Climbing the Mountain

by Talon and Thorn


Fragrant was tired, it went beyond just lack of sleep, it was a bone deep ache that made her want to just lie down and never move again.
It was almost a week since Luna’s ultimatum to the Night Court, and it seemed like she had spent almost every waking hour trying to forge the courtiers into some form of coalition, to prove to the Princess that they could work together for the good of Equestria, that they were ashamed of the corruption that had engulfed the court and wanted to do better. It was hard, possibly the hardest thing she had ever done. It wasn’t that none of the court wanted to apologize, many, likely the majority did. It was just that they didn’t trust each other. It was so frustrating, whenever one suggested a change to improve the situation others would worry that it would, in some unknown way, benefit the suggester alone and withdraw their support almost instinctively. They seemed to fear another courter getting the better of them more than the Princess’s possible wrath. Maybe the Princess had coddled them too long, they didn’t seem to understand how dangerous the situation could be.
The days of coddling were certainly gone now, the crown had not been inactive during the last few days. Quick on the heel of castigation of the court itself Luna and her most trusted assistants had similarly informed the other branches of the Equestrian government that corruption would no longer be tolerated. The pages, the bureaucrats even the guard were all being investigated. Notebook had been quite shaken after he and the other personal assistants had received their warning. Thankfully the other branches seemed less riddled than the court, honest ponies still remained among their ranks, but there was still fall out. Mass firings and resignations were taking place as the Princess cleaned house. However, she had spoken no further of the behaviour of the court itself. Fragrant couldn’t help but wonder if she was still judging them and they would still come up wanting if she couldn’t organise some public display of unity and contrition.
So she worked, and negotiated, and tried to steer the court in one direction, and failed time after time. She’d had some successes, many nobles had agreed to ‘out’ the various informers and spies they held in each other’s organisations, but all too often such agreements fell apart each side wondering if the other had really provided details of all of their contacts or still kept a few well-placed agents. The fear meant that one faction or another would break away, she would coax them back again only for the cycle to repeat itself again and again and again. It was frustrating and tiring work. She wasn’t sure how longer she could have keep it up if not for Max, bless his heart. She smiled as she thought about her coltfriend, the term still causing a little bubble of happiness in her heart. Despite the dire straits the court seemed to be in Max remained positive, she knew him well enough to know it was still taking a toll from him but he hid it well, he still had hope, and while he did, so did she.
He was, somewhat surprisingly, of practical use in her self-appointed mission as well. He wasn’t that much of a diplomat but there was something to say of his straightforward attitude, and an unexpectedly large number of courtiers owed him a favour. Perhaps his biggest strength was his newness to the court, he was not part of any feuds stretching back generations, he might not have many allies but he had no real enemies either.
Fragrant sighed, still despite his aid it was an uphill job to get the courtiers united. Tonight was Baron Fields retirement party, it was a shame to see the old stallion go but he deserved a rest after so many years’ service. Much of the court would be present at the event including several who had otherwise gone to ground, it would give her another chance to try and broker a peace and come to a consensus on what to do.
Still before then she had an unpleasant task to take care of. She looked down at the ornate blue and green outfit laid out before her, the colours of Houyhnhnm and the Baron’s family, a fitting tribute to him. She grasped the bell cord in her mouth and pulled.
Within less than a minute the maid currently on duty, an orange maned, deep purple coated unicorn, glided in. “You called ma’am,” she said bobbing slightly.
“Yes, Linen, isn’t it?” Fragrant tried to remember the names of all of her servants, she wasn’t as presumptuous as to try to know their whole life stories, but she made some effort.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Could you please help me with my dress?”
“Of course ma’am,” she looked the dress in her aura and gently started to lay it over her mistress.
“Are you happy in my service Linen?” asked Fragrant ducking her head to allow the collar to be put in place.
The unicorn seemed surprised to be asked, she blinked. “Of course ma’am.”
“Good, and are you well rewarded for your service?”
“W-well I can’t complain, you are very generous.” The servant started to look a little uneasy.
“And your duties, none of them are too onerous?”
“No ma’am.”
Dressing completed Fragrant walked over to the mirror and examined herself, everything seemed in place. The small pillbox hat looked particularly good on her, she thought.
“How long have you worked for me?” she asked turning back to Linen.
“Almost five years now ma’am,” she said eyes flicking towards the door.
“And when during that time did you decide to betray me?” Fragrant asked her voice suddenly like steel.
“M-ma’am?!” gasped Linen, “I don’t...”
Fragrant grabbed a pile of papers from nightstand in her mouth and with a jerk of her head threw them onto the bed. “I certainly do, it was less than a month before you started to sell copies of my schedule to the highest bidder!” she cried angrily.
“I... I... how?” Linen backed away from her angry employer.
“Countess Quill, like many of the court has been having second thoughts about the ‘agents’ she used. I have been informed by her and others of the many, far too many, ‘contacts’ within my ministry. Their names have been passed on to their managers and if necessary the relevant authorities. But you, you are on my personal staff! I always wondered why I kept getting ambushed by journalists,” she spat the word, “Nosey parkers prying into my affairs. When all along it was you! You!” She snorted and then seemed to try and regain control of herself. “Why?” she asked, “Why did you do this?”
“I... I...” she lowered her head, “The money.” She admitted.
Fragrance’s head drooped too and her eyes closed. “Money? That was it, just money?”
Linen nodded.
“Get out!” cried Fragrance, eyes suddenly open again and blazing. “Get out! You are fired, collect what you are owed from Loyal and you had better hope I never see as much as a single hair of your mane again!” She stomped forwards and the terrified unicorn turned and fled barely avoiding crashing into the door as she went.
