and clopped her hooves loudly, applauding Adam. Feeling slightly embarrassed, Adam waved her off before standing up, cracking his back. He turned and jumped slightly, seeing as Nightmare was practically in his face.

“Your playing is most excellent.” She took a step back, “I shall ask you to play again, but for now it is late. Dame Octavia, it has been a pleasure. You will be hearing from one of my messengers soon.”

“I look forward to it, your majesty.”

Octavia nodded to Adam before turning and climbing off the stage, trotting for the exit. Nightmare turned to Adam and gestured with her head for them to leave. Adam yawned loudly, nodding in agreement as he was more than ready for bed. The two set off for her chambers, Nightmare still insistent that Adam share her quarters for his own protection.

The guards held the chamber doors open for Adam and Moon, softly closing the doors behind them. Nightmare Moon began taking her royal regalia off, watching as Adam grabbed a towel from a small closet.

“I have a few things to wrap up Adam. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. I’m just going to take a quick shower. I smell of perfume and heavy cologne.” Adam shook his head. “You’d think that the nobles would have the decency to not drown everyone with vapors.”

Nightmare laughed, nodding her head in agreement. “Yes, I completely understand.” She watched Adam disappear into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and shortly followed by the sound of running water. Nightmare turned her attention back to her current task. She addressed a few scrolls that were lying on her desk, filling them out and prepping them for delivery tomorrow.

Finishing, she quickly hopped into bed and waited…

Meanwhile, Adam had just finished washing up. He checked himself over before turning to grab his clothes.

Which weren’t where he had left them. In fact, they were missing from the room entirely. He checked the room over, still finding nothing. Sighing in frustration, Adam slowly opened the door. Nightmare was in bed, looking up at him innocently.

“Is there something wrong?”

Adam rubbed his chin nervously before replying. “I, uh, I seem to have misplaced my clothes.”

Nightmare smiled. A smile which gave Adam the jitters, her gaze seeming almost predatory in nature. “I don’t see what the problem is. They are not necessary after all.”

Adam spluttered, attempting to create a coherent sentence. “I, but, what? I’ll be sharing your bed though!”

“And? I still don’t see where the issue lies.”

“Well uh, I mean, it just, sort of hangs out there…”

Nightmare raised an eyebrow. Adam sighed explosively. “You’re not going to use your magic to get me my clothes are you?” Nightmare just smiled, shaking her head no. Adam sighed with resignation as he began to move. Even though he moved as quickly as possible without jostling… stuff… too much, he knew that Moon still got an eyeful. He quickly climbed into the sheets beside her, facing his body towards the edge and away from the mare.

The candlelight went out as Nightmare snuffed them out, causing Adam to relax slightly. That was, until she pushed right up against his back, draping a hoof and a wing over him. He felt her breath on the back of his neck, causing him to subtly clench up. Nightmare giggled, squeezing Adam slightly. Adam eyes widened when he felt something wet slide across his ear lobe quickly, the sensitive skin cooling in the night air.

Adam was extremely uncomfortable as Nightmare leaned closer to his ear and whispered, “Goodnight Adam.”

“… Goodnight Moon.”