//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Luna // Story: The Drawbacks and Advantages of Combination // by zekromthepokemon //------------------------------//         Twipie ran behind a bookshelf and trembled. “Twilight’s not here? Well, maybe that dragon might know who TwiPie is,” TwiPie then heard a sound of spell getting cast. The Twilight half knew it well, a teleportation spell. She began to panic. Sweat beaded down her forehead.         Luna looked around the castle throne room. She marvelled at the palace. It’s splendor was magnificent and, she felt a little jealous since she didn’t even have one of her own. She had some guards, a carriage, and complete control of the moon. Luna only had a guest room with Celestia’s castle. she shook her head trying to ignore the splendor of the structure.         “The dragon must be within this place,” She then walked in the library. TwiPie heard the clopping of the princess’s hooves. She trembled even more making the shelf vibrate slightly. Luna’s head craned toward the moving bookshelf. It was hard to ignore especially since books were slamming onto the floor. Luna cast a spell that was unknown to TwiPie. “Reveal Yourself!’ Luna yelled. TwiPie didn’t move. Luna angrily walked around toward the end of the bookshelf TwiPie  recoiled back into the darker part of the shelf but, Lun saw her moving and began to pull her using magic. Luna then pulled her completely out from behind the shelf. TwiPie wanted to run but, couldn’t. luna got a full look at her. The discolored eyes and the strange resemblance to Pinkie and Twilight. TwiPie then remembered something that Celestia taught Twilight when she gave her the Attack Spells for Dummies book two months after the defeat of tirek. She morphed her tail into some propellers similiar to the previous ones and concentrated as the propellers began to glow.. ‘What in Equestria . . .” The magic around TwiPie then turned purple and  and so did the magic on Luna’s horn. The Magic then dispersed on both TwiPie and Luna’s horn. “AAAHHHHH,” Luna cried in agony. TwiPie ran off. severe pain was rushing through Luna’s horn. TwiPie flew up the stairs using her propellers. When the pain subsided Luna ran after her. “Come back here foul beast!” she yelled. TwiPie said nothing as she flew down the the upstairs hallway. She saw the balcony coming up ahead. When she reached it she flew right off into the air. Luna stopped at the balcony. TwiPie began to speed away from the castle but, she had forgotten one thing. Luna had wings. TwiPie looked behind her and saw Luna trailing her at a quick pace. TwiPie tried to go faster but, it seemed Luna hadn’t gotten farther away from her at all. “Land right now or I’ll have to shoot you down!” Luna yelled. TwiPie still kept going.Luna became frustrated. “I guess I have to,”  She then shot a magic blast that was probably three times TwiPie size. She nearly missed however, she didn’t. She hit one of TwiPie’s propellers. TwiPie felt a pain. “She looked back and saw that one of her propellers had singed off. She gritted her teeth trying to contain the cry of affliction. She began to descend and thought she was a goner. Suddenly she heard the sound of something akin to liquid metal. She turned around and saw that the propeller was back to how it was before. The pain was still there though. “Land! Or, next time it might be a leg that gets burned off!” TwiPie thought about it for a moment> She knew that if she started in retaliation the princess of the night harm her fatally. She then stopped the propellers and quickly changed her tail to a parachute. She slowly drifted down. Luna saw that she was surrendering and started flying at TwiPie’s level. “Since, you are finally complying your sentence of home invasion and resist of arrest will be slightly lesser,” Luna stated. They then landed on the ground. “LOOK IT’S LUNA!” yelled at a civilian. A crowd of ponies surrounded her and TwiPie tried to silently stalk away but, Luna flew up from the entourage. “Stop. Moving. Criminal,” TwiPie hung her head.         TwiPie was in court, Royal Court to be exact and she was waiting for Celestia to come and clear this up.         “When will that womanchild, get here?” Luna groaned in her moon shaped chair.         “She’ll be here soon,” Cadence said cheerfully in her heart shaped chair. The white alicorn they were looking for walked in. she looked at TwiPie and smiled one of her stupid childish smiles.         She sat down benevolently in her sun shaped chair.         “Sister! Pray tell why you were so late!” Luna barked.         “Stop being such a sourpuss little sister,” Celestia replied. Luna sighed. “Anyway this trial is invalid,” both Cadence and Luna looked at her confused.         “But-”         “Luna I have the highest chair here and I have the power to say this,” she pointed her hoof at her slightly taller chair. Luna pouted and crossed her arms angrily.         “I know TwiPie and the reason she evaded your confrontation because you would have your brain explode if she told you what she was,” “What is she then? Luna inquired. ‘A mix of Twilight and Pinkie. BTW they’re both gone” Cadence and Luna looked at her in shock again “My only friend!” cried Luna. “My sister in law!” cried Cadence.. TwiPie looked at the sadness. She felt bad but, not bad enough to console them. TwiPie was surprised that Twilight’s and Pinkie’s really close friends weren’t crying their eyes out, yet these two princesses burst into tears. She walked out the room waving to Celestia who waved back.