Angrily Fragrant slammed the door after her. Notebook had suggested she show mercy, leaking her schedule was hardly high treason, but it was such a personal betrayal, it had bitten than much deeper. Sighing Fragrant slumped onto her bed pressing her hooves to her face, she felt her eyes start to sting. How had things ended up like this? How had things gotten so bad? Why her? Why had Luna asked her to try and sort it all out?
There was a knock on the door.
“Please go away!” she cried. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now.
“Are you alright?” came Max’s worried voice from the other side of the door.
Oh, thought Fragrant, I suppose it is about time for us to go to the party. She picked herself up and took a few calming breaths. “Come in,” she cried.
Max stuck his head around the door. “Is everything alright?” he asked.
“Just a matter with my staff,” she plastered on a false smile. “All dealt with now.”
Max walked over and hugged her tightly resting a forearm on her back. “Goodness you’re tense,” he said.
“It’s been a rather stressful week, if you hadn’t notice.” She suppressed a groan as his hooves probed along the taut muscles of her back.
“You know,” he said with a devilish smile, “Maybe we can be a little late to the party, give me some time to show you just what I can do with my hooves?” To demonstrate he found a particularly tense spot between her wings and pushed, twisting his hoof in a way that made her entirely unable to keep quiet.
“That... that’s v-v-veeerrrry nice,” she moaned feeling her eyes start to roll up and her legs buckle.
“Earth pony magic,” he whispered into her ear, sliding his hoof onto the next knot in her back.
She struggled with herself, staying here and letting Max work every last drop of tension from her body sounded heavenly, but she had ponies to meet at the party and couldn’t be late. Her sense of duty and sensuality briefly battled before she regretfully brushed Max’s hooves away, he looked a little hurt. “I’m sorry but we really do need to collect Forming and leave now.”
“Ok, just tell me you’ll at least try to relax a little tonight?” he eyes shone with compassion.
“I’ve got a lot to do, I’m afraid. But this is mostly Baron Field’s night, so I should have some time away from work.”
“And maybe we can pick things up where we left off later,” she winked before sashaying out the door putting maybe a bit more of a swing in her hips than she really needed to, Max brought out her wonton side.
Max looked dazed for a moment his eyes plastered onto Fragrant retreating rear before a grin broke out across his face and he followed her.

The retirement party was taking place in one of the castle’s many function rooms, to Max’s surprise despite its size it was packed. Around him he saw ponies or all ages and tribes even a few non-equine guests. In one corner was a group of musicians providing accompaniment, while a small number of servants wandered back and forth with drinks. Either Max was getting older or most of them looked like they were just out of school, maybe it was hard to find good caterers with the current intrigue going on. The walls were covered with photographs and paintings of the various events that had made up Baron Fields life so far. A raised area had been set up at one side where the guest of honour and a few of his closest friends and colleagues sat. Max was somewhat reminded of Puissance’s birthday party even though this was on a much smaller scale.
“I didn’t think there would be so many ponies here,” said Max having to raise his voice a little over the background hubbub.
“Baron Fields has been at court for a very long time,” replied Fragrant glancing around, “He may not be the most important or powerful courtier, but he’s touched a lot of lives over the years.” She smiled. “It’s nice for so many to make his celebration. It gives me a chance to talk to a lot of courtiers.”
Max sighed, Fragrant had been pushing herself far too hard these last few days, he understood that getting the court to agree on changes to prove to the Princess they wanted to do better was important, but it shouldn’t be entirely on her back. It seemed to have taken up all her time for the last week. Even when he was with her she always seemed so busy. He’d done what little he could to help, had tried to get her to delegate more responsibility to Wallflower or other courtiers, but Fragrant still seemed to want to do everything herself. “Now remember you said that you were going to take it easy tonight!” he admonished.
“I will! It’s just I need to touch base with Wallflower over Night Lights latest suggestions, hopefully Sands is back from his trip to the southern provinces, some of the nobles who fled the city after the Gala might still sign on... is that Viscount Blueblood?” She peered into the crowd, “I’m surprised but he sent me a note saying he wanted to talk about helping our group so I’ll need to...”
“I can do that for you auntie,” said Forming. The young mare was wearing a variation on her aunt’s outfit, which, in Max’s option, didn’t suit her more blocky form. Fragrant had tried half-heartedly to get Forming, given the political situation, to return home to Cloudsdale with the rest of her family, but Forming had insisted that she be allowed to stay. If she was to take over from Fragrant someday she would have to be able to deal with the good and the bad.
“Are you sure?” said Fragrant frowning.
“Yes! He’s new to the group right? There’s no need for you to spend the time running through the basic introduction, let me do it, I know all your current plans.” The mare probably wanted to prove herself though Max, she looked quite excited at the prospect.
“Very well, but report back to me if you get any problems.”
Forming nodded and strutted off into the crowd.
“Is there anything I can do? I don’t want you to work your hooves to the bone.”
“Well, I suppose you could talk to Count Kibitz, he’s still refusing to talk because Baron Dramatic signed on with us, maybe you can see if you can sort that out?”
“Of course. Now try to relax, this is Fields’ day remember not just a chance to talk to other nobles.”
“I know, it’s just this is so important, I’m sure the Princess will take action soon unless we give her a sign we can work together.” She sounded worried.
“You’ve managed to get so much done already,” said Max encouragingly, “The courtiers are giving up the names of their contacts,” Max didn’t like calling them spies, even though they were. “More are agreeing with your proposals all the time.” He knew it often looked hopeless but he had to keep Fragrant’s spirits up.
“Thank you Max, but there is still much that needs to be done.”
“But you don’t need to do it all by yourself, let others take the load sometimes.”
“I know,” she crumpled slightly, “but I never know who I can trust.”
Max nodded, the Princess’s investigation had uncovered many corrupt ponies even among those closest to the court. Mrs G had been hopping mad after she had been investigated but even she agreed that it needed to have been done, once she’s calmed down a little. “Well you can trust me, Wallflower, Notebook, Forming and others.” He wished she would let him nuzzle or kiss her in public, he knew he could make her feel better. He settled for leaning against her.
She nodded, leaning back. “You’re right Max, I will take some time to myself tonight, but I do need to talk to Wallflower.”
“Ok, but once you’re done just relax, ok?”
“Fine,” agreed Fragrant.

“Ah, there you are m’dear,” said Wallflower as Fragrant approached. Like herself the earth pony had spent most of her waking hours for the last week trying to obtain unity between the various courtiers, and the stress showed. If anything Wallflower’s other duties as Vicerene meant that she was pushing herself even harder.
Fragrant gave her friend a light hug, she hadn’t used to do that, she thought, even a month or two ago, she guessed Max was rubbing off on her, making her a little more open, she smiled at the thought. “How are things?”
“Could be better, probably could be worse as well. The increased powers for mayors and even common citizens to investigate their courtiers as well as Nightlight’s proposal for a stronger and independent Internal Affairs Bureau seem sound. It would have complete independence of both funding and control from other ministries, and its staff would consist of members of the Shadowbolts, guard and judiciary. The idea seems to have gained some support, it’s just a question of getting enough ponies to sign on with it, to trust us and each other to play fair.”
“How many do we have at the moment?”
“Well a good number of courtiers are still away from Canterlot, Sands is still off talking to them, but thirty, maybe forty.”
“That few!” Fragrant’s ears drooped almost threatening to dislodge her hat.
“It’s a big change, most of them are scared. I still say we should take the kid gloves off, put some pressure on the others, make them join.”
“No, we can't use under hoofed tactics, we can’t force ponies to want to turn aside from corruption, they have to want to be the government Equestria deserves.”
“If you say so,” sighed Wallflower. She must be even more tired than she seemed thought Fragrant, if she’s deferring to me. “I just have some problems trusting other courtiers at times. I tend to try and force them to do what I want, I’m sorry if I’ve been putting too much on you dear, but well, you seem to have more hope in this matter than me.”
“Well, I’m just glad I’m not doing it all alone, that I have other ponies to help me, to keep my spirits up. I’m sure once we explain all this we’ll get many more ponies on our side.”
“I hope so but we can’t wait too long before putting our proposal to the Princess, news of what the Princess said are leaking out, there have been protests in some provinces. I’ve even heard that Baroness Goldie Digger almost got lynched when her people found she’d been embezzling from her province’s education fund. We need to show the population that we are working together to do something, to deal with the corruption.”
“But the investigations into the civil service...”
“Are having some positive effect, but without some statement, some apology from a sizable chunk of the court itself it looks like we’re just throwing other ponies under the cart.”
Fragrant shuddered a little thinking of the purging of her own ministry, and her actions towards her maid. They had been corrupt but were they really any different from her and the other courtiers? “Well, we’ll just have to try harder then, won’t we? There are enough courtiers here that if we can get them to sign on we’re have a majority.”
Wallflower grinned. “That’s the spirit,” she downed her drink. “We better get down to it then.” The two mares nodded to each other before turning and setting off into the crowd.

Max had just finished talking to Kibitz. The older unicorn had been rather upset by some of the things Mellow had said about him and his daughter while under the effect of the truth potion. Most of the things said about Confidant had been complimentary, in a way, they weren’t the sort of things you would normally say in public. However, Mellow’s opinion of Kibitz had been rather less positive, particularly the hold he held over his daughter. Not every pony had been as lucky as him and Fragrant, thought Max, while the truth had sparked their relationship it had also damaged or even destroyed others, he heard that Baronet Swoop was looking to divorce his wife after certain words had been exchanged. Still he thought he’d managed to smooth things over between the Count and the Baron, Kibitz was at least willing to consider Fragrant’s proposal and stand with the Baron politically, if not physically.
He was just glancing around to see if he could find Fragrant again when another familiar voice called him. “Ah, Baron Max. I thought I’d find you here,” said Greengrass.
“Oh, hi,” said Max. “I wasn’t sure you’d be here.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Baron Fields is an old friend of the family you know, and he does have a wonderful garden back in Houyhnhnm. A rather pedestrian selection of greenery but very nicely laid out.”
Max frowned a little, he didn’t know that, although he did recall the Baron’s estate here in Canterlot had a good garden. “I haven't seen you since the day after the Gala.”
“Well I’ve been a bit busy, what will all the investigations going into our staff.”
Greengrass had probably been busy burying any link between himself and his, doubtless, legion of informers, thought Max.
“Although I was glad to find that than not one of my servants were working for other courtiers,” noted Greengrass, “It was gratifying to find I was placing my trust in the right ponies.”
“I don’t suppose you’re supporting Fragrant’s proposals.”
“Actually I’m 100% behind the Duchess’s suggestions. I’m sure that a level playing field would benefit all of us, and the added oversight, well things were getting a little easy, I think I could do with upping the difficulty level as it were. It might sift the wheat from the chaff and it’s far better than the Princess just throwing all the pieces away.”
“Is that all you see?” Snapped Max, “A way to start the whole cycle up again, don’t you want to try and do better this time around!”
The duke seemed disturbed by Max words for a second he frowned before his face relaxed again. “I don’t see the difference, the court will always be a game, there will always be winners and losers, even if the rules change a little. Every grant given to one province is less for another.”
Max sighed, “Can’t you try to make the ponies of Equestria the winners? See which province truly needs the money more? Show them how good a job you can do? You said you thought you’d be a better ruler than the Princess, why not use the good of the ponies to keep score. Even if you don’t care about them?”
“Baron Max, there are many ponies that I care a great deal about! I reward loyalty well! Still...” Greengrass seemed to think for a moment, “It is an interesting...”
Whatever the duke was going to say was interrupted by Buttercup as she pushed through the crowd. “Max!” she cried moving to hug him before stopping and instead holding out a hoof which he shook. She was wearing a rather stiff and formal looking outfit in the same colours as Fragrant’s dress. “Oh, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Not at all Lady Fields, we were not talking of anything of any importance. I’m sure I’ll see you around Baron,” said Greengrass before nodding and walking away.
For a moment Max thought about reaching out a hoof for the Duke, maybe he’d almost gotten through to him, but then stopped, no he seemed set on his own path, but maybe he could talk about it more later. He turned to Buttercup. “This is a great party, so many ponies have come to show their respects.”
“Yes, I didn’t know father had so many friends. There’s ponies here I haven't seen for years. It’s a shame with all the, the nastiness last week that the Princess cancelled.” She swallowed heavily. “It’s quite the snub, she almost always comes to say a few words when a courtier leaves. Dad’s tried to hide it but I know he’s upset.” She paused. “I know it’s rather last minute but would you mind giving a speech later, it doesn’t have to be long. I think father would appreciate it.”
“Well I suppose so, but I don’t think he’s my biggest fan at the moment, after well,” he pointed back and forth between himself and her.
“I think he respects you more than you think, why not talk to him?” she pointed to Rolling, he was sitting on a stage at one side of the room wearing a uniform Max didn’t recognise. A few other older ponies were sat around him and he seemed to be chatting happily with them.
“How is he tonight?” he asked, the Baron’s health had been fluctuating since he had made Buttercup stop his ‘treatments’, but he had seemed well enough at the Gala.
“Today’s been a good day, he’s been napping most of the afternoon, that’s helped. I was worried he might get confused with so many ponies around, but he’s only mixed up a few. You can see for yourself,” said Buttercup as she gently led Max up towards her father.
“Baron Fields,” said Max politely as he ascended into the stage.
“Ah, Moxy, good to see you, boy” said the baron with good cheer. “I don’t think you’ve met General Quicksilver, we used to serve together back in the day,” he gestured to an pegasus mare of about his age with a silver coat and a close cropped white mane sitting to one side of him, “Or Count Greenmeadow?” he gestured to a green coated earth pony stallion a decade or two his junior.
“Retired General, I leave the fighting to the younguns nowadays, and who’s this strapping lad then Rollie?” said Quicksilver, rather uncomfortably Max felt the old mare’s gaze drift over his flanks.
“This is Baron Mounty Max, the most junior member of the night court, a nice enough chap, had a bit of a thing with Buttercup,” the old stallion frowned for a moment. “But she’s made it very clear that that’s her business not mine.”
“Ah, kids, always complicated, it’s why I never had any, yours still acting up Greenie?” said the mare to the count.
“Greengrass and I don’t see eye to eye. He’s always wasting his time and talent on his silly games,” the old stallion sighed and gripped the cane he was holding in one hoof, “He takes too much after his mother. If only he’d use his talents to help others like she does,” he said bitterly.
“You’re Duke Greengrass’s father?” asked Max in surprise, now he looked there were certain similarities between the two stallions.
“Yes. I saw you talking to my son earlier, what about?”
“Ah a certain proposal my... that Duchess Posey is putting together to try and regain public confidence in the night court.”
“Yes, I’ve heard about that...” began Greenmeadow.
“Boring,” moaned Quicksilver yawning theatrically. “If you gents are going to talk shop, I’m going to go mingle for a bit, see if I can find a few naval types around here. I’m like a ship, not good for much unless I’m full of... sailors.” She winked at Max making him squirm. “Nice talking to you Rollie, Greenie, we can catch up more later.” She stood with surprising grace and moved off into the crowd. Max jumped as she passed feeling a feather caress his plot.
“Well she’s certainly slowed down in her old age,” noted Rolling with a grin. “A good political head on her shoulders, when she’s not playing silly buggers, she’s my proxy for the summer.”
“Now, how is the duchess’s plan going?” asked Greenmeadow leaning forwards.
“It’s hard to get the whole court to agree on the right steps.”
“Hard? More like impossible. At best you’ll get a significant minority, I’d say. Too many bad apples around trying to make the best of the situation. In our day...”
“It wasn’t much different back then Greenie,” sighed Fields. “There’s always been bad seeds, I’m no flutterpony on that front you know.” He slumped in his chair and for a moment he looked every year of his age.
It looked like Greenmeadow would argue but he eventually nodded grimly. “Still what are you doing to help?” he asked Max.
“Well I’ve been trying to settle small disputes between various courtiers, hopefully they’ll all sign on. I think I managed to do a good job of getting Kibitz to trust Mellow over there,” Max turned to see the older stallion standing not too far from Mellow as the latter chatted with some of the other guests apparently watching him intently. Suddenly something jabbed him in the head just by his ear. “Oww!” he cried, he turned to see Greenmeadow holding his cane, ready to poke him again.
“Idiot!” hissed the older stallion.
“You hit me!” gasped Max in shock. “That hurt!”
“And I will again if it’s the only way to knock some sense into you, boy.”
“What did I do wrong?”
The old stallion sighed through his teeth, he gestured at Mellow and Kibitz standing a short distance from him. “Do they look like friends to you?”
“Well no I suppose not,” he looked closer. “It’s like he’s waiting for Mellow to make a mistake,” he mused.
“Exactly, you left him to simmer, he might have agreed then but given a few minutes his fears will be back, and you’ll be just when you started again.”
Baron Fields was apparently trying to stop himself laughing. “Maybe you’re being a bit hard on him Greenie,” he finally managed.
“It’s the only way he’ll learn, if he’s done something like that in our day he’d have been run out of Canterlot!”
“What should I have done then?” said Max frowning.
Greenmeadow sighed again, “How ever did he get into court?” he asked the heavens. “What do you think you should have done?”
Max glanced over at Rolling. “Don’t look at me Mix,” he said, “Greenie was one of the best closers in the court, he could always break a deadlock.”
Max tried to think of what Fragrant had taught him. “Oh, once I’d got him back on side I should have gotten Mellow to make a personal apology, then try to get them talking, maybe about a common topic, Confidant maybe, try to build some good will between them?”
“Good, now was that so hard?”
Maybe he should introduce Fragrant to Greenmeadow, thought Max, he might be able to help her, he seemed to be good at this. “Is it too late to do that now?” asked Max.
Greenmeadow rubbed his chin for a moment. “Maybe not, it’s worth a try.”
“Alright, thanks for the advice sir,” said Max as her turned back to Kibitz and Mellow.
“What is the court coming to these days?” muttered Greenmeadow as Max trotted off.

“Ah, Duchess,” said Viscount Blueblood as Fragrant approached him. “I was just talking to your lovely niece about your proposed changes at court.”
Forming seemed to tear her eyes away from Blueblood only with difficulty. “I’ve explained your plans to him and he’s got some good ideas about how to attract more of the court to our side.” She looked at the stallion adoringly. “He’s very smart.”
Fragrant tried to stop herself from facehoofing at her niece's behaviour, she knew from her letters that Forming had not been particularly romantically successful among her peers, her large size and blocky muzzle were not considered conventionally beautiful, but she had hoped the filly would have better taste. She had to admit that Blueblood was easy on the eyes, although not as ruggedly handsome as Max, it was his personality which was repulsive, and even then Prince could act charming when he wanted to. Still his support would be useful, if it was sincere.
“I am somewhat surprised that you have decided to stand with us Viscount,” said Fragrant.
“I am somewhat surprised myself Duchess, but, well my new marefriend has opened my eyes to a few things that had not previously occurred to me.” Next to him Forming smiled widely, then she blinked.
“New marefriend?” she asked.
“Yes, I met her at the Gala, she is... different. I did consider bringing her here, she does like a good party, but she had to work.”
Forming’s smile dripped from her face and she slumped a little.
“Anyway,” continued Blueblood, “Your charming niece has explained to me quite succinctly how your plans would benefit Equestria. It is good to see that your lands are in good hooves should you choose to retire yourself.” Forming blushed and her face seemed to be torn between pride and embarrassment.
Fragrant paused, was Blueblood trying to let her niece down gently? Maybe she should meet this marefriend, she seemed to be having a positive effect on the Viscount.
“Well I’m glad for you to join us, Blueblood, we need all the honest,” she highlighted the word, “Members of court we can get. Maybe we should...” She was cut off by the background music suddenly ceasing, she looked up at the stage to see that Buttercup had taken a place in the centre.
“My Lords and Ladies, mares and gentlecolts,” she called, “Would you please take your places as the celebration of my father’s career is about to begin.”
“Ah, if you would excuse me Viscount, we can talk about this later,” said Fragrant.
“Of course,” said the stallion giving a small bow to both Fragrant and Forming, the latter blushed deeply.
“We should take our places,” said Fragrant to her niece, “And maybe we should have a talk about your taste in stallions.”

Max trotted over to his place in among the chairs that had quickly been set up in front of the stage. Fragrant was already seated and was talking quietly to Forming who looked positively mortified, the young mare was slowly sinking into her seat as if the ground was swallowing her up, her face bright red. He brushed past a young earth pony mare with an indigo coat and an aquamarine mane before taking his seat next to her. He quickly said his hellos to Fragrant who nodded before returning to her hissed conversation with her niece.
Shrugging Max turned to the other mare, he thought he’d seen her around the castle a few times, she was a page or some other servant he thought. “Do you know Baron Fields well?” he asked.
“Oh, I’ve known him for quite some time now, he was friends with my mother and grandmother as well,” she said smiling brightly, “One of the better courtiers I think.”
Max was going to ask more when the gas lighting was turned down and a beam of magical light was focused on the stage where Buttercup stood stiffly. Around him the hum of conversation died down.
“Thank you all for attending this celebration of my father, Baron Rolling Fields of Houyhnhnm’s, life and works,” she began her voice clearly audible around the whole hall despite there being no magical enhancement. As she spoke a second spot light appeared gently illuminating the Baron, he blinked a little in the light and waved a genial hoof.
Above Buttercup an image of the baron appeared on the wall, Max tried to turn in his seat but he couldn’t tell if this image was created by a unicorn or some technological method. “Baron Fields has served at the court for a total of fifty four sessions, a total only exceeded by one living and eighteen deceased members in the history of the court. During this time he has faced many challenges and has seen much change in the court, however, he has always served with honour and with the best interests of his people and all of Equestria in mind.” She paused and there was a burst of stomping from the audience. “Over the next few hours I will go over the important points of my father’s life and you will hear from the various ponies that my father's career has affected.”
Max found the presentation on Baron Field’s life rather interesting, he didn’t know that the old stallion had served in the Royal Marines, one of the smallest branches of the Equestrian military, for over a decade before take up his position at court after the unfortunate death of his elder sister. Several of the children and grandchildren of his old squad members were present and many thanked him for their ancestors’ survival. Apparently his service had included actual combat on the borders of the Griffin lands. Their thanks, and his memories of his old comrades in arms, brought shameless tears to the old stallion’s eyes.
As per Max’s agreement Puscience was among the speakers talking about the Baron’s earlier life. The vicereine walked slowly onto the podium, her dress, although still of the highest quality, was rather more subdued than those Max had previously seen her wear, likewise her mane rather than being styled was simply hanging down the sides of her face. It looked good on her thought Max, it made her look more like a pony rather than an icon. As she approached Rolling stood from his chair with some difficulty and bowed low before her, almost toppling over, he recovered and took her hoof before kissing it. To his surprise Max saw a small smile pass over the old mare’s face and maybe the hint of a blush. Nodding graciously to the Baron, Puscience took her place at the podium.
“I have known Baron Fields for a long time,” she began, “Longer than his career at court and likely longer than many of you have been alive.” She paused to let that sink in. “I first met him when his unit was appointed to protect my family, after a threat was made upon our lives. I remember than he was diligent in his duties at protecting my person.” She paused again staring into the distance for a moment. “Very diligent. He saved my life when a crazed pony broke into my chambers at night, luckily Rolling was present to stop her. However, soon enough he was reassigned and it was several years before I saw him again, after both he and I had taken our places at court. Of course things were very different then, life had changed us, I was a wife and mother and he was no longer my guard but a fellow member of the court. Our ranks were wildly different and we have since moved in different circles, however, he has been just as diligent in his role at court as he was guarding my body all those years ago.”
She turned to the Baron and for what he thought might be the first time Max saw something approaching a genuine smile cross her face. “Over the many, many years I have spent at court I have seen many changes, but to me the baron has always been one of the few stable points. Always a stalwart defender of Equestria, always a beacon of nobility, a stout pillar of fortitude. Although his retirement is a well-earned reward for his many years’ service the court is reduced by his loss. I hope that his daughter, his successor, will keep up his good work.” She gave a half bow to the Baron, who replied in kind, his eyes shining.
Puscience gestured and a servant ran onto the stage carrying a small cloud sculpture, the old mare took it and the servant made himself scarce. “A small gesture of my appreciation baron,” she said passing it over. Max squinted to try and make it out. It looked like two ponies walking close together through a pastoral scene. The Baron blinked a few times and gently took it, to Max surprise despite it being made of cloud it remained sold in the earth pony’s hooves.
Forming was leaning forwards in interest, “I think it’s a Heather Tweed original!” she muttered. “That’s got to be worth at least a hundred thousand bits!”
Baron Fields leaned forwards and gave the Viscountess a rather awkward hug before she left the stage allowing Buttercup to continue her narration. In his younger days the Baron had apparently been quite the war hawk, pushing for greater investment in the armed forces and particularly the navy. More recently he had pushed for Equestria to look outside of its own borders more, to form greater trade links with other countries, he had been an important voice in the ongoing colonization of the mild west.
After a short break Fragrant was called up to talk about her experiences with the Baron. She brushed past Max as she made her way onto the stage and gave a small curtsy to Rolling as she took her place in the spot light.
“I owe the Baron a lot,” said Fragrant looking out over the crowd in front of her. “It was thanks to him that I got my cutie mark,” she admitted. “Yes, this is a cutie mark story, I’ll try not to bore you too much.” A ripple of laughter spread around the room.
“The baron wasn’t there when my mark manifested,” she continued, “However, it was he that put me on the path that lead to me discovering my talent. He was a good friend of my mother, Autumn Posey, and one summer when I was young my parents and I spent several weeks as guests at his estate. Those of you who know the baron’s home will know it is famed for its expansive and exquisite gardens, acre after acre of flowers and plants, it is truly beautiful.” She smiled at the baron. “At that point I had spent most of my life in Cloudsdale, I rarely visited the ground. The estate was a new world to me, I spent day after day exploring what was to me an alien environment. When it came time to leave I remember I was most upset that I had to leave the flowers behind, my parents tried to tell me that flowers didn’t grow in the sky, but we were nobility! I was sure they could do something! I guess I was something of a brat back then.” Another ripple of laughter broke out at her self-deprecation. “I was sulking in the garden when Rolling found me and asked me what was wrong, I told him what my parents had told me, flowers didn’t grow on clouds. I remember he laughed a little at that, and I thought he was teasing me, then he knelt down beside me and told me that I was the only one who could ever tell me something was impossible not anypony else, even my parents. Well I remembered that and when I got home I did some research and found that there were some magical plants which could grow on clouds, I pestered my parents until they got me some for my birthday. They weren’t easy to grow, but I kept trying and eventually I managed it, and they, and my mark, bloomed. All because Baron Fields told me to never believe something is impossible.” She turned and raised a glass to the old stallion. “To Baron Fields,” she toasted. Below her the crowd followed suit.
Buttercup’s voice wavered a little as she came to the short time the Baron had spent with her mother, Strawberry. The mare had been the child of a fruit magnate and the representative for the capital of Houyhnhnm. Several pictures of Strawberry and Rolling together were projected, she had been a handsome mare in early middle age, clearly a decade or more younger than her husband at that point. Sadly explained Buttercup in a dull emotionless voice her mother had died in childbirth and the Baron had raised her alone. Several pictures of Buttercup as an infant flashed by, one of her riding on her father’s back, her hooves entangled in Rolling’s already greying mane followed by a picture of her dressed up with the most adorable little bow in her mane while sucking on her hoof, which caused Buttercup to blush with embarrassment and a ripple of laughter to spread through the audience. As the stories became more and more up to date the speakers became more and more familiar to Max. Greenmeadow talked about his time serving with Rolling on various committees, and Fisher and Shining Armour spoke highly of his support for the military. Finally almost at the end of the night Max was called up to give his views on the Baron.
“Um, unlike the rest of you I haven't know the Baron for long,” began Max wishing he’d had longer to come up with the speech. “Still he’s been a great help to me, showing me the ropes as it were. I’ve learnt a lot from him and his experiences, one of the first things I remember him saying was that the cloud export bill Duchess Posey was proposing had been tried before, and that it had failed due to technical difficulties. Now I know that Duchess Posey made very sure that those issues were dealt with before she proposed it, and she did that because Baron Fields and others like him didn’t let her forget what had happened before. I’ve heard it said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, well Baron Field’s has always been there to make sure I don’t repeat old mistakes, so I can make entirely new mistakes!” He paused sweating slightly and was relieved to hear a ripple of laughter spread through the audience. “But all good things must come to an end and after so many years of selfless devotion to his job Baron Fields can finally relax, knowing that he can leave his people in the very capable hooves of his daughter, but not only that but a part of him will live on in me, will live on in the hearts and minds of all the ponies that he’s helped and advised over the years, will live on in all of us! Thank you Baron, thank you from all of us!” Max turned towards where Rolling was sitting and bowed deeply before slammed his front hooves down on the floor of the stage, hearing it groan a little before the rest of the audience joined in and he was almost deafened. The congratulations carried on for a minute or more before Max stepped aside and Buttercup took her place again.
“Thank you! Thank you all!” she said her voice quavering a little with emotion. “It feels so good to hear how much everypony appreciates my father and I know that he would like to show his own appreciation for you all.” She turned and gestured to her father. The old stallion struggled to stand for a moment, leaning heavily on his cane. Buttercup rushed over to help him but he batted her away and stood, somewhat unsteadily under his own strength before walking over to the front of the stage. He blinked a few times in the bright lights before clearing his throat.
“Thank you! Thank you all!” he said his voice echoing around the chamber. “You’ve all said so many kind words that I’d like to announce that I’m going to be cancelling my retirement, I’m sure I’ve got another few years, maybe a decade in me,” he paused for a moment, the audience muttering to each other in surprise.
The Baron gave out a barking laugh, “Thought that would scare you, don’t worry I’m not that senile, yet!” There was scattered laughter from the crowd. “Still,” he continued voice becoming more serious, “I’ve been sitting here hearing about how great I am, how good and honourable I’ve been.” He took a deep breath, “Most of it is lies!” he cried smashed his stick against the ground. “We all know from what the Princess told us, none of us is innocent! Not one! I’m not perfect. My support for the mild west colonisation... because the Apple Trust offered to plant more orchards in my province, not because it was the best for Equestria! My support for the enlargement of the navy? A favour for my old friends!”
He paused looking out at the audience, many of whom were shuffling uncomfortably in their seats at his outburst. “Most of you know the Princess herself normally comes to this sort of event, you might think this is a snub, well maybe I don’t deserve her to be here. Maybe we should stop assuming that she’ll support us, maybe, just maybe, we should actually work to be worthy of her!” His eyes scanned through the crowd and it seemed for a moment to Max that they stopped on the young to mare sitting next to him, she was watching the stage intently and was nodding along.
“And another thing,” continued Baron Fields. “Baron Mac was nice enough to comment on my being a fountain of wisdom. Balderdash! Just thinking that how things used to be done is the best way to do things now is part of how we got into this mess. Every generation thinking what was done before was alright, just because their predecessors did it. They need to see the bad things we’ve done and be strong enough to try a different path, a better path. Just because I’ve made mistakes doesn’t mean Buttercup should as well. Look at what we’ve come to! All of us too scared of letting somepony else prosper at our cost, too fragmented to be able to work together. Almost all of us think that Vicereine Wallflower and Duchess Posey’s proposal are a good idea but still we let old rivalries and fears stop us doing what is right! I say no more! We need to stand together before we all fall together!” The old stallion stood panting for a moment.  
“Think about what I’ve said, and I hope you’ll all do what’s right. I know most of you aren't bad ponies, you’ve been led astray by a few bad seeds, but that doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for what you’ve done. We’re all responsible for making this place better for our heirs and their heirs in turn, so they don’t have to face the challenges we did. If you can’t make things better for yourself, do it for your children.” He stopped and his eyes slid shut for a moment, it looked like he’d fallen asleep. Then he blinked and looked around. “Anyway, think about what I’ve said.”
Silence reigned for a few moments before Max moved to start stamping, he was beaten to it by the mare next to him who slammed her hooves to the ground in appreciation, she was stronger than she looked and Max could almost feel the ground undulate. Then he added his own hooves to the racket as did the rest of the crowd. Baron Fields looked out at the crowd with a faintly bemused smile. “Oh!” he cried once the sound died down, “I’d like to thank Buttercup for arranging this whole thing, I know she’s nervous about filling my shoes, and I know she has nothing to be scared about. She’s already been doing my job for several years.” He turned to his daughter as she trotted over to him, “I just want to tell her how very proud both me and her mother are of her,” he looked confused, “Where is Strawberry anyway, shouldn’t she be here?”
A look of pain flashed over Buttercups face before she plastered a smile over her face. “Mother just had to step out for a moment,” she said soothingly, “I’m sure you’ll see her again soon, father.”
“Oh, good, good, you know I’d never had made it this far without you dear” he mumbled to Buttercup as another more subdued round of applause rippled through the hall. “Anyway,” he turned back to the crowd, “Ladies and Gentlestallions I give you Baroness Buttercup Fields of Houyhnhnm.” He bowed deeply to his daughter. Who returned in kind. The Baron turned and plodded back to his chair clearly exhausted by his impassioned speech.
“Thank you, thank you all for coming and showing your appreciation for my father,” called Buttercup once things had quietened down. “We’d both like you to think on what he said and I know you will all make the right decision. However, the night is not over yet and I hope you will all enjoy yourself while it lasts.”
With that the crowd began to break up many nobles made beelines straight for Fragrant or Wallflower, suddenly much more eager to hear about their proposed reforms. Max smiled wide, it looked like Baron Fields might have performed a last service to Equestria.

“Over seventy of them!” exclaimed Fragrant for what seemed like the dozenth time.
Max grinned, she’d been in almost a daze since they left the retirement party. The Baron’s words had catalysed a large number of nobles to change their minds about agreeing to Fragrant’s proposals and pony after pony had agreed to sign on. He still couldn’t understand why any honourable pony would disagree in the first place, but still the number of supporters had soared. With a bit more luck the numbers would increase even more over the next few days. He was just glad how happy Fragrant seemed, she was a world away from the frazzled mess she’d been earlier.
The two of them and Forming came to a stop outside of Fragrant’s estate. “So, um, I know we didn’t get too much time together but I enjoyed the night out,” said Max.
“Oh, yes, I enjoyed it as well,” said Fragrant, “We must meet up tomorrow to discuss matters further.”
“You did mentioned picking up our, well, earlier discussion,” said Max stepping slightly closer to Fragrant, maybe he was pushing his luck a little, but what was the worst that could happen?
“Oh, that, well...” stuttered Fragrant her ears pricking up and her eyes darting between Max and Forming.
The younger mare looked confused for a moment, then a smile grew on her face and she gave a theatrical yawn.  “I am so tired, I guess I should go to bed right now!” she said loudly.
“Good night dear,” said Fragrant rolling her eyes and blushing a little.
“Good night auntie, just make sure I don’t need to give you a lecture about what stallions might not be suitable for you,” she said as she wandered into the estate.
“I don’t think she’s going to let me forget that in a hurry,” mumbled Fragrant. “Now where were we?” she asked.
“I was showing you earth pony magic, and what I could do with my hooves,” replied Max leaning forwards a little more.
“Oh yes,” seeming to gather her courage Fragrant darted her head forwards giving Max a quick kiss on the lips. “I remember.”
“You don’t need a reminder then?” asked Max.
“I didn’t say that,” said Fragrant leaning forwards again, Max met her halfway. The kiss started gently and increased in intensity as their tongues started to duel. Slowly they began to rear up their bodies pushing against each other. Fragrant put one hoof behind Max’s head pulling him in closer. In return he began to slowly move his hoof down her side past her barrel until it was slowly circling the sensitive skin of her cutie mark. She moaned gently into his mouth and he boldly moved his hoof back a little more. Fragrant’s body stiffened and her eyes shot open with a look of panic in them. Shocked Max broke away from her and they both fell to all fours.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go too far!” he cried backing away.
“Yes!” gasped Fragrant, “I mean no... I... I...” she seemed to struggle to pull herself together her tail thrashed around. “I’m sorry, I... I think we might be going a little fast, sorry.”
“No, I should be apologizing,” said Max ears plastered to his head, “I should have asked you, made sure you were comfortable.”
“I thought I was,” she admitted, “I think we should call this a night, meet up tomorrow, maybe for brunch?”
“Of course, if you want to. Your place or mine?” he said cautiously.
She considered for a bit and her body relaxed tail returning to hanging limp. “Maybe your house for a change, it would give Forming some time to herself.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you there.”
He turned to go but Fragrant darted forwards again planting a feather light kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said before darting back towards her house.

“Don’t fuss dear,” said Baron Fields as Buttercup helped him up the stairs in his house. “I can do this by myself. Remember I used to put you to bed, I don’t need your help.”
“I just want to make sure you don’t slip,” replied his daughter. It was early in the morning and the two of them had just returned from his party.
Rolling was actually glad the younger pony was there, he was feeling a little dizzy, probably too much to drink, but he didn’t want her to worry, she did that far too much. He pushed open his bedroom door and slumped down on the bed. “It was nice to see the old gang again,” he said, “I think retirement is doing wonders for Greenie you know.”
“Yes dad,” agreed Buttercup.
“Now, I want you to know I meant everything I said earlier. I don’t have any doubt that you’ll do a far better job of running Houyhnhnm than I ever did, and I know you’re smart enough to not make the same mistakes as me.” Buttercup shuffled her hooves a little uncomfortably.  “I’m so very proud of you my filly, you’ll do a wonderful job.” He leaned forwards and nuzzled his daughter. “But I’ll always be here if you need me.”
“Thanks dad,” she replied, returning his gesture.
“Now,” he yawned. “I think we both need some sleep, we can talk to Duchess Posey about anything else we can do to help her tomorrow.”
“I’ve got a few ideas how to change her proposals to try and attract more of the court.”
“Good, good, we can go over them before we meet with her. See, I told you, you can do this.”
Buttercup walked towards the door then turned, “Night Dad,” she said gently.
“Good Night Buttercup,” replied Rolling lying back in his bed. “I love you.”
She stood in the doorway for a moment. “I love you too, dad” she said as she shut it.
Rolling led there for a moment, he really should get undressed, he didn’t want to crease his uniform, what would Quicksilver say about that? But he really felt too tired right now. He struggled under the covers as a wave of exhaustion passed over him pushing down onto him like a physical weight. In a way he was glad he’d decided to retire now, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could carry on, these last few weeks had been so hard, he just didn’t seem to have the energy any more. It was a shame he had to pass the burden to Buttercup while she was still so young but he was sure she’d do marvellously.  
“You worry about her too much dear,” came his wife's voice from next to him.
“Part of my job dear,” he mumbled rolling over with difficulty and stretching out his forearms to draw her close. He nuzzled at her for a moment before opening his eyes, she was as beautiful as the day he’d married her. “I need to make sure she’s safe, to watch over her.”
“Don’t worry, we can both do that, for as long as she needs us to.”
He smiled resting his head in her mane, then another wave of tiredness rolled over him washing consciousness away.